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Duke Lumu

The 29th monarch of the State of Lu
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Duke Lu Mu (410 B.C. - 377 B.C.), surnamed Ji, was famous in the early Warring States Period State of Lu The monarch《 Soyin in Historical Records 》Zuo Buyan is the 29th monarch of the State of Lu. He is Lu Yuangong Son, 33 years in power. He paid great attention to courteous and virtuous corporal and worshiped ceremoniously Hole (Zisi), referring to the state affairs; allow Mozhai He taught disciples and preached in Lu and organized schools of thought, which made Lu once a stable state.
Do not procrastinate
Posthumous title
Duke Mu
the warring states
one's native heath
Date of death
377 BC
Lu Yuangong
Duke Gong of Lu
Key achievements
He paid attention to courteous and virtuous corporal, worshipped Kong Ji (Zisi) ceremoniously, and consulted the state affairs
True name

Character's Life

Duke Lu Mu was at the beginning of the Warring States Period“ Sanhuan ”The first king of the State of Lu after taking back power. After the accession of Duke Lu Mu, facing the chaotic situation of the Warring States Period, he began to reform the internal affairs to revitalize the State of Lu. Abolishing the system of hereditary ministers and hereditary officials is the most important part of the reform of the Duke of Lu and Mu, which has changed the political system, official system and selection system of the State of Lu. These changes are unprecedented in the history of the State of Lu, and they are also among the advanced countries in the early Warring States Period. The abolishment of the system of hereditary ministers and hereditary salaries gradually transformed the state of Lu from a patriarchal aristocratic regime to a feudal bureaucratic regime. The monarch controlled the appointment and position of officials, and the scope of talent selection increased, which made the state of Lu present a situation of honoring the good and accepting talents. The State of Lu set a precedent for setting up "doctors" to give preferential treatment to Confucian scholars, which has an important relationship with the reform of the Duke of Lu Mu. It can be seen that the State of Lu attached great importance to the appointment of talents.   
During the reign of Duke Lu Mu, he courted and communicated with the talents at that time, giving full play to the role of talents and bringing about a relatively stable and prosperous development situation for Lu. Appointment of Mr. Lu Mu Public instrument rest A series of economic reform measures have been formulated. Historical Records· Biography of an honest official 》In the middle of the book, Gongyi Xiu "makes the people who eat the salary not compete with the lower people for benefits, and the people who accept the big ones not take the small ones", which means that officials do not compete with the public for benefits. In addition, Gongyi Xiu also advocated light corvee and light taxes. According to Shuoyuan · Zhengli, "Gongyi Xiu will not pay taxes to Lu. When Lu Jun dies, please close the door. Gongyi Xiu said, 'Stop, Chiyuan Wu will not pay taxes, Mengshan I will not pay taxes, and I will not pay harsh taxes. I have closed my heart, why close the door!'" The economic reform led by Gongyi Xiu has promoted the economic development of the State of Lu, and has achieved certain results.
Except for the official leave, Zisi It is also highly valued by the Duke of Lu Mu. Duke Lu Mu ruled the country with Confucianism. At the beginning of his reign, he often asked his godson to think about governing the country. For example, Kong Congzi Gongyi recorded that Duke Mu of Lu asked Zisi for advice on how to make the State of Lu prosperous; Guodian Bamboo Slips《 Duke Lu Mu asked Zisi 》It records that Duke Lu Mu asked Zisi what kind of people could be called loyal ministers; The Book of Rites - Under the Sandbow records that Duke Lu Mu asked Zisi whether it was an ancient ritual to "rebel for the old monarch". Duke Lu Mu attaches great importance to Zisi. In Mencius, there is a saying that "Duke Lu Miao (Mu) in the old days could not settle Zisi because no one left Zisi.", Focal circulation This note said: "In the past, Duke Lumuo (Mu) respected Zisi, and Zisi wanted to go if his way was not good. Duke Miao (Mu) often made the wise people stay there, saying that the party should obey the son, and then Zisi stayed." It can be seen that Zisi played an important role in Lu Mu's public mind.   
In addition to Gong Yixiu and Zi Si, Duke Lu Mu also Mozi Having consulted about the situation of the Warring States Period Zeng Zi He has consulted about the funeral and asked the county about the measures to deal with the drought because of the drought. It can be seen that Lu Mu attaches great importance to talent's mind and tolerance. Duke Mu of Lu widely listened to the opinions of the sages, so that the role of talents can be played, and provided a platform for many talents to display their talents. These situations were relatively rare before the reform of the Lumuk. [2]

member of family

Father: Lu Yuangong

Historical records

Records of the Historian, Volume XXXIII, The Third Family of Duke Zhou of Lu: Duke of Yuan died in the 21st year, son Conspicuously erect , for Duke Mu. Duke Mu died in the thirty third year, and Zifen set up for the public. [1]
Han Feizi 》: Rumu The envoys' sons were either eunuchs in the Jin Dynasty, or eunuchs in the Jing Dynasty, and ploughed and said, "Dummies in the Yueyue saved the drowning son, Yueren Although you are good at traveling, you will never be born. When a fire breaks out, water is taken from the sea. Although there is a lot of sea water, the fire will not be extinguished. Far water cannot save near fire. Although Jin and Jing are strong today, but Qi is close to Lu, can't they be saved? "
1. False, borrowed.
2. Vietnam, today Shaoxing City One Belt.
3. Shandong, today's Shandong Province Qufu
4. Shanxi, today's Shanxi Province Jiangxian County
5. Qi, now Shandong Province Linzi District Yingqiu )。