
[mǎ chǐ xiàn]
A plant of the genus Portulaceae
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Purslane( Portulaca oleracea L.), Also known as purslane, grasshopper, five element vegetable, long-lived vegetable, five element herb, etc., it is an annual fleshy herb of Portulaceae Portulaca [1] [10] The whole plant of Purslane is hairless. The stems lie flat or recline, spread on the ground, and are light green or dark red. The leaves are alternate, sometimes nearly opposite, flat, obovate, like horse teeth. Flowers sessile, usually 3-5 clustered branches; 5 petals, 4 thin, yellow, obovate; The anthers are yellow. The capsule is ovoid and dehiscent. There are seeds in the capsule. The seeds are small, oblique spherical, dark brown, with small warty projections. [1] The flowering period of purslane is from May to August, and the fruit period is from June to September [1]
Purslane originated from India [33] , distributed all over the world [3-4] , mainly in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions [1] [7] , planted all over China [1-2] Purslane mainly grows in the wild [9] , commonly found in farmland, vegetable garden, vegetable garden, roadside, etc. below 1300 meters above sea level [1] [10] [32 ] , a common weed in the field [1] Purslane likes warm and humid environment, drought and salt tolerance, low temperature tolerance, and phototropism [3] [6] [10] [33]
Purslane is a homologous plant of medicine and food [12] , rich in nutrients [9] Its tender stems, leaves and flowers are edible [1] [18] , healthy vegetable [9] It is also a high-quality green medicinal feed [32 ] The whole herb and its seeds of purslane can be used as Chinese medicinal materials. It has the effects of cooling blood and detoxifying, dehumidifying and relieving diarrhea, and stopping dysentery. It is often used to treat bacterial dysentery, sores, carbuncles, furuncles, wet ringworm, eczema, etc [14-15 ] Purslane also has the ability to accumulate heavy metals, which is often used to repair saline alkali land or heavy metal contaminated water [32 ] However, purslane is a worldwide weed with serious damage in fertile vegetable fields, soybean and cotton fields [29 ] When purslane harms cotton fields, corn fields, etc., it can be controlled by chemicals such as liguron, or manually removed in combination with field management. [24 ]
Chinese name
Latin name
Portulaca oleracea L. [1]
Potherb, grasshopper, five element vegetable, long-lived vegetable, five element herb, etc [1-2]
Plantae [2]
Tracheophyta [2]
Magnoliopsida [2]
Caryophyllales [2]
Portulaceae [2]
Portulaca( Portulaca [2]
purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) [2]
Distribution area
Originated in India [33] , distributed all over the world [3-4]
International Endangered Level
No risk (LC) [35]
English name
Common purslane、Purslane、Pig weed [19]
Habitat environment
It mainly grows in the wild [9] , commonly found in farmland, vegetable garden, vegetable garden, roadside, etc. below 1300 meters above sea level [1] [10] [32 ]
Morphological recognition
Stems lie flat or recline, rarely erect, spreading on the ground. The leaves are flat, plump, like horse teeth. The petals are yellow. Seeds are small, mostly, oblique spherical, dark brown. [1]

History of botany


Origin of name

Purslane( Portulaca oleracea 50. ) The scientific name comes from the Latin "porto", which means milk when combined with "lac", because this plant contains milk [23 ] The Chinese name of purslane originates from Li Shizhen, a Chinese medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty. Because its leaves are similar to purslane, while its sex is slippery, it is named "purslane"; Because it is durable and hard to dry, it has the name of "long-lived dish" [14 ] Purslane is green in leaf, red in stem, yellow in flower, black in seed and white in root. It has the color of five elements, so it is also called five element vegetable [5] Also, when Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was cut off from food in Nanyang, Henan Province, China, he sealed purslane "never die" because he ate purslane to keep his life, which is also called "longevity dish", "longevity dish" [27]

