Gao Shi

Famous officials and frontier poets in the middle of the Tang Dynasty
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Gao Shi (704 [38 ] - 765, see details Character controversy Table of Contents), Zi Dafu, Bohai 蓨 (today Hebei Jingxian County )People. Anton Patronage Gao Kan He is the grandson of a famous official and frontier poet in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. [4]
Gao Shi lived in poverty in his early years and lived in his prime Liang and Song Dynasties One Belt Li Bai Du Fu Waiting for friends. Menstruation at the age of nearly 50 Zhang Jiugao [29] One of the recommended candidates, Daoke, entered the official career and served as Fengqiu County Captain. He resigned soon. Later Ge Shuhan Appreciation Hexi Shogunate by Secretary Zhang [30] An Shi Rebellion Worship Left handedness , turn official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries [48] Tongguan After the fall, he offered to guard Chang'an, but failed [41] , after the Emperor Xuanzong fled to the west, he was chased by Tao To serve as an official In Zhide and Yuanzai, Emperor Xuanzong granted all kings the right to conquer the world, and Gao Qiexi strongly advised them to rise official in charge of admonition and arbitration Later, he was summoned by Suzong to analyze the situation in Jiangdong. Suzong was curious and appointed imperial censor He also served as the Huainan provincial envoy, the chief of Yangzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office, and calmed the rebellion of Yongwang. [31-32] Gao Shi was an official, "outspoken with arrogance, with power standing close to his eyes", and a powerful eunuch Li Fuguo He disliked his talent and slandered him several times, so he was demoted to the crown prince Shaozhan [63] Later, he successively served as governor of Pengzhou, governor of Shuzhou, and envoy of Xichuan in Jiannan Free riding and regular attendants , Plus Yin Qing Guanglu Doctor , the marquis of the Bohai Sea. [27] The posthumous title is "Zhong". [28]
Gao Shi is an outstanding representative of the poets in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. His works not only carry the grand momentum of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but also show the characteristics different from other poets of the same era. After he failed in the first Chang'an examination, he chose to live in the middle of the Song Dynasty as a guest. At this time, the deep loss and sadness caused by the lack of talent and opportunity to serve the country made his works show a bleak and tragic artistic style. When traveling in Yanzhao, the poet saw many indignant things, and he wrote them with a sad mood《 Five Jimen Trips 》And a series of poems exposing the reality. When he lived in Qishang, he felt the pastoral life and wrote many realistic Landscape idyll Work. Author《 Biewei Joins the Army 》《 Yan Ge Xing 》《 Don't be Dongda 》《 Fengqiu [5-6] Listen to the flute at Wangqiyumen Pass 》《 Reward Councilor Pei with poems instead of letters 》《 Remnants of Du Er sent daily 》Etc.
Full Name
Gao Shi
Senior waiter
Posthumous title
the tang dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Bohai Sea (now Jingxian County, Hebei Province)
date of birth
704 [38 ]
Date of death
Key achievements
Outstanding representatives of poets in the flourishing Tang Dynasty
Main works
Collection of Senior Officials
Highest office
Free riding and regular attendants
Marquis of Bohai County
Posthumous gift
Minister of Rites

Character's Life


Early experience

Gao Shi was born in the first year of Wu Houjiushi (700 years) (see details Character controversy Table of Contents). [26]
Gao Shi's life before the age of 20 could not be explored in detail due to the lack of specific materials. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty · Biography of Gao Shi only records that "Shi was young and had no job, and his family was poor". In addition, according to Shi's "Bie Wei Joins the Army", "20 years old, you can travel west to Chang'an City. [79]
In the seventh year of Kaiyuan (719), Gao Shichu visited Chang'an. [26]
In the eighth year of Kaiyuan (720), he stayed in Chang'an. [26]
In the ninth year of the Kaiyuan era (721), Gao Shi returned from Chang'an in frustration, traveled to Liang and Song, and settled in Songzhou. Song City (now Shangqiu, Henan Province), cultivated and read for self support. [26]
In the 17th year of Kaiyuan (729)《 Four Bitter Snows 》Poetry. [26]

Travel northward

In the 18th year of the Kaiyuan era (730), in May, the powerful Khitan officials could suddenly kill the King of Khitan Li Shaogu , led his followers and coerced the Xi people to betray the Tang Dynasty and surrender to the Turks. King Xi Li Lusu Carry a wife Princess Donghua , Li Shaogu's wife Princess Dongguang Escape to the Tang Dynasty, and the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Khitan and Xi nationalities broke out in the northeast border. [76] Gao Shi heard about the border war this year or in the 19th year of the Kaiyuan era, so he went north to Yanzhao to look for opportunities to join the army, crossed Weizhou, arrived at Julu, and arrived at Youzhou and Jizhou on the front line in winter, and wrote "Ode to Three Juns" on the way《 Julu presents to Shaofu Li 》《 Reward Sikong [26] [77] Also made this year《 Four Kun seasons of bitter rain 》《 Farewell to the Three Scholars of Jin 》Etc. [26]
In the 19th year of the Kaiyuan era (731), we set out to go north to Youji at the latest this year. [77] [79] Do Yes《 Plug 》《 Yingzhou Song 》《 Judge Biefeng 》《 Put it on and listen to the flute 》Etc. [26] [77]
King Xin'an in the 20th year of Kaiyuan (732) Li Yi Breaking through the enemy, Gao Shizuo《 Shogunate Poems of King Xin'an 》To all the people under Li Yi's curtain, I asked for introductions without success. In the same year, he also wrote the poem "Five Jimen Poems". [26] [77]
In the 21st year of the Kaiyuan era (733) wang zhihuan Guo Mizhi Wait for old friends to exchange rewards, and during the period《 Reward Shaofu Li 》《 Make it in the guest house when delivering it to Shaofu Li 》《 The reason why Jimen did not meet Wang Zhihuan and Guo Mi was to keep it as a gift 》Etc. In the winter of the same year, I was disappointed and returned to the south《 Returning from Jibei 》Poetry. [26]
Or Yun Gaoshi went north to Youji and joined the army. [78]
In the 22nd year of the Kaiyuan era (734), he returned to the middle of the Song Dynasty from the north to the south of Ji, and traveled all the way to visit local officials Weiji Xue Ju wait forsomeone. During《 With Zhu Wuti, Lu Shijun Yijing 》《 Zhending is to serve and present Wei Shijun with twenty-eight rhymes 》《 Handan Youth Tour 》《 Biewei V 》《 Pay farewell to Xue San, Cai Da, stay in Jane, and Han 14, the director 》《 Boarding Tian Family 》Etc. In the winter of the same year, Liang Qia Death. Gao Shizuoyou《 Cry for Single Father, Liang Jiu, Shaofu 》Poetry mourns. [26]

Chang'an Examination

In the 23rd year of Kaiyuan (735), he went to Chang'an to take an exam and failed. In the same year《 Li Bieqiao 》《 Send Liu Pingshi as Judge Shuofang and get Ma Sisi 》Etc. [26]
In the 24th year of Kaiyuan (736), he made friends with celebrities in Chang'an Zhang Xu People travel together. In the same year《 Give Zhang Jiuxu after getting drunk 》《 Yanweishihu Mountain Pavilion 》Etc. [26]
In the 25th year of Kaiyuan (737), Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan wang changling Feast tour. Gao Shi's poems have begun to be sung. In the same year《 Listen to the flute at Wangqiyumen Pass 》《 Judge Dugu sent troops 》Etc. [26]
Twenty sixth year of Kaiyuan (738) Zhang Shouxuan Concealing the failure and corruption in the army, combined with the previous experience of going north to Youji, wrote the poem "Yan Ge Xing". In the autumn of the same year, I left Chang'an to go back to the middle of the Song Dynasty and stayed in Luoyang on the way. In the same year《 Tongxiong Shaofu Titles Lu's Book, Mao Zhai 》《 Send Cui Record to Xuancheng 》《 It's a gift for the master book of Cen 20 at autumn night 》Etc. [26]

Wandering around

In the 27th year of the Kaiyuan era (739), after the middle of the Song Dynasty, he was lonely and unhappy. And Fangguan Travel together. In the autumn of the same year, Wenshang, together with Du Fu Travel together. In the same year《 Mr. Yu Chonghe 》Farewell to the Sun《 My roommate, the new pavilion in the Imperial Garden, traveled with Judge Xing 》《 Send Xiao Shiba and the chamberlain back 》《 Send it to the Fifth Lord of Meng 》《 In the middle of the Song Dynasty, Uncle Bie Si Gong gave one thing to Shangqiu 》"In the Song Dynasty, when sending off the family nephew style Yan, Doctor Zhang demoted to Kuozhou to make people summon style Yan, so he wrote this work"《 Send off your nephew's face again 》《 Three songs on Dongping Road 》Etc. [26]
In the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740), Gao Shi went to Xiangzhou for sightseeing. In the same year《 Don't be a Lieutenant Geng 》《 Title: Yuchi General's New Temple 》Etc. [26]
In the autumn of the first year of Tianbao (742), Gao Shi left Qishang and went to the sliding platform. In the same year《 Tian's Spring View 》《 Don't Miss Zhang 》《 Thirteen songs on the way from Qi to the Yellow River 》《 Fisherman's Song 》《 Tongqun official title: Tian Family, Shaofu, Zheng 》Etc. [26]
In the second year of Tianbao (743), he stayed on the sliding platform in spring and returned to Suiyang in summer Li Yong , Li Shaokang, etc. In the same year《 Goodbye to Wes 》The Book of Remuneration to Hong Lu and Pei Zhuyang《 Send Chai Sihu as Judge Liu Qing 》Play with Han Sixue in the Sandong Pavilion《 Li Taishou's Residence at the October Morning Feast of Tongqun Gonggong 》《 Meet Lin Xiyang in the middle of the Song Dynasty, and they are different 》《 Reward Suiyang Li Taishou 》《 Painting Horses 》《 Chant the whip 》His poems include Feng He Juan Fu. [26]
In the spring of the third year of Tianbao (744), Gao Shi traveled between Suiyang and Chen Liujian. In the same summer Li Bai Du Fu He ascended the stage to compose poems and roamed the Liang and Song Dynasties. In summer and autumn, the single father, together with Li Bai and Du Fu, ascended the zither stage and hunted Meng Zhuze. Another visit to Yangtai Palace in Wangwu Mountain Sima Chengzhen [37] At the end of autumn, you will travel eastward from Daliang to Xiangben, where you will live in the Fan family, passing through Yixian County, Fuli, Lingbi, Pengcheng, Surabaya, Xuyi, Huaiyin. In the same year《 Early Spring Banquet with Li Sicang Suiyang East Pavilion 》《 Send Shaofu Tian to demote Cangwu 》《 Send Yang Mountain People to Songyang 》《 To Cai Shanren 》《 Send Liu Ming's Residence in Yucheng to pay a visit to the Prefecture of Wei, the Chief Miao 》《 Shan's father got a gift for covering the warehouse when he met Deng's warehouse 》"Three Poems Written by Deng Zijian at Qin Hall"《 Observing the stele of Zhu Shu Mizi's humble shrine in Li Jiu's residence 》《 Gongqun ascends the zither stage in autumn 》《 Tongqun Gongti Zhang Chushi Vegetable Garden 》《 Different from Li Jingshen on the platform at night 》《 Ten Songs in the Middle Song Dynasty 》《 Song Zhongbei, Zhou Liang, Li Sanzi 》《 It's a gift from Shaofu Li on the way 》He also wrote "Ode to the Eastern Expedition". [26]
In the autumn of the fourth year of Tianbao (745), Gaoshi traveled northwest from Surabaya to Dongping. Wenyang, Lujun, Qufu, etc. In the same year《 Lianshang Title Fan's Water Pavilion 》《 Farewell to Wang Xiucai in Lianshang 》"Praise of the Lion in Shaofu Hall of Fan"《 Luxi Dongping 》《 Dongping left it to Di Sima 》Farewell to Judge Peng Zhongcheng in the Eight Chongs of the Song Dynasty《 Flood in Dongping Road 》《 Meeting Xu Shiba on the way to Lu County 》《 Autumn Hu Xing 》《 Send Shaofu Cai to Dengzhou 》《 Send Chushi Guo to Laiwu and send Gou Shanren 》《 Tongqun Gongti Zhongshan Temple 》Etc. [26]
In the summer of the fifth year of Tianbao's reign (746 years), he was summoned by Li Yong to Linzi County to meet Li Bai and Du Fu again. Later, he followed Li Yong to Beihai Prefecture. In the same year《 Pay for the summer Pingyin Pavilion of Li Taishou's father-in-law in Beihai 》《 Boating Banquet with Li Taishou at Beichi, Gaoping, Zheng Taishou 》《 Go out to hunt in the sea 》《 Judge He Lan Wang Beihai makes 》Etc. [26]
Gao Shi's representative poem Farewell to Dong Da
Tianbao was in Dongping in the spring of the sixth year (747). He soon returned to Suiyang and communicated with his old friend Cui and others. In the winter of the same year, I got together with Dong Lingwang and others. [26] In the same year《 Shaofu Li Cai, Qianwei County, Dongping 》《 Dongping Tourism Presents Xue Taishou with Twenty four Charms 》《 Don't, Major Cui 》《 Go up to the Chuqiu City with the Second Young Master Cui 》《 Farewell Wang Che 》《 Present Cui Er to Xiaogu 》"Farewell after Cui Er"《 Difference between Song Zhong and Secretary Liu 》《 Song Zhong Bie Li Ba 》《 Don't be Dongda 》Etc. [27]
Tianbao lived in Suiyang for seven years (748 years) and was poor. In the same year《 Song Zhongyu and Chen Er 》《 The difference between Yan Guo and Xiao Shu 》《 Reward Pei Xiucai 》《 sing of or versify historic events 》Etc. [27]

