Marshall Islands

Republic of Marshall Islands
zero Useful+1
The Republic of the Marshall Islands, referred to as the Marshall Islands, is located in the Central Pacific Ocean Micronesia Region. 1225 atolls and five small islands reef form. The southeast islands and reefs are collectively called Sunrise Islands, and the northwest islands and reefs are collectively called Sunset Islands. The two parts are about 208 kilometers apart. The vast majority of the population is concentrated in the capital Majuro and Kwajalein Atoll (Kwajalein). The coastline is 370.4 kilometers long. genus Tropical climate , the average annual temperature is 27 ℃, the average annual precipitation is 3350mm, the rainy season is from May to November, and the rainy season is from December to next April dry season Land area is 181.3 square kilometers (including Bikini Atoll Eniwetok Atoll and Kwajalein Atoll )The marine exclusive economic zone covers an area of 2.131 million square kilometers. The country is divided into 24 municipal regions, with Majuro as the capital. In 2017, the population of Marshall Islands was 54300. [1]
The Marshall Islands is located in Micronesia in the Central Pacific Ocean. It is composed of 29 atoll groups and five small islands, totaling 1225 islands and reefs. The islands and reefs in the southeast are collectively called the Sunrise Islands, and the islands and reefs in the northwest are collectively called the Sunset Islands. The two parts are about 208 kilometers apart. Most of the population is concentrated in the capital majuro and Kwajalein Atoll (Kwajalein). The coastline is 370.4 km long and belongs to the tropical climate. The average annual temperature is 27 ℃ and the average annual precipitation is 3350 mm.
The main economic data of Marshall Islands in 2022 are as follows (source: International Monetary Fund )GDP: 270 million US dollars. GDP per capita : 4860 USD; gross domestic product Growth rate: 1.5%. [1]
Chinese name
Republic of Marshall Islands
Foreign name
The Republic of Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
major city
Bikini Kwajalein
National Day
October 21, 1986
National anthem
Forever Marshall Islands
Country code
official language
Time zone
Political system
Presidential republic
National leaders
Hilda Kathy Heine [3] [14] President
population size
54300 [1] (2017)
Population density
328.9 persons/km2 [4] [9] (2020)
Major ethnic groups
Land area
181.3 km² [1]
Ocean area
2131000 km² [1] (Area of marine exclusive economic zone)
Total GDP
US $270 million [1] [4] (2022)
GDP per capita
US $4860 [1] [5] (2022)
International telephone area code
six hundred and ninety-two
Abbreviation of international domain name
Road access
Drive on the right
Largest city
Constitution Day
May 1st
Tropical climate [1]
Average annual temperature
27℃ [1]
Annual average precipitation
3350mm [1]
370.4 km [1]

Historical evolution

In 1529, the Spanish navigator Alvaro de Saavedra came here. Spain claimed the islands in 1592.
In 1788, John Marshall, the British captain, came here to investigate, hence the name of the islands.
In 1886, the Marshall Islands became a German protectorate.
the First World War At the beginning, the Marshall Islands were occupied by Japan, the Second World War China has become a base for Japan to fight in the Pacific Ocean.
From 1944-1947, the United States imposed military control on it.
Between 1946 and 1958, the Marshall Islands suffered Up to 67 US nuclear tests. It has caused serious damage to Pacific islands, marine ecology and people's health. In addition, the United States has poured more than 130 tons of nuclear contaminated soil from its Nevada nuclear test site directly onto the Marshall Islands. [2] [13]
In July 1947, the Marshall Islands was entrusted by the United Nations to the United States Palau Northern Mariana Islands and Micronesia (Federated States of) The four political entities that constitute the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.
On June 25, 1983, the Marshall Islands and the United States officially signed the Treaty of Free Association, which entered into force in October 1986. According to the treaty, the Marshall Islands has gained internal and diplomatic autonomy. The United States will be responsible for security and defense for 15 years. It can participate in regional organizations, but cannot the United Nations
In December 1990, security council The Trusteeship Status of the Marshall Islands was ended through the resolution to terminate the Trusteeship Agreement for some of the Pacific Trusteeship Territories.
In September 1991, the Marshall Islands became a member of the United Nations.
On December 5, 2017, european union Announced the inclusion of the Marshall Islands in the blacklist of tax havens. [6]
On October 10, 2019, the European Union removed the Marshall Islands from the blacklist of "tax havens". [10]

geographical environment


Regional location

The country is located in the Central Pacific Ocean. It consists of 29 atoll groups and 5 small islands, totaling 1225 large and small islands.
Map of the Marshall Islands
To the west is the archipelago Micronesia (Federated States of) To the south is another group of island countries Kiribati It consists of more than 1200 islands and reefs, which are distributed in the sea area of more than 2 million square kilometers, forming two chains of northwest southeast islands. It is divided into two parts. The Sunrise Islands are distributed in the southeast, and the Sunset Islands are distributed in the northwest, about 208 kilometers apart. The vast majority of the population is concentrated in the capital and Kwajalein Island On. The coastline is 370.4 kilometers long. genus Tropical climate The average annual temperature is 27 ℃, the average annual rainfall is 3350mm, the rainy season is from May to November, and the dry season is from December to April. About 3200 kilometers southwest of Hawaii and 2100 kilometers southeast of Guam Ratak Chain In the west Ralik Chain There are 34 main islands and reefs. Land area Land area 181.3 square kilometers (including Bikini Atoll Eniwetok Atoll and Kwajalein Atoll )The marine exclusive economic zone covers an area of 2.131 million square kilometers. [1]

