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Electromagnetic Control Technology and Its Application in Continuous Casting Solidification Process of High Performance Copper Alloys

research project
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Electromagnetic Control Technology and Application in Continuous Casting and Solidification Process of High Performance Copper Alloys is a scientific research project completed by Li Tingju and others relying on Dalian University of Technology and other units. [1]
Chinese name
Electromagnetic Control Technology and Its Application in Continuous Casting Solidification Process of High Performance Copper Alloys
Completed by
Li Tingju et al
Second prize of National Technological Invention Award
Supporting unit
Dalian University of Technology, etc


Main completion personnel : Li Tingju (Dalian University of Technology), Wang Tongmin (Dalian University of Technology), Li Weiyuan (Beijing Selkeret Electrical Co., Ltd.), Lu Yiping (Dalian University of Technology), Ru Qiyang (Shaoxing Lianda Casting Technology R&D Co., Ltd.), Jin Keng (Shaoxing Lianda Casting Technology R&D Co., Ltd.) [1]

Award record

The second prize of 2015 National Technological Invention Award. [1]