Ren Fengqiu

In the spring of the eighth year of Tianbao (749) Liu Yuxu Changqing Communication. Suiyang Imperial Guard Zhang Jiugao Surprised by Gao Shi's talent, he recommended him to take the exam of Taoism. In the exam, he was appointed as Fengqiu County Lieutenant. [29] In early autumn, he took office in Fengqiu. In the same year《 Don't write to Senior Colonel Liu 》《 Sui Yang Rewards the Judge Chang 》《 Chen Zuoxiang left the ancient Yuefu Feilong Song 》《 Leave Li Youxiang 》《 Leave Zheng Sanwei, Jiu and Luo Xiagong 》 《 First time Fengqiu 》《 Major Tahou 》In addition, he wrote Xie Fengqiu County Captain List. [27]
In the first half of the ninth year of Tianbao's reign (750 years), when he was a county captain in Fengqiu, he was depressed and felt painful for the daily life of the county captain who followed the officials and oppressed the people. [60] In the autumn of the same year, soldiers were sent to Qing Yi Army , out of Puyang, and Shen Qianyun Meet. Then it went north through Hejian and Boling, and reached Jibei in winter. After completing the task of sending troops, return to Jimen for the Spring Festival. In the same year《 Same as Chen Liucui's early spring banquet in Pengchi 》Fengqiu County《 Fengqiu 》《 Farewell to Shen Siyi 》《 Give back the mountain chant and send it to Shen Sishan 》《 Tongqugong ascends the pavilion of Puyang Holy Buddha Temple 》《 Reward the younger brother of the secretary and send the heroes under the curtain 》《 Send troops to Jibei 》"Making Three Qing Yi Soldiers Live in the Temple"《 Thistle 》《 Farewell to the King's Seventeen Governors 》《 Eliminate night work 》Etc. [27]
In the spring of 751, Tianbao left Jibei and returned to Fengqiu via Heqi. In the same year, he wrote "Respect for the Eight Lus and the Five Rivers"《 Piyang City 》"Tongyan Shaofu Visiting Officials in Autumn", "Paying Youyan Shaofu on September 9"《 Presented by Suiyang Road Chief 》Etc. [27]

West curtain of entering the river

In the autumn of the eleventh year of Tianbao (752), he resigned and went to Chang'an, [29] And Cui Hao Chu Guangxi qiwu qian Censhen Du Fu Xue Ju Others sing and entertain. At the end of autumn, recommended by Tian Liangqiu, I went to Hexi Shogunate, Deng Longshan , first come Wu Wei , via Changsong, to Lintao , none Ge Shuhan Go to Longyou Jiedu Envoy Resident departments and states Xiping County Finally, I met Ge Shuhan. Ge Shuhan thought Gao Shi was a prodigy, so he asked Ren Gaoshi to be Cao, the guard of Zuo Xiao, and serve as the head secretary of Ge Shuhan's house. In the winter of the same year, he joined the DPRK with Ge Shuhan tang xunzong Gao Shi was praised in front of me. [30] In the same year, he wrote The Story of New Posthouse in Shangyuan, Chenliu County《 On the Temple of Dong Zhuo, a Thief Official in the Later Han Dynasty 》Wen. Order to have《 Cui Silu's Residence Yan Dali, Li Qing 》《 The floating picture of Tongzhugong climbing Ci'en Temple 》《 Together with Xue Sizhi and Zhugong, we can see the works of Nanshan in the Qujiang River after autumn 》《 With Li Jiushi and Cao Guan's mural cloud painting 》《 With Councilor Cui, I don't want to pick up anything. Nine day banquet, Li Shicao, of Jingzhao Mansion 》《 Yuzhen Princess Song 》《 Send Shaofu Li to Changsha and Shaofu Wang to Changsha 》《 Send Zhang Yao to Wuxi Wei 》Gift to Renhua《 Farewell 》《 Don't be a jerk 》《 Send Jian Xiucai to Lintao 》《 Send Li Shiyu to Anxi 》《 Send Pei Biejiang to Anxi 》《 Send Zheng Shiyu to Minzhong 》《 Send to Judge Dong 》《 Send General Hun out of the fortress 》《 Send Bai Shaofu to Longyou 》"Climbing the Ridge"《 Two songs about climbing Baizhang Peak 》《 A trip to the eastern boundary of Songchang 》《 Go to Lintao from Wuwei to pay a visit to the doctor. It's not enough to send him to Xilong immediately 》Etc. [27]
In April of the 12th year of Tianbao (753), it was still in Chang'an, and soon returned Hexi , followed Ge Shuhan to attack Tibet, and in May, we learned that Chinese Yellow River tribe [74-75] (Note: The place of Jiuqu is the dowry of Princess Jincheng and her relatives Tubo. It has been the springboard for Tubo to invade the Tang Dynasty for more than 40 years, so Ge Shuhan sent troops to recover [61 ] [62] )。 After the war, back to the stone army. Autumn, back Hexi , travel with Dou Shiyu. In the same year《 Li Yunan's Poems on the Barbarians 》《 Jincheng North Building 》《 Together with Councillor Li, he congratulated Dr. Shu on breaking the Nine Melodies 》《 Corkscrew 》Untitled《 Written with Councilor Lv, who paid Tian a fee, to work in the west of Panshan in autumn night 》"Seven level floating picture of Duofu with Judge Lv from Doctor Ge Shu breaking through Hongji City back to Jishi Army"《 Send Li Shiqi to Hexi 》"Poems of Accompanying Dou Shi and Yu Ling at Yunnan Pavilion Feast"《 Three Songs of Nine Melodies 》Etc. [27]
Tianbao spent 13 years (754 years) in the Hexi shogunate. In the same year, he wrote "Wu Wei Passes Yang Qishan People with the Princes"《 Tribal music 》《 Fengji Plain Yan Taishou 》Wait for poems and make them have《 Embroider the praise of Ashoka 》Wen. [27]
The 14th year of Tianbao (755 years), November, An Shi Rebellion In December, the court called Ge Shuhan to fight against the rebellion [47] , then he paid homage to Gao Shi for the left, turned to the imperial inspector, and assisted him to guard Tongguan [48-49] About the end of this year, he will also serve as the Chief Executive of Jiang County for a short time, leaving Hedong. [50 ] In the same year《 Listen to Master Jiusi's Vajra Sutra with Chief Marshal Ma 》《 Send Judge Xiao to bestow Huang Huashu 》Etc. [27]
In the first half of the year, Zuo Ge Shuhan guarded Tongguan Pass. In June, Tongguan was lost. Gao Shi returned to Chang'an and suggested Xuanzong take out the property in the imperial palace warehouse and recruit people who dare to die to defend Chang'an [39-40] , and volunteered to lead the children of officials and recruited heroes to Chang'an, but all the officials objected and Xuanzong didn't accept it. [39] [41] After Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty fled to the west, Gao Shi galloped west from Luogu to Hechi County《 The situation of Chen Tongguan's defeat 》It was extremely said that the imperial court was corrupt in military and political affairs and was praised by Xuanzong. Soon, he was promoted to the rank of official historian and went to Sichuan with Xuanzong. [31] In July, Emperor Xuanzong appointed the crown prince Li Heng as the marshal of the world's army and the envoy of the four towns, ordered him to recover Chang'an and Luoyang, and appointed Yongwang Li Lin as the envoy of the four towns, and Shengwang Li Qi as the envoy of the four towns Guangling Dudu Governor, Sanzhen Festival Envoy, Fengwang Li Gong by Wu Wei The governor and the four town envoys ordered that all the goods and materials should be supplied by their own routes, and the kings could appoint their own subordinate officials and local county officials. [51] Gao Shi strongly advised Xuanzong not to do so, and Xuanzong refused. [32] [52] This month, the crown prince Li Heng was located in Lingwu for the sake of Suzong and the supreme virtue of the Yuan Dynasty. [53]

