higher plant

[gāo děng zhí wù]
Terminology of botany
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Higher plants, relative to lower plants, are collectively called bryophytes, ferns and seed plants. Higher plants are plants adapted to the terrestrial atmospheric environment. Except for a few secondary aquatic types, they are all terrestrial plants. Compared with the water environment, the environmental conditions on land are much more complex. Therefore, adapting to such conditions has caused profound changes in both external morphology and internal structure of higher plants. [1]
Chinese name
higher plant
Foreign name
higher plants
advanced plants
Bryophyta Pteridophyta Gymnosperma Angiosperma
Developmental cycle
Generational alternation
Characteristic morphology
Rooted stem Leaf differentiation

brief introduction

Higher plants are evolved from primitive lower plants through long-term evolution, and are the result of long-term adaptation to terrestrial life. Therefore, higher plants are more complex than lower plants in terms of body shape, structure and physiological characteristics. Generally, they have roots, stems, leaves and steles. Higher plants include mosses, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. [2]
In the development cycle of higher plants, there are two different generations: one is the asexual generation. Its plant body is called sporophyte, and the sporophyte can produce spores Asexual reproduction The plant body developed from spores is called gametophyte. The gametophyte produces sperm and egg cells for sexual reproduction. The sperm and egg cells combine to form zygotes, which then develop into sporophytes. This process is called sexual generation. This phenomenon is called generational alternation. [2]
The performance of generation alternation in higher plants is different. Gametophytes are dominant in bryophytes. The sporophyte exists in a parasitic state and relies on the gametophyte to supply the nutrients it needs. In ferns, the sporophyte is relatively developed. The gametophyte degenerates into a prothallus, but can still live independently. [2]
The sporophytes of gymnosperms and angiosperms are more developed, while the gametophytes are more degenerated and attach to the sporophytes. This is due to the long-term adaptation of terrestrial life, so the sporophyte tends to develop continuously, while the gametophyte tends to degenerate due to the lack of water, and finally parasitizes on the sporophyte. The higher the terrestrial plants are, the more developed their sporophytes are, and the more degenerated their gametophytes are. This is an important sign of the development of the plant kingdom from low to high. [2]


Higher plants are generally divided into Bryophyta Pteridophyta Gymnosperma and Angiosperma [1] Morphologically, there are root, stem and leaf differentiation, also known as Stem leaf plant Structurally, it has tissue differentiation, multicellular reproductive organ, and zygote develops into embryo in the mother, so it is also called Embryophyte [3]



Species distribution

About 23000 species are distributed. Usually divided into Liverwort (Hepati cae) and Bryozoa (Mushi) Two classes. Many scholars advocate that hornwort Separated from liverwort Hornwort (Anthocerotae), in parallel with bryozoa and mosses. All over the world, most of them grow in wet environment, such as under forest soil surface, tree branches, swamp The belt, the water stream, the shady corner, etc., especially in the forest area, grow luxuriantly and often gather together into a piece. There are about 2800 species in China. Common types are Calabash moss (Funaria)、 Local money (Marchantia)、 Sphagnum (Sphagnum), etc. [4]

morphological character

Calabash moss
The plant is short and only a few centimeters high. Born in a humid environment. Although there is differentiation of root, stem and leaf, the root is a pseudoroot composed of single cell or multi cell. Although the differentiation of stem and leaf is obvious, there is only differentiation of conduction cell, but no vascular bundle and stele. Gametophytes predominate in life cycle. The plant body of sexual generation is called gametophyte, which is the plant body with rhizoid, stem and leaf. In the gametophyte, egg or sperm collectors are formed, in which female gametes (eggs) are produced, and in which male gametes (sperm) are produced. The sperm has flagella and can swim in water. Because the plant body in this period produces gametes, this plant body is called gametophyte, and this generation is sexual generation. [5]

Reproductive mode

Asexual generation The sporophyte is developed from the embryo of the fertilized egg. The sporophyte consists of a capsule, a capsule stalk and a foot. The foot extends into the gametophyte to absorb nutrients. The capsule stalk connects the foot and the capsule for support Sporoblast After meiosis and one ordinary division, spores are formed. Because asexual plants produce spores, they are called sporophytes. Spores fall into the soil, germinate into protonema, and then grow into new gametophytes. [5]
This phenomenon of alternation between sexual generation and asexual generation is called generational alternation. The gametophyte of bryophytes has the differentiation of rhizoid, stem and leaf, and can live independently for a long time. The sporophyte is parasitic on the gametophyte, which has a short life period. Therefore, bryophytes are dominated by gametophytes. In this case, the adaptation to growth and prosperity on land is much worse than that of ferns and seed plants with dominant sporophytes. [5]

