Duke Ai of Lu

The monarch of the State of Lu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
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Duke Ai of Lu (? - 468 BC), Ji surname , famous general (Jiang Shiben [2] ), Duke Ding of Lu His son, during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (late Spring and Autumn Period, early Warring States Period) State of Lu The monarch reigned from 494 to 468 BC. He ascended the throne after the death of Duke Lu Ding. In office Gisuns Shusun Zhou Chou Zhong Sun He Ji Ji Sunfei , Shusun Shu, Zhongsun Xuan. In 468 BC, Duke Ai of Lu died, his son Duke Lu Mou Enthronement.
Full Name
Ji Jiang
a surname
Posthumous title
Eastern Zhou Dynasty (late Spring and Autumn Period, early Warring States Period)
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
one's native heath
State of Lu
Date of death
468 BC
Place of death
In office time
494-468 BC [1]
Duke Ding of Lu
Duke Lu Mou
True name

Character's Life

In the 14th year of Duke Ai of Lu (481 BC), Duke Ai of Lu toured the west and shot him unicorn , bring it back unicorn Dead, Confucius I wept when I heard it Yan Hui He also died. It is said that Confucius wrote《 spring and autumn 》So far, he stopped writing, which is known as“ Huolin ”。 [5]
Lu Aigong in Movie and TV Dramas
Lu Aigong Sixteen years (479 BC), Confucius When he died, Duke Ai of Lu eulogized Confucius. Lei Wen said: "Min Tian doesn't hang up and leave an old man behind, so that the rest of the screen can be on the throne, and I feel guilty alone. Alas! Confucius No self-discipline. " (Zuo Zhuan, Sixteen Years of Ai Gong) [6]
In the 27th year of Aigong (468 BC), I want to invite Vietnam Crusade Sanhuan In August, Duke Ai came to Youshan. Sanhuan attacked Duke Ai, and Duke Ai fled to defend one's country , and fled to Zou Guo , and finally arrived in Vietnam. The people of the country welcomed the return of Duke Ai and died in Youshan. Zi Ningli is to mourn for his duke. [7]