Out of town Huainan

In the year 756, in August, the envoy of Suzong entered Sichuan, and Xuanzong officially passed the throne. [54] In the same month, Gao Shi was promoted to official in charge of admonition and arbitration [31] In November, Suzong summoned Yongwang Li Lin to visit Shu, but Li Lin refused to obey. When Suzong heard Gao Shi's advice, he summoned him to discuss countermeasures. Gao Shi analyzed the situation in Jiangdong and asserted that Li Lin would be defeated. Suzong felt extraordinary after hearing it. In December, Gao Shi, who was also the official of the Imperial Historian, the chief of Yangzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office, and the envoy of Huainan, led the twelve counties including Guangling, and together with Wei Zhi and Laitian, they put down the Jianghuai Rebellion. At the end of the year, Li Lin attacked the Tang army in the east of Jiangnan, and the Jianghuai earthquake hit. Gao Shi, Wei Zhi and Lai Tian joined forces in Anlu and swore to attack Li Lin. [32] [55 ] [56]
In the second year of the Zhide era (757), at the beginning of the year, he was in Guangling (the headquarters of the Huainan provincial envoy) [57] )On《 Thank Huainan Festival Envoy 》。 In the first month, when I heard that An Lushan died, I went to the table《 He Anlu Mountain Death Watch 》Praise, and request to lead the Northern Expedition immediately. [42 ] At the same time, he adopted differentiation tactics against Li Lin, wrote letters to his generals to clarify the situation and interests, and asked them to leave Li Lin and leave a way for themselves. Knowing that there was no future with Li Lin, several senior generals under Li Lin left him together. The army collapsed without fighting, and Li Lin himself was killed. [55 ] [57-59]
When yes, Suiyang Defense Battle underway, Zhang Xun Xu Yuan Adhere to the isolated city for ten months, Henan provincial envoy He Lan Jinming And Henan Duzhi Military Envoy Xu Shuji Both of them belong to the same family Henan Road Suiyang of [43] , Gao Shi wrote the book He Lan Jinming and Xu Shuji, and Rewarding Henan Provincial Festival Envoy, Doctor Helan Shi hoped that they would put aside their past grievances and help Suiyang together, but there was no response. [43-44] August, Zhang Hao Dai Helan entered the Ming Dynasty as a provincial envoy in Henan. In October, Gao Shi led the Huainan headquarters to rescue Suiyang with Zhang Hao, but when the reinforcements arrived, the city had been lost for three days. [42 ] [43] [45-46]
In the spring of the first year of Qianyuan (758), due to the power of officials Li Fuguo Hate Gao Shi's talent and dare to speak frankly, repeatedly slander him, and Gao Shi is Leftward migration For the young Zhan in the East Capital Prince's Mansion. [33] [63] In April, I left Guangling and passed through Songzhou and Bianzhou to Luoyang, Stay in the company Dongdu. [27] At this time, the prince Li Yu I have followed Suzong in Chang'an for a long time, and Gao Shi's arrival in Luoyang is actually a leisure. [64] In the same year《 Climb the Qiling Temple Pagoda in Guangling 》《 Farewell to Zheng Chushi in Guangling 》《 Tongqun Gongsu Kaishan Temple presents Chen Shizhi's residence 》《 On the stele of Chen Sixteen Historians 》《 Send Cui Gongcao to Vietnam 》《 Farewell to Chu Shanren 》Wait for poems and make them have《 Return to Beijing Suiyang Memorial Ceremony to Zhang Xun and Xu Yuanwen 》。 [27]

Shuzhong is an official

In March of the second year of Qianyuan (759), Tang Jun Xiangzhou Lose in the battle, with high comfort Tokyo The remaining officials headed south to Xiang and Deng. May, bye Pengzhou Assassin. From Xiangzhou to Shangjin, enter Wuguan, go to Chang'an to meet Tang Suzong, and then go to Pengzhou to take office. At the beginning of June, arrived at Pengzhou office《 Thank you for the governor of Pengzhou 》。 In the autumn, Gao Shi received a poem from Lang Peiba, a member of the Ministry of Officials《 Reward Councilor Pei with poems instead of letters 》Answer is the longest poem for Gao Shi in his life. At the end of the year, when Du Fu arrived in Chengdu, Gao Shi wrote immediately《 Supplement to Du Er 》Greetings, Du Fu《 Reward the high envoy 》Thank you. This is the year, and it still has《 Qin Zhong Sends Li Jiu to Vietnam 》《 A trip to Pengzhou 》《 Having a night drink with Henan Li Shao and Yin Bi, Yuan Wai, Luoyang won the victory, so he wrote a song of spring wine 》《 Tongxian painted horse songs at Yuan Bi's house in Luoyang 》Etc. [27] [64]
One of the comic strips about Gao Shi's story that appeared in Yangzhou
In the first year of the Shangyuan era (760), "On the garrison of the three cities in Xishan" was published [64] (also known as《 Please leave Dongchuan's envoy [64] , "The Three Cities in the Western Mountains Are Garrisoned" [66 ] )Previously, Emperor Xuanzong divided Jiannan into Xichuan and Dongchuan when he left Sichuan, and increased troops to defend the three cities (Songshan, Weizhou and Baozhou) on the border [64] [65 ] Gao Shi pointed out that the transportation of military rations at the border of Jiannan Road is not enough with the help of the whole Sichuan Province and Shannan Road. Today, only Chengdu, Peng, Shu and Han are able to collect taxes in Xichuan. These four states are dilapidated and destitute, but they have to bear the heavy taxes and corvee of ten other states. In addition, those who are highly profitable try their best to squeeze them. Officials are afraid of taking responsibility and urge them to do their utmost. The people who flee cannot stop, A large number of Guan sergeants flowed into Sichuan, which added to the burden of Sichuan. "There is no limit to poor taxation". In order to save the suffering of the people, Gao Shi put forward two suggestions. First, shorten the battle line, let the people rest day and night, and temporarily reduce the garrison of the three cities in Xishan, which is "not enough for the benefit of the army, but not enough for the benefit of the army." Second, if you think that the land you have defended cannot be abandoned, you should revoke the organizational system of Dongchuan and merge the eastern and western Sichuan into one, Uniformly dispatch the power of Jiannan to fight against Tubo. Suzong did not take Gao Shi's advice. [64] [65-66 ] In the autumn of the same year, Du Fu wrote《 Because Cui Wushi sent Gao Pengzhou 》Ask Gao Shi for help. In September, Gao Shi was transferred Shuzhou Assassin. [27]
The second year of Shangyuan (761) Man day , Question《 Remnants of Du Er sent daily 》Poems are presented to Du Fu. In Xia Dynasty, Duan Zizhang, the governor of Zizhou, rebelled. Li Huan, the governor of Dongchuan, was defeated and fled to Chengdu. Li Ju, the governor of Suizhou and the king of Guo, was killed. Mianzhou and Jianzhou fell. Gao Shi led his troops to beg Duan Zizhang from Cui Guangyuan, the governor of Xichuan, and beheaded him. [34] [80] In the winter of the same year, I visited Du Fu Thatched Cottage with Wang Wan. During this period, Du Fu went to Shuzhou several times to rely on Gao Shi. [27]
In April of the first year of Baoying (762), Suzong died and the crown prince Li Yu ascended the throne [81] , is for Daizong. In July, Jiannan Military Envoy Xu knew that while Strict martial law The opportunity to return to Beijing was to raise troops and rebel. "We exhausted our treasuries, smeared coal on Li and Min, and then used our guns to kill poisons... Not many days ago, we destroyed a corner. The suburbs were empty, and the market was like a sweep." And Chen Bing tried to prevent Yan Wu from returning to Beijing. Gao Shi started his army in Shuzhou. He knew that Xu was killed by his subordinates in August. Gao Shi saves malpractices and wounds, pacifies the place《 He Zhan the Rebel Xu Zhiming 》。 [82 ] [83]
In February of the first year of Guangde (763), Gao Shi was appointed Jiannan Xichuan Festival Envoy , Photography Dongchuan Festival Envoy , top《 Thank you for Jiannan Festival Envoy 》, indicating that they are willing to do their utmost to be loyal to their duties and share the concerns of the country and the people [18] , but at the same time, I hope the imperial court will elect talents again and entrust the southwest to return to Beijing in his old age. [67] In the summer of that year, the situation in Xichuan became increasingly tense, and the High School was specially stationed in Xichuan Jiedu District, Jiannan. Dongchuan set up another post of post (acting as Jiedu envoy), which was assumed by Zhang Yi, the governor of Zizhou. [68] In July, Tubo took all Hexi Longyou Land, approach Chang'an Gao Shi trained in Shu and led the army to appear in Tubo He tried to contain the Tibetan army in the southern border of Tibet, but he failed to succeed. In December, under the attack of Tubo, the three cities in Xishan (Songzhou, Weizhou and Baozhou) fell due to lack of food and grass, and the two newly built cities in Yunshan also fell. [35] [69-70]

Return to Beijing to be a marquis

In the first month of the second year of Guangde (764), the emperor issued a decree to merge the eastern, southern and western Sichuan provinces of Jian into one [71] , Appointment Strict martial law In order to be a thrifty envoy, Gao Shi was ordered to return to Beijing. [36] Gao Shiyue returns to Chang'an in March [72 ] , migration assistant minister of ministry of punishments , turn Free riding and regular attendants , the official rank was upgraded from the third grade to the first grade Yin Qing Guanglu Doctor , was granted as Marquis of Bohai County, with 700 households in Shiyi. [36] [85 ] According to, it was in May of that year that the imperial edict of "Add the rank of regular attendants of free riding" was issued on behalf of the emperor, saying that he highly valued the position of regular attendants of free riding, and ordered to add more regular attendants of free riding, and upgrade their rank to the top three (originally from the top three [86] ), recommended by the province under the book. [73] [84]
Gao Shi died in the first month of the first year of Yongtai (765). [27] He was posthumously awarded as Minister of the Ministry of Rites, with the posthumous title of "Zhong". [28]

