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Weitang Street

Street under the jurisdiction of Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
synonym Weitang (Town under the jurisdiction of Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province) generally refers to Weitang Street
Weitang Street, subordinate to Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, is located in Jiashan County Central, East and Huimin Street Adjacent, south and Luoxing Street It is adjacent to Qixing Street of Nanhu District in the southwest, and to the west Tianning Town . Ganyao Town is adjacent to Ganyao Town in the north yaozhuang Adjacent to Jinshan District, Shanghai in the northeast Fengjing Town Bordering, with a total area of 57.0 square kilometers. [2] At the end of 2011, the total population of Weitang Street was 85900. [2]
During the Yuan Dynasty, Weitang was set up and later changed to Weitang Town. In December 1999, Lize Township and Fengnan Township were merged into Weitang Town. In July 2009, Weitang Town was changed to Weitang Street. [2] As of June 2020, Weitang Street has jurisdiction over 15 communities and 11 administrative villages, [3] The sub district office is located at No. 355, Huanbei West Road, Zhongshan Community. [2]
In 2011, the total financial revenue of Weitang Street was 590 million yuan, an increase of 30.6% over the previous year. The local fiscal revenue was 260 million yuan, an increase of 30.8% over the previous year. The per capita financial income is 6868 yuan. The per capita net income of farmers is 17822 yuan. [2]
Chinese name
Weitang Street
Administrative Region Category
Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
geographical position
Jiashan County central section
57.0 km²
Area under jurisdiction
15 communities and 11 administrative villages
Government residence
No. 355, Huanbei West Road, Zhongshan Community
Area Code
Postal Code
three hundred and fourteen thousand and one hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
Zhejiang F
85900 people (total population at the end of 2011)

Historical evolution

During the Yuan Dynasty, Weitang was set up and later changed to Weitang Town.
In the fifth year of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty (1430), Jiashan County was built and Weitang Town was the county seat.
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), it was divided into three towns: nationality, civil rights and people's livelihood.
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), it was still merged into Weitang Town.
In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), it was called the urban area and the first district of the county.
In July of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), the area was removed and renamed Weitang Town.
In July of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Weitangfang was changed.
In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), there were two towns, Weitang and Wutang.
In March of the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), Wutang Town was incorporated into Weitang Town.
In May 1950, Weitang Town was a district town.
In June 1951, it was a county town.
In October 1958, Luoxing and Fengtong were merged into Weitang Commune.
On June 19, 1959, Weitang Town was restored as a county town.
In June 1992, three townships of Luoxing, Fengtong and Shanxi and two villages of Lize Township were incorporated into Weitang Town.
In December 1999, Lize Township and Fengnan Township were merged into Weitang Town.
In July 2009, Weitang Town was changed to Weitang Street. [2]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Weitang Street had jurisdiction over 14 communities and 11 administrative villages: Jiachen, Rihui, Tangong, Jiefang, Xiaodongmen, Zhongshan, Hulong, Ximen, Xiangshan, Chengqiao, Chengdong, Xixiang, Station, Zhuanggang, National Day, Nannanshu, Liangqiao, Changxiu, Sanliqiao, Weizhong, Lize, Zhiguo, Zhonghanwei, Hongqiao, Wangdaigang, 25 mass autonomous organizations in total; There are 686 residents' groups and 339 villagers' groups. [2]
As of June 2020, Weitang Street has jurisdiction over 15 communities and 11 administrative villages: Rihui Community, Tangong Community, Jiefang Community, Xiaodongmen Community, Zhongshan Community, Hulong Community, Ximen Community, Jiachen Community, Chengqiao Community, Chengdong Community, Station Community, Zhuanggang Community, Xixiang Community, Xiangshan Community, Zhenbei Community, Guoqing Village, Nannanshu Village, Liangqiao Village, Changxiu Village Sanliqiao Village, Weizhong Village, Lize Village, Zhiguo Village, Zhonghanxu Village, Hongqiao Village, Wangdaigang Village, [3] The sub district office is located at No. 355, Huanbei West Road, Zhongshan Community. [2]

