Ruhr Industrial Zone

Industrial zone in western Germany
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synonym Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr District) generally refers to Ruhr Industrial Zone
Ruhr Industrial Zone is Germany It is also one of the most important industrial zones in the world. Located in the west of Germany Rhine Downstream tributary Ruhr River And Lipper River Area between, in North Rhine Westphalia Domestic; Generally, the area under the jurisdiction of the Ruhr Coal Management Area Planning Association is regarded as the regional boundary of Ruhr gebiet, which has a population of 5.1 million and an area of 4435 square kilometers [2] Southern Ruhr Ruhr River Area between Emshe River, factories, houses and dense Traffic network Intertwined to form a continuous Urban belt And it was formed in the middle of the 19th century, which is a typical tradition Industrial area , known as the "heart of German industry". It is located in the midwest of Germany Europe At the crossroads of Europe In the most economically developed region, adjacent France Netherlands Belgium Denmark Switzerland Industrial zones in other countries. [1]
Chinese name
Ruhr Industrial Zone
Foreign name
Ruhr Industrial Base
geographical position
North Rhine Westphalia, West Germany
4435 km² [2]
Area under jurisdiction
Dortmund Essen Duisburg Bohong
population size
5.1 million [2]
Time zone

Development History

Ruhr Industrial Zone
The outstanding feature of Luer Industrial Zone is that the industrial zone, which started with coal mining industry, with the comprehensive utilization of coal Coal chemistry And other industries have been vigorously developed, which has promoted the development of steel and chemical industries. On the basis of a large number of steel, chemical products and sufficient power supply, the machinery manufacturing industry has been established and developed,
Ruhr Industrial Zone
Especially heavy machinery Manufacturing industry , nitrogen fertilizer industry Building materials industry Etc., forming Departmental structure Complex Internal contact Close and highly concentrated regional industrial complex. At the same time, for a large number of industrial workers light industry , such as Clothing industry textile industry Beer There has also been great development in industry. After the 1950s, due to oil Consumption Gradually increasing, Ruhr Oil refining industry And oil Chemical industry It has also developed rapidly. After the 1970s, the electrical industry electronics industry Great progress has been made. After the war, when some of the world's old industrial zones, which started with coal mining industry, declined seriously, Ruhr Industrial Zone still had strong vitality. This is inseparable from the continuous adjustment of the economic structure and sectoral structure in the region with the progress of science and technology.

geographical position

Ruhr Industrial Zone
Ruhr geographical position Very superior. Since ancient times, it has been a "holy road" zone between East and West Europe, also Northern Europe To Central Europe Southern Europe It is located at the crossroads of Europe. In modern times capitalism It is developing and located in the "Golden Triangle" with the most developed economy in Europe, and is west of the community members National law The industrial zones of Netherlands, Belgium and Rwanda are close to each other, and the north is away from the member states of the Community Denmark And the industrial zone in the south of Sweden is not far away, and the northeast and south are adjacent to the country Lower Saxony Economic center of gravity Hanover Wolfsburg - Zarzjid Triangle Industrial Zone and the lower reaches of the Rhine River in North Rhine Westphalia Cologne Dusseldorf It is an industrial zone in the center. It is convenient for industrial section and European Community Trade between member countries.



water transport

The Rhine River runs through the north and south of the region. The 7000 ton seagoing ships and 8000 ton Pusher fleet , can be reached directly Duisburger Hafen From Duisburg Port to Netherlands The Rhine section of the border, Ruhr District Transportation volume Up to 100 million tons, which can also pass through the Rotterdam Hong Kong trades with all parts of the world. There is communication between Rhine River, Ruhr River Lipper River and Ames River 4 of canal With a total length of 425 kilometers (including the reach leading to the lower reaches of the Ames River), Ruhr District has 74 river ports and harbors All have Standardized, 1350 ton European Standards Shipping of cargo ships. At the same time, the eastern part of Ruhr District can use the Dortmund Ames Canal for shipping, via Emden Port and overseas Transport links Therefore, although Ruhr District is located in the inland area, it has convenient water transportation conditions, especially the Rhine River, which allows it to have low-cost freight conditions like coastal areas.