Key values

bryophyte First appeared on sand moraines, deserts, tundra and exposed rocks Flora one of. They secrete Acids The slow dissolution of rocks and the continuous accumulation of dead remains over time contribute to the formation of soil on rocks and provide conditions for the survival of other plants. Therefore, it is called the pioneer of the plant kingdom. Bryophytes have strong characteristics of adapting to water humidity, especially sphagnum, hygrophyllum, and sphagnum, which have an impact on the succession of lakes and marshes to forests. When mosses grow in clusters, they cover the soil, rocks, trees and deciduous layer, which is of certain significance to maintain soil moisture and prevent water and soil loss. [4]
In agriculture and horticulture, peat moss is used as packaging and transportation materials for fresh or green flowers, seedlings, fresh fruits and vegetables, and as mulch for seed beds. Peat formed from peat moss can be used as fuel and fertilizer. [4]
According to the research of Chinese researchers, there are 38 kinds Mosses Plants are Gallnut aphid It can be used as a resource to develop and expand the production of gallnut, an important industrial raw material. Because moss atmospheric pollutant It is more sensitive than other higher plants, widely distributed, and easy to survive through artificial cultivation, so it can be used for air pollution Indicative plant Since the 1960s, it has been adopted transplantation Or made of bryophyte Tester, fixed time and fixed point monitoring air pollution [4]



Species distribution

It is a plant with vascular bundles and propagates by spores. Terrestrial or epiphytic, rarely aquatic. Most are perennial herbs, but in ancient times, many were tall woody plants. The sporophyte is developed, with roots, stems and leaves. The gametophyte degenerates into very small Prothallus , has a false root, and lives independently. Stems are mostly rhizomes, and only a few are erect or prostrate. The rhizome is often covered with scales or scale hairs, and its internal structure has a primary stele, such as Psi1otum; the braided stele, such as Lycopodium, is tubular and reticular, such as true pteridophyte. [5]
existing Fern About 12000 species are widely distributed around the world. Most of them are native, stony or epiphytic, and a few are wet or aquatic. It likes wet and warm environment. There are ferns living in mountains, plains, forests, grasslands, streams, crevices and marshes, especially in tropical and subtropical areas. There are about 2400 species in China, mainly distributed in provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River. Taxonomists have different views on the systematic classification of pteridophytes. The viewpoint put forward by Chinese botanist Qin Renchang in 1978 is considered to be a relatively new taxonomic system closer to true phylogeny. According to this, pteridophytes are divided into 5 subphyla, namely: Pine fern subphylum Psilophyllina, Sphenophyllina, Lycophytina, Isoephytina and Filicophytina. [6]

morphological character

Leaf has Miniature leaf And large leaves. Small leaves with small leaves and developed stems, such as Lycopodia and Equiseta A plant with large leaves, simple leaf Or split into pinna, such as ferns, where leaf veins are separated or connected, and those separated have forked, fan-shaped or feathery veins; The connectors are often interwoven into various meshes. Some species, some leaves are completely embedded Sporangium , called sporophylls or fertile leaves, while the other leaves are not attached with sporangia, called vegetative leaves or sterile leaves. [5]

Reproductive mode

Sporangium Constant set generation Sporangium (stack). There are many types of sporangia, the original type is born on the specialized sporophyll at the top of the branch and forms spike or cone shaped sporangia spikes. The evolutionary types are: marginal sporangia, which refers to the sporangia that is born on the edge of the feather, and terminal sporangia, which is born on the top of the feather; The vein end sporangia group is at the apex of the veinlets, and the vein back sporangia group is at the middle of the veinlets, and the acupoint sporangia group is at the concave place formed by the pinna, and also at the back of the leaf. Some sporangia have a lid, others have no lid. The sporangia group has various shapes, such as round, kidney shaped, and strip shaped. [5]
The sporangium wall is composed of multiple layers of cells( Hypercystis )Or a layer of cells( Leptocystis )The walls of some of the cells in the sporangium wall are often unevenly thickened, and they are arranged in a band, called a ring band. The ring belt has the types of terminal, horizontal middle, oblique and vertical. [5]

