Kagoshima Prefecture

Japan's first level administrative region (county)
zero Useful+1
synonym Kagoshima (Kagoshima) generally refers to Kagoshima County
Kagoshima Prefecture (English: Kagoshima; Japanese: Kakushima Prefecture [10] /か ご し け ん), Japan Kyushu The southernmost county belongs to Japan In Kyushu region To the southwest Amami Islands And Okinawa Prefecture Relative, with World Natural Heritage Ukushima Led by various characteristic islands and Sakurajima Such unique tourism resources as volcanoes, dense forests, rich hot springs, etc., colorful natural scenery and personalized history and culture, are one of the few tourism counties in Japan Ancient Japanese Culture One of the places of origin. In addition, it is also the only ownership gathering in Japan modern science Quintessence Of Space rocket Launch facilities County. The climate is warm and subtropical, Annual average temperature At about 18.8 ℃, the soil is ash Nature, agriculture and livestock industry have been vigorously developed. It is an agricultural county, and its agricultural output value ranks first among all counties in Kyushu. The industry is dominated by food, wood, pulp and paper.
At 9:59 a.m. on May 29, 2015 local time Kouyong Ryobu Island Explosive eruption occurred, more than 130 residents Emergency refuge [1]
Chinese name
Kagoshima Prefecture
Foreign name
Kagoshima Prefecture
Administrative Region Category
First level administrative region
geographical position
be located Japan Kyushu southernmost
9188.41 square kilometers
Area under jurisdiction
Kagoshima City etc.
Government residence
Kagoshima City
climatic conditions
Subtropical marine monsoon climate
population size
1586900 [8] (February 2021)
Famous scenic spot
Sakurajima Wudao Wujiu National Park etc.
Kyushu dialect
Japanese name
Kajima Prefecture( Hiragana :かごしまけん)( Roman characters :Kagoshima-ken)
County flower
Fudao Rhododendron
County bird
Garrulus lidthi
Yuichiro Ito
Government Number

geographical environment



Long View of Kagoshima County Capital 2
Kagoshima Prefecture is located in Japan Islands The southernmost end, with a total area of about 9187 square kilometers, spans about 600 kilometers from north to south World Heritage Site Ukushima Led by various characteristic islands. abundant hot spring , volcanoes, dense forests, Kagoshima has a variety of natural scenery, which welcomes 46 million domestic and foreign tourists every year.
Japan is divided into four islands, Kagoshima Prefecture [2] be located Kyushu South of the island, and China, South Korea Southeast Asia Neighboring countries Samo Peninsula It is composed of Dayu Peninsula and many isolated islands. In the isolated islands, 145 islands are more than 100 meters long, and 27 islands are inhabited by people. The north-south distance of the whole county is 590 kilometers from 27 degrees 1 minutes to 32 degrees 18 minutes north latitude; The east-west distance is from 128 degrees 24 minutes to 131 degrees 12 minutes east longitude, 272 kilometers long. Kagoshima It is an area with many mountains and rivers. Although its plains are few, its 2643km long coastline with rich changes is a major feature.

Environmental Science

The whole area of Kagoshima Prefecture is ash Of Accumulation About half of the area has become a white sand terrace of volcanic ash. At 130 km south of Kagoshima City, there is a 100 km long island with an area of about 500.6 square kilometers called Ukushima Island. Because it has the highest peak in Kyushu, Gongzhipu Mountain, which is 1936 meters high, and Yongtian Mountain, which is 1886 meters high, it is also called "the sea" The Alps ”。 In 1993, it was first World Heritage Site Login and Acknowledgement. Except for the river called Chuannei, Kagoshima River is small in scale. There is almost no plain except for the open estuary. Kagoshima's lakes are almost all Crater Lake Of which Ikeda Lake It is 15 kilometers long, 233 meters deep, and covers an area of 11 square kilometers. It is the largest lake in Kyushu.


Kouyong Ryobu Island
Kagoshima, Japan Kouyong Ryobu Island The outbreak occurred at about 10:00 am on May 29, 2015 local time Volcano eruption , has issued an order to the residents of the island to seek refuge. New Yue of the island Volcano eruption Has risen to a height of more than 9000 meters and has reached the coast Pyroclastic flow Japan Meteorological Agency It also raised the refuge level of the island to the highest level of 5, which is the first time that the highest level of refuge warning has been issued since the introduction of the Japanese refuge standard level.
From 1933 to 1934, a large-scale volcanic eruption occurred in Kouyong Ryobu Island, resulting in the death of 8 residents; A large-scale volcanic eruption also occurred in 1966. Since then, there have been volcanic eruptions of varying degrees. After stopping for a while since 1990, eruption began again in 2014. [3]

Historical culture


Development history

Long View of Kagoshima County Capital 3
The oldest relics in Kagoshima County are Seed Island The life relics and (hunting) traps of the Paleolithic Age 30000 years ago and the remains of the Erkeng community 9500 years ago can prove that people in Kagoshima had settled down in villages at that time. Although it is widely seen in Japan that rice farming is the main form Yayoi Culture Relics, but since there are many white sand terraces in the county dry farmland Rice is also grown.
From the second half of the third century to the beginning of the fourth century, the Daiwa court unified Japan, and South Kyushu began to be influenced by the Daiwa court in the second half of the fourth century.
In the 8th century, Dayu Government Office was established Samo State House, Falcon People Bear attack It is included in the law countries.
By the end of the 12th century, Yuan Lai Chao The Samurai of Japan established the political power, making the aristocratic rule of Japan become dominated by Samurai. Shimadzu He expanded his power and dominated Kagoshima in the second half of the 16th century. Since Kagoshima is the south gate of Japan, it has been in harmony with China, South Korea Ryukyu , and Asia Pacific Countries have very frequent exchanges. sixteenth century the west Culture was introduced to Kagoshima.
In 1543, the Portuguese came to Tanegashima on a Chinese ship Guns were first introduced to Japan. one thousand five hundred and forty-nine In, Jesuit missionaries came to Japan and introduced Christianity to Japan.
seventeenth century Netherlands Colonist In order to obtain meat from Indonesia Java deer were introduced to breed on the island, so the island was named Kagoshima. [4]
In the second half of the 19th century, Japan's lock-in system collapsed. Kagoshima, under the guidance of the vassal, actively absorbed western culture and built Reverberatory furnace And various machine workshops. He once sent overseas students to Britain.
Kagoshima gradually gained the power to lead Japan, toppled the previous government and became the central force in establishing a new government. The new Meiji government changed the Japanese society and promoted the unification of modern countries. Outstanding talents in Kagoshima Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi Has made great contributions. Since then, Kagoshima has produced the Prime Minister of Israel Kuroda Kiyotaka Matsukata Masayoshi Yamamoto Gonnohyōe And other politicians and strategists Tōgō Heihachirō Wait, and painters Kuroda Qinghui And so on.