Main islands and reefs

Bikal Atoll
Bikal Atoll
Bicar is the smallest of the Marshall Islands Atoll , on Ratak Chain (Ratak Chain, also known as Sunrise Islands) is about 85 kilometers northeast of Utrik, making it the second northernmost island in the Marshall Islands. This oval atoll is about 13 kilometers from north to south and more than 8 kilometers from east to west. The five small islands (Bikar, Jabwelo, Almani, Jabwelo and Jaboero) on the atoll cover an area of less than 0.5 square kilometers, but the shallow lake formed by these islands covers 37 square kilometers. The coral reefs around Bikar are continuous, except for one narrow channel located in the west. Because it is relatively isolated, there are primitive flora and fauna on Bikar Island. The vegetation covered on the atoll is composed of Pandanus tectorius, Lepturus repens, Cocos nucifera, Boehavia repens, Pisonia grandis, Triumfetta procumbens, Tournefortia argentea, Scaevola sericea and purslane yellow Bauhinia Plants, as well as atoll shrubs and vines. But Jaboero, the smallest island on the atoll, has no plants, and is purely composed of fine sand and cobblestone form.
Bikar was once the main habitat for seabirds. Although the number of seabirds has declined significantly in recent years, it is still very important. In addition, Bikar is also an important spawning site for the endangered animal, the green sea turtle.
Orr Atoll
Orr Atoll
Orr Atoll belong to Ratak Chain (Ratak Chain, also known as Sunrise Islands), located in the south of Maloelap Atoll (middle of Maloelap picture), is a small atoll, consisting of three main islands (Tabal, Aur and Bigen) and 39 smaller islands, with a total area of 5.6 square kilometers. They are connected to form a large lake with an area of 240 square kilometers (more than 80 meters deep). There are two main entrances to the lake: the west entrance and the south entrance, as well as many smaller entrances and narrow straits.
Aoer Atoll is 120km north of Majuro, and there are about 450 people living here on the island, evenly distributed on Tabal and Aur islands. Most of the other islands are uninhabited. Life on Aoer Atoll is quite traditional, and their living habits have been like this for a long time. Local residents are good at making ship models and huge wall hangings. The lake on Orr Atoll is an excellent place for diving. In addition, there are a large number of tropical fish and corals, as well as turtles and small sharks.
Arnault Atoll
Arnault Atoll
Arnault Atoll It is one of the main atolls in the Marshall Islands, located in the south of Ratak Chain (also known as Sunrise Islands), 15 km east of Majuro. The land area of Arnault Atoll is nearly 13 square kilometers, consisting of 133 small islands. On the atoll, there is a large lake surrounded by reefs, 339 meters deep. The shape of Arnault Atoll is extremely irregular.
Arnault Atoll has a population of about 2069 (1999), which is one of the most populous atolls in the Marshall Islands, and has two airstrips. On Arnault Atoll, there is a Longar area famous for its "sex school", where young women have received sex education.
The waters of Longar Point in Arnault Atoll are an excellent place for pelagic fishing Marlin ricefield eel tunas and sailfish , etc. More than 4500kg of tuna and reef fish are transported to Majuro market every month.
The main islands on Arnault Atoll are Ajeltokrok, Kobjeltak, Rearlaplap, Langor and Tutu. At the same time, it is also the place with the largest population.
Ratak Chain
Ratak Chain
Eluk belong to Ratak Chain Ratak Chain, also known as Sunrise Islands, is a small atoll 72 kilometers north of Wotje Atoll. It consists of 57 small islands, which are almost all located in the east of the atoll. The total area of Eluk Atoll is 5.4 square kilometers - the main islands on the atoll are Ajelep, Aliej, Ailuk (the farthest left), Alkilwe (an isolated island, above the picture), Barorkan, Biken, Enejabrok, Enejelar, Kapen (the farthest right) and Marib. In the west and south of Eluk Atoll, a nearly continuous reef forms the edge, but most of it is submerged by sea water. There is also a lake enclosed by reefs on the atoll, covering an area of 177 square kilometers.
There are three entrances to the lake on the west side of Eluk Atoll (above the image): Erappu Strait, Marok Strait and Eneneman Strait.
Eringinae Atoll
Eringinae (Ailinginae) is located in Ralik Chain An island on the Sunset Islands. The nearest continent is Langgap Atoll The two are separated by the ocean for about 10 miles. Elenginae consists of a large lake, which looks like a hollowed out island from the air. The terrain is low-lying, only a few meters high from the sea level. The total width of the atoll is 27km and the width is 9km. The whole island is surrounded by coral reefs. The atoll consists of 25 small islands with a total area of 2.8 square kilometers.
On the island, there are two entrances that can enter the Great Lake of Eringinae - Mogiri Pass and Eniibukku Pass, which are 0.9 and 0.3 miles wide respectively. Eringinae Atoll The average temperature of these islands in the daytime is about 27 ℃, but the temperature in the evening is warmer than that in the daytime. This phenomenon is related to showers. The rainy season on the atoll lasts from September to November.
Used on the Eringinae Atoll currency yes dollar The main power type is 110V, 60Hz. The time in this area is UK Greenwich Mean Time +12 。 You can take a flight to Micronesia. At the beginning of the 16th century, western sailors arrived. 1788 britain Captain John Marshall came here to investigate, hence the name. From 1944-1947, the United States implemented military control over this issue. In 1947, it was entrusted by the United States. The trusteeship ended on December 22, 1990. Economic development is mainly based on foreign aid, and its financial revenue mainly depends on the United States, Japan and other countries and international organization Loans or assistance.
The Marshall Islands has a beautiful natural environment and is known as the black pearl in the South Pacific Ocean. It is far away from the noise of the city. There is no industrial pollution. The air is fresh and comfortable. The blue sea water, the crystal clear beach, and the luxuriant coconut forests are everywhere. It is refreshing to set foot on this land. The Republic of the Marshall Islands has an excellent aviation foundation, with two international airports and 28 airlines, AMI and Continental Airlines Continental. Existing international routes, west connected Hawaii , Nanlian Fiji Australia New Zealand , go to Donglian Street to connect with the South Pacific Saipan Guam Tokyo In addition, there is a special transport system to transport seafood to Hawaii and Tokyo