Key values

Dendrobium Dwarf (Atlas of Higher Plants in China)
Archaeology Fern The coal formed by the remains in the stratum provides abundant energy for human beings, as well as many economic values. A variety of ferns can be used for medicine. Like a sea of golden sand, it can be treated urinary-tract infection Urethral calculus Rhizoma Drynariae It can strengthen bones and tonify kidneys, promote blood circulation and relieve pain; use Selaginella External application for bleeding from knife wounds; Use Guanzhong to treat abdominal pain and flu caused by insect accumulation; Dryopteris squamosa The decoction of rhizomes and its relatives is a specific medicine for treating liver leech disease of cattle and sheep. Fern Vegetable fern , water fern Osmunda japonica And Guanyin lotus root can be eaten. The rhizomes of many kinds of ferns are rich in starch, called fern powder or mountain powder, which is not only edible, but also can be used as raw materials for wine making. Spore scale of Lycopodium Lycopodium Powder, containing a large amount of grease, can be used as an excellent release agent in metallurgical industry to make the surface of castings smooth and reduce sand holes. The stem of Equisetum contains more silica, which can be used as polishing agent for wood and metal. Rhododendron Fern By and Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria Symbiosis can absorb and accumulate a large amount of nitrogen from the air, which is not only high-quality green manure, but also a good feed for pigs, ducks and other livestock and poultry. [6]
Fern Our life is highly sensitive to the external environmental conditions, and many kinds of Indicative plant Such as Selber, Shi Wei Adiantum It is the indicator plant of calcareous soil Osmunda japonica Lycopodium and Lycopodium are indicative plants of acid soil, Alsophila spinulosa And Euphorbia It indicates the tropical and subtropical climate. The ferns have green branches and leaves, and their shapes are strange and elegant. They are often cultivated in yards and greenhouses or made into bonsai, which has high ornamental value. [6]



Species distribution

Gymnosperms are widely distributed all over the world, especially in the subtropical high mountains and temperate to cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere, often forming large areas of forests. China has the largest number of gymnosperms and the most abundant resources, many of which are Chinese specialties or Tertiary wormwood remains, or "living fossil" plants, such as ginkgo, ginkgo, kumquat, metasequoia, metasequoia, and platycladus orientalis. [6]
The modern gymnosperms are divided into 5 classes, 9 orders, 12 families, 71 genera and about 800 species. China has 236 species of 5 classes, 8 orders, 11 families, 41 genera, of which 51 species of 7 genera in 1 family are introduced and cultivated, making it the country with the richest gymnosperm in the world. There are 10 families, 25 genera and more than 100 species known for medicinal use. Pinaceae is the largest, with 8 genera and more than 40 species. It is generally divided into Cycadopsida, Ginkgopsida, Coniferopsida, Taxopsida, and Gnetopsida( Capophyta )(Chalmydospermopsida) 5 classes. [6]
Gymnospermae are the older plants in higher plants. [6]

morphological character

The plant body (sporophyte) is developed, mostly trees and shrubs, rarely subshrubs (such as ephedra) or vines (such as mahogany), mostly evergreen plants, rarely deciduous (such as ginkgo biloba and kumquat pine); Root is the main root; Vascular bundle in stem Circular arrangement , with cambium and secondary growth, but xylem has only tracheids and no vessels (except Ephedraceae Maceraceae The phloem has sieve cells but no companion cells; The leaves are needle shaped, strip shaped, scale shaped, and rarely flat broad leaves; Branches can be long or short; The long branches are slender and grow infinitely, and the leaves are spirally arranged on the long branches; The short branches are thick and short, grow slowly, and the leaves are clustered at the top of the branches. [6]
Most sporophylls aggregate into cones, called sporophylls. The sporophylls grow singly or aggregate into various globules, usually monoecious or heteroecious. The microsporophylls (stamens) gather to form sporophylls (male cones), and under each microsporophyll there are microspores (pollen) Microspore sac (Pollen sac). Megasporium (carpels) clustered or aggregated to form megasporophylls (female cones). [6]
Each megaspore has naked ovules on or at the edge. The ovule is composed of the nucellus of the embryo whip (female gametophyte)( Megasporangium )And integument (outer appendage of megasporangium). Generate seeds. The perianth is often lacking, and only Ephedraceae and Araceae have perianth like covers (pseudoperianth); Stamens (microsporophylls) gather to form microsporophylls (staminate strobilus); The carpel (megaspore leaf or pearl scale) of the pistil is leaflike and does not wrap up to form an ovary, and clusters or gathers to form a megaspore ball (gynoecium); The ovule is naked on the edge of the carpel and develops into a seed after pollination and fertilization, so it is called gymnosperm. The gametophyte of gymnosperm is very degenerate, small, simple in structure, and completely parasitic on the sporophyte. [6]
The male gametophyte is a pollen tube formed by microspore progenesis, in which there are two swimming or non swimming sperm. The microspores germinate in the microsporangium and are usually transmitted by wind when there are 4 cells. [6]
The female gametophyte is developed from megaspores and is composed of the embryo sac and the endosperm. The lower prothallus is the endosperm, and the top has two or more archegonia. The archegonia is simple in structure and buried in the embryo sac. Only two archegonia cells are exposed outside. There is one egg cell and one ventral groove cell in the archegonia. There is no archegonia cell, which is more degenerated than the archegonia of ferns. [6]
The phenomenon of polyembryony is due to the simultaneous fertilization of several or more egg cells of the archegonium on a female gamete, forming polyembryony, or because a fertilized egg develops into proembryo during development, and then divides into several embryos from proembryo tissue, forming polyembryony. The seed is composed of embryo, endosperm and seed coat. The embryo comes from the fertilized egg, which is a new generation of sporophyte. The endosperm comes from the female gametophyte; The seed coat comes from the integument and is the sporophyte of the older generation. [6]

