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Gao Yangcheng

The 25th King of Koguryo
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Gao Yangcheng (? - 590/597), Goguryeo The 25th king also served as Gaoyang City, Gaotang, the king of the plain, and the king of Yangxiang (see《 Historical Records of Japan 》)The King of Pinggang Shanghao and the King of Pinggang (see the Wang calendar of the Three Kingdoms Legacy) reigned from 559 AD to 590 AD (or 597 AD).
Full Name
Gao Yangcheng
Gaoyang, Gaotang, Gaoyangcheng
Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Koguryo nationality
Date of death
590 or 597
Yangyuan King Koheisei
Baby Yang King Gao Yuan

Character's Life

The King of Pingyuan, whose surname is Gao and name is Yangcheng, is a famous Chinese historian. The eldest son of Yangyuan Wang. The History of the Three Kingdoms records that "he was brave and good at riding and shooting." In the 13th year of King Yangyuan, Ding Chou (557), the King of Plains was appointed prince. In the spring of March, 559, the 15th year of the reign of King Yangyuan, the prince ascended the throne.
In the spring and February of the second year of Gengchen (560), the abolitionist emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty conferred the title of plain king envoy, Zhijie, to lead and protect Dongyi Xiaowei, Liaodong County Duke, and Korea King. The King of Plains came to Zuben (today's Huanren) to worship the Ancestor Temple. In March, the King of Plains returned to Chang'an City, the capital of the king, after his death. All the states and counties he passed were the same, except for two prisoners.
In the summer and April of Xinsi (561), three years ago, different birds gathered in the palace. June, flood. In November, envoys were sent to pay tribute to Chen.
Spring and February in the fourth year (562), Chen Wendi He was awarded General Wang Ningdong of Pingyuan.
Five years of Guiwei (563 years) in summer, a severe drought.
In the sixth year of Jiashen (564), envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Northern Qi Dynasty.
In 565, the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Yiyou, the first month of the spring, Prince Gao Yuan was appointed prince. Send envoys to pay tribute to the Northern Qi Dynasty.
In the winter of the eighth year of Bingxu (566), he sent envoys to pay tribute to Chen.
In the winter of the twelfth year of Gengyin (570), envoys were sent to pay tribute to Chen.
In the spring and February of Xinmao (571) in the 13th year, envoys were sent to pay tribute to Chen. In the autumn of July, he arrived in the land of the Tuohe River and returned to the capital of Wangdu after 50 days. In August, the palace was rebuilt. The locust drought, strike.
In the 15th year of Guisi (573), envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Northern Qi Dynasty.
In the first month of the spring of the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Jiawu (574), envoys were sent to pay tribute to Chen.
In the 19th year of Dingyou (577), envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The Emperor Gaozu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty appointed the King of Plains as Yitong, the Grand General, the founding Duke of Liaodong Prefecture, and the King of Liaodong. [1]
In the 23rd year of Xinchou (581), the spring and February were dark, and the stars were falling like rain. In autumn and July, frost and hail kill the valley. In winter and October, when the people were hungry, the King of the Plains patrolled and comforted them. In December, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty, and the Emperor Gaozu of the Sui Dynasty granted the Grand General of the Plains King and the Prefecture King of Liaodong.
In the first month of the spring of the 24th year of Renyin (582), envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty. In November, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty.
In the first month of the spring of Guimao (583) in the 25th year, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty. In summer and April, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty. In winter, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty.
In the 26th year, Jiachen (584) sent envoys to pay tribute to the Sui Dynasty.
In the 27th year of Yisi (585), envoys were sent to pay tribute to Chen.
In 586, the capital was moved to Chang'an City.
In the 31st year of Youyou (589), the Sui Dynasty destroyed Chen, and the king of the plain was afraid of it. It was the policy to control the army and accumulate the valley.
In the winter of the 32nd year of Gengxu (590), the King of the Plains, Hong, and the Crown Prince Gao Yuan ascended the throne.

Character controversy

The Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms records that King Hong of Pingyuan lived in the second year of the Sui and Pingchen dynasties, that is, the October of the lunar calendar in 590 AD. However, Sui Shu records that in the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Kaihuang, the Emperor of Sui granted Gao Tang with a seal. Tang Deshu was afraid and would give thanks in order to die. Ziyuan inherits. Then the King of Plains died in the year of Dingsi, 597 AD.
Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty granted Gao Tang the Seal
I accept the mandate of heaven, love education and command the land, appoint Wang Haiyu, publicize the Chaohua, and try to make a round head and square feet, each according to his heart. Every time the king sent envoys, they often paid tribute at the age of. Although they were called vassals, they were still honest. Since the king is a minister, he must share my virtue. Instead, he drives Mohe and forbids Khitan. All the vassals are my concubines. They are angry with the good people. What kind of poison is it? There are many workers in Taifu. Wang must have them. In the past, he used to sneak into wealth, move villains, secretly use crossbowmen, and flee to the country. Is it not to repair weapons with the intention of not Zang, for fear of being heard outside, so it is theft? When the envoy was appointed, he asked Wang Fan to ask him about his friendship and teach him political skills. Wang Nai sat in the empty hall and strictly defended it, so that he could never smell it. What kind of evil is there that people do not want to know, which prohibits lawsuits and fears their investigation? He also sent several horses to kill people in the border area, repeatedly galloped on treachery and scheming, acted in heresy, and refused to listen. I have learned from the common people that I am just like a child. I have given you a royal land and a royal rank. I am deeply grateful and famous. Is it true that the king is dedicated to unbelief, always suspicious of himself, always sending messengers to secretly target news, and the righteousness of pure officials? I don't know how to instruct Gaidang. Once the king has forgiven his wrongdoing, we must reform today. Keep the festival of vassals and ministers, obey the official's code, transform your vassals, do not disobey other countries, and enjoy wealth for a long time, which is really my heart. Although there are only a few people in the other side, the whole world is my minister. If we remove the king today, we should not empty it. We must choose more officials to appease him. Wang Ruo is easy to do. He leads the charter. He is a good minister of mine. Why not send a talented person? In the past, the emperors put benevolence and faith first, and rewarded good deeds and punished evil deeds. They have heard my edict from all over the world. If the king is innocent, I will suddenly increase the army and save the vassal state. What do you call me! The king will be modest, accept my intention, be careful not to doubt, and even more have different plans. Chen Shubao, who was in Jiangyin on behalf of others, killed people, alerted our beacons and plundered our border. After ten years of my warning, the people gathered in a corner outside the Yangtze River were arrogant and did not obey me. So I ordered him to leave the army. He was able to get rid of his enemies. His contacts were not full of ten months. There were no more than thousands of soldiers riding. Bu Kou of all previous dynasties was once clear, and he was known as Yi An and Xu Yue. Hearing the king's lamentation, he alone caused sorrow, dethroned Zhiyouming, had an official position, the king of sin was not for Chen's destruction, the king of reward was not for Chen's preservation, and the joy and misfortune were chaotic. What is your right? Wang said the Liao River is as wide as the Yangtze River? How many people of Korea, Chen? If I don't have any education, I will be responsible for the king's past mistakes and order a general. How can I do more! Conscientious advice, Xu Wang Zixin ears. It's better to win my heart and seek more blessings for yourself.