natural resources

The sea area of Malaysia is vast, and there are cobalt crusts and manganese nodule And other mineral resources. Some islands are rich in phosphate ore and fishery resources, so fishing and fish farming have great development potential.

administrative division

The country is divided into 24 municipal areas, and the main towns include Majuro, Ebeye Jaluyt Etc. [1]
The country is divided into 33 atolls or islands, of which 10 atolls (or islands) are uninhabited.
Population and area of atolls or islands as of 1999 (km two )
Ralik Chain 93.28
Eringinae Ailinginae (atoll) 0 2.80
Erin Laplap Ailinglaplap (atoll) 1,959 14.68
Bikini Bikini (atoll) 13 6.01
ebon Ebon (atoll) 902 5.75
Enevetak Enewetak (atoll) 853 5.85
Japtan Jabat (island) 95 0.57
Jaluyt Jaluit (atoll) 1,669 11.34
Geely Kili (island) 774 0.93
Kwajalein Kwajalein (atoll) 10,902 16.39
Lae Lae (atoll) 322 1.45
Lib (island) 147 0.93
Namorik Namorik (atoll) 772 2.77
Namu (atoll) 903 6.27
Langgap Rongelap (atoll) 19 (unmanned) 7.95
Rongrik Rongrik (atoll) 0 1.68
Uja Ujae (atoll) 440 1.86
Ujelang Ujelang (atoll) 0 1.73
Wotho (atoll) 145 4.32
Ratak Chain (Sunrise Islands) Ratak Chain 88.07
Eluk Ailuk (atoll) 513 5.36
Arno (atoll) 2069 12.94
Orr (atoll) 537 5.62
Bikar Bikar (atoll) 0 0.49
Bokak Bokak (atoll) 0 3.24
Erikub Erikub (atoll) 0 1.53
Jamo Jemo (island) 0 0.16
Likeep Likiep (atoll) 527 10.25
majuro Majuro (atoll) 23,676 9.71
Maloerrap Maloelap (atoll) 856 9.81
Meggitt Mejit (island) 416 1.86
Milly Mili (atoll) 1,032 15.92
Nadidik Nadikdik (atoll) 0
Tongji Toke (atoll) 0 0.57
Utilik Utirik (atoll) 433 2.43
Watker Wotje (atoll) 866 8.18
Marshall Islands 50840 181.35
The vast majority of the population is concentrated in the capital Majuro and Kwajalein Island.
The Republic of the Marshall Islands is located 500 kilometers north of the Wake Island Claim for sovereignty, because the island Religion Ritual importance. Wake Island is an unincorporated territory of the United States in 1990 US Congress There is a legislative proposal to place the island under the jurisdiction of Guam.