Long View of Kagoshima County Capital 4
Kagoshima makes full use of this geographical conditions In history, he has had various exchanges with countries in the Asia Pacific region. There are about 2500 pieces in the county that have experienced the tradition and history of Kagoshima Precious cultural relics Kagoshima County has established the County Historical Data Center - Dawn Hall and "Uenohara" Jomon Forest "and other facilities, introduce the tradition and history of Kagoshima, and protect and effectively use it cultural heritage Role of.
In May 1997, in Kagoshima County Wudao City Uenohara site, discovered about 9500 years ago( Rope writing era early stage Anterior lobe )Vertical cavernous Residence trace Stone collection (it is inferred that it is a kind of kitchen utensil that heats the collected stones, places the meat inside the roasted stones, and uses the waste heat of the stones to heat them) and connected caves Soil pit (A facility for hanging meat and other food in it and smoking with tobacco), etc. Uenohara Site is considered to be the oldest and largest in Japan man from late Paleolithic age Settle down the tribe, according to which we can know the situation of villages in South Kyushu in the Shengwen era. In January 1999, as a precious site, it was designated as a national cultural relic. To protect and make flexible use of Uenohara site Historical and cultural heritage The "Uenohara Shengwen Forest" was officially opened in October 2002, providing opportunities for people to contact, exchange and learn from the culture of the ancient Shengwen era. In the "Uenohara Shengwen Forest", cultural relics unearthed from Uenohara ruins, important cultural heritage and major sites in the county are displayed all the year round unearthed relic , you can also use the Spring is everywhere. Experience ancient life in nature, such as making fire, making rope pottery and rope food.

Administrative jurisdiction

Kagoshima City (かごしししし) Kanoya (かのやし)、 Makurazaki (まくらざきし)、 Ajiugen City (あくねし)、 Izumi (いずみし)、 Ibusuki (いぶすきし)、 Xizhibiao City (にしのおもてし)、 Tarumizu (たるみずし)、 Samo Chuannei City (さつませんだいし)、 Daily market (ひおきし)、 Zeng Yu (そおし)、 Wudao City (きりしまし)、 Shilai Chuanmuye (いちきくしきのし)、 South Samo City (みなみさつまし)、 Zhibuzhi City (しぶしし)、 amami (あまみし)、 South Kyushu City (みなみきゅうしゅうし)、 isa (いさし)、 Yiliang City (あいらし)。 [5]
County, town, village
Administrative Division Map of Kagoshima County [5]
Kagoshima Prefecture (かごしまぐん): Mishima (みしまむら)、 Toshima (としまむら);
Samo County (さつまぐん): Satsuma (さつまちょう);
Shuishui County (いずみぐん): Nagashima (ながしまちょう);
Yiliang County (あいらぐん): Yongshui cho (ゆうすいちょう);
Once in County (そおぐん): Otasaki cho (おおさきちょう);
Liver county (きもつきぐん): Dongchuanliang Town (ひがしくしらちょう)、 Jinjiang cho (きんこうちょう)、 Nandayu cho (みなみおおすみちょう)、 Kimotsuki (きもつきちょう);
Xiongmao County (くまげぐん): Nakagawa cho (なかたねちょう)、 Nanzaibachi (みなみたねちょう)、 Ukushima cho (やくしまちょう);
Oshima Prefecture (おおしまぐん): Dahe Village (やまとそん)、 Yujian Village (うけんそん)、 Seto Nacho (せとうちちょう)、 Longxiang cho (たつごうちょう)、 Kikai (きかいちょう)、 Tokushima cho (とくのしまちょう)、 Amagi (あまぎちょう)、 Isen (いせんちょょょょ), Hoboting (わどどりちょ) China (ちなちょう)、 Yoron (よろんちょう)。

administrative organ


administrative organization

The highest person in charge of Kagoshima County is the governor, who is jointly elected by the people of Kagoshima County. The term of office is four years, and can also be re elected. Local public organizations It is decided by the deliberative organ and Executive organ They are composed of county legislative assembly And the governor. The educational administrative and electoral organs have separate administrative organs for specific implementation Distribution of power For:
Executive organ
Top leader
Responsible department
Responsible department
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Magistrate's Office
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
General Affairs Department (County People's Living Bureau)
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Planning Department
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Health and Welfare Department
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labor (Tourism Exchange Bureau)
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Ministry of Agricultural Affairs
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Ministry of Civil Engineering
Governor (county head)
Deputy Governor (2)
Crisis Management Bureau
Governor (county head)
Accounting manager
Cashier Bureau
Governor (county head)
Education Committee
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Electoral Management Committee
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Personnel Committee
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Monitoring member
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Public Security Committee
Police Headquarters
Governor (county head)
Labor Committee
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Land Acquisition Committee
Governor (county head)
Sea Area Fisheries Adjustment Committee
bureau of general affairs
Governor (county head)
Inland Sea Fisheries Management Committee
bureau of general affairs
Top leader
Responsible department
Responsible department
Governor (county head)
Ministry of Industrial Water
Industrial water course
Governor (county head)
County Hospital Bureau
County Hospital Class
Resolution body
Top leader
Responsible department
Responsible department
Governor (county head)
county legislative assembly
bureau of general affairs

