
Main ethnic groups in Hungary
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synonym magyar (Mazar) generally refers to Hungarians
Hungarian (Hungarian: magyarok, English Hungarian , translated from Hungarian: Mazar), yes Hungary Of Main ethnic groups , also distributed in Romania poland Czech Republic and Ukraine , a few live in U.S.A Canada Brazil And Australia Etc. Ethnic origin Siberia Bashkir in the southwest, mother tongue Hungarian , genus Uralic languages Finno-Ugric languages , most believe Catholicism , the same origin as their nationality mansi
Chinese name
Foreign name
Ethnic origin
Siberia -Bashkir
Hungary Romania poland Czech Republic etc.

National history

An anonymous person in Persia geographer And Geldiqi proposed that there are two Mazar tribes, one is still staying in Ural Mountains The other is to leave Ural Mountains , Mazar people going to South Russia.
Early Mazar people are nomadic people In“ ethnic minority ", because Eurasia The nomads of Indo European and Turki It is rare for them to speak Ugric. The Mazar people and Turks, Mongols, and Scythians don't have much Consanguinity They have lived in the lower part of the Ural Mountains for generations Hilly area , and some live in Eurasia The northern end of the very cold Estonian Is a close relative.
For example, the Huns who appeared in the area east of the Black Sea at the end of the 4th century AD were once widely suspected by the historians to be the descendants of the Huns who had been defeated by the Han Dynasty and moved westward. However, after a series of theoretical and archaeological evidence, the Huns and the Huns have no direct relationship, and they are more like the first group of Ugric who went southward, that is, the Huns Not at all The ancestors of the Mazar people.
The grassland belt of Eurasia has bred many brave nomads
Since the 8th century, due to climate change Living conditions And other nomadic tribes living space Squeezing, Mazar people are forced to leave their homes for generations the Ural Mountains , the family moves southwest. Here they are Ural River And Don River Grassland between Multiply Here, they met other nomadic peoples, such as the Bogar people, the Kazar people and the Aran people. As the least civilized tribe, the Mazar people learned how to grow food and care from their neighbors cash crop , to some extent, it has made up for the shortage of rations, but Animal Husbandry Their ancestors still live on cattle, horses and sheep. Stockbreeding oriented economic model Making them good at riding and shooting is the basic life skill of every herdsman in Mazar.
Politically, the royal family of Mazar has always been considered as the nobility from the nomadic nations of other nationalities. The earliest reference to the origin of Mazar people was in the 9th century AD Eastern Roman Empire historian Constantine Bofilogiritus mentioned that there was a foreign tribe "Kabar" entering Central Europe The royal family of the Mazar people, namely Grand Duke Arpad It is believed that it was sent by the Kosans. A leader of the Cosa tribe, as the leader of the Mazar people, appointed a young noble named Arpad as the Grand Duke of the Mazar people. After living in Pannonia, the Mazar people still served as the vassals of the Mazar people. Later in South Russia, the Mazar people went to Carpathian Mountains There are 10 tribes going there. The original name is "on ogur", that is, ten arrows and ten Huihe (seven Mazar and three Kosa tribes).
Carpathian Basin Trihedral be surrounded by mountains , the Danube River flows through the west Pannonian Plain Here, the water and grass are plentiful and the geographical location is safe, and there are no other powerful nomads competing with it for pastures, so the Mazar people decided to take root here and develop their businesses. The environment determines the fate of the Mazar people. The future historical trend of the Mazar people will largely depend on the geography of the Carpathian Basin cultural environment
From the southern Russian grassland to Central Europe hinterland Carpathian Basin , which means moving from the barbaric zone to the semi civilized and semi barbaric zone. Carpathian Basin Roman Empire From then on, it was the bridgehead where the Romans and various barbarians fought against each other. Until the Mazar people came here, it was still Byzantine Empire The front line against the northern barbarians. Civilization and barbarism are intertwined, which is the biggest feature of this region. The result of the game between different forces here is that balkan , Italy and Central Europe Political pattern Have a decisive impact. Therefore, the Mazar people are no longer the nomadic barbarians who used to be inconspicuous on the edge of Europe. Now they are pushed to the front of history.
The Mazar people who have taken root in the new area look around and find that they are in an excellent era in history, because the neighbors around them are either divided or weak, and all can be pinched Soft persimmon This is simply the best gift that God has brought to Mazar people.
In the south, the danube The Byzantine Empire on the other side has long lost its glory in the days of the Great. After the rise of the Arabs, the raids of the Awar, the invasion of the Slavs, the attacks of the Lombards, and the repeated harassment of the Pachnegs, this medieval empire has become a giant in deep trouble. The constant flow of northern barbarians made Byzantines tired of dealing with them. In addition, the eastern front was full of Muslim forces and pirates mediterranean sea , this empire has been on the verge of collapse for several times, and it has almost lost its support.
