Scatter ashes in the sea

Burial mode
zero Useful+1
Scattering ashes into the sea refers to the burial method of throwing ashes of dead people into the sea without preserving ashes, which is conducive to saving land, developing economy and change existing habits and customs , in favor of socialist spiritual civilization Construction.
Chinese name
Scatter ashes in the sea
Breaking through the traditional“ be laid to rest ”Concept
Advantages of sea spreading
It not only saves national land, but also does not waste resources

Introduction to Sahai

The scattering of ashes broke through the traditional concept of "being buried in peace". Man comes from nature and returns to nature. Scattering ashes into the sea is another major reform after the burial, a great leap in human thought, and a symbol of social civilization. Scattering ashes in the sea is conducive to saving land, developing economy, changing customs, and socialist spiritual civilization build [1-2]

Ritual process

When the ashes are scattered in the sea, a farewell ceremony will be held, which will be presided over by a specially assigned person (or someone who reads a sacrifice) and invited family representatives to make a speech, review the life of the deceased family members, express their feelings of missing, and pay a silent tribute. Then, amid the sound of sadness and music, the family members slowly scattered flowers and ashes into the sea. The ashes return to nature. Other sundries such as urn and urn bag shall not be thrown into the sea during sea sprinkling, and attention shall be paid to environmental protection.

Advantages of sea spreading

Scatter ashes in the sea [3] It not only saves national land and does not waste resources, but also is more economical than buying burial plots. The temperature of human body burning is 800 ℃ to 1200 ℃, and harmful bacteria cannot survive. The ashes produced by cremation are inorganic calcium carbonate, not toxic and harmful substances, and will not cause water pollution. Moreover, the ashes from the sea are subject to irregular health inspection and quarantine by the health and quarantine department. [1]

Caesar's Lyrics

The sea is full of family yearnings
Long boat goes to sea to send relatives home with deep sorrow
Sigh at the short life and the hard road
May the blessing of the nether world last long, and ascend to the Blissful Land early to comfort the hearts of future generations
Look at Huang Maozi's milk gas, which has not been stripped off, and the gold flowing from the shade has whitened the youth's head
Remembering the eventful years, the soldiers and horses hurry, the time is fleeting, whether the general can eat or not
Where is the green silk not old and the red beauty not changing the feast not ending
Where is the bright moon, round sky, bright flowers and fresh grass
Birth, aging, disease and death are the iron laws of life. Who can resist the natural laws
Returning to Nature, Enduring in Invisibility, Gone with the Wave, Clean in Quality, Come and Go
Green graves in the loess ridge sleep alone
How can we live together in the sea with green waves
Life comes from water and nature
From then on, the universe is not envious of immortals [4]

Relevant ships

Guobin 9 ”It is the first specialized ship for ashes scattering in China [5]