Magistrates of previous dynasties

Name of governor
Number of times elected
Generation 1
April 5, 1947 to April 29, 1955
2 times
Generation 2
Temple Garden Victory
April 30, 1955 to April 29, 1967
3 times
Generation 3
Mitsuro Kammaru
April 30, 1967 to February 3, 1977
3 times
Generation 4
Kamata VIP
March 2, 1977 to February 26, 1989
3 times
Generation 5
A good photo of a mud hut
February 27, 1989 to June 26, 1996
2 times
Generation 6
Xuhe Longlang
July 31, 1996 to July 27, 2004
2 times
Generation 7
Yuichiro Ito
From July 28, 2004
2 times



air traffic

Traffic Map of Kagoshima County
Kagoshima Airport : opened to Tokyo Shizuoka Nagoya (Central Airport) Osaka Kobe , Okayama Hiroshima Xi, Gaosong, Songshan Fukuoka Nagasaki Seed Island , Ukushima, Amami, Xijie Tokushima Chong Yong Liang Bu, Yu Lun Okinawa Prefecture , Seoul, Shanghai and other places.
Kagoshima - Tanegashima, 35 minutes;
Kagoshima—— Ukushima , 35 minutes;
Kagoshima - Amami, 55 minutes;
Kagoshima - Xijie, 1 hour and 15 minutes;
Kagoshima - Tokushima, 1 hour and 10 minutes;
Kagoshima - Chongyong Liangbu, 1 hour and 15 minutes;
Kagoshima - and discussion, 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Tanegashima Airport : Flights to Kagoshima and other places have been opened.
Ukushima Airport : Flights to Osaka, Kagoshima and other places have been opened.
Amami Airport : Flights have been opened in Tokyo, Osaka, Kagoshima, Hiji, Tokushima, Yoshimoto, Yoshimoto, Okinawa and other places.
Xijie Airport : We have opened flights to Kagoshima, Amami and other places.
Tokushima Airport : We have opened flights to Kagoshima, Amami and other places.
Chongyong Liangbu Airport : Flights to Kagoshima, Amami and Yoshimon have been opened.
On Airport : There are flights to Kagoshima, Ryobu, Okinawa and other places.

Land transportation

Kyushu runs through expressway : There are exits of Kagoshima, Kagoshima North, Samojitian, Yuliang, Jiazhimu, Goubian Kagoshima Airport, Hengchuan and Liye expressways at the expressway interchange entrances and exits in Kagoshima County.
Kagoshima Expressway Exit to Miyazaki Expressway exit, about 1 hour and 50 minutes;
Kagoshima Expressway Exit to Kumamoto Expressway exit, about 2 hours and 10 minutes;
It takes about 3 hours and 30 minutes from the exit of Kagoshima Expressway to the exit of Fukuoka Expressway.
East Kyushu Expressway: the exit of Kagoshima Expressway and the connection point of Jiazhimu Expressway are important parts of Kyushu's longitudinal expressway. The expressway interchange entrances and exits in Kagoshima County include Kagoshima, Kagoshima West, Songyuan, Yijiyuan, Shilai, Chuanmuye, and Samo Chuanneidu expressways. Kagoshima Expressway Exit - Moji Finance Ministry Expressway Exit, about 50 minutes.
Expressway to the west of South Kyushu: the exit of Kagoshima Expressway is connected with Kyushu Longitudinal Expressway, and the exit of Kagoshima Expressway - the exit of Samo Chuanneidu Expressway takes about 30 minutes.
Sightseeing road: connected with the highway running through Kyushu; There are exits of Kagoshima, Shantian, Zhongshan, Gushan, Xishan, Chuanbian, Zhilan, Yingwa Expressway at highway interchange entrances. Kagoshima Expressway Exit Yingwa Expressway Exit, about 40 minutes.
Kyushu Shinkansen Kagoshima route: Kagoshima Central, between the new eight generations, opened on March 13, 2004; From Kagoshima Central to the new generation of eight, there are two round-trip trips in about one hour, 70 trips a day in total; The fastest way from central Kagoshima to Bodo is 2 hours and 12 minutes. It is connected with the express "Swallow" on the incoming line at the new Badai Station; The line from Bodo to the New Eighth Generation was opened in the spring of 2011 (the 23rd year of Heisei); From central Kagoshima to Bodo, the fastest time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes; From Kagoshima Central to New Osaka, the fastest time is about 4 hours after the opening of the direct bus.
Feisa Juzi Railway: the third section of railway opened on March 13, 2004 and funded by Kumamoto and Kagoshima counties and cities along the line. Chuannei Station (Kagoshima Prefecture) and Badai Station (Kumamoto County) has an interval of 116.9 km and 28 stations on the way. The number of running trains from Sichuan to Shuikou is 35 per day; From Sichuan to the 8th generation through train 22 shifts per day; Saturday, Sunday holiday and vacations stay Kagoshima Central Station to Outlet station . There are direct buses from Kumamoto Station to the outlet station, two round-trip trips a day.
Yi Sanlang, Xinping: There are "Yi Sanlang" (Renji → Jisong) and "Xinping" (Jisong → Renji) between Renji Railway Station and Jisong Railway Station.
The fumigation of the Falcon Express: There are four shifts a day between Kagoshima Central Railway Station and Jisong Railway Station.
Express Fog Island: There is an express "Fog Island" from Kagoshima Central Railway Station to Miyazaki Station, 28 flights a day.
Fast train Rape DX: There is an express train "Rape DX" between Kagoshima Central Railway Station and Zhisu Station, 8 trains a day.