Main impacts



Gao Shi is responsible for advising doctors. Prime Minister Fangguan It is suggested that Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty should divide the country by kings, and Gao Shih should strongly admonish him, because this would most easily lead to the kings supporting the army and separatism, which would not only be conducive to pacifying the rebellion of An Shi, but also lead to the internal strife among the kings and the division of the country. The faint Emperor Xuanzong of Tang believed Fang Guanzhi's plan. Soon, in the first year of Emperor Suzong's Zhide of the Tang Dynasty (756), the Yongwang Li Lin, who had four armies and sealed thousands of miles of the frontier, rebelled against Jinling, just as Gao Shi had expected. Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty appointed Gao Shi as the Huainan envoy. When he unified the army to participate in the counter insurgency, Gao Shi adopted a differentiation strategy against the rebels. He dispatched troops in December of that year, and in February of the next year (757), the rebellion was pacified. [25]
In the second year of the Qianyuan era (759), when there was turmoil in Sichuan, Gao Shi was successively appointed governor of Shuzhou and Pengzhou. Gao Shi found that the Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty had previously divided Jiannan into two envoys in the east and the west, which made the people tired of scheduling and uneven service. He was "a man who trapped the whole of Sichuan with bullets". The chaos of An Shi was still unresolved, and "if the people of Sichuan were disturbed, the court would be worried". Gao Shili remonstrated and corrected, but Tang Suzong refused to listen. Deputy envoy of Zizhou in the second year of Shangyuan (761) Duan Zizhang On the contrary, Pengzhou soldiers with a high rate of comfort were dispatched from Xichuan Cui Guangyuan Chop it. Cui Guangyuan's tooth general, Hua Jingding, took the opportunity to visit Eastern Shu. Tang Suzong angrily dismissed Cui Guangyuan as a provincial envoy and appointed Gao Shi as the provincial envoy of Chengdu Yin and Jiannan Xichuan. In the first year of Zongbaoying in the Tang Dynasty (762), Xu, a military envoy in Jiannan, knew that there was a rebellion. Gao Shi broke it down, and Jiannan was flat. The Tubo bordering Jiannan, when the Tang Dynasty encountered the An Shi Rebellion, continued to invade, not only captured Longyou, but also harassed the capital. Gao Shi trained his troops in Shu and led them to press the southern border of Tubo to contain them. But in the end, due to the great disparity in strength, the teacher had no success. [25]