Reproductive mode

Gleditsia sinensis (Leguminosae Gleditsia deciduous tree)
cone Monoecious The megaspore is the first cell of the female gametophyte. There are usually four megaspores in the ovule, but the upper three degenerate and disappear, and only the lowest one develops into a female gametophyte. The microspore is the first cell of the male gametophyte. The microspore has two walls, in which the spores are shaded. The mature pollen grain is a male gametophyte with four cells: two are degenerated prothallus cells, one is pollen tube cells, and the other is germ cells. During pollination, the pearl scales of the erect female cone are separated from each other and bear pollen. The ovule secretes liquid at the same time, which overflows from the micropyle and becomes a pollination drop. The pollen grains fall on it. This liquid is volatilized and lost, and the pollen grains fall into the micropyle. Thereafter, the pearl scales are closed, the female cones are pendulous, and the pollen grains give birth to pollen tubes, which pass through the nucellar tissue and reach the archegonium. Pollen tube is obviously used to transport sperm. The germ cell divides into two parts in the tube, the big one is the somatic cell, and the smaller one becomes a stalk behind it, called the stalk cell. Before fertilization, the somatic cell divides into two spermatids. There is a small amount of cytoplasm around the nucleus, so the sperm is still a cell, but it cannot swim without flagella. The wall of the somatic cell disappeared afterwards, and the two sperms were sent to the tip of the pollen tube. At this time, the neck cell of the archegonium degenerates, the pollen tube reaches the egg, the tip breaks, and two sperm are shot into the egg, one of which is fused with the egg. [6]

Key values

Although there are only a few gymnosperm species living in modern times, they still play an important role in nature, and most of them are the main tree species constituting the forest. According to the data of the world forest resources inventory in 1963, coniferous forests composed of conifers alone account for 68 ‰ of the world's forest area. Especially in the northern hemisphere, more than 80% of the large forests are gymnosperms, such as larch, fir, pinus armandii, spruce, etc. The existing gymnosperms have many kinds of light wood, strong wood, non bending wood, elastic wood, and good material. They are the main wood species for forestry production such as construction, vehicles, ships, and paper making; Some gymnosperms, such as cycas leaves and seeds, ginkgo kernels, pine pollen, pine needles, pine oil, ephedra, and platycladus orientalis seeds, can be used as human medicine; Ginkgo seeds are edible and can also be used as medicine; Ephedra sinica is a famous traditional Chinese medicine. Taxol extracted from Taxus in recent years Malignant tumor It has inhibitory effect and has been officially provided to patients for medical use. It has been praised by the American Cancer Institute as the most effective anti-cancer drug found in 15 years and has attracted much attention. The young leaves of Cycas spinosa are edible, the pith can be used to make sago, and the seeds of Ginkgo, Huashan Pine, Korean Pine and Torreya are edible dried fruits. Gymnosperms can also be used to make paper, extract tannin, rosin and other raw materials. Tannin, volatile oil, resin and rosin can be extracted from bark and trunk of larch, spruce and other trees. Most gymnosperms are evergreen trees, with straight trunk and beautiful crown, which are good ornamental plants. [6]