Maritime traffic

Route from three islands to ten islands: Kagoshima - Takeshima—— Iwo Jima ——Black Island; Kagoshima—— Island of Mouth —— Nakajima —— Hiroshima —— Suwa visited Lai Island —— Evil Stone Island —— Xiaobao Island —— Baodao ——Minglai.
Route from Tanegashima to Ukushima: Kagoshima Tanegashima; Kagoshima - Ukushima; Kagoshima Tanegashima Ukushima; Tanegashima Island (West Table) - Ukushima Island (Miyazawa); Tanegashima Island (between the west surface islands) - Ukushima Island (Miyazawa, Anfang); Kouyong Ryobu - Ukushima (Miyazawa) - Tanegashima (inter island). Note: Among the routes of Tanegashima and Ukushima, the route of TOPPY has a specially designated port of call.
The route from Amami to Okinawa: Kagoshima - Minglai - Kuide - Hopo - and discussion—— Naha Kagoshima - Bay - Minglai - Gurenwu - Pingtuye - Well known; Kobe, Osaka - Amami (Nagase, Kuide, Hopo, Yoshimon) - Naha; Tokyo - Shibuzhi - Minglai - Naha.
Seto route: Gurenwu—— Jiaji Luma Island (Laixiang, Shengjian); Guren House - Please Island—— And Road Island
Kagoshima Bay route: Sakurajima ——Kagoshima; Duck pond - water drop; Mountains and rivers - Genzhan.
Zengdao route: Chuanmuye - Zengdao.
Long Island to Lion Island Route: Long Island (Tibet) Zhiyuan )-- Celestial Grass (Niushen); Long Island (Zhupu) - Lion Island (side) - Tiancao (Nakata); Lion Island (Yusupu, Pianbian, Coin String) - Long Island (Zhupu); Lion Island (currency string) - Minamata.
International route: Suzhou (Osaka → Shibuzhi → Shanghai), about twice a year; Xinjianzhen (Osaka → Kobe → Chuannei → Shanghai), about twice a year.

Major universities


Featured products


Arts and Crafts

Authentic Oshima silk : After more than 30 fine handicrafts Operating procedures The beautiful degree of dyeing and weaving of the Dadao silk, which can only be completed, lies in Silk Fabric The first is the most popular silk fabric for women. The unique dyeing and weaving techniques of Oshima Textile are Sap Colored soil mixed dyeing method.
Chuanbian Buddhist niche : Buddhist niches produced in Sichuan are highly praised for their luxury and solidity. The seven procedures from material selection, carving, empty hall, fittings, painting, painting, and final completion are basically completed by hand.
Samokizi: It is a fine and elegant high-grade glass product made by combining Chinese glass plating technique and European polishing technique, and is famous throughout Japan for Kagoshima County's landmark handicrafts.
Samo Tinware : due to its soft luster and Sense of weight Be loved by people.
Samo pottery: crafts in Kagoshima County. High quality white samo and plain black samo are Shimadzu Yihong The production of Samo pottery began when North Korea brought potters to Japan. Except for Samo pottery hometown In Meishan, Kagoshima, Zhisu, Jiazhimu, Wudao and other counties, there are caves for burning pottery.
Wine set: Kagoshima Shaojiu The kingdom has all kinds of Samo wine sets, which are used to heat liquor flagon "Black Tea House", etc.
bamboo Products: Kagoshima is a place suitable for bamboo growth. The area of bamboo forest is the first in Japan. There are various Bamboo products , such as boxes, flower vessels, wine vessels, dropping pots, chopsticks, fences, bamboo curtain Etc.
Samo Boxwood Comb: Kagoshima handicraft. The last process of making combs is to brush camellia oil and then dry naturally.
Samurai armor: a handicraft of Kagoshima County. Some people give it as a gift during festivals or when relatives and friends move.
Cutting tool : The production process of sickle, kitchen knife and scissors in Kagoshima County continues Japanese sword take Ladle stay Soft iron The forging technique of Shangda system has been handed down from the Edo era.
Seed Island Scissors: The scissors are sharp and practical. They are forged through years of technical improvement and traditional manual forging methods.
Ukutsuga products: Ukushima Natural China fir Among them, only the Chinese fir trees with a tree age of more than 1000 years are called "Ukutsuga". Although it grows on the barren land at an altitude of 800-1500m, the rich rainfall and long growth cycle make the wood grain of Ukuhisa have fine and beautiful characteristics. Because of the rich resin, Uchiku fir wood The texture is moist, with a refreshing fragrance. Wujiu fir products are mainly made of tree roots left after ancient felling and naturally collapsed trees, effectively utilizing the precious resources of Wujiu fir. It can be used to make many wooden products such as tables, cabinets and wooden pots.
Local toys: There are many local toys made by hand in Kagoshima. bream Car "Yes Kagoshima Temple Wudao City )One of the traditional local toys. In addition, there are "incense box", "Chugu" and other toys.