National symbol


national flag

It is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 19 ∶ 10. The flag ground is blue, with two gradually widened strips extending from the lower left corner to the upper right, orange on the top and white on the bottom; There is a white sun in the upper left corner of the flag, radiating 24 beams of light. Blue symbolizes the Pacific Ocean. The red and orange stripes indicate that the country consists of Archipelago Chain composition; The sun radiates 24 rays, symbolizing the 24 municipal areas of the country.

national emblem

Marshall Islands National Emblem
It is round. In the middle of the circle is a seabird with spreading wings. Above the seabird is a shining sun. At the lower left of the sun are stones, representing the tools used by local people to make handicrafts; At the lower right is the fishing net, which symbolizes the country's rich fishery resources and potential fishery. The coconut tree on the left side of the seabird represents the important cash crop The sailboat on the right is a symbol of the country's navigation and fishing industry; The pattern below is a navigation tool for navigation. The upper part of the surrounding area is written with "Republic of Marshall Islands" in English.


The residents are mainly Micronesian race , most of them live in majuro and Kwajalein On two islands. It is said that the ancestors of the Marshall people were Southeast Asia The early Marshall Islanders were famous for their canoes. The lifestyle, customs and social structure of the Marshall people and others Micronesia People are basically similar. The whole society is dominated by matriarchal culture, and ownership and other powers Matrilineal Allocation.


The national population is 54300 (2017), most of which belong to Micronesians Species. Marshall by official language , General English 54.8% of the residents are protestant 25.8% Divine church Believers, 8.7% Catholicism Tu. [1]




Adopted in March 1979 and entered into force on May 1. The Constitution provides that the Marshall Islands shall have a presidential system. The President is the Head of State and Head of Government, elected by Parliament.


It is called the Parliament, a unicameral system, composed of 33 members with a four-year term. The current Parliament will be opened in January 2020, and the Speaker is Kenneth Kedi. In addition, the traditional leader of the horse (Iroji) has an important say on issues related to land, traditional culture, social customs, etc.


The current cabinet was formed in January 2020 and reorganized significantly in June 2022. Its members are: Christopher J. Loeak, Assistant President and Minister of Environment, Kitlang Kabua, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Joe Bejang, Minister of Health and Human Services, Finance Brenson Wase, Minister of Bank and Post, Kessai H. Note, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, Ota Kisino, Minister of Culture and Interior, Jiba Kabua, Minister of Engineering, Infrastructure and Public Utilities, Jack J. Ading, Minister of Justice, Immigration and Labor, Wilbur Heine, Minister of Education, Sports and Training, and John Silk, Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce.


There are Supreme Court, High Court, District Court, Community Court and Traditional Rights Court.


Hilda Kathy Heine , was the eighth president of the Marshall Islands, and was re elected as the president of the Marshall Islands on January 2, 2024. On the same day, he became President of the Marshall Islands. [14]




The economy is backward and heavily depends on foreign aid. More than 60% of the budget depends on financial contributions from the United States and other countries and regions. Since 2006, the government has actively pursued the privatization policy of state-owned enterprises, reduced the level of government debt, increased investment in education, strengthened infrastructure construction, and achieved certain economic development.
The main economic data in 2022 are as follows:
GDP: 270 million US dollars.
GDP per capita: 4860 US dollars
GDP growth rate: 1.5%.
Currency name: USD.
(Source: International Monetary Fund) [1]


It produces coconut, banana, taro, breadfruit, etc. Recently, the fishery production has increased greatly, and the output of coconut has increased slightly. Due to the increase of purchase price, the output value has increased greatly. [1]

foreign trade

The structure of export products is single, and foreign trade has continued for years deficit The main trading partners are U.S.A Japan and Australia and China The trade volume between Malaysia and the United States accounts for more than 80% of the total trade volume of Malaysia.
It mainly exports frozen fish, coconut oil, coconut cake and handicrafts, and imports food, fuel, tobacco, building materials, automobiles and machinery and equipment. Main import sources include the United States, Japan Australia , New Zealand and China, etc. [1]


The main source of income is overseas aid.
Main bank: Bank of Marshall Islands, a commercial bank, was established in November 1982. [1]

Overseas assistance

The main donors are U.S.A Japan european union and Taiwan Among them, the United States provides the most assistance.


  • festival
Public Holidays
New Year: January 1
Memorial Day for Victims of Nuclear Weapons: March 1
Good Friday: April 9
Constitution Day: May 1
Fisherman's Day: the first Friday in July
Rijerbal: the first Friday in September
Manit Festival: the last Friday in September
President's Day: November 17
Gospel Day: the first Friday in December
Christmas : December 25th
Annual celebration
MALGOV: February 15
Coconut Cup (Venice) Phoenix Boat Race: the first Saturday in April
Constitution Day sports events and queue review: May 1
Outboard floating timber Marshall Islands Cup traditional canoe raft race: the first weekend in May
Marshall Swordfish Club Annual Championship: the first weekend of July
Mobil All Micronesia Fishing Championship: the first weekend in September
Customs Day: the last Friday in September
Christmas procession of the Chamber of Commerce: the first and second Saturdays in December
New Year's Eve Auction Party: December 31


According to the agreement with the United States, the United States is responsible for the defense of the Marshall Islands.



ocean shipping

Mainly by sea.


