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Ma Liao

Ma Yuan, the eldest son of Fubo General of the Later Han Dynasty, and the elder brother of Empress Ma Mingde
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Ma Liao (?~92 years) was born in Fufeng Maoling (today's Xingping City, Shaanxi Province) with the word Jingping. Minister of Foreign Relations in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the eldest son of Fubo General Ma Yuan, and the elder brother of Empress Mingde.
After studying the Book of Changes, he started as a Langguan and served as the prince's attendant. In the third year of Yongping's reign, with her sister becoming the queen, she became the left supervisor of the Feather Forest and the general of Huben Zhonglang, and led the troops to attack the chariot division. At the end of his life, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty accepted the imperial edict, served as a guard and took charge of the palace defense. Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne, granted Tejin and was conferred the title of Shunyang Marquis. After the death of Empress Mingde, she could not restrain the Ma family, resigned and returned to Luoyang when she was old.
In the fourth year of Yongyuan, he passed away with a posthumous title of An.
Later Han Dynasty
date of birth
Han dynasty
Key achievements
Yulin Zuojian, Huben Zhonglang General
True name
Ma Liao
The eldest son of Ma Yuan of the Later Han Dynasty, the elder brother of Empress Ma of Mingde
Su Zong respects it very much

Character's Life

Ma Liao, whose name is Jingping, seldom takes his father as his husband. [1] Empress Mingde has set up and worshipped Liao as the left prison of the Feather Forest Tiger Ben Zhonglang General Xianzong( Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty )When he collapsed, he was forbidden by the leader of the imperial edict, so he took Zhao Xi's place as the guard( Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty )Very respectful. The empress dowager of the Ming Dynasty was frugal and simple. Ma Liao was worried that the beautiful career would not end and went to Changle Palace to persuade her to become a virtuous government. The empress dowager deeply accepted it. The Imperial Court held a great discussion. Frequently make inquiries. Ma Liao is sincere and cautious, does not love power and reputation, devotes himself to loyalty, and despises reputation. Yousilian, according to the old code, sealed Ma Liao and others, and was forced to concede. In the fourth year of the founding year, he was granted the title of Shunyang Marquis, ranking first for his special advancement. Every time there is a reward, I dare not give up. The capital teacher praises me.
Ma Yu, his son, is an infantryman colonel. After the death of the Empress Dowager, Ma lost power. Liao Xingkuanhuan could not teach his descendants, so Yu submitted a letter to complain about slander. Ma Fang and Ma Guang are extravagant, and they are good friends. In the eighth year, there was a minister who exempted Yu, sent Liao, Fang, and Guang to seal. Yu followed Liao to return to the country, and examined the material causes. Later, Liao Jingshi was returned. He died in the fourth year of Yongyuan. Emperor He, the uncle of Emperor Liao Xiandi, bestowed the title of "Fu" on him, and sent his envoys to mourn him. The king's leader will be mourned, and his posthumous title is Hou An.

personal works

The imperial edicts of the previous generations were not enough for the common people, which originated from the extravagance of the world. So the Yuan Emperor stopped serving his officials, the Han Cheng Emperor kept his clothes clean, and the Han Ai Emperor went to Yuefu. However, the people are always wasting money From Line Not from words. husband Change government and change wind , must have its origin. It is said: "The king of Wu is a good swordsman, and the common people are scarred; The King of Chu has a slim waist Many people in the palace starved to death. Chang'an said, "In the city, there is a high bun, one foot high in all directions; in the city, there is a wide eyebrow, and Half amount Good big sleeves in the city, all silk everywhere. " Words are like plays, with facts. There are few systems in front, but not in the rear. Although some officials did not obey the law, good officials began to slow down the development of the capital. Now your majesty bows to the thick silk, rebukes the ornamentation, and is simple and safe. It comes from the holy nature. This is a great blessing. Since your majesty has already obtained the nature, it is still advisable to encourage him. The virtue of Emperor Taizong (Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty) has never ended. easy 》He said, "If you don't keep your virtue, you may be ashamed to accept it." If you are honest, you can recite your virtue all over the world. You can say "Dong Tiandi" and "Dong Tiandi". The gods can be understood and the stones can be controlled. What's more, it's more important to do benevolence and more important to do orders! I would like to set my seal on the side to serve as Blind person The sound of night recitation.

Family members

Father: Ma Yuan, General Fubo
Sister: Ma Shi, Mingde queen
Son: Ma Yu, Chengmen Xiaowei; Ma Zun, Marquis of Cheng Xiang
Grandson: Ma Du, Marquis Yingyang