agriculture products

Black granulated sugar : It is mainly black granulated sugar made from the juice extracted from sugarcane planted on the islands to the south of the Seed Island, dried and solidified. Because it is rich in minerals, it is widely used as a health food in seasoning and snack making.
Sakurajima Radish: one of the local specialty products of Kagoshima County, is the representative of traditional vegetables in Kagoshima. It is spherical in shape, usually weighing about 10 kg, and the large one can reach 20 to 30 kg. It is loaded Guinness World Records The world's heaviest radish (a record breaking radish with a circumference of 119cm and a weight of 31.1kg), Yingdao radish can not be boiled for a long time, and its taste is easy to penetrate. The meat is fine and white, which can be salted or boiled, and has a wide range of uses.
sweet potato : Also known as Tangshu , nutritious and easy to process Research and development Has been widely used.
Authentic Shaojiu: add water and yeast And then add sweet potatoes Brown sugar It is made by distilling alcohol from water and other raw materials. Rich raw materials, delicious water quality and various beneficial bacteria are the key to making Kagoshima Shaojiu. The most important feature is the unique fragrance. It can be diluted with hot and cold water and tasted, or drunk directly.
Kagoshima tea: Kagoshima has become one of the few tea producing areas in Japan. Kagoshima tea is characterized by sweet aroma and strong taste. In summer, it can be brewed in cold water according to your preference.
Black vinegar : It is placed outdoors earthen jar It is made by adding high-quality steamed rice, rice yeast and groundwater to ferment and mature them for a long time, and has a color darker than that of ordinary vinegar Amber This feature. Rich in black vinegar acetic acid amino acid It has unique fragrance and mellow taste, which is beneficial to health.
Barrel mandarin : Originated in Guangdong, China, belonging to Orange and orange Of Natural hybridization It is a sweet and mellow variety with soft fruits and comes into the market in February and March every year. Kagoshima County ranks first in Japan in terms of the output of barrel oranges, which are mainly abundant in Chuanbian, Hepatoma, Ukushima and Oshima regions.
Pomelo : The heaviest can reach 3 kg citrus Among the similar fruits, it belongs to the largest category, also known as "pomelo". The sugar flavored "pickled wendan", which is made by removing the skin and processing the sponge like middle skin, is a traditional specialty snack of Kagoshima. It is widely cultivated in Japan, and in Kagoshima Prefecture, the most famous one is Wendan in Aguigen.
Various fruit juices : Kagoshima County has planted a variety of fruit trees and is rich in various fruit juices. There are orange juice, pomelo juice mainly produced in Dayu area, pomelo juice mainly produced in Ukushima Island, barrel orange juice, and drinks mainly produced in Amami area Tropical fruits All kinds of juice with special flavor and sour taste.
Mountains and rivers Pickle : It is made of radish planted in autumn and winter in the coldest December and January by putting mud on a wooden frame in the ground and curing it in the cold wind. Clean the dried turnips slightly. After drying, add salt and mash them. Put the crushed radish into the big jar, and then Natural fermentation Then you can eat it.

aquatic product

Drying Bonito : It's said that Kagoshima County was early Edo Period Production of bonito has started before Dried fish Dried fish is handmade from fresh bonito mould The salted bonito is called“ Hongarebushi ”。 Dried fish is Japanese cuisine It is an indispensable ingredient for soup. The dry production of bonito in Kagoshima County ranks first in the country, and the production of Yamakawa and Kenazaki alone accounts for 70% of the total in Japan.
Slack the bonito: cut the fresh bonito into three pieces, then cut the back and abdomen of the bonito into two pieces, and then roast it quickly on a high fire and cut it into slightly thick pieces Sashimi Put the crescent shaped scallions and chopped scallions on the sashimi, and then pour soy sauce, vinegar soy sauce, etc. on them.
roe : Yes herring It is the best kind of fish roe in summer. The roe looks transparent Glass crafts It is called "the jewel of fish". The sashimi, made of fish roe, is shaped like a chrysanthemum and dipped in a sauce with vinegar and sugar Raw food In addition, fried and fire roasted taste very good.
Eel : The conditions for raising eels in Kagoshima County are very good. The climate is warm, the water source is rich, and it is easy to obtain seeds for young eels, Breeding yield It ranks first in Japan. Of course, the best way to eat eel Roasted eel Slices, rich in eel vitamin A D, it is said that it will not happen if it is eaten in early summer Bitter summer
Fried fish Meatloaf : It is processed from fresh fish with less fat. It is made by comminuting fresh fish with local wine and other unique flavoring methods. It is used in frying Rape oil The fried fish and meat cake can be more fragrant and beautiful. It will taste better when it is hot. The legend of fried fish and meat pie spread from China Ryukyu Island It also spread to Kagoshima.
Salted dried fish : aquatic products, small sardine , dry Flying fish , dried herring, small dried sardines, and small dried white fish, etc. Kagoshima County has a quite long coastline from south to north, and the coast of Kagoshima County affected by the Kuroshio is a treasure house of all kinds of fish.
Seriola : Suitable for sashimi roast fish Stewed fish And other dishes. The name of the seriserine changes with the growth, so it is called "promising fish", which is an auspicious fish. The output of Seriola sericulture in Kagoshima Prefecture ranks second in Japan.
Red Han scad: the aquatic product of Kagoshima County is a high-grade fish. Kagoshima County has started to breed wild scads since about 1990, and its output ranks first in Japan. As "Kagoshima production", it is highly praised.
Umbrella sailfish : It is a large fish with a length of more than 2m, which is called "Akitaro" in Kagoshima Prefecture. It can be caught from September, and the catch is the first in Japan. Steamed sashimi with soy sauce and cooking wine fish fillet It's delicious. The fat sashimi of super umbrella sailfish can be mixed with tunas The fat sashimi is comparable.

livestock products

Kagoshima Black cattle : It is the Japanese Heniu (black hair and breed), which is raised from the local cattle raised in Kagoshima since ancient times, after repeated improvement. It is raised from tradition and local conditions. The best "defrosting" of black cattle beef ”In the rich nature of South China Breeding technology And enthusiasm Treasures Its meat is delicate, soft, mellow and delicious.
Kagoshima Black pig : Series pigs with fast growth and good meat quality, such as "Samo", "New Samo" and "Samo 2001".
Pig bone Cuisine: It is the bone of the delicious Kagoshima black pig pork Sprinkle with Shaojiu to remove the odor, add radish and Taro , put together Cauldron Medium, with black granulated sugar, wine and Sauce It is seasoned and stewed for a long time. It is characterized by soft and sweet taste. It is very well matched with Shaojiu, and is famous in Kagoshima County Representativeness Local cuisine.
Samo chicken: Muscle fibre Delicate, palatable, good meat color, less fat and unique auburn appearance. In addition, in terms of breeding, Samo chicken and general small Meat Chicken is more resistant to disease and heat.
Chicken Rice In the Amami region, the most famous cuisine is chicken rice. Put shredded chicken, soy sauce Mushroom , onion and Quail egg Add chicken bone soup to the newly prepared rice to make delicious chicken rice.