The total length is 2028 kilometers. [1]
There is no railway in Marshall. Land transportation mainly depends on self driving and taxis.
There are many car rental companies on the island, and the rent is about 50 to 80 dollars per day.
Special note: The local government has not stipulated the standard of taxi freight, and the starting price is generally 1-2 dollars. Taxi passengers are used to carpooling. As long as there is space, they can park and get on, and each passenger will pay a separate fee (carpooling in Majuro is $1; carpooling to the airport is $2-5). Passengers who are unwilling to carpool will have to pay more. [7]

water transport

Marshall has 12 deep-water ports, which can accommodate large ships. The capital Majuro has two deep-water ports and container terminals. There are private shipping companies operating water transport services between the islands. [7]
The Marshall Islands is the second largest ship registration country in the world after Panama, with the gross tonnage of registered ships in Malaysia reaching 245.745 million tons. Majuro is the main port.

air transport

There are 15 airports, of which only four have well paved runways. The main airport is in Majuro, which can take off and land Boeing 737 Marshall Airlines has regular flights to many domestic islands and neighboring Pacific island countries. United Airlines and Air Nauru There are weekly flights to and from Honolulu, Guam, Majuro and neighboring Pacific island countries. [1]




For children aged 6-14 compulsory education Public schools Tuition is free. Marshall Islands College (Junior college), with nearly 400 students. The government provides scholarships to eligible students. [1]

Press and Publications

The main newspaper is the privately run Marshall Islands Weekly. The government publishes bulletins from time to time. There are satellite communication equipment on the island. There are three television stations, one of which is independent. [1]


On February 6, 2006, the Marshall Islands became international olympic committee The 203rd member of.
The IOC Executive Board Turin It was revealed at the meeting that the IOC had decided to submit the matter of Marshall Islands joining the IOC to the 118th session of the IOC. The meeting will be held in Turin from February 8 to 10.
The International Table Tennis Federation accepted the Myanmar As a new member, he has restored the membership of the International Table Tennis Federation of the Marshall Islands.

People's life

There are one hospital in the capital and one in Ebaye Island, with 113 beds and about 120 medical staff. At the beginning of 2010, Ma connected the submarine optical cable and opened the high-speed network service. [1]
The general public security situation in the Republic of the Marshall Islands is general, with theft and robbery of foreign tourists. There is no fresh water in Marshall. Rainwater is used daily and the quality is poor. Bottled water is safe to drink. There is a public hospital and a private clinic in Majuro, the capital. Kwajalein has a public hospital. Most of the outer islands have clinics. The medical condition is poor. Marshall has a private medical insurance company that only provides medical insurance for its citizens and does not serve foreigners. Foreign tourists must pay in full for local medical treatment. [7]
Leaders (chiefs) elected or inherited by local villages or ethnic groups in Marshall in a traditional way enjoy a high status in Marshall's social life, and foreign tourists should respect them. Island clothes are generally worn for important social and gathering occasions. [7]

International Relations


Basic state policy

We support national self-determination, attach importance to climate change, advocate the protection of marine resources and environment, develop regional cooperation, establish a nuclear free zone in the South Pacific, actively seek to develop relations with Asian countries, and carry out friendly cooperation of equality and mutual benefit, so as to promote the economic development of our country.
In September 1996, the Marshall Islands signed the CTBT. In July 2010, the 34th annual meeting of UNESCO held in Brazil voted to include the Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site in the Marshall Islands in the World Cultural Heritage List (67 nuclear tests were conducted here by the US Communist Party from 1946 to 1958).
It has established diplomatic relations with more than 70 countries and is a member of more than 20 international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Pacific Island Countries Forum, the Asian Development Bank, etc. We have embassies and permanent ambassadors in the United States, Fiji, Japan and the United Nations Headquarters. [1]
On February 9, 2021 local time, the Marshall Islands, together with Palau, Nauru, the Federated States of Micronesia and Kiribati, decided to withdraw because of dissatisfaction with the former Cook Islands Prime Minister Henry Pune who defeated the candidate of the Marshall Islands by a narrow margin of 9 to 8 votes to be elected the new PIF Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum "Pacific Island Countries Forum" (PIF)。 [8]

Relations with the United States

It has been entrusted by the United States for many years and has close relations with the United States. According to the Treaty of Free Association between Malaysia and the United States, which entered into force in 1986, Malaysia enjoys autonomy in internal affairs and diplomacy, but the United States will be responsible for defense for 15 years, and Malaysian citizens can freely enter and leave the United States. In May 2003, Malaysia and the United States renewed the treaty, and the United States promised to continue to provide economic assistance to Malaysia within 20 years, while gradually establishing a trust fund for Malaysia. From 1986 to 2002, the United States provided more than one billion dollars in economic assistance to Malaysia. In May 2019, the then US President Trump met with the then President at the White House President of the Marshall Islands Hydantoin and Micronesia (Federated States of) Palau leaders. In September 2022, President Kabua of Malaysia went to the United States to attend the US Pacific Island Leaders Summit.
The horse is Washington and Hawaii There are embassies and consulates respectively. The United States has an embassy in Malaysia. [1]

Relations with Japan

It was once occupied by Japan. Malaysia and Japan have close relations. The average daily aid to Malaysia is about 4 million to 5 million US dollars. In 1997, Japan set up an embassy in Malaysia and sent an ambassador. Since 1991, volunteers have been sent to Malaysia. In May 2018, President Hilda Hein of Malaysia went to Japan to attend the 8th Japan Pacific Island Leaders' Meeting (PALM8).