Railway and highway

Railway transportation and river transport It is also developed. The railway density in the area is very high, Operating mileage It is 9850 kilometers, accounting for nearly 1/5 of the whole country. It runs from Paris to northern Europe and Eastern Europe The railway of, Hagen It is the largest freight in Germany Marshalling station Roads and expressway Extending in all directions, it is the link between the zone and other industrial zones, leading from western Germany to Berlin The expressways in the Netherlands and the Netherlands pass through the area. The density of road vehicles in Ruhr District is twice the national average density, reaching 55 vehicles per kilometer.

Main structure


Production Center

Ruhr Industrial Zone
The industry in Ruhr was launched twice by Germany World War The material basis of. After the war West Germany Economic recovery and Economic takeoff China has played a major role, Machinery manufacturing , especially heavy Machinery manufacturing , nitrogen fertilizer industry Building materials industry Etc. At the same time, for a large number of industrial workers light industry , such as clothing, textile Beer There has also been great development in industry. After the 1950s, due to oil Consumption Gradually increase the oil refining industry and oil in Ruhr Chemical industry It has also developed rapidly. After the 1970s, electrical electronics industry Great progress has been made. Ruhr District has favorable conditions for industrial development. Westward distance European Community European Union )Members National law The industrial zones of Netherlands, Belgium and Rwanda are close to each other, and the north is away from the member states of the Community Denmark And the industrial zone in southern Sweden. Rhine It runs through the whole region from north to south, from Rhine estuary The upstream 7000 ton seagoing ships and 8000 ton pusher fleet can reach directly Duisburg Port. From Duisburg to Netherlands The Rhine section of the border, with annual average Transportation volume Up to 100 million tons and can pass through the estuary Rotterdam Hong Kong trades with all parts of the world. There is also communication with the Rhine River Ruhr River , Lipper River and Ames River 4 canal networks, with a total length of 425 kilometers (including the section leading to the lower reaches of the Ames River) River port 74, rivers and ports All have Standardized, 1350 ton European Standards freighter. At the same time, the eastern part of Ruhr District can use the Dortmund Ames Canal to connect with overseas via Emden Port. Therefore, although Ruhr District is located in the inland, it has convenient water transportation conditions, especially the Rhine River for sea transportation, which makes it as cheap as coastal areas.
Since the 1970s, with the development of coal, steel, etc Traditional industry Ruhr, like other old industrial areas in the world, is facing Structural crisis , making Ruhr District in Germany economic center Its industrial output value accounts for less than 1/6 of the national total. For this reason, Ruhr District has carried out regional renovation and first developed Emerging industry And light industry to promote Diversification of economic structure In the second adjustment area Production layout , develop the left bank of the Rhine River and the northern part of Ruhr District, which were relatively backward, and expand south-north direction at the same time Traffic network To facilitate the development of new areas; Third, vigorously develop culture, education and scientific research, promote the technological transformation of the original enterprises, and at the same time improve the environment and eliminate pollution.
Unlike other industrial parks, Ruhr Industrial Park is picturesque and known as the Garden Industrial Park.

Consumption center

Ruhr District is both a production center and a consumption center. With Ruhr District as the core and within a radius of 100 kilometers, it is the largest consumption core in Germany, where there are five cities with a population of 500000 to 1 million and 24 cities with a population of 100000 to 500000. More than 70% of the coal and steel produced in Ruhr District are processed and consumed in this area. Essen It's the largest in Ruhr industrial center , with a population of 615000 (1987). It is located in the middle of Ruhr District. As early as the 19th century, it became the Ruhr region coal mining The steel production center became the birthplace of the largest German monopoly group - Krupp Army factory. Now it is the largest machinery manufacturing and electrical industry center in Ruhr District, with developed light and heavy industries. Duisburg With a population of 550000, it is located at the junction of the Rhine River and the Ruhr River. It is the largest river port in Europe and also the gateway of Ruhr District to the outside world. On the west bank of the Rhine River, there are many iron and steel plants. In the narrow strip along the river, which is 17 kilometers long from north to south and 7 kilometers wide from east to west, there are 13 iron and steel plants, with a steel production capacity of 30 million tons. Therefore, Duisburg has the title of "steel city". In addition, heavy machinery, oil refining, petrochemical Non ferrous metal smelting , shipbuilding and other industries are also very developed. Dortmund is located in the east of Ruhr District, the end of Dortmund Ames Canal. The population is 590000. It is the center of coal mining and steel industry with a long history in Ruhr District. With the westward movement of steel industry in Ruhr District, it has developed into a variety of industrial centers, including beer brewing, heavy machinery, chemistry electronics industry Most important.

