Wang Xun

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The 12th King of Korea
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synonym Gao Lishunzong (Korean Shun Zong) generally refers to Wang Xun (the twelfth monarch of Korea)
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Wang Xun (1047-1083), Korea Dynasty The 12th monarch (reigned in 1083). Initial name word Righteous and respectful He is Korean Wenzong His eldest son was crowned prince in 1054. He ascended the throne in 1083 and became a great hero in three months. After his death Temple name Shun Zong Posthumous title Xuanhui , buried in Chengling.
Full Name
Wang Xun
Righteous and respectful
Posthumous title
Yingming Jingxian Xuanhui King
Temple name
Shun Zong
one's native heath
date of birth
Date of death
The mausoleum
In office time
Korean Wenzong Wang Hui
Korea Xuanzong Wang Yun
True name
Wang Xuan

Character's Life

On December 9, the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Chongxi (1047), he had just succeeded to the throne for one year Korean Wenzong Wang Hui I finally got a son, and my mother is Princess Yande( Empress Dowager Renrui )Li was named "烋" by Wenzong. Wenzong's original match was his half sister, Queen Renping, Jin Shi. The historical records about her life are almost zero, probably because Consanguinity marriage She didn't give birth to any children to Wenzong, or all the children died prematurely until Wenzong received an important official Jonathan Only after her daughter changed her predicament of having no children. In the 21st year of the reign of Emperor Chongxi (1052), Princess Yande was listed as the princess. Two years later, Wang Xuan was also named the crown prince and renamed "Xun" suzerain Khitan (Later, the country name was changed to Liao) sent envoys to confer Wang Xun the title of "Three Korean Duke".
On July 18, the ninth year of Dakang (1083), Wenzong Hong died. Wang Xun, who had been a prince for nearly 30 years, finally ascended the throne and sent an envoy to Liao Dynasty Complain. However, Wang Xun did not live through this year. It is said that he was ill originally, and his illness was aggravated by excessive grief during his father's funeral [1] , leading to his death in Wenzong on October 23 of the same year Bereavement At the age of 37. He had no children, and his last biography was in his brother Wang Yun. His last edict was:
"Compared with the last words of your father, you have won the important weapon of the Lord's family Minuteness , falsely assuming the right of care; Be happy with the public and talk about long-term strategies. Jibao Ancestor's Day, Yongguang succession to one's father's profession The contribution. It does not mean that people have mourned or mourned for their lives, but that they have accumulated worries and become afflicted. After a long period of time, there are more and more people without warning, so it comes to the beginning of winter become worse Think clearly of the body of the wind lamp, rather than fantasy? And the map of the state was compiled and inherited, with the pre ownership. Today's mother and brother guard Grand Master Middle order , Guoyuan's public transport, multi talented, and prosperous. It is difficult to harvest, so it is necessary to be prepared; Criminal and political diseases should be investigated in the heart. As if rising the royal prerogative It is enough to secure the hope of a hundred million trillion, and can be found in the coffin, that is, the monarchy. In the case of rewards and punishments in the imperial dynasty, once a report is sent to the heir, officials in other towns and cities will only mourn in their own county, and they will never leave the office without permission. The system of mourning clothes changes from day to month, and the system of mountain mausoleums is based on frugality. In play! There is a limit to life, and those who are difficult are always righteous; Who hasn't? The injured person is on a strange journey. Only with one or two hands, Chinese and foreign civil and military, we lose loyalty and support our prince. Shuyan Baoli Calendar Infinite, long make all within the country It is mailed. What regret should I have when I close my eyes? " [2]
After Wang Xun died, Temple name Shun Zong Posthumous title Xuanhui , buried in Chengling. Later, the posthumous title was "Wise King Jingxian Xuanhui". [2]

Family members


Evaluation of later generations

  • Li Qixian : Three years of mourning, since the Son of Heaven reached the common people. However, the so-called Qi Fa Zhifu, Gruel The food, the color and the sorrow of crying make people come to see and enjoy themselves Teng Wengong After that, I didn't hear of it. Shun Zong was mourned by Wenkao and became ill. He died in April. Although he had done something wrong with the system of saints, his sincerity of love would be great. [2]