Relations with China

On November 16, 1990, the Marshall Islands was officially established with China diplomatic relations However, on December 11, 1998, China announced the suspension of diplomatic relations with the Marshall Islands because of the "establishment of diplomatic relations" between the country and the Taiwan authorities of China.
In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and Malaysia will be 3.465 billion US dollars, up 8.63% year on year. Among them, China's export volume was 3.465 billion US dollars, up 8.71% year on year; The import volume was USD 190000, down 93.04% year on year. [11]



scenic spot

The Marshall Islands has a beautiful natural environment and is known as the black pearl in the South Pacific Ocean. It is far away from the noise of the city. There is no industrial pollution. The air is fresh and comfortable. The blue sea water, the crystal clear beach, and the dense coconut forests are everywhere.
The Republic of the Marshall Islands has an excellent aviation foundation, which is operated by two international airports and 28 airlines, AMI and Continental. Existing international routes, west connected Hawaii , Nanlian Fiji Australia New Zealand , connecting the South Pacific eastward Saipan Guam Tokyo There is a special transport system to transport seafood to Hawaii and Tokyo


The Marshall Islands is a society that observes a certain order of queuing, with the senior ranking first, then the young and the leader of the queue, and finally the civilians. This is a very important custom, and the people must finally respect and obey it. If you don't know other people in line, you should always listen to others. Similarly, the people at the top of the list speak on behalf of others; People at the back of the line give public speeches with the intention of giving up, such as "Compared with people in front, my speech is meaningless...".


In the Marshall Islands, when men grow to be 15-16 years old, women must perform rituals when getting married, that is, men must shave their hair, and women must perform rituals such as eyebrow shaving, tooth dyeing, and hair tying, indicating that it is time for spring yearning. In the local area, when the daughter of the chief holds the spring yearning ceremony, the people under the chief's jurisdiction must bring food, flowers, mats and other things to the celebration place. Young people were baptized by witches in the hut near the lagoon, and then smeared with fragrant coconut oil, and then went to the seaside to dispel evil spirits, symbolizing the removal of bad luck and good luck. Then, for two or three weeks, I would stay in a hut and fast strictly. In the daytime, tie up your straight feet, keep your body still and in a quiet state; Lying on the mat at night. At the same time, the girls on the island had to board and sleep in the adjacent rooms one after another until the end of the ceremony. As soon as the ceremony is over, a big banquet will be held. At that night, the elders of the clan distributed flower buds for carnival.
This country has the customs peculiar to many Pacific residents. For example, the indigenous people of the Marshall Islands have tattoo customs. When tattooing, a grand ceremony must be held to worship the gods. They believe that tattooing is a sacred act, because it was handed down by two tattoo gods, Leo Di and Ranidi. When tattoos and ceremonies are held, people hold sacrificial objects, sing prayer songs, and dance god worship dances. The scene is very lively.


Coconut crab
Malaysia's diet attaches great importance to class. At state dinners, traditional leaders usually take the first place, followed by important guests, cabinet members and members of parliament. The changes introduced in the first paragraph also brought various food cultures to Marshall. In the past, Marshall people used to eat taro and breadfruit as their staple food. Gradually, the Japanese brought rice eating culture and the Americans brought meat eating culture. In recent years, Taiwan's agricultural technology groups have introduced vegetable planting technology and pig, chicken and other breeding technologies into Malaysia, reducing the availability of vegetables for Malaysians gout diabetes and hypertension And other diseases. In addition, seafood is indispensable in Malaysia. Coconut crab , lobster and grouper They are local specialties, but the production is not as good as before due to the overfishing in recent years. However, food hygiene needs to be paid attention to in Marshall. Food and drinks in Malaysia are all imported, so the price is not low. These dietary changes and characteristics alone are interesting.
The Marshall Islands Republic, embedded in the vast South Pacific Ocean, has 2 million square kilometers of sea surface, which is 11700 times the land area. Among the more than 50000 people in the country, they are distributed on 34 major islands. With this unique natural advantage, they live a free life of "going up the tree hungry" and "going into the sea short of money". The Marshall people's "eating the sea" trick is memorable.
The leading tuna
South Pacific island countries abound tunas It has long been known that eating sashimi is also famous on international tables. According to the Marshall Department of Resource Development, there are a large number of tuna in the sea cities of the country and Micronesia, among which "bluefin tuna reserve" is the most popular. This kind of fish is tender, rich in meat, without bones, and rich in nutrition. It is the leader of all "seaside killing fish", favored by people in Southeast Asia and the Americas, and is a gunslinger in the international market. Therefore, Japan Taiwan Even American fleets have come all the way to Marshall to catch tuna and sell it to the international market. In this regard, the Marshall Government welcomes and friendly cooperation. First of all, we can use foreign imported equipment and technology to develop our own resources and train our own technical team; Secondly, it can share the land and obtain various taxes to increase foreign exchange income; Third, with the arrival of a large number of foreign sailors, the domestic service industry and tourism are booming, and shell vases have brought huge market benefits. Therefore, tuna alone has brought Marshall considerable income. Today, local people have also started to form groups to raise funds and join the ranks of deep-sea tuna fishing and other deepwater products.