Reference significance

Ruhr Industrial Zone
The Central Committee has made a proposal to speed up Northeast old industrial base Major decisions on transformation. Northeast China is the most important Energy base and heavy industry and Equipment manufacturing Base, in China national economy Play an important role in development Regional economic development strategy It seems that it is similar to the Ruhr Industrial Zone in Germany.
In the process of economic development, Germany Ruhr Industrial Zone has experienced resource development reach resource depletion The economic pain from the revitalization of steel to the decline of enterprises. But through cleaning, reconstruction and Industrial structure adjustment The economy of Ruhr Industrial Zone has rapidly stepped out of the downturn steel industry The resource-based production base centered on coal and steel production and electronic production computer and IT industry Technology as the leader in many industries Coordinated development New type of economic region The industrial structure adjustment has achieved obvious results. The experience of Ruhr Industrial Zone in Germany has a good reference significance for the transformation of the old industrial base in Northeast China.
The law of international economic development: regions that have developed earlier tend to decline relatively, mainly because they have relatively unfavorable economic structure Although the Ruhr industrial zone in Germany is ten thousand miles away from the old industrial zone in northeast China, it has the same resource advantage, so it has experienced a similar process in the process of industrialization, that is, from resource development to economic prosperity, and then from resource depletion to economic recession. The crux of the problem is that the Ruhr industrial zone after recession passes through Structural adjustment And technical transformation economic performance People live in harmony and tranquility, the environment is beautiful and the air is fresh, green trees and flowers are everywhere under the blue sky, and the economy of the region is thriving with the help of new technologies.
Germany Ruhr Industrial Zone is based on coal and steel Heavy chemical industry Strong heavy industry zone, World War II Previous due to coal resource Rich, steel market demand Strong, good employment, people living standard Increasing. With the outbreak and end of the war German economy A depression, coupled with the gradual depletion of coal resources, Heavy chemical industry The drawbacks of the economic structure are becoming more and more obvious coal industry And the steel industry began to decline. Many coal mines and Iron and Steel Plant They closed down one after another, and a large number of workers began to be laid off. According to relevant data, from 1957 to 1968 Federal Germany Gross National Product It increased by 147.8%, while Ruhr District only increased by 80%. By the mid-1990s, the number of coal industry employees had dropped to about 70000, Steel industry More than 40000 jobs were reduced, shipbuilding industry Number of employees Reduce by 2/3, unemployment has become serious social problem
Ruhr Industrial Zone
In contrast, in the 1950s and 1960s, the Chinese government concentrated more than 30 billion yuan Investment in fixed assets Created "New Chinese industry Cradle "- the old industrial zone in Northeast China is also resource-based coal industry petroleum industry , steel industry Machinery manufacturing chemical industry He has made great contributions to the construction of New China. Because the country investment policy In the past decades of construction Northeast China Our industrial construction only draws blood instead of transfusion, and only pays attention to heavy industry Construction scale While ignoring the transformation of traditional enterprises, especially Resource-based city Transformation work after resource depletion. with Liaoning Province For example, there are four resource-based cities in Liaoning Province, all of which are facing a serious situation of resource depletion and unemployment. Among them, Fushun City Resource mining Laid off and unemployed It accounts for 16% of the total unemployment, and enjoys Minimum living security 36 thousand households in the mining area alone, accounting for 54% of the total; Benxi City The laid-off and unemployed in the resource exploitation industry accounted for 21% of the total number of unemployed people, and the total number of households enjoying the minimum living security reached 38000. The four cities have more people enjoying subsistence allowances, some of whom account for 1/4 of the urban population. This situation makes the city the service sector; the tertiary industry It is difficult to derive and directly affects the development of the tertiary industry. To speed up the development of tertiary industry jobs through multiple channels is not only a major challenge to the employment work in resource-based cities, but also an urgent task.
In addition natural resources Dependent Old industrial city It is also facing serious environmental pollution and subsidence areas Staff residence Relocation and poverty laid-off Children's education , employment, etc.