In the West, Charlemagne Empire The division of the German people so tired of civil war, no time for him. since Charlemagne After his death, the time empire had become a mess within a generation. The descendants of the Great Emperor hated each other and fought against each other Frankish Kingdom One divides into three. East Frankish Kingdom Although it is a whole on the surface, it has been divided into several dukes who are not subordinate to each other. The dukes have different ideas, and they worship the royal family. In addition, the East Frankish Kingdom also fought with the Vikings in the north and the Slavs in the east all the year round, which seriously distracted its strategic attention. Therefore, they could only respond negatively to the arrival of the Mazars.
In the southwest, Italy is scattered Lombardy The principality is ruling, and there is no unity among the various countries. Since the 6th century Ostrogothic Kingdom After the collapse, Lombards began to take the opportunity to flow into Italy, but this barbarian royal family lacked appeal And influence, unable to unite the tribes, the subordinates scattered and scrambled to carve up the land, and soon split into numerous small states. This split lasted for several centuries, until the 10th century AD, it was still in chaos.
Mazar people who have mastered the surrounding situation decide to make good use of this troubled world full of opportunities. Unprecedented opportunities are waiting, and their era has arrived.
The Mazar people can't wait to realize their ambitions. They first enslaved 200000 Slavs living in the Carpathian Basin by force and became their slaves. Then continue to move westward and enter the Pannonia Plain, where you can break into the East Frankish Kingdom in the north and enter North Italy in the south, and you can also stay away from the old rivals, the Pachenegues, to make the rear more secure.
Since the 10th century, the Mazar people began to carry out large-scale attacks on all surrounding areas without fear, and the frequency was high almost every year. They are good at riding and shooting on horseback. Their speed is unmatched, and they are especially good at using their ancestral trump card - the horse returning arrow. Mazar people are extremely cautious in fighting and marching, and they will first maintain safe distance , using maneuverability The Chinese army quickly outflanked the two wings. The Chinese army pretended to be defeated and retreated, constantly consuming the enemy's strength. During this period, it constantly harassed the enemy with dense arrows and rain. The chasing enemy would not need long to break the front and lose morale, becoming a live target of the Mazar people, and finally was harvested under the charge of cavalry.
Mazar's cavalry and shooting tactics are very effective against German, Slavic and other weak cavalry countries. As long as they can carry out field operations on a wide battlefield, they will go nowhere. With the continuous increase of the results of the war and the deepening of their understanding of the enemy, their appetite is growing, and the looting is becoming more and more unscrupulous. Only 10 years later, their looting has gone deep into the north, thousands of miles away from their hometown Germany In the region, they almost collided head-on with the Vikings. Because the mysterious Mazar cavalry made it difficult for their opponents to find and intercept. In addition to the chaos and division within the East Frank Kingdom, all people were unable to unite to resist foreign enemies. In order to reduce the possibility of being intercepted, the Mazar people also tried to divide the army into multiple units and loot in all directions, because what they wanted was loot rather than a hard fought battle.
In this way, Mazar people began to sweep the whole western Europe with unparalleled mobility on land. In the looting of 924, they rushed into Swabia And Bavaria Rhine They ravaged Alsace and Lorraine, which was the first time that they attacked the area west of the Rhine, which showed that the natural danger of the Rhine in Western Europe could not stop them. Two years later, they broke into northern Italy directly to the south Pavia Escape after the city The Alps , followed the mountain path westward into Burgundy, looted and then southwestward into Spain. The distance is shocking. 954 military action It is even more impressive that Mazar people once again swept across Bavaria and Swaben Worms Crossing the Rhine, looting the north Gaul , even swaggered south under Paris and entered Burgundy again, and finally swaggered back home to Pannonia along the Italian coast. In this year, they completely circled the Alps, which was the most successful raid in the past years.
Until 955 A.D., the Saxons Otto the Great In Bavaria Battle of Augsburg Completely defeated and severely injured them in the. They (including the Sisra left by the Great Moravia, which is also the real source of Mazar's blood) turned to settle down and work in agriculture. Under the rule of St. Stephen Ishtwan I, they converted to Christianity, absorbed the advanced civilization of Western Europe, and no longer posed a threat to foreigners.
Culturally, the Mazar people and East Asian Cultural Circle Similar in some respects. For example, Hungarian names are named First surname , last name, last identity, and surrounding Indo European Quite the opposite, and East Asia Ethnic groups (Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, etc.) are also in the same order, with the first surname followed by the last name. But that doesn't mean that Hungarians and East Asian nations have Substantive Whether it is culture or blood relationship.


