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High end market

Economic terminology
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High end market means that the products are mainly aimed at high-end consumer groups. The price of the products is quite high, and the products are diversified. Generally, they are famous brands, or the products with high technology content in brand products.
Chinese name
Economic terminology
Foreign name
high-end market
According to the consumption capacity of consumers, it is divided into two levels: high-end consumer groups low-end consumer groups If the product is mainly targeted at high-end consumer groups, it is facing the high-end market! Generally speaking, the price of products in the high-end market is quite high, and the products are diversified, generally famous brands, or the product category with high technology content in brand products.
economics We should turn the product market into a primary market, such as clothing, food, housing and transportation. The means of production are called high-end markets, such as capital markets.
The focus of current reform is the high-end market. Primary markets are well developed, including farmers' markets and special product markets, some of which have global influence, Yiwu's small commodity market, Alibaba's [Weibo] online market and trading platform. These are not the focus of the next reform. The focus of the next reform is the high-end part of the place, which is represented by the exchange. They have completed the function of price discovery, which has a strong radiative impact on the national resource allocation.