
Cities in the southeast of the Netherlands
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Maastricht, Netherlands A city in the southeast on the Maas River near Belgium Border. On February 7, 1992, the European Union signed the famous《 Maastricht Treaty [1] , this place was famous for a while.
Limburg Province Provincial capital, located in Maas River Nearby Belgium Boundary. The population is 113000 (1983). It was built in the fourth century AD. It was successively occupied by France and Belgium in the 18th century, and belonged to the Netherlands in 1830. produce coal. yes metallurgy , chemistry rubber , glass, ceramics, cement, textile and other industries. There are churches in the sixth century Museum of Modern Art And other buildings. Tourism is important.
Maastricht is the food capital and historic city of the Netherlands. In terms of food culture, it is deeply influenced by the atmosphere of Burgundy in the southeast of France. The local specialties are white asparagus, wine and mushrooms produced in limestone caves. The main scenic spots in Maastricht are concentrated in the west of the Maas River, including the oldest St. Selfas Church in the Netherlands and the Museum of Modern Art [5]
Chinese name
60.06 km² [1]
population size
113000 [1] (as of 1983)
Famous scenic spot
Sixth century church Modern art museum and other buildings.
Rubber, glass, ceramics, cement
Recommended travel time
2 hours
Opening Hours
all day
Ticket Price
Free Admission
Official website
‎ ·


Maastricht is located in the southeast corner of the Netherlands, near Belgium and Germany On February 7, 1992, the European Union signed the famous Maastricht Treaty , this place was famous for a while. In fact, this is a place Historic city Every weekend, you can find tourists from all over the city.
stay City center There is a river Maas River (Maas River) runs through the north and south, dividing the whole city into two halves. The main tourist attractions are in the west of the river. The railway station is in Hedong. After leaving the station, go straight along the main road, and you can walk to the St. Selfas Bridge in less than 10 minutes. This bridge is said to be the oldest bridge in Holland. After crossing the bridge, we came to the tourist center. Follow the street (grotestaat), and you will arrive at vrijthof in the center of the city in about 5 minutes. At the back of the square is the famous St. Selfas Church. This is the oldest church in Holland. It was built in the 6th century. Saint Selfas, the first archbishop of the Netherlands, was buried here in 384 AD. There are many relics of St. Selfas himself in the church.
Next to the church, there is Saint Jan's Church. The tower of the church is 70 meters high, which belongs to Maastricht Iconic buildings If you have time, you can start from the church and walk south to visit Maastricht University and Natural History Museum , and the famous city wall. The city walls here have some very strange names, such as the Gate of Hell and so on. On the Maas River, there are also yachts for cruising. You can take a yacht to visit other places of interest, or even walk around the sluice on the Dutch/Belgian border. However, these yacht programs are only developed in the summer of the year. Usually, when we go there other times, we can only watch the boat. [2]
Maastricht has few people, its streets are quiet, and its commercial streets and squares are busy. The restaurant beside the Maas River is suitable for dining, and you can enjoy the scenery along the river.