geographical environment


Location context

Weitang Street is located Jiashan County Central, East and Huimin Street Adjacent, south and Luoxing Street It is adjacent to Qixing Street of Nanhu District in the southwest, and to the west Tianning Town . Ganyao Town is adjacent to Ganyao Town in the north yaozhuang Adjacent to Jinshan District, Shanghai in the northeast Fengjing Town Bordering, with a total area of 57.0 square kilometers. [2]
Weitang Street

natural resources

In 2011, Weitang Street had 42000 mu of arable land and 10000 mu of forest land. [2]


At the end of 2010, the total population of Weitang Street was 171290. [1]
At the end of 2011, the total population of Weitang Street was 85900, including 54775 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 63.8%. There are 94800 floating population. In the total population, there are 42304 males, accounting for 49.3%; 43560 women, accounting for 50.7%; 8278 people under 14 years old, accounting for 9.6%; 64476 people aged 15-64, accounting for 75.1%; 13110 people over 65 years old, accounting for 15.3%. In the total population, the Han nationality is the dominant, accounting for 85.6 million people, accounting for 99.7%; There are 19 ethnic minorities, including Tujia and Miao, with 265 people, accounting for 0.3%. There are 61 Tujia people, accounting for 23.0% of the minority population; There are 60 Miao people, accounting for 22.6%. In 2011, the birth rate was 6.47 ‰, the mortality rate was 6.07 ‰, and the natural population growth rate was 0.4 ‰. The population density is 1507 people per square kilometer. [2]




In 2011, the total financial revenue of Weitang Street was 590 million yuan, an increase of 30.6% over the previous year. The local fiscal revenue was 260 million yuan, an increase of 30.8% over the previous year. The per capita financial income is 6868 yuan. The per capita net income of farmers is 17822 yuan. [2]


In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Weitang Street reached 410 million yuan, an increase of 12.8% over the previous year, and the agricultural added value accounted for 3.0% of the total output value of the whole street area. [2]
In 2011, Weitang Street produced 16412 tons of grain, including 11916 tons of rice and 1396 tons of wheat; The planting area of oil crops is 496 mu, and the rapeseed is 83 tons; The vegetable planting area is 35000 mu, and the output is 73985 tons, including 35000 tons of lettuce, 1540 tons of cattail, 1110 tons of tomato, 1240 tons of eggplant, 400 tons of asparagus, 300 tons of bingdou, and 153 tons of pumpkin. [2]
In 2011, the number of pigs raised in Weitang Street was 114500, with 41200 on hand at the end of the year; The number of sheep raised was 472, with 294 on hand at the end of the year; The number of poultry raised was 691600, and 372200 were listed. In 2011, 5236.0 tons of meat were produced, including 4674.0 tons of pork and 3.74 tons of mutton; 1797 tons of eggs; The total output value of animal husbandry is 100 million yuan, accounting for 24.4% of the total agricultural output value. [2]
In 2011, the fruit planting area of Weitang Street was 4593 mu, with an output of 7653 tons, including 4712 tons of watermelon and 755 tons of yellow peach. [2]
The fresh water surface available for aquaculture in Weitang Street is 1.51 square kilometers. In 2011, the area of fish pond aquaculture was 151 hectares, with an output of 550 tons; It has 49 fishing boats of various types, catching 245 tons of aquatic products; The total output of aquatic products is 795 tons; The total output value of fishery is 17 million yuan, accounting for 4.1% of the total agricultural output value. In 2011, there were 468 large agricultural machinery. [2]


In 2011, the total industrial output value of Weitang Street reached 14.61 billion yuan, an increase of 16.6% over the previous year, and the industrial added value accounted for 35.8% of the total output value of the whole street area. In 2011, there were 75 industrial enterprises above designated size, realizing an industrial added value of 1.22 billion yuan, an increase of 19.6% over the previous year. Among them, there were 7 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises, achieving an industrial added value of 260 million yuan, an increase of - 0.8% over the previous year. 23 enterprises with sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan. [2]

