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Drama Department of Lu Xun Art College

Drama teaching and creative performance group
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Drama teaching and creative performance group. On October 1, 1938, in Yan'an Lu Xun Art College Was officially established with Zhang Geng as the department head, Cui Wei, Zuo Ming, Yao Shixiao and Wang Zhenzhi teacher
Chinese name
Drama Department of Lu Xun Art College
Time of establishment
October 1, 1938, the 27th year of the Republic of China
Drama teaching and creative performance group



In the 26th year of the Republic of China, Shanghai National Salvation Drama Team The fifth team arrived in Yan'an and performed a play《 Blood sacrifice in Shanghai 》, which aroused great interest of the audience. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attached great importance to this matter. Comrade Mao Zedong proposed to set up a school to train art cadres. In order to commemorate the revolutionary writer Lu Xun, it was named Lu Xun Art Institute, and decided that comrades Sha Kefu, Li Bozhao, Zuo Ming and others would be responsible for the preparation. At the beginning of the 27th year of the Republic of China, some members of the First Drama Team of Shanghai National Salvation, the Mobile Propaganda Team of Beiping Students, and the Mobile Propaganda Team of Shanghai Ant Society arrived in Yan'an one after another. Cui Wei, Ding Li, Wang Zhenzhi, Huang Mei, Yao Shixiao, Zhong Jingzhi, Zhang Geng, etc., who were engaged in drama work, together with three comrades who were originally responsible for the preparatory work and Jiang Qing, were basically mature. On October 1, the 27th year of the Republic of China, in the cave outside the north gate of Yan'an, it was announced that the Lu Xun Academy of Arts was officially established, with four departments of literature, music, art and drama. After the establishment of the Department of Drama, until the 29th year of the Republic of China, three consecutive periods of students were enrolled, including: Yan Xi , Su Lu, Lu Ling Jake Zhang Ping, Gan Xuewei, Di Li, Chen Jinqing, Zhang Ying, Lv Peng, Su Li, Li Lun, Zhang Dongchuan, Zhang Ye, He Wenjin, Ma Yu, Wang Dizi, Zhang Yunfang, Liu Yin, etc. There are 30 to 60 people in each issue. The vast majority of these young students are recruited from various theatrical teams outside Yan'an. They have a high level of knowledge and accomplishment in culture, literature and art and drama, and have more stage experience. Therefore, self compiled and self directed performances can be carried out at the beginning. After the second phase of students entered the hospital, they set up an experimental theater group with the first phase of students who graduated and stayed in the hospital. Wang Zhenzhi was the head of the group and undertook the task of publicity and performance. Drama programs compiled and performed by the Drama Department and the Experimental Theater Group successively include: Brothers Hold Hands, Human Life Traffickers《 mine 》, "One Heart Hall", "Hitler's Dream", "International Toy Shop", "Songhua River" (adapted from Beijing Opera "Fishing and Killing the Family"), "Rural Music"《 Wandering bandit captain 》, Reunion, Brother and Sister Pioneering, Zhao Fugui Refreshing, Zhang Pimo Eliminating Rape, Liu Er Getting Started, Couple Literacy, Rent Reduction, Habitual Bandit Zhou Zishan, Xinyang Opera White Haired Girl, etc.


In the first half of the 28th year of the Republic of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to transfer a group of teachers and students from the cadre school in Yan'an to run schools in Shanxi, Chahar and Hebei to carry out work behind the enemy lines. Cui Wei, Ma Jin, Mu Hong, Han Sai and other comrades were selected by the Luyi Drama Department. At the same time, Lu Xun Art Institute moved from the north gate of Yan'an to Qiaoergou in the east of Yan'an City. The Department of Drama was also moved with the hospital. In the 29-30 years of the Republic of China, under the guidance of the idea of "improvement", the Luyi Drama Department and the Experimental Theater Troupe performed some large-scale Chinese and foreign classics, such as Thunderstorm, Sunrise, Imperial Envoy, Marriage, People with Guns, etc. In the thirty first year of the Republic of China, the rectification movement was carried out in Yan'an. The Luyi Drama Department corrected the practice of "closing the door and improving the situation", followed the path of combining with the masses, learned and transformed folk art, formed a Yangko team, and compiled a show with flower drums, land boats, flower baskets, and big Yangko. After the performance, it was welcomed by the masses. During the Spring Festival of the 32nd year of the Republic of China, they organized a new Yangko program with the theme of supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to families. The performers played various characters of workers, farmers, soldiers, students, businessmen, women and children, which was very popular with the audience. Among them, Wang Dahua and Li Bo's Xinyang opera "Brothers and Sisters Pioneering the Wilderness" became popular in Yan'an, and the audience was full of praise. In the spring of this year, some teachers and students of the Luyi Drama Department accompanied the "Luyi Working Group" to the Suide District to carry out labor service and popularize Yangko for more than four months. At the same time, combining with the struggle life of the local people, he produced two plays, Rent Reduction and the Habitual Bandit Zhou Zishan. In the second half of the 34th year of the Republic of China, the teachers and students of the Drama Department cooperated with the cadres and students of other departments of Luyi to rehearse the Xinyang Opera created by Shao Zinan and He Jingzhi《 White haired girl 》, directed by Wang Bin, Wang Dahua and Shu Qiang, Wang Kun and Lin Bai as Xier, Zhang Shouwei as Yang Bailao, Wu Jian as Da Chun, Di Li as Aunt Wang, Zhao Qiyang as Uncle Zhao, Chen Qiang As Huang Shiren, Wang Jiayi as Mu Renzhi, Li Bo as Huang Mu, and Han Bing as Aunt Zhang. At the official performance in the auditorium of the Party School, Comrade Mao Zedong and the seven representatives of the CPC National Congress and comrades from various organs of the Central Committee watched the performance and gave affirmation and praise. Later, the play spread all over the villages and towns in the liberated areas of the country. On August 15, the 34th year of the Republic of China, after Japan surrendered, in order to carry out work in the New Area, Lu Yi was ordered to move to the northeast and north China to work, and the drama department also moved with it.