Historical records

Portulaca was first recorded in the Collection of Materia Medica in the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China. Tao Hongjing said: "There is another kind of purslane today. It grows on the ground and is very fine. It is commonly regarded as purslane. It can also be eaten and is slightly sour." It shows that purslane grows on the ground, with small seeds and sour taste. Portulaca oleracea was first listed as a separate item in Kaibao Materia Medica in the Song Dynasty of China. It is recorded in the Book of Materia Medica of the Song Dynasty that "Portulaca oleracea was not originally written in the state, but now it is everywhere. Although it is called amaranth, its seedling leaves are not similar to human amaranth. It is also called five element herb, with its green leaves, red stems, yellow flowers, white roots, and black seeds." [14 ] The Compendium of Materia Medica of the Ming Dynasty of China said: "Purslane is wild everywhere in the garden, with soft stems and ground, and thin leaves opposite each other... people gather many seedlings and cook them for drying." [14 ]

morphological character

The whole plant of purslane is hairless [1]
Purslane plant


Stems lie flat or recline, less upright, spread on the ground, more branched, cylindrical, 10-15cm long, light green or dark red [1]
Purslane - stem


Leaves alternate, sometimes nearly opposite, flat, plump, obovate, 1-3 cm long, 0.6~1.5 cm wide, horsetooth like, blunt or flat at the top, sometimes slightly concave, cuneate at the base, entire, dark green above, light green or dark red below, and slightly uplifted midvein; Petiole short and thick [1]
Purslane leaf


The flowers are sessile, 4-5 mm in diameter, usually 3-5 clustered branches, blooming at noon; Bracts 2-6, leaflike, membranous, nearly whorled; Sepals 2, opposite, green, helmet shaped, compressed from left to right, about 4 mm long, acute at the top, keel like protrusion on the back, connate at the base; Petals 5, 4 thin, yellow, 3-5 mm long, obovate, slightly concave at the top, slightly connate at the base; Stamens are usually 8, or more, about 12 mm long, and anthers are yellow; Ovary glabrous, style slightly longer than stamens, stigma 4-6 lobed, linear [1]
Purslane flower

Fruit and seed

Capsule ovoid, about 5 mm long, dehiscent; Seeds are small, mostly, oblique spherical, dark brown, shiny, less than 1 mm in diameter, with small warty projections. [1]
Purslane - fruit
Purslane - seed

Distribution range

Purslane originated from India [33] The original range is Macaronesia, tropical Africa, the Mediterranean Sea to Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula [20] Purslane is distributed all over the world [3-4] , mainly in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions [1] [7] , rarely distributed in cold regions, it is one of the most common wild plants in the world [3] [7] Purslane is widely distributed in China [9] , planted all over the north and south [1-2] , such as Guangdong, Shandong, Hunan and other provinces [2] [9]
Distribution Map of Purslane in China [2]

Growth environment

Purslane mainly grows in the wild [9] , common in farmland, vegetable garden, roadside, etc. below 1300 meters above sea level [1] [10] [32 ] , a common weed in the field [1]

Growth habit

Purslane is a one-year fleshy herb [1] [10] , with wild characteristics [11] Purslane has strong vitality [5] The requirements for soil are not strict, and neutral and weakly acidic sandy loam is suitable [12] [36] , often planted in the field [5] Purslane likes warm and humid environment [10] The germination temperature is 3~8 ℃, and the suitable growth temperature is 26~28 ℃ [33] , with phototropism [33] It grows fast and tender under weak light, and can continue to grow under strong light, but it is easy to age under too strong light [12] Purslane has strong adaptability to the environment [3] It can adapt to high salt, heavy metal pollution and other adverse environments [3] It also has strong stress resistance, such as drought resistance, waterlogging resistance, salt resistance, etc [6] , but it is not resistant to low temperature, which will limit the growth and development of purslane [3] The flowering period of purslane is from May to August, and the fruit period is from June to September [1]

Reproductive mode


Natural reproduction

Purslane can reproduce by self pollination [21] [32 ] Its filaments transport nutrients to the anthers, promote flowering, and expose the anthers in the air, which is conducive to anther dehiscence, pollination and other functions. When the anthers mature, they crack and release pollen for dissemination [32 ] Portulaca oleracea can also be propagated by seeds, which fall, take root and sprout naturally, and are mainly spread by wind and water [19] [32 ]

