
[lù yě yuàn]
One of the Four Holy Places of Buddhism
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Luyeyuan (English: Sarnath), according to its meaning, has different titles. When referring to the deer king, Hindi It is pronounced S  rn  th (Sanskrit: Latin The transliteration is M ṛ g á - d ṛ va (Pali transliteration: Miga-d ṛ ya). In Chinese, it is also called Shilulin, Fairy Deer Park, etc. Today, it belongs to Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. The Buddha turned to Dharma wheel and set up a Sangha group here Four Holy Places of Buddhism one of.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Buddha Enlightenment Office
Opening Hours
Open all year round, opening hours: 9:00-18:00
Ticket Price
100 rupees, about 15 yuan


According to Faxian《 Buddhist Records 》According to the records of, the Buddha's predecessor, Gaye Buddha (Pizhi Buddha), lived here and often saw wild deer, so it was named "Deer Wild Garden".
In 531 BC, Sakyamuni came to Luye Garden after becoming a Buddha after realizing Bodhgaya. He found the original five attendants and gave them a speech about the Four Noble Truths. They realized this and became monks of Wubiqiu. The three treasures of Buddhism, Buddhism and monk, have been created since then. Now the ruins of Chaukhandi Stupa, not far from the southwest of Luye Jingshe, also known as the Five Bhikkhu Pagoda, is the memorial site for the Buddha's first turn to the Falun. This tower was originally built Gupta period It was originally a covered bowl type. During the Mughal Empire (16th century), an octagonal pavilion was built on its top, with geographical coordinates of 25.3768821 degrees north latitude and 83.0217106 degrees east longitude.
The picture shows the Dharma Wheel of five monks representing Buddhism
Ruins of Chaukhandi Stupa
After the first turn of the Falun, in the next Yu'an Residence, the Buddha preached in the Mulagandha Kuti Vihara (also translated as Mulagandha Kuti Vihara, root incense room, etc.) in Luye Garden, and the Buddhist group gradually expanded to more than 60 people. Later, the Buddha sent them to various places to promote Buddhism. Now there is the site of Mulagandha Kuti, not far from which is the Mulagandha Kuti Vihara Temple, which was rebuilt in 1931, with exquisite murals introducing the life of Buddha.
Luye Temple rebuilt in 1931
Beside the Luye Jingshe site, there is the Ashokan Pillar (geographical coordinates: 25.3813706 degrees north latitude, 83.0231419 degrees east longitude) site built in the second century BC. Xuanzang saw that the stone columns were more than 70 feet (about 17 meters) high in the 7th century AD. At the end of the 19th century, archaeology found the head of the pillar (more than 2 meters long), carved with four lions, which became the source of India's national emblem. The original is now kept Sarnath Museum Medium.
Gupta period (from the 4th century to the 6th century AD), many large Buddhist buildings were built in Luye Garden, and its landmark building is the Dhamek Tower (Dhamekh Stupa), also known as the Buddha's Teaching Tower. According to the Buddhist scripture, the reincarnation of the Buddha was Brahman Tzu Chi, known as Maitreya Bodhisattva in the world. The Buddha taught Maitreya Bodhisattva at the location of Dharma Tower. When he was 80 thousand years old, he became enlightened, and the Three Wishes of Longhua taught all living beings. In the 12th century AD, all the buildings in Luye Garden were destroyed. Only the remains of Xiamai Pagoda, 39 meters high and more than 28 meters in diameter, became the symbol of Luye Garden, silently witnessing the history of more than 1600 years ago. The geographical coordinates of the tower are 25.3773034 degrees north latitude and 83.0258866 degrees east longitude.
The picture shows Luye Jingshe and Damata Relics
At the end of the 19th century, with the archaeological discovery of a large number of Buddhist relics and the rise of the movement to revive Buddhism in India, the eminent monk Anagarika Dharmapala from Sri Lanka broke branches from the great Bodhi tree of Bodhi Gaya and transplanted it into the Deer Field, and now it has grown into a very large Bodhi tree.
In addition to the Luye Temple mentioned above, the existing Buddhist temples in Luye Garden include: the Burmese Falun Temple built in 1908 is the earliest foreign Buddhist temple in Luye Garden; In 1967, the Tibetan Central College for Higher Studies, funded by the Cultural Bureau of the Ministry of Education of India, was a Buddhist college; There are also Chinese Buddhist temples, Thai Buddhist temples, Japanese Buddhist temples, etc.
In 1910, Sarnath Museum (Sarnath Museum, geographical coordinates: 25.3819874 N, 83.025007 E) was established. The stone sculptures of lions on the four sides of Ashoka Pillar are the treasure of the town hall, and there are also a number of collections Indian Buddhism A treasure of art, including more than 300 pictures.

