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Comet McHorz

Comet discovered by Donna McHoltz
August 27, U.S.A comet Hunter Donna McHoltz found a new comet of 11.2 grade with his 15cm mirror, which has been 10 years since his last discovery. According to the calculation, McHorz will reach the 4th grade during the New Year, which is called "the early Christmas gift" by Americans. At the beginning of January 2005, Comet McHorz passed M45 at a close distance and became the focus of many people's attention. Comet McHorz is visible to the naked eye within a few months. The brightest comet is about 3.5 degrees on the New Year's Day. It can be said that God gave it earth New Year's gift.
Chinese name
Comet McHorz
Donald McHoltz
Regression cycle
At least more than 100 years
3.5 Magnitude

Perihelion trajectory

Since the comet is a long-period comet with a return period of at least 100 years, people may have only one chance to meet it in their lifetime. On January 6, the comet was the closest to the Earth, with a near Earth distance of about 52.2 million kilometers. At the same time, its brightness will also reach and, which is 3.5 magnitude. The observation conditions are also quite favorable, which can be seen with the naked eye in the countryside on a sunny night, even in cities Binoculars It can also be searched. The comet on the 8th will be the closest to the Pleiades star cluster (known as the "Seven Fairies Star Cluster" in Chinese folk). According to the observation, there are two tails of Comet McHaltz spreading in opposite directions. If astronomers can take a picture of the tail sweeping the star cluster, it will be a very wonderful picture.

media coverage

At 2:02 p.m. on January 5, 2005, we entered the Little Cold Solar Term. Comet McHorz, the first astronomical feast in 2005 in the cold night starry sky, came. The reporter learned that its official international name is Comet C/2004Q2, the first bright comet visible to the naked eye at the beginning of the new year.
According to Pan Xiaoqing of the Fujian Astronomical Society, the comet in Q2 2004 was moving in Taurus, which was visible to the naked eye. It passed the perigee on January 6, and was closest to the Pleiades cluster on January 7. In the middle of January, there was also a chance to meet with the Wuling Five, which could be observed from now to the Spring Festival. During this period, the comet was disturbed by moonlight for several days in late January, and the middle was the brightest time of the comet.
Mr. Lin Xiangcong, an amateur astronomer in Quanzhou, said that Comet McHorz had come. It was the second comet with a period of more than 200 years that was discovered in late August last year. The discoverer's surname was McHorz. At present, the international astronomical community has discussed this comet as Q2 for short. Astronomers calculated that its period around the sun was up to 120000 years.