Development history

Found in the west of Maastricht between 80000 and 250000 years ago Paleolithic Age The Celts lived here for at least 500 years before the Romans came here. Saint Servitius is the first bishop of the Netherlands. His tomb is in Basilica Saint Servatius Cathedral pilgrim Favorite place: Pope in 1984 Paul II I visited it. The golden and gilded temple contains some relics of saints. These relics are taken out every seven years for patrolling in the city, but in the Middle Ages, the activity was forced to stop because of the riots caused by the team. Macheng was an early Christian diocese until it lost its position to the nearby city in the eighth century AD List
In the Middle Ages, Maastricht became a city with dual power under the rule of the Bishop of Liege and the Duke of Brabant. In 1204, it was granted urban rights. The Duke's rule was replaced in 1632 by the Dutch who took the city back from the Spanish. This dual rule lasted until the French conquered and annexed Maastricht in 1794.
On June 14, 1673, Louis XIV Our army began to surround Maastricht. Half a month later, on June 30, Maastricht surrendered to the French army. The French army occupied the Dutch city between 1673 and 1679, after which Maastricht returned to Dutch rule. After the end of the Napoleonic era, Maastricht became part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815. In 1830, when the southern province of the kingdom sought independence (later establishing Belgium), the garrison of Maastricht ignored the anti Dutch sentiment in the city and still maintained a positive attitude towards King of the Netherlands Of loyalty. Maastricht did not belong to the Netherlands or Belgium between 1830 and 1839. 1839 London Treaty Entry into force, Maastricht and Limburg Province Although geographically and culturally closer to Belgium, the eastern part of. Because of the special geographical position Maastricht is closer to Belgium and Germany than other Dutch cities, which brings some non Dutch characteristics to the city. Even today, Maastricht people (and other Limburg people) still retain their own language and culture. Some people hope to form a new Limburg area with the Limburg area in Belgium and Germany.
On September 14, 1944, Maastricht was the first place where the Allied forces the Second World War During the liberation of the Dutch city.
In 1976, Maastricht became part of Euregio Maas Rhine.
In 1991, the Maastricht Treaty was signed here. 1993 Mayo The entry into force marks the birth of the European Union.

delicious food

Maastricht can be called Netherlands Of City of Gastronomy All kinds of delicious food always make tourists enjoy themselves. stay Dietetic culture Here, the southeast of France is deeply enjoyable and enthusiastic Burgundy Influenced by the atmosphere of, here, spend several hours slowly tasting delicious food, accompanied by rich brank, rider pils Beer or Wine It is natural to enjoy delicious food. In fact, many Germans Regular meetings Across the border Maastrik enjoy French Dinner Tourists must try authentic local products here, such as White asparagus Rommedoe cheese, and mushrooms produced in limestone caves; In addition, the local wine produced in Maastrik is also quite mellow!




Maastricht gives the impression of being more exotic. From Maastricht Central Railway Station to Vrijthof Square is the old city area, which is also a famous shopping area. There are quite a few department store , fashion shop, French style Cakes and Pastries Bakery and antique shop. In addition, many special shops near Stokstraat shopping street are also quite interesting.


Maastricht Classroom
Shop Business Hours ·Monday: 13:00-18:00
· Tuesday -Friday: 09:00-18:00
·Saturday: 09:00-17:00
·Some department stores or stores are extended to 21:00 on Thursday evening.
a market
·Wednesday&Friday: 08:00-13:00 in the morning, the general market is located on the Markt Square city hall nearby
·Thursday: 14:00-21:00 p.m., the agricultural products market is located in Stationsstraat Street opposite the Central Railway Station
·Friday: Fishing Market, located on Boschstraat Street
·Saturday: 10:00-16:00, flea market Stationsstraat Street opposite the Central Railway Station