Pastry products

Soda roll: It is one of the local foods with a long history. It is made of ash juice (made of plant ash, rich in calcium carbonate , alkaline) soaked Glutinous rice Wrap it with bamboo skin, and then boil it for 3 to 4 hours in water with lime juice. Because it is alkaline, it can be preserved for a long time. Gravy roll is very similar traditional Chinese rice-pudding , sun dried bamboo leaf Wrapped with glutinous rice, it is an essential food for the Dragon Boat Festival in Kagoshima in May.
Kagoshima Lamian Noodles : The charm of Kagoshima Ramen is in the final analysis soup. Boiled from special pig bones“ Pig bone soup ”It looks very greasy, but it is very light and nutritious. There are many noodle shops in Kagoshima, which can be seen everywhere as long as you walk on the road. Each shop has its own brand flavor. There are also very fine noodles and rolled noodles. You can taste various characteristics of Kagoshima ramen.
Yam cake : Kagoshima is a representative and famous snack in Kagoshima, which is one of the few in Japan. With high-quality sweet potatoes polished round-grained rice With granulated sugar as the basic material, it has sweet potato fragrance and unique taste. It tastes superior and is popular as a local specialty.
Polar bear : A cold drink. It is said that the name "White Bear" comes from being drenched in water Shaved ice On Condensed milk The tin is named after the white bear brand.
Alcoholic taste Sushi It is a kind of cuisine that pays attention to luxury and beauty. In the bright red of Ryukyu Wooden plate Serve new rice and snapper Bamboo shoots , bee dipper leaf Shredded egg After pouring a lot of local wine with seasonal food materials, put it on for one day to ferment. Its biggest feature is its pure and strong sweet taste.
Two sticks of cake: big coins Cookies Use two bamboo sticks to string together for barbecue Yellow sauce Dry it with brown sugar and dip it in Fine powder Then pour hot sweet juice on it. Because the bamboo stick must have two branches, it is often compared to a samurai's double sabre.
Chunju: Yes adzuki beans And glutinous rice Steamed puddings
Fermented snacks: yes wheatmeal A family snack made with granulated sugar. There are many snacks made with black granulated sugar in Kagoshima. Because the method is very simple, you can eat it while drinking tea at ordinary times, and you can also buy it in the market.
Jiazhimu Snack (Xiaodou Steamed Bun): Jiazhimu Steamed Bun is also called "Wine Steamed Bun". Each shop has different methods. Jiazhimu Steamed Bun has some dry bean stuffing and some sticky bean stuffing. The soft, white and tender skin tastes very good, and some steamed buns are mixed with Ai Artemisia annua L.
Yijiyuan Xiaodou Cake: Yes glutinous rice flour After frying, add sugar and warm water, and then knead it into a dough bag White bean paste Made Daily market Special half baked snacks.

famous scenery

Wudao Wujiu National Park
Kirishima-Yaku National Park : Located in the fog island area, the southernmost tip of Kyushu, covering an area of 552.3 square kilometers, including Wudao volcano Qun, Sakura Island Ukushima The Jinjiang Bay area was the first designated national park in Japan. The park is designated as special Natural memorial Of Betel nut etc. Subtropical plant The community is famous, from temperate plants to subtropical plants, natural resources Very rich. In addition, the park has 23 volcanoes, 15 eruptions Crater lake 10. A variety of Volcanic landform , with unique scenery.
Sakurashima: world famous Active volcano , is the symbol of Kagoshima, and the island is full of people lava The eruption in 1950 (the 20th year of Showa) connected the originally isolated Sakura Island with Kyushu, forming a peninsula. It only takes 15 minutes by ferry between Kagoshima and Sakurashima.
Xianyan Garden (Jiting Garden): Built in 1660, it was once Shimadzu My other residence. With Sakura Island and Jinjiang Bay as the background, the landscape sets off each other, the courtyard is beautiful, neat and unique, and the Japanese tradition Architectural modeling It is known as the world's famous garden. Next to it“ Shanggu Integration Hall ”It displays the relics of the Shimadzu family, which has ruled Kagoshima for a long time, and precious historical materials.
Renovation Hometown Hall
Renovation Hometown Hall: Kagoshima City is the birthplace of the "Three Masters of Meiji" Saigo Takamori Okubo Toshimichi And so on. In Chengshan near Kagoshima, Xixiang Garrison troops, fierce battles, former residences, built schools, and places of destiny have all been opened up as historical sites for people to visit and mourn.
Kagoshima aquarium
Kagoshima Aquarium: The front is a huge Kuroshio Trough. The Kuroshio is the largest warm current in the world. The aquarium shows visitors the magic of the sea through different ocean regions.
Guli Hot Spring
Guli Hot Spring: located in the Guli area in the south of Sakura Island, it is a hot spring in the volcanic lava deposits. You can see the Dayu Peninsula on the left and the right of the hot spring Samo Peninsula In addition, there are Fumiko Hayashi Guli Hot Spring is also famous for its literary stele.
Sand steaming hot spring
Shaqi Hot Spring: you can experience it at the same time Sand bath And hot springs, the minerals contained in hot springs can also treat many diseases, and have great effect on beauty.
Kaiwen Mountain: It is called "Samo Fuji" because of its beautiful ridge lines. In addition, you can enjoy rape flowers and Snapdragon Ventilated blooming scenery.
Ikeda Lake: a caldera lake located in the southeast of the Samo Peninsula, with a diameter of about 3.5 kilometers and a circumference of about 15 kilometers, it is generally circular, and is the largest lake in Kyushu. It was once called the "Royal Pool of God", spreading similar Loch Ness Monster The legend of. There are 500 kinds of 400000 flowers and trees planted by the lake.
Kagoshima Flower Park
Kagoshima Flower Park: flowers bloom all year round, which is the largest theme garden in Japan.
Shande Temple
Shande Temple: a historic temple, Rennyo The authentic sect founded by Venerable Master Dagu Sect Chengduan Bieyuan of Shinran An authentic work of a saint Ink Treasure
Fog Island Temple
Fog Island Temple: It is said that it was built in the 6th century. When the New Year comes, there are nine drummers Heavenly Hound The mask strikes the nine drums of the Fog Island Temple and plays the ritual ceremony Prelude
Blow up the sand dune
"Blowing up sand dunes": about 30 kilometers from north to south, and Chiba County "99 li seaside" and Birtori County Of“ Bird fetching sand dunes ”And called the three major sand dunes in Japan.
Zhilan Warrior Residence
Zhilan Samurai Residence is located 34 kilometers southwest of Kagoshima City Chiran Many samurai mansions 250 years ago are preserved, known as "Samo Little Kyoto".
Zhilan Tea Field
Zhilan Tea Field: During the tea picking period from mid April to early October, you can experience tea picking and tea rubbing. "Zhilan Tea" has won the highest award many times at the tea tasting conference in Japan.
Water Crane
Water Crane: located at the north end of Kagoshima Izumi , famous for "the place where cranes come from". Every year from mid October to early March, about 10000 cranes migrate here. In the crane research center of the city, you can watch wild cranes closely. Shuishui City has 245.3 hectares of plains as "the place where cranes come from Kagoshima County", which has been designated as a special national natural monument.
Hetian Reservoir
Hetian Reservoir: located in the upper part of Sichuan, the largest Dam height 117.5m, Total reservoir capacity 123 million cubic meters.
Seed Island
Tanegashima Island: located in the east of the southern sea of Sado Gorge, the place where guns were first introduced to Japan, and the island is equipped with launch facilities Geostationary meteorological satellite The rocket base.
Ukushima Island: Located in the west of the southern sea of Sado Gorge, it is listed as World Natural Heritage There are 30 peaks more than 1000 meters, which grow and distribute on the island Alpine plant And subtropical plants, Wujiushan Primeval forest It is thousands of years old and has formed a natural treasure house of pride. Because it has the highest peak in Kyushu, which is 1936 meters high, and the Yongtian Mountain, which is 1886 meters high, it is also called "the sea" The Alps ”。 Shengwenshan ”It is the symbol of Ukushima.
Space Development Center
Space Development Center: Located on Tanegashima Island, it is the base for Japan to launch satellites and is known as the "Space Development Center with the first beautiful landscape in the world". The H2A test rocket was successfully launched in 2001.
Amami Islands: located in Ryukyu Islands North, by Amami Island , Xijie Island Tokushima Chongyong Liangbu Island On the Island of Harmony And other islands.