Gao Shi's poems have a wide range of subjects, rich content and strong realism. There are mainly the following categories:
1、 Frontier poems
Gao Shi's Poems by Wang Jing, a Calligrapher and Painter
Gao Shi made three trips to the frontier and created a large number of frontier poems, pushing the creation of frontier poems to the peak and becoming the leader of frontier poems in the flourishing Tang Dynasty. Most of Gao Shi's frontier poems were written during his trip to Jibei and the period of entering the Hexi shogunate. Gao Shi did not really join the army during his first two trips to the fortress, and lacked deep experience of military life. However, Gao Shi's strong sense of hardship made him pay close attention to the sufferings of his soldiers, analyze border defense issues from a political perspective, and put forward opinions. At this time, the works mainly include《 Plug 》Five Jimen Songs《 Send troops to Jibei 》《 Yan Ge Xing 》"Making Qing Yi Army into Juyong Three Poems", etc. [20]
Gao Shizhi Hexi enter Longyou Jiedu Envoy Ge Shuhan Shogunate , officially started military life. He once again faced the reality and thought deeply in the eyes of a politician. The poem is impassioned, full of lofty aspirations to serve the country and secure the border, eulogizing the patriotic feelings of the soldiers who fought bravely against the enemy, and full of pity and sympathy for the soldiers. His works in Hexi mainly include《 Corkscrew 》《 Three Songs of Nine Melodies 》《 Send Li Shiqi to Hexi 》"Wu Wei Passes Yang Qishan People with the Princes"《 He Dou Shiyu's work of climbing Liangzhou's seven level floating chart 》《 A trip to the eastern boundary of Songchang 》"Sending Shaofu Bai to Longxi"《 Jincheng North Building 》《 Send General Hun out of the fortress 》《 Tribal music 》《 Put it on and listen to the flute 》Etc. [20]
Chen Duo of the Yuan Dynasty said in the Book of Songs that "Gao Shi's poems are based on quality". The so-called "principle" refers to Gao Shi's insight into the world with the eyes of politicians, calm observation, in-depth thinking with a sense of social responsibility, and his poems have a broad anti European scope and profound theme; The so-called "quality" means that the language of his frontier poems is simple and unadorned; More direct expression of feelings, or more comments. [20]
① Principal
Gao Shi's frontier fortress poetry "theme" reflects what he saw and heard and calm thinking in the frontier fortress life in a political tone. It has a wide range of reflection, rich ideological connotation and profound theme. [20]
"Don't hesitate to die for thousands of miles, and you will succeed in one day. Draw the Qilin Pavilion, and enter the Ming Guang Palace of the Imperial Court." ("Lower Song of the Frontier Fortress") "Long strategies must be used, and men should not care about themselves", "Shallow talent can climb a life, and a lone sword can reach thousands of miles", "The general army can sweep the desert, and catch Shan Yu in a battle. Always be grateful, and be willing to follow the example of Zongmo." The lofty ambition to serve the country and secure the border, and the positive and enterprising optimism, Penetrate the praise of the soldiers fighting for the country, showing a strong sense of patriotism and national pride. "In iron clothing, we have been working hard for a long time", "We will succeed in the future even if we are willing to die for thousands of miles", "We will never respect our honor when we die because of the endless blood." (Yange Xing) extols the patriotic integrity of the soldiers who protect their families and defend the country and "break down the disabled thieves". Sending General Hun Out of the Frontier describes the vast and dangerous battlefield of the frontier fortress and the hard life of the soldiers, and praises the heroic spirit of the soldiers who fought in bloody battles and ignored their own death. It expresses the theme of heroism, and is permeated with the spirit of the times, which is unique to the flourishing Tang Dynasty. "The first half of the soldiers are dead and alive, while the beautiful people still sing and dance under their tents" (Yan Ge Xing), revealing that the side generals are extravagant and dissolute, and do not sympathize with the soldiers, and the soldiers in the army suffer and enjoy injustice. "When you are gracious, you often underestimate the enemy, and when you do your best, you still haven't broken through the mountain" (Yange Xing), expressing the anxiety and indignation of being handsome while overlooking the enemy's mistakes and calming down in adversity. "Young women want to be heartbroken in the south of the city, and the conscripts look back in the north sky" ("Yan Ge Xing"), expressing their indignation and indignation at the conscripts' long garrison and difficulty in returning. Jimen Writings reflects the hardships brought by the successive wars to the soldiers at the border from different aspects of life, and describes the life of the soldiers in the army with great differences in pain and happiness; "Five Jimen Songs" exposed and denounced the abnormal phenomenon of "garrison soldiers are tired of dross, and reduce the number of people living in the frontier"; Major Tahou 》Describing the sad scene of "border soldiers are like cud dogs, and the battle bones become dust", he expressed his deep sympathy for the soldiers. "Going out of the Lulong Pass in the east, you can feel lonely. The pavilion and the Houli are lined up for thousands of miles, and the Han soldiers are still armed with Hu. The border dust is full of the Northern Ming Dynasty, and the captive cavalry is driving south. Turning the bucket is not a long-term strategy, and making friends is not a long-term plan. But in the past, General Li, according to the festival, was in this city." It wrote the grim fact that the Youji generation suffered from serious border problems, discussed the border strategy, and pointed out that fighting with the enemy for a long time is not a long-term strategy, and "making friends" is not a long-term plan. Recalling Li Guang, It is a good policy to appoint good generals to pacify the frontier fortress. [20]
② Quality
The elegant frontier poems are simple in language, not fake, rich and elegant, "in the dark, the ancient flavor still exists". Realistic line drawing, which serves to express the author's thoughts and feelings, is the main feature of Gao Shi's frontier poems. Gao Shi pays attention to the integrity of the ideological content and textual structure of poetry, and describes the reality in the way of line drawing. The language is simple and can convey the meaning. Gao Shi's "Yan Ge Xing" wrote about the army's appearance: "The golden drums cut down at the Yuguan Pass, and the banners and banners ran across the Jieshi room.
Gao Shi's Creation of Frontier Fortress Poems narration interspersed with comments , expressing subjective emotions and feelings in narration. Yan Ge Xing is written in the way of interlocution, which includes both the narration of the war scenes and the argumentative subjective views and feelings. In his narration, he expressed the author's sigh and indignation, and condemned the frontier generals' behavior of not caring for soldiers. Gao Shi's frontier poems do not pay attention to the description of the frontier scenery. Even if there is one, it is also a prelude to lyricism. For example, "The border town is in November, with heavy rain and snow", "The snow is far away from the sky, and the garrison troops are worried about the fortress", "At the entrance of the ancient town, the wind and the sun set behind the fortress. There are no birds on the rocks, but the ice and snow are far behind the horses", describing the snow and the fortress wind as a foil to express their feelings about the sad life of the military. [20]
In a word, Gao Shi observed the military life in the frontier fortress from the perspective of a politician, and his frontier fortress poems were "subjective", reflecting profound reality, rich connotation, and made great achievements. Gaoshi's frontier poems are "quality oriented", and the language is not fake, but simple and honest. Gaoshi's frontier poems are vigorous in writing, solemn and stirring in style and gloomy and desolate. [20]
2、 Political Lyrics
Throughout Gao Shi's political lyric poems, in his early poems trapped among the people, we can see a clearer political point of view: in Gao Shi's mind, "the Son of Heaven hangs his clothes like a feast, and the temple has no argument. The common people Yan recuperates in battle, and a hundred gold coins are valued in the balcony." This is the ideal political form. He opposes marriage, and "all white jade are given to close officials, and cloth clothes are not allowed to be used as masters" to the court Expressed dissatisfaction with their policies; Although I have been in the Jianghu for a long time and failed to achieve my goal, "I am ashamed of my economic policy and willing to abandon it", I still care about the court. "I will keep everything in mind and think about it for ten years". With the goal of "saving my humble life forever, who can do it?", I frankly stated that it is my political goal to seek benefits for the people. It is precisely because of the establishment of the political goal of benefiting the people that Gao Shi finally embarked on his official career as a county captain of Fengqiu County. What he felt was not the joy of the official position, but the involuntary sorrow of "meeting the official with a broken heart and lashing out at the common people". He stressed that he was never a person who committed himself to being an official, but finally resigned from the official position and went to work Hexi In Hexi Ge Shuhan Under the curtain, Gao Shi saw the dawn of life. Although the life in the frontier fortress is dangerous and hard, it is also a shortcut to realize the ideal of life and enter the ruling class. As expected by Gao Shi, after the outbreak of An Shi Rebellion, due to his correct understanding of the situation, Gao Shi was deeply appreciated by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and was entrusted with an important task. From then on, he began his career as a top official for ten years. The dream that I have been holding fast to finally has a chance to realize. Gao Shi was aware of the rarity and preciousness of opportunities, so in his later life, it became the primary task to do some practical things for the local people, to improve the people's life as much as possible and to calm down the war. Although the number of poetry creation declined sharply in this period, he did a lot of things for the people All efforts made to realize his ideal should be regarded as Gao Shi's most excellent political lyrics. [24]
3、 Epics
Gao Shi's poems of chanting history and remembering ancient times often express frustrated depression by chanting historical events; By eulogizing the good officials and sages in ancient times, he expressed his lofty aspiration to actively become an official; Or to criticize the dark phenomenon of the society at that time; Most of the epics written in the frontier fortress express their views and opinions on the war and the frontier fortress policy through the analysis of ancient wars; Even in this kind of poetry reflects the literary view. In short, Gao Shi's poems on history are rich in content and contain the poet's true feelings. From Gao Shi's nostalgic feeling and deep historical poems, we can see the historical situation at that time, and feel Gao Shi's unlimited sense of current events and dedication to reality. [22]
4、 Pastoral poetry
Selected Poems of Gao Shi and Cen Shen
The heyday of Tang Dynasty is the heyday of the development of pastoral poetry, and Gao Shi is also an important link in the development of pastoral poetry in the heyday of Tang Dynasty. Due to the influence of the active and enterprising era environment at that time and Gao Shi's unique ideological character and life experience, Gao Shi's pastoral poems have unique ideological connotation: Gao Shi's pastoral poems, in addition to often expressing his deep feelings for official advancement and fame, also pay attention to the hardships of rural life, and more importantly, he can sympathize with the plight of farmers and help the world and the country The lofty aspirations of loyalty to the country are linked. Compared with the pastoral poetry of the same era, Gao Shi's pastoral poetry has the artistic form of expressing his feelings directly and the unique artistic style of bleak and solemn, but it also has artistic shortcomings. Gao Shi's pastoral poems mostly win with aggressive ideological temperament and high spirited mental outlook, and few of them have subtle depictions of natural scenery. Even if there are scenes of scenery, most of them win with shape, which does not reach the level of spiritual similarity, lacking charm and atmosphere. and Wang Meng School of Poetry The idyllic poems written in the poem are very beautiful. The gorgeous colors and beautiful realm in the poem can arouse people's fresh and vivid visual feelings. Although Gao Shi's pastoral poems have various defects in art, his pastoral poems have been separated from Tao Yuanming Wang Wei meng haoran Equal emphasis on the purpose of returning to nature, which opened the way for the popular poems expressing "Tian's hardship" after the mid Tang Dynasty. [19]
5、 Poem of reward and reward
Gao Shi has a wide circle of friends. He has many friends who communicate in poetry and prose. He also claims to "make friends with the world's talents and get rid of personal affairs". It was very common in the Tang Dynasty to use poetry as a way of connecting feelings between friends. Under this social atmosphere, Gao Shi created a large number of poems for reward. [21] It accounts for a large proportion in all his poetry creation, and the number is far more than that of frontier fortress and Yonghuai poetry. Gao Shi's poems on social intercourse can be divided into three categories: farewell, reward and banquet. Their emotional characteristics are mainly sad, and they have diversified manifestations in different periods; The content is mainly about the specific friendship, supplemented by lyrical comments; The technique is mainly line drawing. As a famous poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Gao Shi's creation proportion of his friendship poems can be said to be among the best among the poets in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. His solemn and stirring poetic style, the expression technique of line drawing and the content perspective with satirical significance all highlight his own characteristics and the times. He, together with other poets of his time who vigorously created friendship poems, jointly promoted the prosperity of friendship poems in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. [23]
Later influence
First of all, the strong realism spirit in Gao Shi's poetry not only directly inherits chen ziang The idea of poetry innovation, and for the later development of poetry in the Tang Dynasty to Du Fu Represented by the peak of realistic creation, it serves as a link between the past and the future. Therefore, Gao Shi played an important role in the creation and development of realistic poetry in the Tang Dynasty. Secondly, the frontier poetry school led by Gao Shi and later Cen Shen, together with Wang Changling, Li Qi and others, not only greatly opened up the field of poetry creation, but also made brilliant achievements in the history of frontier poetry development, adding great brilliance to the poetry of the Tang Dynasty. [1]
