Advanced nervous activity

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senior Neuroactivity (higher nervous activity) Yes Cerebral cortex Activities of. Human language, thinking and practical activities are all manifestations of high-level neural activities. from Pavlov First founded. The basic characteristic is the intensity of neural processes. [1]
Chinese name
Advanced nervous activity
Foreign name
Higher nervous activity
Basic characteristics
Intensity of neural processes


senior Nerve activity, Generally speaking, it refers to the activity of the cerebral cortex. Human language, thinking and practical activities are the embodiment of high-level neural activities. As a new field in neurophysiology, advanced neural activity is Pavlov First created. At the beginning of the 20th century, Pavlov discovered that Conditioned reflex Thus, it opens up a new way to study the advanced functional activities of the brain. In decades of work, Pavlov used conditioned reflex method to obtain a series of laws of basic neural activity process in the brain, and founded the theory of advanced neural activity. Since Pavlov's theory of advanced neural activity is centered on conditioned reflex, it is also called Conditioned reflex theory In a broad sense, central nervous system In addition to conditioned reflex, it also includes learning and memory, sleep and awakening, and motivational behavior. Pavlov It is believed that the basic characteristics of the basic process of high-level neural activity are: the intensity of neural process, the balance of neural process, and the flexibility of neural process.

Basic characteristics

Pavlov It is believed that there are two basic processes of higher nervous activity, namely excitation and inhibition. The so-called excitement refers to the neural activity Resting state Or weak state to active or strong state; The so-called inhibition refers to the change of neural activity from an active or strong state to a resting or weak state. We should not simply regard excitement as an activity and inhibition as a static state. Both excitation and inhibition are processes of neural activity, which refer to the direction of this activity. [1]
Pavlov pointed out that the two basic processes of advanced neural activity have three basic characteristics, which are their strength, balance and flexibility.
The intensity of neural process refers to the intensity of the stimulus that nerve cells can accept, and the ability of nerve cells to work for a long time. The intensity of neural processes can be strong or weak. Those with strong excitation process can still form under the effect of strong stimulation Conditioned reflex , and can maintain the conditioned reflex already formed; Those who are weak in the process of excitation are difficult to form conditioned reflex under strong stimulation, and may even inhibit or destroy the conditioned reflex already formed. The strong in inhibition process can endure continuous internal inhibition for a long time, while the weak in inhibition process can only endure internal inhibition for a short time.
The balance of neural process refers to whether the forces of excitation and inhibition are balanced. Therefore, the balance of neural process can be divided into balance and imbalance, and imbalance can be divided into two situations: excitation dominated and inhibition dominated.
The flexibility of neural process refers to the degree of difficulty in the mutual transformation of excitation and inhibition, which can be divided into flexibility and inflexibility.


Pavlov It is pointed out that different combinations of three characteristics of two basic neural processes constitute different types of high-level neural activities. Polish psychologist J. Strelau pointed out that Pavlov closely linked the type of neural activity with the individual's ability to adapt to the environment. The strongest type of this ability is the strong and balanced type, and the weakest is the weak type. He described four types of neural activity as:
(1) Strong, balanced and flexible type (sanguine)
This is a healthy, strong and energetic type of neural activity. Pavlov believes that this is the most perfect type, and this type of people can better maintain balance with the environment than other types of people. This type of person is lively and sensitive when stimulated, and tends to be lethargic when not stimulated. They can easily establish inhibitory conditioning. In a bad environment, this type of person is also difficult to develop neurological diseases.
(2) Strong, balanced and inflexible type( Mucinous substance
This type has the same characteristics as the previous type, and can adapt to the environment well. This type of individual has strong excitatory process and inhibitory process, and is balanced. It is easy to establish positive and negative conditioned reflex, and once established, it is relatively stable and difficult to transform. This is a tough and slow type. Due to the inflexibility of neural processes, this type of individual is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. Even if this type of individual lives in a bad environment, it is difficult to have neurological diseases.
(3) Strong and unbalanced type (bilious)
This type of individual excitation process is stronger than inhibition process, and it is easy to establish positive conditioned reflex, but it is difficult to establish negative conditioned reflex. If necessary, it is also difficult to hinder the activities of this type of individuals. This is a type that is easy to get excited and unconstrained, so it is also called the unstoppable type. In specific situations where individuals are required to have strong inhibition, this type of individuals tend to be depressed and lethargic, or produce behaviors or aggressive behaviors that are difficult to contain.
(4) Weak type (inhibitive)
This type of individual needs special environment to survive, and it is difficult for them to establish conditioned reflex. This type of individual nerve cell is very weak, so the stimulation of normal intensity will also cause their protective inhibition, and under the stimulation, it will produce disorder, or even failure. This type of individual is common in Neurosis They also have difficulty responding to inhibitory stimuli. Rapid and frequent changes in the environment can cause behavioral disorder. The weak type has certain protection. They are only valuable if they live in a specific environment.
Strong, balanced and flexible type is also called active type; The strong, balanced and inflexible type is also called quiet type; The strong and unbalanced type is also called excitatory type; Weak type is also called inhibitory type. Theoretically, it can be combined into 12 different types of high-level neural activities, but some types do not exist in real life. For example, for people with unbalanced neural processes, the transformation between the two neural processes is inflexible, no matter whether they are dominated by the excitation process or the inhibition process. Therefore, there is no strong, unbalanced, flexible or weak, unbalanced and flexible combination. [2]