Fog Island Nine sided Drum

Wudao Jiumian Drum: It is a social treasure preserved in the Wudao Temple. During the New Year's worship, nine drummers wore the mask of Tengu and struck nine big drums, and then people began a grand ceremony to worship the gods.

Qushui Feast

Qushui Feast: This custom comes from China, and《 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection 》Described in“ drink water from a winding canal with one wine cup floating on it so as to wash away ominousness ”Similar. In the third month of the summer calendar, a ceremony was held to eliminate disasters and pray for good fortune.

Zeng I burned umbrellas

Zeng Wo's Umbrella Burning Sacrifice: It is one of the three major acts of Kagoshima, and a ceremony to commemorate Zeng Wo Wulang and Zeng Wo Shilang brothers who avenged their father in the 13th century. It is held at the bank of Jiatu River after sunset on July 20 every year.

Tug of war in Sichuan

Inner Sichuan tug-of-war : Chuanneichuan is one of the three major rivers in Kyushu, and a tug of war competition of huge scale is held on September 22 every year. The two teams competed across Chuanneichuan; The rope is 365 meters long and 35 centimeters in diameter, with about 3000 participants.

Miaoyuan Temple attainments

Miaoyuan Temple attainments: It is one of the three major actions of Kagoshima County, held in late October. Originally Lu'er Island City The lower samurai remembered the legacy of Shimadzu Yihong Battle of Guanyuan On September 14, 1600, the night before the war, wearing armor, walking Wuli Road The event of going to Miaoyuan Temple, where Shimadzu Yihong Bodhi Temple is located, later evolved into a public visit.

Genzhan Dragon Boat Race

Genzhan Dragon Boat Festival: It is one of the five dragon boat events in Japan, held from mid October to late October.

Miwulang sacrifice

Miwulang sacrifice: Miwulang is a legendary giant with a height of 4.85 meters. When the Miwulang sacrifice was held, young people carried Miwulang's image in the street. At this time, children were most happy.

Kohara Liangji

Kohara Good Sacrifice: It is a celebration held in Kagoshima City on November 2 and 3. About 20000 dancers march around the planetarium, and more than 600000 people visit it every year.

Famous people


Yude Jingzi

Yude Jingzi Born in Kagoshima County on April 7, 1967, she began her solo singing career in 1993. Among them, the song "Romance of Light and Shadow" once won the championship in Tokyo Radio 23 consecutive nights. She is a female singer with both talent and beauty.


Zhongxiaojie , born in Kagoshima County on July 13, 1980 Amami Island Minglai City amami ), Japanese male singer, Ryukyu University French College society Department of Anthropology Graduation. In high school, I was Yuan Qiansui Moved by his singing voice, he began to learn island songs by himself. In the Department of Social Anthropology of Ryukyu University, he also continued to sing island songs during the semester, and won the Best Newcomer Award in the Amami Folk Song Grand Prix in 2000. In the same year, he won the best prize in the Amami United Grand Prix of the Japanese Folk Ballad Association Comprehensive Award

Mika Nakashima

Mika Nakashima , female, born in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan on February 9, 1983, singer, actor, the most popular new generation singer in Japan, is the favorite of the media and fans in the Japanese entertainment industry. The debut single STARS entered the top 20 on the ORICON list in the first half of 2002, its debut album《 Aesthetical existence 》More than 500000 copies were released on the day of issuance, ranking first in ORICON and Japan's major league tables.

takehiko inoue

takehiko inoue , born in Japan on January 12, 1967 Kyushu Kagoshima is a well-known Japanese cartoonist, whose works include "Flying Man in Blue Ball" (a slam dunk master), "Musashi, the Sword Saint", "Chameleon", "Purple Maple", etc.