Species distribution

There are more than 400 families, 10000 genera and 260000 species of angiosperms in the world, more than half of the total species in the plant world. The most abundant countries are tropical Brazil and Colombia, which rank first and second respectively. There are many angiosperms in China, about 30000 species according to incomplete statistics. Angiosperms are generally divided into Dicotyledons and monocotyledons Two main groups. According to rough estimates, there are about 165000 dicotyledons and 55000 monocotyledons described, ranking the third in the world, with more than 300 families, nearly 3100 genera and more than 300 species, accounting for 7%, 30% and 10% of the world's angiosperms respectively. Widely distributed in mountains, plains, deserts, lakes and rivers, and a few in seawater. Most modern systems divide it into Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons [6]
Angiospermae is a group that has developed to the highest level in the plant kingdom, and it is also the latest and most vital plant group in the plant kingdom. [6]

morphological character

1. The true ovule develops into a seed, the ovary develops into a fruit, and the fruit covers the seed. The flowers of typical angiosperms are composed of four parts: calyx, corolla, stamen group and pistil group. Each part is called the flower part. The various parts of angiosperm flowers have extremely diverse changes in quantity and morphology. These changes are caused by natural selection, retention, and continuous strengthening in the process of evolution, adapting to the conditions of insect pollination, wind pollination, bird pollination, or water pollination.
2. The pistil is composed of carpel, including ovary, style and stigma. The ovule is enclosed in the ovary and protected by the ovary to avoid insect bite and water loss. Ovary develops into fruit after fertilization. The fruit has different colors, trees, flavors, and various cracking methods; The peel often has various hooks, thorns, wings and hairs
3. It has a double fertilization phenomenon, that is, after two sperm cells enter the embryo sac, one combines with the egg cell to form a zygote, and the other combines with two polar nuclei to form a 3n chromosome and develop into endosperm. The young embryo uses the endosperm of the 3n chromosome as nutrition, which increases the contradictions in the new plant body, so it has stronger vitality. Finally, the ovule develops into a seed, and the ovary develops into a fruit. All angiosperms have double fertilization, which is also a proof that they have a common ancestor. [6]
Schematic diagram of angiosperm reproduction and development
4. Highly developed sporophytes The sporophytes of angiosperms are highly developed, with obvious differentiation of roots, stems, leaves and flowers. In terms of morphology, structure, life forms, etc., they are more perfect and diversified than other kinds of plants. There are the world's largest trees, such as Eucalyptus armeniaca, which is 156 meters high; There are also small herbs as fine as sand grains, such as rootless duckweed, which can accommodate 3 million individuals per square meter of water surface. There are fruits weighing up to 25 kg, containing only one seed, such as Wang Zong( roystonea regia ); There are also plants as light as dust, with 50000 seeds weighing only 0.1g, such as Tropical rain forest Some epiphytic orchids: plants with a life span of up to 6000 years, such as the dragon blood tree; There are also plants that blossom and seed within 3 weeks to complete their life cycle (such as some cruciferous plants growing in the desert); There are aquatic, psammophytic, lithophytic and saline alkaline plants; There are autotrophic plants, saprophytic and parasitic plants. Anatomically, angiosperm Secondary xylem There are sieve tubes and companion cells in the phloem, but in some aquatic, parasitic, saprophytic and fleshy angiosperms, the vessels disappear in the process of evolution. A few primitive angiosperms have no vessels. The improvement of the conduction organization makes the material transportation in the body smooth and the adaptability strengthened. [6]
5. The gametophyte further degenerates. The mature male gametophyte has only three cells. The female gametophyte (embryo sac) generally has only eight cells. The angiosperm microspore (mononuclear pollen grains) develops into the male gametophyte. Most mature male gametophytes have only two cells (2-nuclear pollen grains), one of which is a vegetative cell, one of which is a germ cell. In a few plants, the germ cell divides once before pollination, It produces two sperms, so the male gametophyte of this kind of plants is a 3-nucleated pollen grain. Such as Dianthus, rape, corn, barley, wheat, etc. The megaspore of angiosperm develops into mature female gametophyte, which is called embryo sac. Generally, the embryo sac has only 7 cells: 3 Antipodal cell 1 polar nucleus, 2 synergids and 1 egg. The antipodal cells are the remnants of the vegetative part of the prothallus. Some plants (such as bamboos) have more than 300 antipodal cells, and some (such as apple pear) have no antipodal cells when the embryo sac is mature. The synergid and egg are collectively called the oogonia, which are the remnants of the archegonia. It can be seen that the female and male gametophytes of angiosperms have no independent living ability and parasitize on the sporophytes all their lives, which is simpler in structure than that of gymnosperms. [6]