Commercial foreign trade

At the end of 2011, Weitang Street had 12000 commercial outlets. In 2011, the total sales of social goods reached 5.16 billion yuan, an increase of 19.8% over the previous year; The trade turnover of urban and rural fairs was 3.096 billion yuan, up 17.6% over the previous year. In 2011, the total import and export volume was 520 million US dollars, an increase of 29.3% over the previous year. Among them, imports were 130 million US dollars, up 40.9% over the previous year; Exports reached 390 million US dollars, up 25.8% over the previous year. The main products include wood products, clothing, electronics, hardware machinery (bearings), etc., which are sold to more than 20 countries and regions. [2]


In 2011, the balance of various deposits in Weitang Street was 970 million yuan, and the balance of various loans was 1.37 billion yuan. [2]
 Scenery of Weitang Street Scenery of Weitang Street Scenery of Weitang Street
Weitang Street

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 6 kindergartens in Weitang Street, with 2816 children and 252 full-time teachers; There are 4 primary schools with 4474 students and 220 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There is one junior high school, with 341 students and 34 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high school, the enrollment rate from primary school to junior high school, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%; There is one senior high school with 2034 students and 113 full-time teachers. One adult culture and technology school and seven private schools of all levels and types.
In 2011, the education fund of Weitang Street reached 67060000 yuan, an increase of 11.47% over the previous year. The education expenditure in the financial budget was 66 million yuan, an increase of 13.0% over the previous year, accounting for 7.6% of the total financial expenditure. [2]

Cultural undertakings

At the end of 2011, there were 1 cultural station and 11 village activity centers in Weitang Street; There are 16 public libraries (rooms) with 10000 books. Cultural festivals held include community cultural festival and Wuzhen Culture and Art Festival. [2]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Weitang Street had 4 medical and health institutions at all levels, 450 sickbeds, and a total value of fixed assets of 217 million yuan. There are 796 professional health personnel, including 281 licensed doctors, 32 licensed assistant doctors and 335 registered nurses. In 2011, medical institutions (above outpatient department) completed 1.026 million person times of diagnosis and treatment, 9988 inpatient operations, and 21232 discharged patients. In 2011, the incidence of notifiable infectious diseases was 920 million, the prevalence of safe drinking water in rural areas was 100%, and the prevalence of sanitary toilets in rural areas was 97.7%. 40777 people participated in the new rural cooperative medical system, with a participation rate of 99.0%. [2]

social security

In 2011, there were 279 urban minimum living security households in Weitang Street, with 429 people, and the expenditure was 1.157 million yuan, an increase of 0.2% over the previous year; The monthly average was 225 yuan, an increase of 1.7% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 226, with 366 people. The expenditure was 783000 yuan, up 3.7% over the previous year, and the monthly per capita was 178 yuan, up 1.6% over the previous year; 3536 person times of rural medical assistance, with an expenditure of 663600 yuan; 383 person times of temporary assistance in rural areas, with an expenditure of 10750 yuan; 51 people are provided with five guarantees in rural areas, with an expenditure of 320000 yuan; The civil affairs department funded 871 people to participate in the cooperative medical care, with an expenditure of 130000 yuan. One elderly care service center with 185 beds; One charity supermarket. 16 people were entitled to various kinds of state pension and subsidies, 96 veterans were paid resettlement compensation and compulsory soldiers' preferential treatment, and 1222000 yuan was spent on pension business expenses. At the end of 2011, 5930 people participated in urban and rural social endowment insurance, with a participation rate of 93%. [2]


There is 320 National Highway in Weitang Street.
 Map of Weitang Street Map of Weitang Street Map of Weitang Street
Satellite map, topographic map, electronic map

Historical culture

  • Origin of place names
Weitang Street is also called "Wutang" because the surname Wei and Wu lived here in the Song Dynasty. [2]