There are 16 existing articles of Gao Shi, respectively《 Enter Wang's Ruishi Table for Dong Ping, Xue Taishou 》"Xie Fengqiu's List of Commissioners"《 New Posthouse in Shangyuan, Chenliu County 》《 On the Temple of Dong Zhuo, a Thief Official in the Later Han Dynasty 》《 Send Dou Shiyu to know the order of Hexi to buy and return to Beijing 》《 Embroider the praise of Ashoka 》"Praise of the Lion in Shaofu Hall of Fan"《 Thank Huainan Festival Envoy 》《 He Anlu Mountain Death Watch 》"Suiyang Sacrifice to Zhang Xun and Xu Yuanwen for the Second Time after Dismissing His Post and Returning to Beijing"《 Thank you for the governor of Pengzhou 》On the Garrison of Three Cities in Xishan《 Thank you for Jiannan Festival Envoy 》《 He Zhan the Rebel Xu Zhiming 》《 Please enter the play list 》《 Heshoucheng Table 》。 Among these sixteen articles, nine were "tables", two were argumentative and argumentative articles, two were praises, and three were others. [18]
Among the extant articles of Gao Shi, "table" is the most popular. There are four tables of thanks to the imperial court for his position. From these tables, we can learn Gao Shi's firm political ambition and determination to do his duty for the country and the people. First of all, when Gao Shiguan paid homage to the Huainan envoy, he expressed his gratitude for the official position granted by the imperial court in the Table of Gratitude to the Huainan envoy, and also expressed his willingness to make every effort and sacrifice for the stability of the country, and specified his responsibility plan. Different from the "Table of Xie Fengqiu and Wei", the table of thanks written by Gao Shi after he was appointed as a provincial envoy in Huainan no longer merely shows his gratitude to the imperial court, but more elaborates his understanding of the specific duties of the provincial envoy and his design of specific work after taking office. At that time, Gao Shi had spent a period of official life and military life, experienced the great changes of An Shi Rebellion, had a stronger sense of responsibility for the country and society, and also had the conditions to make contributions to the country and the people. Therefore, the thank-you form written at this time was more specific and practical, and could better reflect Gao Shi's political talents and as a politician The outstanding talent of a militarist. [18]
In the second year of Baoying, Gao Shi, at the age of 64, was appointed as the envoy of Xichuan in Jiannan. He took pictures of the envoy of Dongchuan and wrote "Thank you to the envoy of Xichuan in Jiannan". This article first emphasized the importance of Shu in the country. It said that the position of Jiannan envoy should be awarded by the emperor to talented and highly trusted people, while I did not have outstanding achievements as an official in Huaiyang and Pengshu, but I was awarded such an important official position. I felt that I was doing my best to fulfill my mission. After showing his gratitude for the trust of the emperor and his fear of being appointed, Gao Shi hopes that the emperor will choose another talented person to guard Jiannan and allow him to "serve" on the grounds of being young and old Dan Que ”。 Finally, Gao Shi once again expressed his willingness to devote himself to his duties and share the concerns of the country and the people. This thank-you note fully describes Gao Shi's recognition of the importance of the strategic position of Shu and the great responsibilities of his official duties, thus highlighting Gao Shi's sincere gratitude for the trust he has received from the ruling class, so as to conform to his loyalty to the emperor and the country, which is reasonable and convincing. Later, Gao Shi hoped to be relieved of his external duties and returned to the capital city on the grounds of his old age. He praised the emperor's ability to "listen to the inferiority complex and be humble", hoping to get the emperor's understanding and return to the capital. At the end of the article, he described his own governance of the military and taxation affairs, reiterated his willingness to share the concerns and difficulties of the emperor and the people, meaning that although he longed for the emperor's understanding, he would return to the capital city, However, he will not neglect his duties. As long as he is in office, he will definitely do his best. The full text is sensible and reasonable. Without praise, it has fully disclosed personal will and loyalty to the country. It is reasonable and reasonable, which makes people feel no sense of farfetched and false. Although it is only the text written in accordance with the rules after being awarded an official post, it is clear and sincere, which reflects a highly mature political body and excellent writing ability. [18]
In addition to the above four thank you forms, seven articles written by Gao Shi, such as "For Dongping Prefecture Chief Xue to Enter Wang's Ruishi Form", "Later Han Dynasty Thief Minister Dong Zhuo's Temple Discussion", "He Anlu Mountain Death Form", "On Three Cities in the Western Mountains to Set up Garrisons", "He Zhan Rebel Xu Zhiming Form", "Please Enter the Form" and "He Shoucheng Form", are all written by the imperial court, from which we can see many of Gao Shi's political views and the characteristics of his political essays. [18]
Three articles are the congratulatory table, namely, the Death Table of He Anlu Mountain, the Memorial Table of He Zhan Rebel Xu Zhiming, and the Memorial Table of He Shoucheng. The Death Watch of He Anlu Mountain was written after Anlu Mountain was killed, and the other two watches were written by Xu when he knew something. Although these three articles are very short and have strong purpose and practicality, they are clear in order and clearly show Gao Shi's political views, providing valuable materials for future generations to understand his ideological ambitions. [18]
Gao Shi's hatred of rebellious officials is not only directed against his contemporaries, such as An Lushan and Xu Zhizhi, but also against the rebellious officials in history. Du Fu compared An Lushan with Dong Zhuo, and Gao Shi, aiming at the folk custom of worshipping Dong Zhuo at that time, wrote an article, "A Discussion on the Temple of Dong Zhuo, a Thief Minister in the Later Han Dynasty", denouncing Dong Zhuo. It is required to burn down the temples for worshipping Dong Zhuo and ban this improper practice. The article is full of momentum, and its criticism of Dong Zhuo is extremely generous, which makes people indignant and energetic. [18]
"On the Garrison of Three Cities in the Western Mountains" is a political paper written by Gao Zhiren when he was governor of Pengzhou according to the specific conditions of his post. He advocated combining the east and the west, and stopping the garrison of the three cities in the Western Mountains. From this article, we can also learn that Gao Zhiren placed great importance on the people and had a deep understanding of the situation of governing the land. [18]
On the one hand, Gao Shi strives for a more relaxed living environment for the people, on the other hand, he advocates to guide the people to be good based on the rule of virtue and education. The record of Hui poems in "Entering Wang's Rui Poem List for Dongping Prefecture Magistrate Xue" is of great benefit to later generations. More importantly, for poetry, Gao Shi values the "auspicious spirit" and the role of educating the people, compared with "Embroidering the praise of Ashoka King" Gao Shi's attitude towards religion reflected in the article is consistent with each other. These two articles focus on Gao Shi's emphasis on the role of literature and religious enlightenment, which is based on the need of governing the country and the people to demand literature and religion. Although not a political paper in the full sense, they also reflect the unique characteristics of Gao Shi as a politician and poet who always observes things from the political requirements. [18]
Another article with strong political commentary is the Preface to Sending Dou Shi Yu Zhi to Hexi and Buying Back to Beijing. The article is short and concise. While praising the achievements of Dou Shiyu, it also proposes how to effectively use the grain tax collection. It is also a prose that reflects the political views of Gao Shi. [18]
Compared with these articles, the two articles, "Praise of the Lion in the Hall of Fan Shaofu" and "Return to Beijing after Dismissal Suiyang Sacrifice to Zhang Xun Xu Yuanwen", either express their aspirations by means of objects or express their feelings by narration, are distinctive in the existing articles of Gaoshi. [18]
"Praise of the Lion in the Hall of Shaofu Fan" was written to chant the lion statue in the Hall of Shaofu Fan. Gao Shi's description of the lion's majesty is to set off the heroic spirit of Mr. Fan with the lion. The heroic spirit of Mr. Fan was described in the preceding paragraph and started to emerge at the end. The style of speech is strong, short and shrewd. Although there are only a few lines, it is impressive and deeply moved. [18]
"Returning to Beijing after Dismissing His Post Suiyang Sacrifice to Zhang Xun and Xu Yuanwen" is a famous lyrical narrative of Gao Shi. Gao Suiti made this eulogy on the way back to Beijing after leaving his post, and compared his endless feelings with those of Zhang Xun Xu Yuan Undaunted in the war of resistance, but unable to get assistance, the infinite mourning of the final generous sacrifice was integrated into a whole, and turned into literature, with sincere feelings. The full article describes the hardships of the soldiers and people guarding the city of Suiyang with grief and indignation, and their heroic spirit of refusing to surrender. It praises Zhang and Xu with the tragic survival of the city and their spirit of not fearing sacrifice when the country is in danger. This is Gao Shi's most sincere mourning for Zhang Xun and Xu Yuan, and it is also his lamentation over the vicissitudes of life in the troubled world, which conveys a strong sense of grief and indignation. [18]
It can be seen from the existing sixteen articles that Gao Shi's compositions cover many styles, such as table, praise, preface, discussion, discussion, and record, and also cover many aspects, such as the national political situation, specific policy guidelines, personal career experiences, emotional expression, and attitude to folk literature and religion, all of which reach a certain artistic height. [18]
Ci Fu
There are only three pieces of Gao Shi's ci fu handed down from generation to generation, namely:《 Double six headed Fu sent to Li Canjun 》The Fu of Fenghe and the Fu of Eastern Expedition are respectively the works of farewell and aspiration, chanting things and expressing aspiration, and nostalgia. From the three pieces of Fu, we can see some characteristics of Gao Shi's creation. [18]
Ode to Li Joining the Army with Double Six Heads Shuanglu Send Li to join the army. The Fu starts with the description of Shuanglu and ends with the introduction of the theme. Li Canjun, who is good at Shuanglu and Si Min, will be able to grasp the opportunity in real life, and create a career and make a surprise. By describing the rules of the game and the degree of involvement, we can draw out the understanding and trust of friends who share the same goals and play together, and then have confidence in the future of friends to encourage them. Use a small chessboard to describe life, and use the wisdom in the game to see the character. Write the game scene in a tense and interesting way. Although the article is short and interesting. The detailed description of Shuanglu in this article also provides important information for later generations to study the game of Shuanglu in Tang Dynasty, which makes this article have dual value. [18]
Fenghe Fu is a masterpiece of chanting things and expressing ambitions. It is because of Li Sha's "Ode to the cuckoo" that he sighed about his experience with the people in Cang. At the beginning of the article, it was said that the shape and temperament of the Uighur, "small and sharp head, powerful and free", had calm, flexible and sensitive personality characteristics. The Uighur can soar into the sky and fight bravely. Birds and rabbits are prey under its claws. What such a brave and heroic man hopes is to be appreciated and used by others. Although it is difficult to match the majestic posture, the person who wishes is just following the order of the king and is made by the king. This can be regarded as Gao Shi's self declaration, saying that he is full of talent, and only wants to be appreciated by the superior, so as to be effective. However, such a person has no proudest ability and straightforward mind, and his ambition has nowhere to show. This fu is named Yonghe, which is actually a self narrative work of Gao Shi, who expressed his feelings through the Uighur. The poet is full of enthusiasm and talent for serving the country, but he was abandoned by the time. He has never been appreciated and reused, and he is unwilling to lay down his pride and compete with ordinary people. Because the author has personally experienced and felt the composition, so the whole article is focused on. Although it is a work of chanting things, it is "expressing one's mind directly" and deeply moving. [18]
"Ode to the Eastern Expedition" was written in Tianbao for three years. Gao Shi "went from Suiyang to Xiangben (Lianshang) via Chenxian County, Fuli, Lingbi, Pengcheng, Surabaya, Xuyi, Huaiyin, and did not reach South Chu, so it was called the Eastern Expedition". In this poem, Gao Shi recorded the scenery of the place he passed, and more importantly, he sighed with the reminiscent historical figures in the place he visited. From the different attitudes towards historical figures revealed in Gao Shi's Fu, it can be seen that what he admires is a hero who has achieved great things with great talent and great strategy, and a good minister who assists the emperor to build a foundation for all ages. Those dissolute and tyrannical subjugated monarchs and rebellious ministers who cannot be loyal to the monarch are the objects of his criticism. Therefore, Gao Shi's distinctive political views are all presented, self-evident. The value of Fu on the Eastern Expedition is not only that it reflects Gao Shi's political views, but also that the description of the scenery in it sets off the poet's feelings and adds moving colors against the author's emotional ups and downs. [18]
Although there are only three pieces of Gao Shi's poems and verses in the world, they either encourage friends with the help of games, use the metaphor of chanting the ancient people, or feel the past and the present in the journey of confinement. The themes are different, and the style of writing is quite diverse. They focus on strong personal feelings. Whether they express their minds directly or describe scenery, they are full of momentum, free of expression, powerful in writing, and very moving in reading, He has achieved quite high attainments in art. [18]