scenic spot

Selexyz Dominicanen
In order to obtain Marl rock as building material, Maastricht residents excavated St. Petersburg It forms a unique special landscape, and there are many excavation workers left on the cave wall at that time Painted murals , and ancient times marine organism Fossil. Saint Petersburg Caves There are more than 20000 channels. For safety reasons, all the guides in St. Petersburg Grottoes have passed the strict examination. The temperature in the cave is about Celsius 9-10 degrees, so visitors must bring warm clothes. The cave is completely dark without any light. Please follow the guide closely. To visit the caves in St. Petersburg, you'd better ask Maastrik in advance Tourism Administration Make an appointment! stay Nederlands The intersection of the three countries is located at Faru Drielandenpunt Mountain. This is the highest peak in Holland at 322.5 meters above sea level. There is an observation tower on the top of the mountain, which can overlook the territory of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Vaals has a very special maze. Labyrinth is composed of hedge , water column, children can play hide and seek in it. If you like to walk in the quiet forest, Farushi Mountain or Fars The trails are all good choices.
Maastricht Railway Station
Zhanqian Street
Old Water Gate of Maas River
Hell's Gate
Masi River New Bridge
St. Selfas Bridge
Freighthoff Square
St. Martinez
Saint Jan and Saint Cephas
City Hall Square
City Hall Square - Flea Market
Selexyz Dominicanen
Transportation: Take No. 54 bus from Mastrek Railway Station to Fars, about an hour's drive.
The first moat of Maastricht was built in 1229 by the Duke of Prabang at that time Henry I Ordered to be built. Later, as the city became too crowded, new walls began to be built at the beginning of the 14th century. At the beginning of the 16th century, it expanded to the opposite bank of the Jeker River and built the third retaining wall.
The first part of the moat includes the ancient city gate of Maastricht, also known as the "Helpoort". The reason is that it was popular in medieval Europe Black Death , one opposite the city gate White Cottage (Pesthuis) was the hospital where black death patients were taken in at that time. Because infected patients usually had no medicine to save and had no return, the city gate was like a hell gate separating the living people in the city from the dying people outside the city. The Gate of Hell is the only remaining gate in Maastricht, and it is also the oldest pillbox gate in the Netherlands.
Maastricht White Village
As the name suggests, the houses in the whole town are painted white, which was originally intended to be built for a 10th century Monastery This monastery was once a noble Bride School Upper class society Of Miss Qianjin Learn all kinds of social etiquette here to cultivate a lady's demeanor. The pure white house wall is matched with the white curtain of the window sill and the small flowerpot of red, red and pink, which complement each other.


Maastricht and Nijmegen Who is the oldest city in Holland has been controversial for many years. Nijmegen is the first city in the Netherlands established under the city naming rules of Rome. Maastricht was the first city established under the medieval city rules, which later evolved into the current city naming rules. However, under whatever rules, Maastricht is undoubtedly the first settlement in the Netherlands. In the south of the city, there is a Peters Berg's hill, on which there is an ancient fortress and a cave interwoven with the internal network. Hole maintenance constant temperature 10 centigrade It is the hibernation place of bats. The formation of this cave was first excavated on the mountain Marl Build a house. But this also led to its becoming a very widely used hiding place during the Second World War. Later, the lime mud was used by ENCI as cement. During the process, large blocks were removed from one side of the hill, and unused materials were piled up to become a new hill. During the excavation of lime mud, fossils were found, the most famous of which was found in 1870 Mosasaurus Fossil. It led to the birth of a six million year era named after the city: Cretaceous Maastrichtian )。 [3]



Team information

Maastricht Football Club Logo
Name: Maastricht
English name: MVV Maastricht
Translated name in Mandarin: Maastricht Football Club
Country: Netherlands

Team lineup

English name
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
Alexandra Bryssinck
right back
one hundred and eighty
Anthony Di Lallo
Atam Koroglu
one hundred and eighty-six
Daniel Gomez
one hundred and seventy-seven
Dustin Huisman
one hundred and ninety-four
Ebou Sillah
outside left forward
one hundred and seventy
Fabrizio Cammalleri
Fatih Kantarci
Filip Bollen
Gunter Thiebaut
one hundred and eighty-four
Hans Denissen
one hundred and seventy-seven
Jessy Dessouroux
Jo Vermast
outside left forward
one hundred and eighty-two
Joas Siahaija
Julien Lucke
Laurent Castellana
one hundred and eighty-five
Maxime Annys
Left avantgarde
one hundred and eighty-three
Ole Tobiasen
right back
one hundred and eighty-nine
Philipp Haastrup
one hundred and eighty-eight
Rick Sour
one hundred and seventy-five
Rob Gorissen
Van Baucher
Robert van Boxel
Central Defender
one hundred and eighty-eight
Roel Goffin
Serge van den Ban
one hundred and seventy-eight
Sjoerd Winkens
left back
one hundred and eighty-three
Tom Daemen
Left avantgarde
one hundred and eighty-one