Artificial reproduction

Seeding propagation
The planting of purslane is divided into autumn sowing and spring sowing. The autumn sowing is usually in the middle and late October, and the spring sowing is usually in the middle and late April [33] Direct seeding and seedling raising and transplanting can be selected for sowing [11] Direct seeding includes drilling and sowing. First, soak the seeds of purslane with natural brassinolide emulsifiable concentrates, then wash them, evenly mix them with fine sand, and then sow them. After sowing, cover a layer of fine soil and water immediately. When the temperature is low, cover the film. When the seedling is 5-7cm high, remove the plastic film and transplant. [11] [33]
cuttage propagation
The side branches of disease-free, thick stem and strong growth purslane plants shall be selected as cutting materials, which can be cut and planted immediately or placed for 1 day. When cutting, it is better to select sandy loam soil rich in organic matter and close to water source. Water timely after cutting. For cutting in summer, the greenhouse should be covered with a sunscreen for shade. After cutting for a week, remove the sunscreen. [11] Transplant to the cultivation site 15~20 days after cutting. If the planting area is small, it can also be directly cut [36]
tissue culture
The full seeds of purslane were washed with clean water, soaked in ethanol, washed with sterile water, and inoculated on agar solidified medium. When the seeds germinated for 7-10 days, the hypocotyls, cotyledons and radicles of Portulaca oleracea were taken under sterile conditions and inoculated on the medium with different hormone concentrations. The induced callus of Portulaca oleracea was subcultured on the differentiation medium to induce the production of adventitious buds. When the adventitious buds grew to 1-2 cm, they were transferred to the rooting medium to induce rooting. With the extension of time, the young buds of purslane grow and elongate, and the young leaves appear green. [34]

cultivation techniques


Land selection and preparation

Before sowing, select the land with fertile soil, suitable humidity, good ventilation and convenient drainage and irrigation, plough and rake the soil, and apply sufficient compost and manure to blend the soil and manure; Pour enough bottom water. [11] [33] Before transplanting, the soil shall be turned over deeply, and the box surface shall be made. The soil shall be dried and sterilized. The decomposed human and animal manure or compound fertilizer shall be applied as the base fertilizer in combination with the land preparation, and then the planting shall be carried out [36]

Field management

Make up the shortage of purslane seedlings found in the transplanting site. When the seedling height is 5~7cm and 10~12cm, the seedlings shall be thinned once respectively, and weeds and soil shall be removed at the same time. [33] During the growth period, a certain amount of organic fertilizer can be applied as the base fertilizer, and a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be supplemented in the peak growth season [13] After harvest, apply quick acting nitrogen fertilizer once per harvest to ensure nutrient supply [36] Generally, watering is not required [13] , only need to be properly watered in the extreme drought [36] The purslane planted under the greenhouse should also be ventilated and cooled according to the weather conditions [11] In order to maintain the use of purslane, the buds at the top of the stem can be partially removed at the end of spring to promote the growth of new branches, which can increase the yield. If planting is to be carried out in the next year, some flower buds should be properly reserved to let it blossom and bear fruit. When the seeds are mature, they will naturally fall on the ground and germinate and grow in the next year. It can grow continuously for many years if planted once in this way. [13] Seven days before harvest, use gibberellin to spray purslane leaves to make plants green and promote yield [36]

Disease and insect control

Purslane has strong disease resistance [11] [33] , less pests and diseases during growth [9] Occasionally, there are snails, Spodoptera litura, damping off disease, cataplexy, etc [11] For snails, sprinkle quicklime around purslane plants or poison them with ammonia at night; For Spodoptera litura, fenvalerate can be sprayed for control. The prevention of damping off disease or sudden fall disease should be done well at low temperature to keep the temperature of the planting land above 10 ℃, and the pesticide with low toxicity and low residue can be used for prevention and control when it comes to disease; Sweet and sour solution can be used to spray leaves when virus diseases occur [11]


When the height of purslane plant is more than 25 cm, the whole plant can be uprooted or reaped with a sickle. When the seeds are black, they will be harvested and stored in bags. The seeds can be stored for one year at room temperature. [33]

Key values


Edible value

In 2002, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (WFJF [2002] No. 51) included purslane in the list of food and medicine homologous articles [8] Was included in the menu of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 [12] The tender stems, leaves and flowers of purslane are edible [1] [18] It is a healthy vegetable with a crisp and sticky taste and a slightly sour and salty taste. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It can be cold mixed, cooked with shredded meat, or made into soup with eggs and shredded meat [9] , or drying, quick freezing, canning, etc [13] The seeds of purslane can also be eaten, and Australian aborigines will use it to make biscuits [17] In addition, purslane contains rich nutrients, especially vitamins such as vitamin A and riboflavin, and minerals such as calcium and iron [9]
Portulaca salad
Purslane cake