The handicraft artists of Marshall Island use local natural materials to make exquisite small gifts and decorations of island style houses.
Shells collected from the beach are used to make necklaces, handmade jewelry, and local traditional headbands.
The distance between the islands and the very low altitude posed a great challenge to the early inhabitants of Marshall. The composition of the waves provides them with clues about the direction of the next island. This information has been passed down in strips through the column charts. The thin strips of these column charts are made of pandanus and seashells to reflect the type of ocean and islands or Coral reef
Marshall's hand woven fabrics are among the best in the Pacific countries. Fan , baskets, cushions, decorations and KILI bags (famous for JACKIE ONASSIS), all of which come from Marshall and will continue to be praised for their uniqueness and intricate exquisite design. During this period, many creative crafts were made in more modern hands Arts and Crafts Can be reflected in.
Shell Crafts with Double Value
The seashells on Marshall Beach are colorful and dazzling black brown or yellow , with various hidden patterns, the abdomen is usually white When the sea water ebbs, the shell is absorbed under the rocks in the shoal with the help of the suction cup on the abdomen. People can pick up the stones by turning them over. On moonlit nights, it often climbs on the beach to enjoy the cool. As long as you are willing to go out, it will return with a full load. After picking up the shell, bury it in the soil insect About a week, all the meat in the shell will rot, and then it will be washed with seawater after being dug out (can't be used freshwater , otherwise the shell back will lose luster), it will become diamond in the rough It's a fine product. A large shell (8.5X5.5 cm) can sell 2 Five dollars, the small one is worth tens of cents. However, smart and skillful women, with the help of natural craft, combine these small boutiques into various handicrafts, such as satchels, vases, neck rings, desk lamps, tapestries, etc., with unique shapes and treasures. A shell vase is worth 50-80 US dollars, and the neck ring is worth 20-30 US dollars, which has doubled its value. According to local customs, guests should wear shell neck rings on solemn occasions such as welcome ceremony, agreement signing, contract renewal, tribal alliance, etc. In local shops, there are a variety of shell handicrafts, which dazzle customers. The post office also issued a variety of bright Commemorative Stamp , and now they are snatched away.

Horse stamp

Stamps issued by the Marshall Islands
The Republic of Marshall Islands is China lunar calendar In the Year of the Horse, the Zodiac stamps were issued on January 2 this year souvenir sheet Xiao Zhang invited the famous Chinese stamp Designer Huangli Designed with a cute design Toys The black steed is holding its head high to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Horse, with a strong cursive "horse" beside it. Small Zhang has a red inscription seal "Ren Wu" on the lower left corner. The small sheet has a face value of 80 cents, but sells for $1.12.
Yangchun April. Marshall also launched two sets of stamps with horse as the theme with great fanfare. The two sets of stamps were issued on the same day of April 15. Memorial No. C192 Stamp sheetlet , select famous paintings of the Qing Dynasty《 Qianlong The picture of the emperor going to the summer palace is the theme. There are dozens of galloping horses of different shapes on the screen, which shows the vivid scene of the horse team playing on the journey of Emperor Qianlong. The Chinese name of the author of this painting is Lang Shining , Yes Catholicism Jesuit friar, painter and architect. Born in 1688 Milan In 1715 (the 54th year of Kangxi's reign in the Qing Dynasty), he was sent to China Beijing As a missionary, Xuan was appointed as a court painter. He was involved Old Summer Palace He is good at painting portraits, flowers and birds, animals, and horses. His paintings integrate Chinese and Western painting methods, paying attention to perspective and light and shade, delicately depicting, and paying attention to realism. He died in Beijing in 1766.
The small sheet numbered 193, including 12 stamps, is selected from the classic horse painting work of 11 painters (the left 1 in the second row and the right 1 in the third row are from the same painter George Stubbs), in which Lang Shining's painting (the middle one in the first row) reappears, showing the Tartar envoy's Qianlong The scene of horse offering. Among the 12 stamps, in addition to two horses and two people in Lang Shining's paintings, the paintings of "collecting seaweed" in the first row, the right 1, and "horse and child and dog" in the second row, the right 1, also show the harmonious coexistence of people and horses. On the rest of the stamps, there are single horses, pairs of horses, and groups of horses. They are excellent paintings on horses since the 18th century. They are collected on the stamp sheet by Marshall, a "horse", and seem to be the heroes of horses.
It is unbelievable that, less than a month later, Marshall issued another stamp with horse as the theme on May 13. This time, a set of 4-square company merry go round was issued. From January to May, four sets of stamps with the theme of horse came out. Their enthusiasm surpassed that of the birthplace of the zodiac tradition. It seems that they intend to leave the impression of Marshall's surname "Ma" on Chinese people.
Lang Shining's birth year is misprinted
There are four lines of text below the middle of the picture of C192 small sheet, indicating the name of the picture, the name of the author and the year of birth and death. However, the year of Lang Shining's birth was misprinted as 1688, but it was misprinted as 1668. At the bottom of each stamp on the C193 small sheet is a line introducing the name of the painting, the name of the painter, and the year of birth and death. The text on Lang Shining's painting repeated the error of C192, printing his year of birth as 1668, so that Lang Shining has "lived" for 20 years, "enjoyed life", and is 98 years old.
After receiving C192 and C193, the author wanted to write an introduction and checked some materials, so he found this error and notified Marshall Stamp Distribution Department. In Marshall's new mail materials, the new mail bulletin of C192 is correct, saying that Lang Shining was born in Milan in 1688, but the new mail bulletin of C193 said that Lang Shining was born in 1668. In fact, a little check can avoid such errors. But there are always some mistakes in the new mails issued by various countries every year, including the United States power In 1999, when the Grand Canyon stamps were issued, the name of the state where the Grand Canyon was located was misprinted. As a result, it was found before the issue that all the stamps that had been printed were destroyed and reprinted.
Small sheets and sheets with Marshall's wrong year are still on sale. Since the time of sale has been relatively long, the stamp issuing department sometimes cannot take back the stamps, so it has to make mistakes.