Maastricht University Founded in 1975, it is one of the youngest universities in the Netherlands. Because of its educational characteristics and international orientation, the university University of the Netherlands China has a special position. Most master's courses are taught in English, and more than half of master's students are not Dutch students. This internationalization orientation is also reflected in the curriculum. Universities focus on the internationalization category of curriculum.
International Management, Manager Business Administration, Social Security Finance Public health science, health vocational education, comparative European law, Europe public affairs Science, European society, science and technology.
Excellent professional comments
international business
Tuition: 12000 euros
education Diploma: Master
Length of schooling: one year
Enrollment age: above 18
Language requirements: IELTS Above 6.5
Cultivate basic knowledge of international trade and basic skill , familiar with international trade rules and practices, capable of international business decision-making and management activities, engaged in economic and trade business and various foreign-related business work Senior management talents


(I) monetary union The first stage: from July 1, 1990 to 1993, it is required to realize the free circulation of capital, truly realize the unified market, and economic policy Perfect coordination. The second stage: from January 21, 1994, mainly to establish European Central Bank The embryonic form of the European Monetary Agency. The chairman of the institution is a person other than the president of the central banks of the member countries. The third stage: the first stage is January 1997, and the latest stage is January 1, 1999. It will gradually establish a "real" unified currency and an independent European Central Bank, which is composed of European Council And the management committee leaders appointed by the executive board of the central banks of the member countries, the UK and Denmark Get the right not to enter the third stage.
(2) Common Foreign and Security Policy
This policy will replace“ European political cooperation ”。 stay European Community "Common action" in the most important areas still needs Unanimously adopted However, the principle of specific majority voting (implementation of joint action) is also adopted. European Union Armed institutions—— Western European Union "The European Union's decision on defence will be implemented". The treaty finally stipulated the formulation of a common defense policy.
(3) European citizenship
The main content of European citizenship is that no matter which member country of the European Community lives in, the overseas Chinese of the Union are always present in European elections and municipal elections The right to vote and stand for election Acknowledge that any citizen has European parliament The right to petition.
(4) Complementarity
The purpose of complementarity is to solve the delicate problem of decentralization between the European Community and its member states. The European Community only intervenes in its own field "when member States are unable to satisfactorily achieve the objectives of the actions considered".
(5) European Parliament
In terms of system, the European Parliament appoints the EC Executive Committee by voting, and appoints the recipient citizens Petition And may be established Commission of Inquiry Standing
Maastricht Treaty [4]
In terms of law, expand cooperation procedures. In case of disagreement between the European Parliament and the European Council conciliation proceedings Joint decision-making. (6) Executive members
The functions of the EC Executive Committee remain unchanged, but its legal status has been enhanced due to changes in the way of appointment.
(7) Justice and internal affairs
The cooperation between governments that need to be unanimously adopted will involve issues related to "common interests" in the future (asylum: immigrants, visas, police).
(8) Coordination fund
The fund was established to assist the poorest areas in terms of environment and infrastructure.
(9) New areas:
While abiding by the principle of complementarity, the European Community can intervene in some new areas (education, public health, vocational training, etc.): the European Council can recommend that member States adopt some conventions.
Due to the opposition of the United Kingdom, there are two special items in the annex to the treaty concerning this matter. The signatory countries pledged to promote the development of social Europe and promote employment. Since 1992, Denmark has《 Mayo 》Veto; France narrowly passed the referendum, while Britain postponed the referendum.


According to a stratum in Maastricht, people named mesozoic The last stage: Maastrichtian. Tyrannosaurus Rex Triceratops Onychosaurus And many famous dinosaur They all live in Maastrichtian. The time of Maastrichtian is 72.1 - 66 million years ago. 66 million years ago, a asteroid The Maastrichtian stage ended when it hit the earth. This stratum in Maastricht is also named Maastricht Formation, the earliest ancient extinct life Fossils, that is Mosasaurus hoffmanni The first specimen of Normal mode The Maastricht Formation has opened the prelude of paleontological research. In addition to Hoffmann Canglong, the Maastricht group also found the famous saturation Campylodon , and others Marine reptile such as keel Teeth dragon and dinosaur fossil