Historical evaluation

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty awarded Gao Shi as the system of advising officials( Jia Zhi Drafted): Serve the imperial historian well, establish integrity and integrity, plant a bow and be lofty, appreciate the economic strategy, and support elegant talents. A long plan for a distant picture can make a general picture; The Communist Party is loyal when it says what it means. It is advisable to return to the post of correcting Ti, so as to surpass the post of satirizing oracles. [31]
Tang Dynasty litterateur Yin Fan : The evaluation of the nature of things is not limited to the details. It is shameful to predict the regular discipline, and it is a hidden apprentice. However, the poems are full of words and expressions, and they also have qi and bone. Therefore, the court and the people appreciate their works. To such as《 Yan Ge Xing 》There are many strange sentences in these articles. (《 Collection of Heroes from Heyue 》Volume) [9]
Poets of Tang Dynasty Du Fu : ① Contemporary scholars, such as public officials and several other people. (《 Feng Jian, the envoy of the third and fifteenth year of senior high school 》)② The beauty is inferior to the beauty. (《 To the Secretary of the Third and Tenth Five Year Plan of Senior High School 》)③ Gao Censhu walks slowly, while Shen Baode goes with him. The pleasant pass flies, and the article ends in confusion. (《 To the envoy of Pengzhou during the third and fifteenth year of the senior high school, Shi Shen, the twenty seventh senior citizen of Guozhou, Shi Yan, the thirty rhymes 》)④ The chief commander of the army, Chu and Shu, should have never been there, and it would be a mistake to drive Cao and Liu. (《 Send it to a senior waiter 》)⑤ To the monarch Dan sill folding ... The name of the solo poem is(《 Hearing of the death of Gao Chang's servant 》)⑥ Wuhu heroes are very generous, and their names are very high. (《 Pay chasing, so people in Gaoshuzhou can see and send it every day 》)
Tang Dynasty litterateur Li Hua : Gaoshidafu in the Bohai Sea has a strange scene. (《 On the three sages 》) [87 ]
Poets of Tang Dynasty Li Qi : fifty people have no industry, but they are willing to invest millions of dollars. (《 Farewell to Senior Three and Fifteen 》)
Poets of Tang Dynasty Norms : Gao Shiyu Wang Jiangning Changling avenged his grievance, and he used it as a righteous person at that time. (《 Yunxi Youyi On volume [88 ]
Historian of the Later Jin Dynasty in the Five Dynasties Liu Xu Zhao Ying Etc.: ① When he was over 50, he began to pay attention to poetry. Over the years, his physique gradually changed, and he was proud of his temperament. Every time he recited a poem, he had been praised by good people. ② If you are brave enough, you should be afraid of power. ③ He likes to talk about the king's strategy, to serve his official fame, and to uphold justice. It is difficult at the right time and takes safety as its own responsibility. However, ministers underestimate their skills. ④ Tired of being vassals and herdsmen, the government keeps lenient and simple, and the officials and people can use it. ⑤ His "Book of Entering the Ming Dynasty with Helan" ordered the disease to save the Liang and Song Dynasties, so as to be close to the army; In the Book with Xu Shuji, we planned to continue our friendship, so that we could explain his regrets and help Liang and Song together; The Letter to the General before crossing the Huaihe River makes Jue Yong Wang confess to himself, and the gentleman thinks that he is righteous and knows how to change. ⑥ The Tang Dynasty has come, and the poet is only suitable. ⑦ It is suitable to regard poets as military commanders. In times of danger and difficulty, the reputation and integrity will not be lost. What a gentleman! ⑧ Zhang Hao is a national instrument, which is suitable and bright. (《 Old Tang Script 》) [2]
Northern Song Dynasty litterateur Song Qi Ouyang Xiu Etc.: ① dare to speak up in spite of anger, and look right at you. ② It is suitable for righteousness and justice, and the king is not tired of speaking. It is difficult to meet the times, so I promise myself to be an official. In terms of the skill, it is not recommended by the gentry. However, the government should be lenient and simple, and people should take care of it. At the age of 50, he began to write poems. He was skilled and proud of his temperament. Every article has been spread by good people. He Lan entered the Ming Dynasty without writing, so that he saved the Liang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and wrote with Xu Shuji, which made him regret; Before the Huaihe River was crossed, he transferred his position to the general and school. He would be the king forever, so that each person could confess. The gentleman thought that he was righteous and knew how to change. (《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》) [3]
Poets of the Southern Song Dynasty Yan Yu : The poetry of Gao and Cen is solemn and stirring, which makes people sigh with emotion. (《 Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry 》) [10]
Yuan Dynasty litterateur Wu Shidao : Lead Shi Tianyi's comment: Gao Shicai is high, quite masculine. His poems are not learned but can be used. Although they are not compact, they are always talented. (《 Wu Libu's Poetry 》) [10]
Literary Critics of the Yuan Dynasty Chen Yizeng : Gao Shi's poems advocate quality, while Cen Shen's poems advocate ingenuity. (《 Tang Yingui Sign 》Volume Five Quotes "Chanting Manual") [9]
Poets of the Yuan Dynasty Xin Wenfang : Less sexual, informal, modest, modest, hidden, and famous Dare to speak up when you are angry. Li Fuguo begrudges his talents He is good at moral integrity, and speaks like a king. When faced with many difficulties, I promise myself with fame. He began to learn poetry at the age of 50, which means work. He is proud of his temperament and speaks in his bosom and belly. (《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》Volume II) [10]
Poets and litterateurs of the Ming Dynasty Xu Xianzhong : The new spirit is full of vigor, and the ambition is falling. Holding the Yu and holding the Jin, between ups and downs, there are almost Xiatu. Therefore, it is a poem, which is straight in the chest, modeling the scene, and the spirit and bone are clear, while the word front is rich, and the feeling of appreciation is almost out of the ordinary. Seeing Su Qing's grief and indignation, Lu Pingyuan's melancholy, though the words are separated from each other, the tone is not fast, and there is no way to go beyond it. His poems are based on human feelings, and because of the atmosphere, the atmosphere between the river and the Luo River is far away, and it is almost ordinary! (《 Tang Poetry 》) [10]
Ming Dynasty litterateur Wang Shizhen : It's not easy for Gao and Cen to go up and down at the moment. Cen's strength is not as strong as Dafu's, but he passes them gently. The body selection is always in the ancient times, and Cen is especially good at health. The singing line is upright and marvelous. It rises and falls every time. It's just true, especially authentic. Five words are close to the body, neither Gao nor Cen is good, while seven words are slightly thick. (《 Yiyuan Zhiyan 》) [10]
Scholars of the Ming Dynasty Hu Yinglin : ① Gao Shi, Cen Shen, Wang Changling, Li Qi, Meng Yunqing, the book is ancient and elegant, but it also uses qi and bone. ② Ancient poetry has its own syllables. Lu and Xie are extremely humorous, but their syllables are quite different from those of the Tang Dynasty. Li and Du Wai from the Tang Dynasty are the best in Jiazhou. Although Xiangyang and Changshi have high and far tones, they are close to the syllable. ③ Chang Shi has five ancient characters, which are deep and graceful, but the style and syllables are sometimes uneven. Jiazhou is fresh and wonderful. It is a great talent. Its quality and strength are all high. However, in the high and dark, the ancient flavor still exists; In the midst of Cen Yingfa, the Tang style masterpiece. ④ Gao and Cen started to talk together, and Cen was very strange and steep. However, the Xuancheng was imitated, and the style was more and more inferior. ⑤ When Gao Qi and Meng Qi failed to catch up with Jiazhou, Meng Cai was able to lose far away from Morkirti, but they were driven together. Gao and Cen were solemn and stirring, and Wang and Meng were indifferent and complacent. ⑥ In the flourishing Tang Dynasty, Du Wai, Youcheng and Taibai were the top performers. Chang Shi's articles are empty and simple, not as beautiful and straightforward as Wang and Li's, while the thirty rhymes of King Xin'an's shogunate are elegant and orderly, and the exquisite craftsmanship supports the leisure, which is a special masterpiece that Wang and Li have never done before. ⑦ Wang, Cen, Gao and Li are called Zhenghu in the world. The words of Jiazhou are more than words, and the sentence pattern is magnificent but the verve is not raised: they are always satisfied with the words, and the feelings are lingering but the bones and muscles are not enough. ⑧ Dafu's singing line and five character law are extremely vigorous. The seven character rule, though peaceful, graceful and generous, has lost the support of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and gradually entered the middle Tang Dynasty. ⑨ High and Cen Mingjing are neat, lacking in faraway rhyme. Wang and Li Jingjing are beautiful and have a sense of small flaws. The style of scholars Bu Gao and Cen, including the spirit of Wang and Li, as well as the power of the Ministry of Works, is extremely powerful. (《 A poetry den 》) [10]
Poets of Ming Dynasty Xu Xueyi : ① Tang people have five or seven ancient words, and Gao and Cen are authentic. However, according to the analysis, Gao Wuyan is not authentic, but seven words are authentic. Cen's five words are authentic, and only seven words can be used. The five characters are ancient, and both Gao and Cen are bold, while Gao's language is more careless and not fully understood; Although Cen's language is melodious, its meaning is more straightforward. High and flat rhymes tend to use a variety of rhymes, while oblique rhymes tend to avoid "crane knees" Seven character song line, high tune, many anecdotes. ② The five character rule is that the high language is more boundless, and the Cen language is more vivid. However, the high people who enter the record seem to win, and the Cen sentences are more similar in meaning. ③ Gao and Cen's five words do not adhere to the law, and Jude Mei's seven words use songs and lines to enter the law. Canglang's so-called "ancient law" is also true. Although the wind is changing, it is bold and straightforward, but it is too big to lose, and it is more than enough. (《 Poetic Source and Style 》) [10]
Ming Dynasty litterateur Hu Zhenheng : ① Chen Yizeng said: Gao Shi's poems advocate quality, Cen Shen's poems advocate ingenuity, Wang and Meng are leisurely and complacent, and Gao and Cen are solemn and stirring. ② Cen's words win the meaning, and the sentence pattern is magnificent, but the verve is not raised; High meaning is better than words, and the feeling is lingering, but the muscles and bones are not enough. The failure of Cen's sentence still kept the prosperous Tang Dynasty; The high harmony makes the middle Tang Dynasty amusing. ③ Gao Shi, a poet, is different from others. Fu Shan Fang Guan is suitable for both alone and Guanzuo. The white mistake receives the eternal king phosphorus to open up, suitable alone observes Lin counter shade, prepares. The second son is poor and comfortable. (《 Tang Yingui Sign 》) [10]
Ming Dynasty litterateur Zhong Xing Tan Yuanchun Zhong Yun: Tang people such as Shen Song, Wang Meng, Li Du, Qian Liu, and so on, although they are both called, they can't be strong in the same place. However, Gao and Cen's heart are like a single person. Both their beautiful bones and indifferent spirit are enemies. Ancient poetry is like Zhang Jiuling and Song Zhiwen; The five character rule is just like speech. It is extremely refined, thick, moist and lively. People cannot seek it by integration or learn from it. (《 Return of Tang Poetry 》) [10]
Scholars in the late Ming Dynasty Weekly feedback : It is said that Dafu started his poetry at 50, but he could be arrogant with his temperament. Every article was published, and good people would spread it. It is also said that its nature is straightforward and informal. It is shameful to expect to be a regular subject. It is hidden in the game, and its talent and feelings are far from each other. Today, reading his seven character ancient articles, I feel solemn and stirring. How can we have more chivalrous demeanor to build a generation of chivalrous drums, which are the best products of the Tang Dynasty? (《 Tang poetry selects pulse, meets general comment Lin 》) [10]
Ming Dynasty litterateur Lu Shiyong : Seven words are ancient, which was popular after the Kaiyuan era. Gao Shi is a famous player. The tone is lost, which is quite vertical and horizontal; The corner is cheap, and you can see the world immediately. So I know that Li and Du are very strong. (《 Introduction to Poetry Mirror 》) [10]
Writers in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties He Yisun : Gao and Cen's five words are ancient and the law is perfect, and Gao Dafu is especially good at using empty words. It doesn't use empty words, but its strength and spirit are all hidden in empty words. When you read it quickly, you think it is empty ears. It is more difficult to make regular poems with this. Ruduff《 Send Xu's record on the way 》Cloud: "When the sun sets and the wind blows, and the wild geese are at the beginning of autumn. I can't compare my sorrow with my hotel. When will you go, I will know you well. I will give you gifts in empty suitcases, and you will see a book written by the Rightists." The empty words "You" and "I know" are not just the strength of the article, but I feel that their transportation is as light as a steed walking on a slope, or an antelope hanging on a horn. And its difficulty, especially in the fact that the virtual characters are actually correct, still does not break the law. Although Taibai is not dressed or dressed like this, it is quite close to ancient poetry. (《 Poetic raft 》) [11]
Poets in the early Qing Dynasty Ye Xie : everybody in Shengtang, called Gao, Cen, Wang and Meng. Gao and Cen are similar, but Gao is slightly superior, and Meng is much inferior to Wang. In order to win in the seventh century of the high school, we can see the power of the emperor, the power of the emperor, and the power of the emperor. There are outstanding sentences in Cen's seven ancient times, but there is no whole article, and the starting and ending meanings are often the same. The five and seven laws of Gao and Cen are similar, so they made figurines for future generations. For example, in the first song of Gao Qilu, "Wu Gorge Crying Apes", "Hengyang Returning Wild Goose", "Qingfeng River" and "Baidi City" are repeated; in the first song of Cen, "Cloud Follows Feng", "Rain Washes Soldiers", "Flowers Cover" and "Liu Fujing" are repeated, with four words in one meaning; There are so many five laws of Gao and Cen. Later generations can chant all over Jiuzhou with a copy of Guangyu Ji in their collection, which is really high and Cen Peizhi. (Outer Part of the Original Poem) [10]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Lang Tinghuai Q: Are Gao and Cen slightly different, or is Gao superior to Cen? (Wang Shizhen) Answer: Tang people are equally famous, such as Shen Song, Wang Meng, Qian Liu, Yuan Bai and Pi Lu. They are all slightly similar, but Li Du and Gao Cen are different. High is solemn and stirring and thick, and Cen is strange and steep. Zhong Bojing said that Gao and Cen's poems were great fallacies. (《 Biography of Teachers and Friends 》) [10]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Costume : Zhong Shi said, "... Gao and Cen's heart are like a man with a beautiful bone and a distant spirit. They are both enemies.". High five words, ancient strength, simple and thick ears; When Cen is slightly dyed, the color is rich. Gao Qiyan is the most powerful. Li and Du are the first to be promoted; Cen stands on his own skin, just like Cui Jixuan acting as the king of Wei. Although he is very elegant, the real hero still belongs to the man who carries the sword. Only the short laws are matched, and the long laws are not as high as the high ones. (Living and Editing Wine Garden Poems) [10]
Scholars in the Qing Dynasty Shen Deqian : ① Li, Du Wai, Gao, Cen, Wang and Li are the most vigorous of the seven characters in ancient times. (《 Collection of Tang Poems 》) ② The four families of Gao, Cen, Wang, and Li are slightly antithetical at each setback. They seek to rectify the situation in the midst of desolation. (《 Speak Shishu 》Volume) [10]
Calligraphers of the Qing Dynasty Fang Zhenguan : Gao Shi and Li Qi are not only good at ancient times, but also have a large section of high and thick gas. That is to say, today's body is also strong and old again, with a deep and powerful spirit. (《 Forging dropout record 》) [10]
Doctors in Qing Dynasty Xue Xue : The elder generation (referring to Ye Xie) often practices the ancient people's poems. If they are similar to Gao Dafu and Cen Jiazhou's five seven laws, they are a living set for future generations to practice Gao and Cen's words. Later generations Gou can learn from Gao and Cen, and his social routine will not be as bad as it has been recently. (《 Yipiao Poetry 》) [10]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Li Chonghua : Start with beginners, and strive for a stable style of writing. Then Wang Mojie and Gao Dafu are good at learning in the early Tang Dynasty. The same is true for Shaoling, such as "Xi Bing Ma" and "Gu Bai Xing", but it is more powerful. (Zhen Yi Zhai Poetry) [10]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Huang Ziyun : Gao, Cen and Wang can deliberately refine sentences without harming elegance, which can be said to be gentle. (《 Yehong poetic 》) [10]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Qiao Yi : Gao and Cen's poems are the same but different: Gao's poems are simple and unsophisticated, while Cen's poems are alert. (《 Sword Stream Poetry 》Volume) [12]
Poets in Qing Dynasty Guan Shiming : Gao Chang Shihao Yan is grateful for Cen Jiazhou's creation of the unique scriptures, each with the meaning of "building a general out of the well bore". (Preface to Reading Tang Poetry in Snow Mountain House) [12]
Calligraphers of the Qing Dynasty Weng Fanggang : Gao Changshi is different from Cen Jiazhou. Ruan Ting has already recognized the theory that Zhong retreats from the valley. However, Gao Zhi is simple and mature, which is also the first whip of Du Ling. Up to Du Ling, he joined hands with all the dukes. (《 Shizhou Poetry 》Volume I) [11]
Qing Dynasty litterateurs Hong Liangji : ① Sun Kezhi, Li Xizhi, Huangfu Zhizheng can write poems but not poems; Gao, Cen, Wang, Li, Li, Du, Wei, Meng, Yuan, and Bai can write poems but not poems. (《 Beijiang Poetry 》Volume II) ② Gao Chang served Du Huanhua, He Secret Supervisor served Li Xiexian, and Zhang Shuibu served Han Changli, all of which were known as poets and scholars. ("Beijiang Poetry" Volume VI) [12]
Qing Dynasty litterateurs Fang Dongshu : ① Wang, Li, Gao, and Cen have their own heaven granted families. For example, Tathagata has Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Vimoya. Another example is that there are Zhuang, Qu, Jia Sheng and Chang Qing outside the Taishigong. (《 Zhaomei Zhanyan 》Volume XII) ② The high and the high are strange and steep. They have their own qi and bone. They are not low, mediocre and shallow; However, learners also need to have deep and broad rhymes, otherwise, they may be short and urgent without rhyme, which is still common. (Revealing Mystery and Zhan Yan, Volume 12) ③ Gao and Cen may also be more vigorous than Dongchuan. (Revealing Mystery and Zhan Yan, Volume III) [12]
Thinkers in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China Song Yuren : Gao Shidafu, who originated from Zuo Taichong, has great talent and power. His attitude is outstanding, and he is good at making words. Every time he uses handsome words, he uses them to write. Seven ancient times and Cen are one bone. There are many Cang voices. They are naturally gloomy. In the parallel language, they can stop alone. They can enlighten future generations and become the ancestors of seven words. (《 Three Tang Poems 》) [9]

