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High luminosity blue variable star

Swordfish S-type variable star
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High luminosity blue variable stars, also known as Swordfish S-type variable star is a very bright and blue supergiant variable star Large Magellanic Cloud Of Swordfish S This is the name of this type.
Chinese name
High luminosity blue variable star
Foreign name
Luminous Blue Variable star
Swordfish S-type variable star
Swordfish S, Haishan II Pistol Star LBV 1806-20 etc.


Haishan II, a high luminosity blue variable star about 7500 light-years away from Earth
The brightness of high luminosity blue variable stars is sunlight The mass can be 150 times that of the sun, close to the mass of stars Theoretical upper bound , so that they are listed in universe in Brightest , the hottest and the most energy releasing fixed star Table. If they are so huge, their gravity will not balance with the radiation pressure, and make them become Polar supernova For them, because of their Stellar wind The mass of stars is constantly dropped, so they are almost impossible to reach Hydrostatic balance For this reason, such stars are often surrounded by nebulae generated by their explosions; Haishan II It is the closest and best research example. Because of their high quality and brightness, their Life span Very short, only millions of years.

correlation theory

It is believed that high luminosity blue variable stars are Stellar evolution The process of losing a lot of quality is required in the stage of. They're exploding into Supernova It may evolve into Wolf Rayet If a star of this kind loses not enough mass, it may become a very powerful pair-instability supernova