Marshall Marriage

In the Marshall Islands, different tribes can intermarry with each other. They are usually cousins. However, due to the flexibility of domestic or transnational ties, marriage with foreigners who have no relationship with each other often occurs. Young people choose spouses from a large group of cousins and people without relatives, but most marriages do not last. Once a couple has a stable life, they seldom divorce. Couples with stable lives typically live on the island with one's parents for a period of time, have one or two children, and establish their own status in the family. Polygamy was once allowed here, but it has been abolished. With the strengthening of urbanization, domestic violence is no longer widespread.
On some atolls outside, the responsibilities of both husband and wife have been balanced and they have made contributions to the family and society together.

Cultural skills

Although the specific date and origin of the unique social class are still controversial, the uniqueness of the culture originating from these islands is certain. Marshall society was, and still can be divided into three main social classes in most parts today:
Iroij – Leader
IROIJ has the right to Land tenure , the use and allocation of resources, and the final rule of dispute settlement.
Alap – Clan Leader
The responsibilities of the ALAP person include the maintenance of the land and the supervision of daily activities.
Rijerbal – working class
RIJERBAL people are responsible for daily livelihood, construction, Agriculture And so on.
In addition, the local land is divided into twelve parts, ranging from IMON BWIL belonging to the whole family to a gift given by a husband wife KITDRE. The inheritance of land is matrilineal (that is, from mother to mother).

Navigation technology

All residents of the Pacific island countries have certain navigation skills, and the people of Marshall may have the most advanced method to teach this technology. The young apprentices spent a lot of time lying in the sea and feeling the waves below them while observing and understanding the waves beating under the island. In addition, people have also designed navigation column charts of various sizes and shapes to represent islands Coral reef Complex wave and wind patterns associated with coral islands. With these charts, older people can more easily explain and teach young beginners complex navigation concepts such as wave refraction and upwelling methods.
The local residents of the Marshall Islands have developed, improved and improved many unique skills and technologies, which reflect their desire to adapt to the life and marine environment on the coral island.
For example, fishing technology has developed into a very specialized technology. The wide fishing environment and various kinds of fish make the local people develop into a highly diversified and professional fishing technology. Few other cultures in the world have fishing techniques and methods like the people of Marshall.
Marshall raft, or WA, has many kinds, ranging from small rowboats to high-speed sailing ships, which amazed OTTO VON KOTZEBUE, a westerner who came to visit Marshall Islands in the early 19th century, and world-class modern navigation enthusiasts. Marshall raft is famous throughout the Pacific Ocean and even the world for its advanced improved technology, including asymmetric hull, leeward platform and fulcrum mast in the middle of the hull.
The traditional Marshall navigation technology is as sophisticated and complex as the equipment on the ship. When the first batch of Marshall settlers arrived, they had already possessed quite skilled navigation skills. Otherwise, they would not be able to find access to these islands, which are quite low in geographical position. Over time, these technologies have been greatly enhanced. Finally, the Marshall people learned how to read the subtle signals and instructions of nature, making navigation more interesting and easier. stars, cloud cluster , waves, ocean current The wind direction, seabirds, and even the color of the sea, which are signals sent by nature, have become navigation clues that can be easily identified by well-trained navigators. These advances in navigation and ship design made the people of Marshall sail to the east Hawaii , ENENKIO (WAKE Island) in the north, POHNPEI in the west and KIRIBATI in the south.

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