Medicinal value

The whole herb and seeds of purslane can be used as traditional Chinese medicine. According to the ancient records of Chinese pharmacy, purslane is sour in taste and cold in nature. It belongs to the large intestine and liver meridian; It has the effects of cooling blood and detoxifying, dehumidifying and relieving diarrhea, and stopping dysentery. It is often used internally to treat bacterial dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, acute appendicitis, leucorrhea, etc., and externally to treat sores, carbuncles, furuncles, wet ringworm, eczema, etc [14-15 ] The dried seeds of Portulaca oleracea can also be used as medicine. They are sweet in taste, cold in nature, and belong to the liver and large intestine meridians; It has the effects of removing dampness, clearing liver, and improving eyesight, and is often used to treat diseases such as dacryocystitis, blindness, and pannus [14 ] [16 ] Purslane can also be used as veterinary medicine and aphid control pesticide [1] [32 ]
Chinese medicinal herb purslane

economic value

Purslane has good palatability and high digestibility. It can be used to feed livestock and poultry, which can save feed cost and reduce dosage. It is a high-quality green medicinal feed [32 ] In the United States, purslane is often sold in farmers' markets [21]

Feeding value

Wild purslane is a common food source for wild animals. Sawflies feed on leaves, and sparrows, deer and mice feed on seeds to maintain vitality [22] The breeding pigs fed with purslane can increase the reproduction rate; Feeding hens can increase the hardness of the eggshell and the color of the yolk, and increase the egg production rate [32 ] Portulaca oleracea is also often used to prevent and cure dysentery of livestock, used alone or in combination with other drugs [28]

ecological value

Under salt stress, purslane seedlings have the ability to accumulate heavy metals, and are often used to repair saline alkali land or heavy metal polluted water, promote the recycling of polluted water, such as industrial wastewater, pipeline well water, and promote the sustainable development of the ecological environment [32 ]

Other values

Studies have shown that purslane extract is safe and non irritating, and can be added to cosmetics as a multifunctional raw material. In the Catalog of Used Cosmetic Raw Materials (2021 Edition) issued by the State Food and Drug Administration, the stem and leaf extract of purslane has been listed as a cosmetic raw material. There are dozens of cosmetics brands containing purslane active ingredients sold in the domestic and foreign markets, including facial masks, essences, skin care lotion and facial cleansers, mainly focusing on moisturizing, soothing and anti allergic aspects [1] [31] [32 ]
(Purslane moisturizing cream)

Species hazards


Hazard characteristics

Portulaca oleracea is a major weed in autumn dry farming fields. It is a worldwide weed with serious damage in fertile corn fields, soybean fields and cotton fields [24 ] [29 ] From June to September, when purslane is massively propagated, its coverage reaches 80%, which will reduce the yield of leafy vegetables by nearly 90% and almost cut off the harvest [30]

Preventive measures

When purslane harms cotton fields, it can be controlled by herbicide, liguron, prometryn, etc. For corn fields, the pesticides such as simazine, pentachlorophenol sodium and liguron can be used for control, or they can be removed manually in combination with field management. [24 ] If the seedlings are found outside the purslane planting area, they should be pulled out completely and not thrown about, because the plants separated from the soil can maintain their vitality for more than a month even if exposed to outdoor sunlight in summer [13]

Plant culture

Archaeobotanists found that purslane is very common in many Mediterranean prehistoric sites. In the 4th century BC, the Greek botanist Theophrastus named purslane andr á khne (ἀ νδ ρα χνη) (ancient Greek) [25] In ancient Rome, purslane was regarded as one of the anti magic herbs. It was said that sprinkling it around the bed could prevent evil spirits from having nightmares [23 ] , can also be used as an amulet to expel all evils [25] In Spanish, purslane is called Verdolaga, which is the nickname of South American football clubs. The uniforms of these football clubs have green and white patterns, including Atletico Nacional in Colombia and Ferrocaril Oeste in Argentina [26]
Atletico Nacional Football Club crest
Atletico Nacional Football Club crest