
[é luǎn shí]
Goose egg shaped stone
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cobblestone [1] It is named because it looks like a goose egg. Pebble as a pure natural Stone , taken from the crustal movement Later produced by the uplift of the ancient river bed sand In the mountains, there are continuous extrusion and friction in the process of mountain torrent impact and flowing water transportation.
In the course of hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes, pebbles have experienced the movement of waves and water Gravel The collision and friction lost the irregular edges and corners, and they were buried in the ground together with the sediment for millions of years.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Yellow object
yellow Semi transparent silica colloidal pith
Main chemical composition
The main chemical components are silicon dioxide
Chromatic system
Black, white, yellow, red, dark green, cyan, etc
Machine made cobblestone River pebble Riverstones
Main origin
river course riverbed And flood plain

brief introduction

cobblestone [1]
main chemical composition yes silicon dioxide , followed by a small amount of ferric oxide And trace manganese, copper, aluminum, magnesium and other elements and compounds. They have different pigments, such as red for iron, blue for copper, purple for manganese, yellow translucent It is silica colloidal pith, jadeite containing green minerals, etc; Due to the different types and contents of these pigment ions dissolved in the silica hydrothermal solution, the pebbles show various colors, such as black, white, yellow, red, dark green, and cyan.


cobblestone [1] Products include: machine-made pebbles in natural colors River pebble Riverstones Dry claystone , spraying stone, landscaping stone Wood fossil Culture stone , natural Chromolite It is non-toxic, tasteless and non decolorizing, and is used for building decoration materials such as rice and advanced dyeing sand for interior decoration. Hard quality, bright and simple color, with compression resistance, abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance Natural stone Characteristic is an ideal Green building materials




cobblestone [1] Widely used in Public buildings , villas, courtyard buildings, paved roads (cobblestone roads often paved in the park have the effect of prolonging life), park rockeries bonsai Filler material Garden art And other high-level superstructure. It not only carries forward the ancient oriental culture, but also reflects the western classical, elegant, primitive artistic style.

Garden function

cobblestone [1] It not only provides high-quality materials for water purification, sewage treatment, power, garden and other projects. Also for ceramics precision casting , papermaking, jet milling, chemical industry monocrystalline silicon , national defense, etc Raw and auxiliary materials


Hebei Taihang Mountain cobblestone [1] Physical parameters: material: more than 96% silicon dioxide ( SiO2 ).
Physical parameters of Nanjing Yuhua Stone: material: more than 95% silicon dioxide (SiO2)
Performance parameters: Surface finish 98%、 compressive strength Above 600 Kg/M2.