Anecdotes and allusions


Ask Confucius about politics

a pre-Qin philosopher 》The dialogue between Duke Ai of Lu and Confucius is recorded in, and the contents are as follows:
Duke Ai of Lu asked Yu Confucius Said: "I want to talk about the people in our country and run the country with them, dare to ask why we should take the evil?" Confucius said: "It is not uncommon to live in the present world, follow the ancient ways, live in the current customs, and wear the clothes of the past. It is not uncommon to give up this and act in a wrong way Confucius said to him, "It's not inevitable. Those who wear clothes and black clothes, who ride the road by climbing the mountain, have no ambition to eat meat; those who cut down, wear sandals, and sip porridge with sticks, have no ambition to drink and eat meat. In today's world, they aspire to the way of the past, live in the customs of the present, and wear the clothes of the past. Although there are, they are not fresh!" Duke Ai said, "Good!"
Confucius said, "There are five virtues in human beings: mediocrity, scholar, gentleman, sage, and great sage." Duke Ai said, "dare you ask why such a person is a mediocre person?" Confucius said to him, "The so-called mediocre person cannot speak well, and his heart does not know the place where the city is located. He does not know how to choose a wise person or a good person to entrust his body to worry about himself. He does not know what to do, and he does not know what to do. He chooses things every day. He does not know how expensive things are. He follows the flow of things. He does not know where to go. Five chisels are right, and his heart is bad." Duke Ai said, "Good! How dare you ask me to be a gentleman?" Confucius said to him, "The so-called scholar, although he can't do all his Taoist skills, must have a rate; although he can't be all beautiful and good, he must have a place. It is because he knows not too much, he must examine what he knows; it is because he speaks not too much, he must examine what he says; it is because he does not too much, he must examine what he has done, so he knows that he has already known what he has already said; it is because he has already done what he has already done, then if life and skin cannot be changed.". Therefore, wealth is not enough to benefit, and lowliness is not enough to harm, so it can be called a scholar. " Aigong said, "Good! How can you call a gentleman if you dare to ask him?" Confucius said to him, "The so-called gentleman is loyal and faithful, but not virtuous. Benevolence and righteousness are in the body, but color does not attack, thinking clearly and not fight, so he is still like a gentleman if you can reach him." Aigong said, "Good! How can you call a gentleman if you dare to ask him?" Confucius said to him, "The so-called sages are the ones who follow the rules without hurting their roots, who follow the rules without hurting their bodies, who are rich without complaining about wealth, and who give alms without being ill or poor." Duke Ai said, "Good! How dare you ask me?" Confucius said to him, "The so-called sages are those who know the truth, respond to changes without being poor, and recognize the sentiments of all things. The Tao, therefore, changes become everything; Sentiment, so it is reasonable not to choose. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between heaven and earth and clearly observe the sun and the moon. Everything must be in the wind and rain. It is impossible to follow what is happening. If the offspring of the sky, it is impossible to know what is happening, and the people simply do not know their neighbors. If this is the case, it is a great saint. " Duke Ai said, "Good!"
Duke Ai of Lu asked Shun to crown Confucius, but Confucius was wrong. Three questions are wrong. Duke Ai said, "Why don't I say nothing when I ask Shun that Shun is the best man for his son?" Confucius said to me, "The king of ancient times was a man who was responsible for his duties, and he was fond of governing and living, but hated killing. It was because the phoenix was in the trees, the Lin was in the countryside, and the nest of the black magpie could be seen from above. You didn't ask Shun that, so it was wrong."
Duke Ai of Lu asked Yu Confucius He said, "I was born in a deep palace and grew up in the hands of women. I have never known sorrow, sorrow, fatigue, fear or danger."
Confucius said, "What the king asks is what the sage asks. Qiu, how can a villain know?"
Confucius said, "When you enter the temple gate, you will climb to the right Tertiary Looking up at Zuandong and overlooking several feasts, you can see that the utensils are preserved and the people are dead. If you think about mourning, you will miss it! When you are confused, you will be crowned. When you listen to the court when you are calm, nothing should be done. When you are in chaos, you will be worried! You listen to the court when you are calm, and retreat every day. There must be descendants of princes who are at the end of your court. If you think about working with this, you will not be able to work! You go out of the four gates of Lu to look at the four suburbs of Lu. The emptiness of national subjugation must be covered by a number of things. If you think about it, you will be afraid of nothing! And when you hear about it, the king is the boat; the commoner is the water. Water will carry the boat, and water will wreck it If you think about the danger with this, the danger will not come! "
Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius, "Are gentry, commissioners, and Zhangfu good for benevolence?" Confucius Curan said, "You are the right man! Those who are poor in resources and can't stick stick listen to music, they can't hear it without ears, and they can obey it. Those who wear clothes and clothes are not bad at meat, they can't taste it without mouth, and they can obey it. When Qiu hears about it, he likes to behave without restraint, and the elderly are not the market. Stealing it is beneficial and useless, and you know it."
Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius, "Please choose a person." Confucius said, "No one can choose health, no one can choose health, no one can choose health, no one can choose mouth, no one can choose health. Health, greed, greed, chaos, and mouth, death. So how can you use bow to adjust your strength, horse clothing, and then good, and how can you believe in health and then know. For example, its jackals can't be alone. As the saying goes," Huan uses his thieves, and Wengong uses his thieves. ". Therefore, it is clear that the director of the plan does not believe in anger, and the secret lord believes in anger and does not accept the plan. If a plan overcomes anger, you will be strong; if anger overcomes a plan, you will die. " [3]
This article reflects some ideas of Confucianism through the dialogue between Duke Ai of Lu and Confucius. In the article, Confucius put forward the view that "living in the present world is the way to aspire to the past; living in the present custom is the way to dress in the past, and it is not uncommon for those who refuse to do so to do so", and that "the ancient king likes to live but hates to kill", "the wise director (trust in stratagem) does not believe in anger, and the dark lord does not believe in anger and do not allow to plan".

Ask Yu He

Duke Ai of Lu asked Yan He: "I want to use Zhongni as a secondary minister. Can the country be cured! If it is suitable for you and me, it can be wrong! It is not enough to educate people to leave simplicity and learn hypocrisy. For the sake of future generations, it is better to stop this matter. You can't let him run the country! " Benefiting the people without forgetting their contributions is not natural charity. Businessmen are unwilling to be mentioned in the same breath. Although they have to deal with them because of affairs, they still do not want to be mentioned in the same breath ideologically. The tools of external punishment are metal and wood products, while the tools of internal punishment are mistakes caused by reckless actions. The villain was tortured with gold and wood tools when he was subjected to external punishment; Suffering from inner punishment is to nibble him with the qi of yin and yang. Only real people can avoid external and internal punishment.
Original text:
Duke Ai of Lu asked Yan He, "I regard Zhongni as my true leader, but is there a rash in the country. It's difficult to treat! " It is not heaven that gives to people without forgetting. Merchants despise it. Although things speak for themselves, gods speak for themselves. For external punishment (23), gold and wood; Those who commit internal punishment will be moved and offended. If the villains leave the external punishment, Jinmu will report it; Those who leave the internal punishment will eat the yin and yang. Only true men can avoid punishment outside and inside. [4]

member of family


Historical records