Ancient records

In the 5th century A.D., Faxian's "Records of the Kingdom of Buddhism" recorded that Bologna "was located ten miles to the northeast, where the immortal Luye Garden was located. This garden was originally inhabited by Bizhi Buddha, and often by wild deer. The Buddha was about to become a Taoist priest, and the sky sang in the air: 'Prince Baijing became a monk and learned Taoism, but he would become a Buddha seven days later.' When he heard that the Buddha had already taken Nihuan, he named it the immortal Luye Garden. The Buddha has become a Taoist priest, and later generations will start their life here. The Buddha wanted to restrain five people, such as Li. The five people said to each other: 'This Qutan Shamen has been practicing asceticism for six years, and the eclipse is a hemp and a meter. He has not yet attained the Tao. He is now living in the world, and he is free of body, mouth and mind. What is the Tao? Those who come today should be careful not to talk with them. ' When the Buddha arrived, all five of them started to be ceremonial places. After 60 steps to the north, the Buddha sits eastward, starts to turn the Falun, and stops five people, including the scales; Twenty steps to the north, the Buddha is the place where Maitreya was recorded; Fifty steps to the south, the Yiluo Pot Dragon asked the Buddha, 'When should I avoid this dragon body?' All towers rise here, see here. There are two Sanghalans in it
In the 7th century AD, Xuanzang wrote in Volume VII of A Tale of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty: "The Brahmaputra River travels more than ten miles northeast to Luye Kalan. The boundary of the area is divided into eight parts. The walls are blocked around, and the pavilions are covered with layers of pavilions. The rules are beautiful. There are 1500 monks and disciples, and they learn the Mahayana positive measurement method. There are exquisite houses in the walls, more than 200 feet high, and the walls are hidden with gold as Buddhist nunneries. The stone is the foundation, the brick is the layer niche, and around the niche, there are hundreds of festival levels, all of which have hidden golden Buddha statues. There are stone Buddha statues in the Jingshe, measuring the Tathagata body and making Dharma wheel potential. In the southwest of Jingshe, there are many stones blocking the waves. The king of Wuyou built it. Although the foundation collapsed, there was still a hundred feet left. The front is built with stone columns, more than 70 feet high. The stone contains jade and reflects the light thoroughly. Pray earnestly, see the images, good and evil, sometimes see. It is the Dharma wheel that the Tathagata has just turned into enlightenment. Not far away from it, Dubo is the place where Arrokuchenru and others saw the Bodhisattva practising asceticism, so they didn't guard the Bodhisattva, but came here to study. " The original book also described other landscapes of Luye Garden in detail, which became an important basis for archaeology at the end of the 19th century.


All the buildings in Luye Garden were destroyed by the Turks, but Dhamekh Stupa (Dhamekh St Lupa) has survived in the ruins. The tower is 39 meters high and more than 28 meters in diameter. It belongs to a few preserved buildings of the Asoka period. The ruins of Muragandhaku Kudi Essence House bear the name of the Buddha's residence in Xidi in the first rainy season. To the east of this place is the newly built Essence House of the Essential Incense Room (M lagandhaku ī vih ī ra) in 1931. There are exquisite murals to introduce the life of the Buddha, and then there is the Deer Park, where deer still live. Ashokan pillar Although it was destroyed before, the bottom is still in the original location. The original column was more than 10 meters high, with four lions carved on its head, which is now used as National Emblem of India The pattern of. The main part of this stone pillar (more than 2 meters) is preserved in the "Luyeyuan Archaeological Museum", which was built in 1910, and there are also some Indian Buddhism A treasure of art, including more than 300 pictures.
Jokanji Pagoda, also known as the Five Bhikkhus Pagoda, was built Gupta Dynasty The octagonal pavilion on the top was built in the Mughal Empire (16th century).
There is also a big one in Luye Garden bodhi tree , is Anagarika Dharmap  la from the great bodhi tree of Bodhgaya Chinese Buddhist Temple The broken branches were transplanted.
Dhamekh Stupa
In addition to the essential incense room, there are also Buddhist temples in Luyeyuan: Falun Temple, Myanmar , dating back to 1908, is the earliest foreign Buddhist temple in Luyeyuan, responsible for part of the tourism reception work; Central College of Tibetan Higher Studies, former Prime Minister of India Nehru It was founded in 1967 on the initiative of the Dalai Lama and funded by the Cultural Bureau of the Ministry of Education of India. It is a Buddhist college; There are also Chinese Buddhist temples, as well as Buddhist temples in Thailand and Japan.


Ashokan pillar
Ancient Indian Buddhist sites. Pass as Shakya Muni stay Bodhgaya It is the place where the first Dharma (the first Dharma wheel) is taught after becoming a Buddha. It is also called Immortal Justice, Immortal Residence, Immortal Fall, Immortal Deer Garden, etc. In present-day Uttar Pradesh, India Benares About 7 kilometers to the northwest. It is said that after Sakyamuni became a Buddha, he came here to preach Buddhism to the first group of five disciples. seventh century Xuanzang When I went to India, it was still very prosperous: "the boundary of the district was eight points, the walls were blocked, the pavilions were heavy, and the rules were poor". Later, it gradually became barren. Many archaeological excavations have been carried out in modern times. The main existing sites are: ① Jokan Tower It was originally built in the Gupta Dynasty, with Mughal Empire Hour Akbar An octagonal pavilion built. ② Tan Manketa. About 44 meters high, it is the symbol of Luye Garden. It was first built Peacock Dynasty , which was rebuilt during the Gupta Dynasty. ③ Asoka A stone pillar remains. The column is 15 meters high, and there is an inscription in Brahma script prohibiting breaking monks on it. The head of the column has been broken. Luye Garden has a museum to preserve Buddhist relics and art treasures. The lion capitals of Asoka stone pillars in the museum were used as Republic of India The design of the national emblem. Another treasure in the collection is the Buddha's first Falun.

Archaeological discoverer

In 1861, the archaeologist Sir Alexander Cunningham( Alexander Cunningham Sir Alexander Cunningham, A.D. 1814-1893) founded the Indian Archaeological Exploration Mission, which is famous for the discovery of Luyeyuan, Nalando Temple, Sangqi Tower and other sites.