Cause of decline

Industry in Ruhr Industrial Zone Concentration of production In coal, steel, power, machinery and chemical industry industrial sector Among them, the coal industry and the steel industry are the basis of the region's economy. In such a production structure, if an industrial sector declines, it will cause the decline of the region's production.
② The energy status of coal has declined.
After the 1950s, with the wide application of oil and natural gas, the proportion of coal in the world's energy consumption has gradually decreased, and the development of technology has steel-making The coal consumption in Ruhr is gradually reduced, and the coal output in Ruhr is also gradually reduced. The composition of energy consumption refers to the proportion of energy consumed Total energy consumption Specific gravity of. With the development of social economy and science and technology, the world Energy consumption The composition is also changing. Before the 1950s, coal accounted for more than half of the world's energy consumption. After the 1960s, the proportion of coal declined, and the proportion of oil and natural gas rose rapidly and became the main energy. After the price of oil was raised in the 1970s, the proportion of coal rose slightly and remained at about 30%. After the 1980s, the proportion of hydropower and nuclear power rose rapidly.
③ There is a worldwide surplus of steel.
Since the 1950s, more and more countries have produced and exported steel, World Steel market competition Intense. Then, in the 1970s economic crisis And steel products succedaneum The wide application of Consumption Sharp decrease. The worldwide steel surplus also led to the decline of the steel industry in Ruhr District.
④ The development trend of the old industrial zone Saturation state
The environmental pollution, land shortage, traffic congestion and other problems caused by the agglomeration of heavy and chemical industries have forced many enterprises to economic activity The industrial development in Ruhr is difficult to sustain because of the transfer to southern Germany.

Park revitalization

In the 1960s, Ruhr District began to adjust industrial structure And layout, development the service sector; the tertiary industry And optimization ecological environment And other aspects.
The reform of Ruhr District has gone through a tortuous and long process, and its transformation can be roughly divided into three stages:
  • The first stage was in the 1960s. The main measures taken are: to formulate a guiding plan for adjusting the industrial structure, to clean up and transform traditional industries by providing preferential policies and financial subsidies, and to invest a lot of money to improve the local transportation infrastructure, build and expand colleges and research institutions, and focus on land remediation, so as to lay the foundation for the next step of development.
  • The second stage is the 1970s. While continuing to increase the modernization of infrastructure and mining and metallurgy industry in the first phase, we will focus on providing economic and technical assistance to gradually develop emerging industries in the local area, so as to take the initiative in structural adjustment.
  • The third stage is from the 1980s to now. The German federal and local governments at all levels give full play to the regional advantages of different regions in Ruhr District, form advantageous industries with different characteristics, and realize the diversification of industrial structure.
Ruhr Industrial Zone
After comprehensive renovation, Ruhr District economic structure Tend to be coordinated, Industrial layout The economy has changed from decline to prosperity heavy industry The situation of serious environmental pollution in the district has made it a beautiful area. Ruhr Revitalization plan It provides a model for the transformation of old industrial areas around the world. Its strategy is not to create new things, but to reuse old things. By changing the functions of the original buildings, facilities and sites, it not only represents the history of the industrial zone, but also provides a garden for people's cultural and entertainment life. The whole Ruhr industrial area has become a museum and leisure area. After years of continuous adjustment and transformation, Ruhr District is no longer a declining industrial zone, but just keeps the momentum of continuous development and has made remarkable achievements Resource-based city A classic case of successful transformation. [1]