Nanami Sakuraba

Nanami Sakuraba , female, born in Kagoshima County on October 17, 1992, actress, a celebrity known as the "legendary beauty girl", whose representative works include "Voice of Aid from Heaven", "Red Line", "Summer Battle", etc.

Kashiwagi Yuki

Kashiwagi Yuki , born on July 15, 1991 in Kagoshima County Kagoshima City , Idol singer, is a Japanese women's idol group AKB48 Team B member of. Appointed to Kagoshima Prefecture on July 17, 2012 Samo ambassador.

kazuo inamori

kazuo inamori , male, born in Kagoshima in 1932. 1955 kagoshima university After graduating from the Ministry of Engineering, he worked in Kyoto Insulator Manufacturer: Songfeng Industry. In April 1959, he was funded by acquaintances to Capital fund 3 million yen to establish Kyoto Ceramics Co., Ltd. (now Kyocera )He has served successively as president and president, and has served as honorary president since 1997. In 1984, he set up the Inamori Consortium with personal investment, served as the chairman of the board, and created international awards“ Kyoto Award ”, in November every year for those who human society People who have made outstanding contributions to the development and progress of. [6]

Yamada Xiaozhi

Yamada Xiaozhi Born in Kagoshima County Samo Chuannei City The actor of《 Water Boy 》Play the leading role of Jin Teng Kan Jiulang《 Fiery man 》The protagonist was attracted by the role of Binai Dawu, and later《 Call for love in the center of the world 》As the tender and innocent leading role, Shotaro Matsumoto showed his excellent acting skills, and won the actor award for the first time in the TV Oscar Award (2004 summer group) held by TV Weekly magazine.

Sakura Miyawaki

Sakura Miyawaki Born in Kagoshima Prefecture on March 19, 1998, it is a Japanese women's idol group HKT48 Phase I student and core member, deputy team leader of TeamKIV. 2015 AKB48 Seventh General Election She won the seventh place and became a member of the "Seven Gods". [7]

shizukusa yumi

shizukusa yumi Is a Japanese singer Lyricist Belongs to NORTHERN MUSIC Since middle school, she has attended many auditions with the goal of becoming a singer. In April 2003, it won the championship record of the primary game in the USEN underground brand ranking list. On July 2, 2003, he officially made his debut with the single Don't you wanna see dmetoning. Released single in February 2005《 Flower camphor 》In 2007, he published the single "I still believe" as the ending song of famous detective Conan. Since 2010, there has been almost no other activities except blog updating. Since 2013, unpublished songs have been published on the Internet, Music activities There are signs of restart.

Foreign exchange



Kagoshima has played an important role in the history of Japanese and foreign exchanges. Kagoshima County and China's Jiangsu Hong Kong , Korea Quanluo North Road Singapore etc. Asia Various exchanges are taking place in many regions. In 1990 Kagoshima City It opened an international exchange square to communicate with foreigners. In 1994 Kanoya The Asia Pacific Rural Research and Training Center was opened. Kagoshima Prefecture from meiji period Since then, many county residents have begun to North America And South America as the center to emigrate overseas, and county people's associations and Fellow Association Kagoshima County has held an exchange meeting every two years with Hong Kong (since 1980), Singapore (since 1982), and Jeollabuk do, South Korea (since 1994), and has actively exchanged views on economy, tourism, culture, youth exchanges and other aspects. In addition, Kagoshima County and China Jiangsu Province Since 1998, exchange agreement meetings have been held every year in turn to send experts, receive technical graduate students and other cooperation, and exchanges in all aspects have been constantly developing. In 2008, Governor Yoichiro Ito and Speaker Jinzi Wanshoufu led a delegation to visit Jiangsu Province and signed the Agreement on Further Promoting Friendly Exchanges between Kagoshima County and Jiangsu Province.
As a pair developing country As an important part of the technical cooperation project, Kagoshima County has received technologies from Asian countries since 1981 researcher By 2008, 212 technical trainees had been received. In 2008, Kagoshima County received Cambodia Brazil and Argentina A total of four technical trainees from four other countries, respectively, have conducted research in the fields of medicine and Japanese cuisine. In addition, Kagoshima County also selects two to four young people from the South American Kagoshima County Fellowship Association every year as public funded overseas students in the county. In 2008, they received one student from Brazil and one student from Argentina kagoshima university Conduct research and study. Up to 2008, it has received 112 international students from the county, including 71 from Brazil and 20 from Argentina, Peru 21.
To improve the internationalization and language of the region educational level For the purpose, Kagoshima County has implemented JET project since 1987. By means of municipal CIR (International Exchanger) engaged in international exchange is equipped for the international exchange course of, and schools in the county are equipped with CIR (International Exchanger) engaged in English Language Teaching Working ALT foreign language Instructing assistants). In 1987, there were 26 people engaged in JET (CIR1, ALT25), and in 2009, there were 133 people (CIR14, ALT119). The number of participants increased by more than five times. The nationalities of participants are all over China, South Korea, Singapore Malaysia Ireland , UK, USA Canada Australia New Zealand South Africa and Jamaica 12 countries.

Sister city

Sister city
Date of conclusion
Kagoshima City
Hunan Province Changsha City
October 30, 1982
Samo Chuannei City
April 14, 2005
Samo Chuannei City
Jiangsu Province Changshu City
April 15, 2005
Wudao City
Shaanxi Province Yaoxian County
October 23, 1995
South Samo City
Jiangsu Province Suqian City
October 27, 2002
Zhejiang Province Anji County
April 13, 1999
Nandayu cho
January 22, 2008
August 1, 1997

Disaster accident

Since the autumn of 2022, there has been an outbreak of avian influenza. [9]