Main works

Gao Shi's poems and essays were collected in the Tang Dynasty, spread in the Northern Song Dynasty, and spread widely in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The main things we can see now are《 Four part series 》Tonghuo script of Ming Dynasty in Hanfenlou, Shanghai, photocopied by Jibu《 A collection of senior officials 》Eight volumes and four volumes of Gao Shi's poems collected in Complete Tang Poems are similar in number but different in content. Contemporary popular editions, mainly published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1981 Liu Kaiyang Of《 Notes on Chronicle of Gao Shi's Poems 》, based on the copper movable type of Ming Dynasty, collected 244 poems and 19 essays; And published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House in 1984 Sun Qinshan Of《 High fitness calibration 》, based on the Ming Dynasty Song Dynasty edition, collected 249 poems and 19 essays. In addition, Li Dan's《 Complete Works of Gao Shi's Poems 》, including 258 poems (12 of which were mistakenly collected) and 21 essays. [13]

interpersonal relationship

first generation
Second generation
Third generation
The fourth generation
The fifth generation
The sixth generation
The seventh generation
Gao Kan (Gao Xuan, the left guard general, Anton Duhu, and Pingyuan Weigong were presented to the left guard general and buried in the Qianling Tomb.)
Gao Chongde (He has successively served as the governor of Taosheng's second residence, the governor of Qinhuiyan's three prefectures, and the official Sima, and the prince's right guard.)
Gao Chen (The official went to Suiyang County to take charge of the work. His first wife, Du Lan, and his second wife, Yang Shi.)
elegant and free from vulgarity
Gao Rong (wife Cui Shi.)
Gao Chongli
Gao Yuancong (The officer went to Suizhou to join the army.)
High mirror
Gao Cen (wife Shang)
High immature
Gao Chongwen (Governor Shi Zhishao, wife Wu.)
Gao Shi
Gao Xuan (the wife of Zhu Shouchen, a county captain in Chengdu.)
(Reference materials above) [15-16]

Character controversy

Native place
Old Tang Script ·The Biography of Gao Shi said that Gao Shi was a "Bohai Man", and the New Book of Tang · Biography of Gao Shi said that he was a "Bohai Man in Cangzhou". However, there was no Bohai Prefecture in the Tang Dynasty, so there were many controversies about it. Peng Lan believes that the height should be determined as Tang Dezhou (now Jingxian County, Hebei Province). Liu Kaiyang The chronology attached to the book Annals of Gao Shi's Poems also holds this view; The History of Chinese Literature, edited by the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that Gao Shi is Cangzhou Bohai Sea People; Sun Qinshan The Chronicle of Gaoshi takes the Bohai Sea as Gaoshi's prefecture《 Li Bieqiao 》Wait for poems to define Gao Shi as a native Luoyang Fu Xuancong "Some Problems in Gao Shi's Chronicle" agrees with this theory, and provides supplementary argument for it; Fu Xiyao "Seeking Truth from Gao Shiji" puts forward that Gao Shiyi is Rao'an, Tangcangzhou (Today's Yanshan County, Hebei Province) Yezhugao Village. [17]
Birth year  
As for Gao Shi's birth year, there is no final conclusion. The influential statements are:
(1) Long live the first year (696). Wang Dajin "Poet Gao Shi's Life is a Poem" holds this view.
(2) About the first year of Jiushi (700 years). Lu Kanru Feng Yuanjun History of Chinese Poetry 》、 Zheng Zhenduo Illustrated History of Chinese Literature 》Chinese Department of Fudan University《 history of Chinese literature 》The fifth and fifth grade Chinese Literature History of Peking University holds this view.
(3) Jiushi's first year (700 years) said. Zhou Xunchu's Chronicle of Gao Shi and She Zhengsong's Research on Gao Shi hold this view.
(4) The first year of Chang'an (701). Sun Qinshan《 High fitness calibration 》The attached "Gao Shi Chronicle" holds this view.
(5) Chang'an Second Year (702) said. Wen Yiduo Tang Poetry Series 》On Gao Shi by Gao Wen, History of Chinese Literature by the Institute of Literary Studies, Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Dajie History of Chinese Literature 》、 Xu Wuwen Gao Shi's Annual Draft of Poetry and Literature Department all hold this view.
(6) Between the first year of Jiushi (700 years) and the second year of Chang'an (702 years). Fu Xuancong's Several Problems in Gao Shi's Chronicle holds this view.
(7) The fourth year of Chang'an (704) said. Liu Kaiyang's Notes on the Chronicle of Gao Shi's Poems with Gao Shi's Chronicle, Chen Tiemin Qiao Xiangzhong The first volume of the History of Tang Dynasty Literature holds this view.
(8) The second year of Shenlong (706) said. Peng Lan's Research on Gao Shi's Year Guo Moruo Li Bai and Du Fu 》"Cihai · Literature Volume" follows it. [17]
Career seeking experience
Gao Shi《 Biewei Joins the Army 》As the saying goes, "When you are 20 years old, you will travel west to Chang'an City." When you were 20 years old, you first visited Chang'an to seek an official position. Due to different judgments on his birth year, Liu Kaiyang took the 21st year of Kaiyuan (733 years) as his first visit to Chang'an in his Notes on the Chronicle of Gaoshi's Poems; Zuo Yunlin Gao Shi's Biography 》It was set as the ninth year of Kaiyuan (721); Zhou Xunchu Gaoshi Chronicle and She Zhengsong Gao Shi Research 》It was in the seventh year of Kaiyuan (719). [17]
Gao Shi was recruited in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era (735) in response to the imperial edict of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, but still failed. All kinds of chronicles are based on high poems《 Reward the younger brother of the secretary and send the heroes under the curtain 》Preface: "At the age of Yihai, Gao Shi is suitable for the expedition to Chang'an". It is believed that Gao Shi went to Chang'an in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era (735) to investigate《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》In the 22nd year of the Kaiyuan era (734), Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty went to Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty, and set out for Xijing in the winter of the 24th year of the Kaiyuan era (736). The so-called "conquest" was to meet the emperor. It should be in Luoyang, where Emperor Xuanzong lived. Ancient scholars had the habit of referring to the capital city with "Chang'an", so Gao Shi's whereabouts at this time need to be examined. Liao Li's article "Gao Shizheng Visits Chang'an, Cen Shen Presents a Book to Identify the Western Zhou Dynasty in Luoyang" discusses this problem. [17]
Experience of wandering officials
In the eighth year of Tianbao's reign, Gao Shiju was awarded the title of Qiu Wei. There are also disagreements in the academic circle about this time:
(1) According to Wang Dajin's The Life of Poet Gao Shi, Gao was drafted to Chang'an in the 23rd year of the Kaiyuan era (735) and sent to Fengqiu as a military officer. [17]
(2) Peng Lan's Textual Research on the Year of Gao Shi's Family believes that there was a Taoist family in the 23rd year of Kaiyuan (735), but he believes that Gao Shi lost the first place in this year and still returned to the Song State; It is said that Gao was recruited to Chang'an in the summer and autumn of the sixth year of Tianbao's reign (747 years), and then he was dismissed as a Qiu Wei in Beibian Prefecture. [17]
(3) According to Sun Qinshan's Gao Shi Chronicle Chao Gongwu Prefectural Study Record 》He believed that Gao Shi had been awarded the title of Qiu Wei when he was awarded the title of Taoist Kedengdi in the eighth year of Tianbao's reign (749). Fu Xuancong's Several Problems in Gao Shi's Chronicle and Zhou Xunchu's Discussion on Some Problems in Gao Shi's Life both think that this theory is relatively safe, and have made a more detailed research for it. Tan Youxue A textual research on the poems of tang dynasty ·Gaoshi Xingnian Kaokao and Liu Kaiyang's Gaoshi Chronicle also focus on this. [17]

Historical data index

The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, Volume 111, Biography 61 [2]
New Book of the Tang Dynasty Volume 143 Biography 68 [3]
"Biography of Talented Scholars of the Tang Dynasty - Volume II" [4]

Commemoration for future generations

Yuwangtai Scenic Area It is located in the southeast of Kaifeng City Wall. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, the blind musicians in the State of Jin Shi Kuang It is often used to play ancient music here, so it is called "Chuitai". In the third year of Tang Tianbao (744), Li Bai, Du Fu and Gao Shi gathered here to drink and compose poems. In the second year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1522), in memory of the great Yu's merits in flood control, a Temple of King Yu was built on the Chutai, which was later renamed Yuwangtai In the 12th year of Zhengde of the Ming Dynasty (1517), the Sanxian Temple was built to commemorate Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi, and was located in the east courtyard of the main hall of the Yuwang Temple. There are statues of Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi in the temple. [7-8]

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Several years after the outbreak of An Shi Rebellion, the Tubo army attacked the southwest. Gao Shi, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty, was not able to fight, and Chang'an was in danger. Gao Shi, who was trapped in the isolated city, recalled his life with Li Bai to the eunuch of the prison. [14]