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Adjust industrial structure

Ruhr Industrial Zone
The transformation of old enterprises should be adjusted first industrial structure Start with and gradually improve the construction of infrastructure.
The transformation of the Ruhr industrial zone in Germany began in 1968. They first started with the adjustment of the industrial structure, cleaned up and rectified the traditional old mining areas production costs High, low level of mechanization production efficiency Poor coal mining enterprises will close, stop, merge and transfer, and concentrate the coal mining industry in large enterprises with high profitability and high mechanization level, so as to adjust the product structure and improve the product technical content We also adopted basically stable policies for the reform of other large enterprises, and tried to implement a gradual approach. We should be cautious about the bankruptcy of large enterprises to avoid causing Social shock
Secondly, we should strengthen opening up, try to attract foreign capital and technology, and vigorously support the transformation of old enterprises while accelerating the transformation Emerging industries

Industrial development

This can solve at least two problems, namely, the first emerging industry (mainly computers) information-technology industry And with genetic engineering Leaded Biotechnology industry )Can be quick Accumulated funds And provide necessary technical support And financial assistance; Second, it can drive other related industries Industrial development And create more employment opportunities. To this end, North Westphalia, where Ruhr Industrial Zone is located, has also formulated special policies to attract foreign funds. For example, information technology and other emerging industries Nordrhein-Westfalen To settle down, it will give 28% Small business investors 18% economic subsidy. Preferential policies and strong policy support have enabled the rapid development of emerging industries in North Wales. Statistics data display There are more than 110000 enterprises engaged in computer and information technology in North Wales Telecommunication company More than 380, most of which are located in Ruhr Industrial Zone.

social security

Build the levee of "social security".
Another noteworthy experience of Ruhr Industrial Zone is that the government has built a "social security" levee for every citizen, so that residents living there can enjoy "the most basic living security".
Due to the exhaustion of resources in Ruhr Industrial Zone, a large number of workers have lost their jobs Unemployed To live a stable life, the German government has established the necessary "social security" for them. Here, perfect Insurance system Played a key role. Germany Insurance The basic types of insurance are divided into endowment insurance medical insurance unemployment insurance (Subsidies), and Public officials pension And employees Sick pay Etc. In this Welfare network The most expensive items in old-age pension The annual expenditure reached about 75 billion euros, accounting for 1/3 of the total direct expenditure. Medical insurance, which accounts for the second place in expenditure, accounts for 1/5 of the total expenditure. About 88% of German citizens are legal Medical insurance system in Other expenditure items that account for a large share of the expenditure are the labor employment promotion measures of unemployment subsidies, pensions for public officials and sick leave wages of employees.

Re employment opportunities

Implementation of mining area Ecological restoration Construction and environmental protection to create reemployment opportunities for unemployed workers.
Ruhr Industrial Zone
Due to historical reasons, in the process of mining and development, the resource-based cities in Ruhr Industrial Zone have a great impact on the urban terrain, landform, vegetation and atmospheric environment The damage caused by geological environment damage is relatively serious, and various problems caused by geological environment damage are increasingly prominent Environmental remediation Has become the region Resource exhausted city economic transition First priority. Luer Industrial Zone attaches great importance to the environmental restoration of mining areas when dealing with the economic transformation of resource exhausted cities. Transform coal into Territorial improvement In combination, it will be included in the development plan of the whole region, and a special rectification department will be set up to deal with the remaining Land destruction And environmental pollution. When an enterprise closes, they quickly organize human and material resources to conduct a scientific environmental assessment of the closed enterprise, formulate a thorough rectification plan, and scientifically carry out an overall transformation of the environment in order to quickly erase the traces of the old mining area and build on the original site of the enterprise city dweller Residential quarters Entertainment Center , planting trees and grass, etc. Today, Ruhr has become the most important area for attracting foreign investment with beautiful environment and beautiful scenery, and at the same time, it has greatly increased employment.