Hungarians call themselves Magyars. [1]
It is said that in 1235, Bela IV (B é la IV) ordered several priests to preach to the East Volga River And found that some people's language and Hungary Language proximity. In the 19th century, Hungarian linguist They investigated and studied the languages used by the tribes in that area. The more common view is that Hungarians live together. Later, there were scientific data It proves that Hungarians once lived together with other nationalities in this area. Because of the geographical characteristics of this region, Hungarians live by farming feudal society From about the middle of the 5th century, Hungarians were composed of seven local governments: Nek, Mazar (that is, Mazar), Jute Jolmat, Taurjan, Yerno, Kyle and Kesi. Among them, Mazar is the strongest, so Hungarians are also called Mazar people. legend Tribal leader The Hungarian leader Arpad was elected king in accordance with Hungarian customs. [1]
According to archaeological research results, in 896 AD, under the leadership of King Albard, there were about 500000 Hungarians living in an organized way with little sacrifice Carpathian Basin Hungarians have lived for a long time, about four centuries. During such a long migration process, the Mazar people have always lived in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Hungarians, which is why some historical records from the 9th to the 10th centuries often referred to Hungary as Eastern Europe People. [1]
Carpathian Basin Is a Alluvial plain In the process of ethnic residence, all ethnic groups have well maintained their own national and language characteristics, which shows that Hungarians are the original residents of the region. They, like those European nations Blood race Relationship rather than location geographical position The Hungarians had a huge cohesive force These seven Hungarian groups include about 100 social organization These groups should all be common. One of the remarkable characteristics that Hungarians differ from other ethnic groups in Europe is that most of the other ethnic groups are in Eastern Europe or Western Europe Languages are all European languages. Hungarian is a European language and is influenced by Hungarian at the same time. Of course, the appearance, folk customs and tunes of Hungarians are not different. In addition, unlike other ethnic groups settled here, Hungarians have a relatively fixed attribution for a long time, while other ethnic groups either attribute themselves to Hungarians or belong to non Hungarians. At the same time, the Hungarian culture has absorbed many factors of the ethnic groups that settled here, such as Hungary and the culture of the Hungarian nation. Due to historical reasons, Hungary has Hungary cultural fusion This can be fully demonstrated from their later literature, art and music. because Carpathian Basin It effectively prevented the invasion from the north, east and southeast, but could not prevent other ethnic groups from the danube Entry from the West and South. Therefore, Hungary is also subject to the dual constraints of the West and the South, or rather, the West and the East, making the country have to join a group for its own interests. In fact, the Hungarian language, unique appearance and culture make them fundamentally different from the Western Europeans who are not Hungarians who settle here at the same time. [1]

Traditional characteristics

Hungarians are surrounded by Western Europeans who are not Hungarians and Romanians of different races. In terms of physical type and cultural influence, there is a constant mixing phenomenon.
There are two main influences: one is the influence of the Hungarians who conquered and occupied the country in the 16th and 17th centuries; First, Hungary Habsburg Family The powerful Hungarian influence. Hungary became autonomous in 1867 and independent in 1918. In those years, they kept their original art, music and literature, while embroidery and pottery Folk art , is still important today. Hungary from the Second World War Since then, there has been no announcement on religious belief Statistics for. But before the war, about 65% catholic 25% Christian protestantism Tu.