Reproductive mode

Angiosperm is a group with many species, wide distribution and strong adaptability in modern plant kingdom. One of the outstanding characteristics of angiosperms is that they have real flowers, so angiosperms are also called flowering plants. The appearance of flowers represents a highly evolved and characteristic part of plant reproduction. The reproduction of angiosperms is the most sophisticated among all plants. Angiosperms produce new individuals through sexual reproduction, which is carried out in flowers. It is the whole process from the formation of sperm and egg to the formation of embryo and endosperm through fertilization. [6]
The flower of angiosperm is composed of calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil. The main function of calyx and corolla is to protect flowers and attract insects to transfer pollen. The middle of the flower is the stamen and pistil, which are the female and male organs of the flower. A stamen consists of filaments and anthers, which produce pollen grains. There are two forms of mature pollen grains in internal structure, one is containing a Vegetative cell And a germ cell, such as the pollen of cotton and lily; The other is pollen containing one vegetative cell and two sperm, such as wheat and cabbage. Spermatozoa are formed by the division of germ cells. The division of germ cells may take place in pollen grains, or in pollen tubes that grow after pollen germination. [6]
The pistil is divided into three parts: stigma, style and ovary, which are shaped like a vase. There are 1 to many ovules on the inner wall of the ovary. The ovule is the place where the plant "fetus" grows. In the early stage, there was a sac in the middle of each ovule, called the embryo sac, which was formed by Blastocyst mother cell Formed by meiosis. Under the microscope, it can be seen that the mature embryo sac contains one egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal cells and one with two polar nuclei Central cell [6]
When plants bloom, mature pollen is transported to the stigma of the same plant's pistil by wind or insects. Stimulated by the mucus on the stigma, pollen grains begin to germinate and form pollen tubes. The pollen tube passes through the style and ovary wall directly to the ovule, enters the embryo sac, and releases two sperm in the pollen tube into the embryo. One sperm combines with the egg cell to form a fertilized egg, from which the fertilized egg develops into an embryo; The other sperm combines with two polar nuclei to form a fertilized polar nucleus, from which it develops into endosperm. In this way, the fertilized ovule becomes a seed. [6]
When the egg cell is fertilized, the whole flower is stimulated and all parts of the flower change significantly. The style, stigma, stamen, corolla, etc. all withered, and most of the plant calyx also fell off, leaving only the ovary. A large amount of organic matter is constantly transported to the ovary, and the ovary begins to develop, expand, and finally form fruit. [6]
In angiosperms, the phenomenon that two sperm combine with egg cell and polar nucleus at the same time is called double fertilization. Double fertilization is not found in lower plants and animals, but is unique to angiosperms. The result of double fertilization not only makes the "fetus" carry the genetic characteristics of both parents, but also provides the endosperm for the development of the "fetus", as well as the genetic material of both parents. The offspring thus produced must have strong viability and adaptability, thus ensuring that angiosperms can survive and reproduce widely in a diversified natural environment. [6]

Key values

Angiosperms occupy most of the land space of modern earth and are the main components of the world vegetation. The characteristics of angiosperms enable them to have internal conditions superior to other plants in the survival competition. The emergence of angiosperms makes the world the first time to see colorful, diverse, and luxuriant flowers and fruits. With the development of angiosperms' flower morphology and the storage of high-energy products in fruits and seeds, the animal kingdom (especially insects, birds, and mammals) that directly or indirectly rely on plants for living has obtained corresponding development and flourished rapidly. [6]
Angiosperms are closely related to human life, including rice barley Wheat , soybean sorghum, corn, potato and chestnut, etc; Vegetables include green vegetables, radish, winter melon, tomato, onion, etc; Oilseeds include rape, peanut, sesame, etc; The raw materials for light industry include sugar cane, tea, and straw cotton Textile raw materials Ricinus communis is a high-grade lubricating oil raw material, rubber is a national defense industry and transportation raw material, and bamboo is a building and weaving raw material; Fruit includes watermelon, apple and pineapple; Medicines include coptis chinensis and mint, and construction materials include camphor tree, white poplar, white birch, etc; Many angiosperms are also ornamental. [6]