Health Benefits

according to associated press It is reported that the cobblestone path is more conducive to your health and can lower your blood pressure. According to the United States Oregon A new research result of the research institute shows that people over 60 years old walk on the smooth cobblestone path for half an hour every day. After four months of continuous walking, their hypertension Will be significantly reduced, and their body Balance ability and Coordination They have also improved significantly.
Oregon Institute Behavioral research The staff saw that the Chinese people in the traditional Cobble road After up and back exercise and walking, the health effect of pebbles is improved Research John Fisher, who led the research, said: "We found that in several cities we visited, people were walking on cobbled roads, some people stood on them, sometimes they danced on them, and even some people were lifting weights on cobbled roads. We thought if we could scientific research If so, we can find out whether they are really healthy. "
Fisher and his colleagues were surprised by the results of the study. They had expected to see some general improvement in health by exercising on the cobblestone road, but in the 16 week study, they found that the blood pressure of volunteers also dropped. be located portland Dr. David Ellison, chief hypertension research expert at Oregon University of Health Sciences, said: "The research results are very exciting. I'm not surprised if they lose 10 pounds after two years of exercise on cobblestone roads. Go to exercise now, it will really happen Dramatic "
100 people simulation experiment Beneficial researchers also carried out simulation experiments. They put simulated round pebbles on a specially designed cushion that was 6 feet long and 1.5 feet wide. Some volunteers walked barefoot on it, while others wore socks. They were compared with another controlled group that did not walk on the mat. The volunteers in this controlled group walked only one hour a day, three times a week. The results were published in the latest issue of the American Geriatric Society.
Fisher said that almost all 108 volunteers said that they felt better after exercise, but half of them, that is, those who walked on the cobblestone, had significantly improved their balance, physical flexibility and blood pressure. Fisher pointed out that cobbles are very common in China traditional medicine In theory, the uneven stone surface can stimulate the acupoints on the sole of the foot. This theory is similar to acupuncture, that is to say, although many parts of the body are very close and some are far away, they are connected by acupoints. Stimulating these acupoints can improve physical and mental health. Why can balance be improved Although the history of Chinese people walking on cobblestones can be traced back to several centuries ago, the research on this fitness method was still blank before that.
Fay Horak, a neurophysiologist at Oregon University of Health Sciences, said that the study provided evidence for the view that maintaining the flexibility and balance of the body can delay or prevent human aging. He said, "I'm not surprised that this kind of fitness method has the effect of improving body balance. There is a lot of evidence that no matter who you are, if you dare to challenge, your balance ability will improve." Horak explained that the human body relies on two complex methods to maintain balance, one is in the inner ear Vestibular system One is the somatosensory system that connects skin with bone and flesh. Generally, 70% of the balance control of the human body depends on the somatosensory system, and 30% depends on the vestibular system. However, when the road surface is uneven or unstable, the body becomes dependent on the vestibular system. At this time, about 70% of the balance control of the body depends on the vestibular system.
Horak said, "This kind of fitness method is very useful for the elderly, because as we grow older, the vestibular system receptor It will lose, but you often walk on uneven or unstable roads. In fact, you are actively using the vestibular system, and its function may be improved as a result.
The "Healthy Road" is not suitable for everyone. Four types of people should not step on pebbles
Q: Fitness Garden There is a cobblestone "healthy road", and occasionally I will go barefoot. Although the soles of my feet are very painful, I think it will definitely have an effect. It's said that "Healthy Road" is not suitable for everyone. What's the point?
Answer: Barefoot treading on cobblestone pavement can stimulate plantar acupoints, dredge plantar blood channels, exercise plantar muscles, and enhance the stability of lower limbs. However, because treading on the "healthy road" is a strong stimulus to the sole of the foot, it is generally only suitable for short time practice.
When stepping on cobblestone pavement soft sole Shoes or barefoot, hard and thick Shoe club Block the massage effect of pebbles on the sole of the foot. When practicing, you can take turns to step on the foot with small steps to feel the squeezing of pebbles on the sole of your foot. Learn to grasp the road with your toes to avoid too much weight on the soles of your feet concentrating on the heel and forefoot. Due to long-term wear of shoes, the weight bearing and grasping functions of human toes, especially the outer toes, are in a semi degraded state. Through this exercise, the plantar muscles can be exercised and the weight bearing stability of the feet can be enhanced. During the exercise, you should feel comfortable on the soles of your feet and have a feeling of massage. If Pain Obviously, you should wear soft soled shoes to practice, or reduce Practice time
The road conditions of "Healthy Road" are also particular. The cobblestone is too sparse and uneven, which not only has poor massage effect on the sole of the foot, but also is easy to hurt the practitioner. Dense and small cobbles are preferred on the pavement. Dense cobblestone pavement can make the load on the sole even and reduce the pain of the sole.
The following four categories of people should not take the "healthy road":
  1. one
    Parkinson's disease Patients with cerebellar balance impairment and cervical spondylotic myelopathy cannot control their steps, so they must not do such exercises.
2. More serious hip joint Knee arthropathy For the patient, because the joint is not flexible, the uneven road surface will increase the load on the joint, and aggravate the joint Lesion
3. People who have been in bed for a long time or have been fixed for a long time due to limb injury Muscle strength Lack. It may be dangerous to carry out this kind of exercise at the beginning of walking practice.
4. Cause nervous system Patients with lower limb muscle weakness caused by diseases should not take this exercise.


The main producing areas of Yuhua Stone in China are from Nanjing and Jiangsu, Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River The resources are rich, mostly in sedimentary form.
In addition, pebble resources are also abundant in other regions, including Shandong Liaoning In the south, including Guizhou, Chongqing, Guangxi and other places, pebble resources have their own characteristics and are rich in types.
The pebble resources in Guizhou and Guangxi are well preserved and rich in variety due to historical reasons.
There are many large pebbles in southwest China, which are large in volume and strange in shape, and are especially suitable for geomantic stone or cultural stone used as landmark buildings.



Formation process

That is, it can be scoured by the river, but it can also rub against each other. Pebbles may be caused by historical floods Debris flow It is caused (because it is usually in the mountain area), but the specific reason depends on there geological structure geographical environment It is also necessary to refer to the situation of other mountains around. About 100 million years ago mesozoic , on crustal movement Under the action of Magma Granite is formed. Since then, thousands of years ago, due to magma intrusion Granite Stagger A large number of small stones were produced by squeezing. The stones near the water eventually formed today's cobbles after a long period of slow water scouring and self rolling. Some experiences Weathering Later Rounding , becoming pebbles [1]

Detailed causes

Pebble is formed gradually after a long time
Due to crustal movement, etc natural force After the impact of mountain torrents, water transportation and sand After repeated rolling and friction, lovely round pebbles are finally formed.
The formation process of pebble can be divided into Two stages The first stage is Rock weathering Collapse stage; The second stage is the stage when rocks are transported and rounded by river water in the river.
The pebbles containing small stones are broken Rock block , via long distance The edges and corners will disappear during transportation to form round or oval stones (or pebbles Gravel )The cemented rock is called gravel.
It turned out to be thick and big rocks, but after millions of years of rain wash and mutual collision, they became clear pieces of beautiful pebbles.