Chicken bone firewood

Elsholtzia L., Labiatae
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synonym Sesame leaf (Angiosperma, Labiatae, Elsholtzia) generally refers to Hedysarum (Labiatae, Elsholtzia)
Chicken bone firewood( Elsholtzia fruticosa (D. Don) Rehder) Yes Labiatae elsholtzia This plant has the effect of penetrating rash, detoxifying and relieving itching. It is distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. [Other Chinese names]: Double Feathered Grass , Laomama Tree, Shougouhuiyang Grass (Kunming), Dachaihu (Weixi), Xiangzhi Ma Ye (Yuxi), Shanyebazi (Wuding), Ziyousu (Yiliang), Xiaohuaxiangke Broom tea (Yunnan) Hops (Guizhou), sandworm medicine (Guizhou).
Chinese name
Chicken bone firewood [4]
Latin name
Elsholtzia fruticosa (D. Don) Rehder [4]
Chicken bone firewood
Distribution area
Gansu In the south (Bailong River basin), Hubei West, Sichuan, Tibet

morphological character

Erect shrub, 0.8-2 m high, multi branched. Stems and branches are obtuse quadrangle shaped, shallow grooved, yellowish brown or purplish brown, the cortex peels off when old, becomes hairless, and is white curled and sparsely pubescent when young.
The leaves are lanceolate or elliptic lanceolate, usually 6-13 cm long and 2-3.5 cm wide, the apex is acuminate, the base is narrow cuneate, the edge is coarsely serrated above the base, nearly entire at the base, the upper part is olive green, covered with coarse hairs, the lower part is light green, and the lower part is curved pubescent, both sides are densely covered with yellow glandular spots, and the lateral veins are about 6-8 pairs, which are obviously raised above the depression and below the midvein, Parallel veinlets are clearly visible below; The petiole is very short or nearly absent.
Spike Cylindrical, 6-20 cm long, 1.3 cm in diameter when flowering, terminal or axillary, composed of short stemmed multi flowered cymes, 2-3 cymes located at the lower part of the spike are slightly scattered and more or less intermittent, and the upper ones are clustered and continuous; The bracts located at the lower part of the spike are more or less leafy than Verticillium , gradually showing bracts upward, lanceolate to narrow lanceolate or subulate, which are shorter than the verticillium; Pedicel 0.5-2 mm long, densely pubescent with pedicel and rachis. Calyx bell shaped, about 1.5 mm long, covered with gray pubescence outside, calyx teeth 5, triangular subulate, about 0.5 mm long, nearly equal, calyx cylindrical in fruit, about 3 mm long, about 1 mm wide, with obvious veins.
Corolla is white to light yellow, about 5mm long, with curled pubescence outside and golden gland dots between. The inner surface has an inconspicuous oblique hair ring near the base. The crown tube is about 4mm long, the base is about 1mm wide, and the throat is 2mm wide. The crown eaves are 2-lipped, the upper lip is upright, about 0.5mm long, the apex is slightly lacking, the edge is villous, the lower lip is open, 3-lobed, and the middle lobe is round, about 1mm long, Lateral lobes semicircular. Stamens 4, anterior pair longer, protruding, filaments filiform, glabrous, anthers ovoid, 2-locular. The style exceeds or is shorter than the stamen, but all extend the corolla, the apex is nearly equally 2-parted, the lobes are linear, and roll outward.
Nutlets oblong, 1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm in diameter, ventral angulate, apex obtuse, brown, glabrous. Flowering from July to September, fruiting from October to November. [1]
It can be divided into three variants.
One is Primary variant f. fruticosa。
The second is Pistil morph f. iaclasa Sun ex C. H. Hu in Act. Phytotax Sin. 11(1):46. In 1966, it is also called Small Fragrant Flower Tree (Yongping, Yunnan) and Elsholtzia macrophylla (Dali, Yunnan). It is different from the original form in that the stamens are all contained, and the leaves are slightly small and oblong. It is produced in Sichuan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. The type specimen is taken from Weishan, Yunnan.
Three is Long panicle variant f. leptostachya C. Y. Wu et S. C. Huang in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 12(3):337. 1974, different from the original form in that the spike is slender, Verticillium It is relatively isolated, with long and narrow leaves gradually pointed, and is produced in southwest Shaanxi. The type specimen is taken from Yangxian County, Shaanxi Province. Yunnan uses roots as medicine to treat rheumatism and arthralgia; In Guizhou, leaves are used as medicine, and rotten feet, white scabies and scabies are applied externally. This explant also contains aromatic oil, but its oil yield is very low.
Yunnan Youdunmu, deciduous shrub, up to 4m high. Young branches pubescent. Opposite leaves; The petiole is about 5mm long; The leaves are oval to wide lanceolate, 5-10cm long and 2-3cm wide, gradually pointed to long gradually pointed at the apex, obtuse to nearly circular at the base, whole or with sparse shallow teeth, sparsely pubescent on the top, depressed main vein, white villous on the bottom along the vein, eyelashes on the edge. Corymbose Cyme , 1-4 flowers in the leaf axils at the top of short branches; Two pairs of bracteoles, one pair smaller, ovate, anisomorphic, the other pair larger, reniform; Calyx tube densely pilose, calyx teeth 5, subulate strip with shallow capsule or not, throat orange, pilose, lobes 5; Stamens 4, 2-strong; Style thin, exceeding stamens, stigma capitate. The capsule is ovoid, pilose, with 4 persistent and enlarged bracteoles, of which the reticulate veins are obvious, kidney shaped, and its curved part is attached to the fruit, 2.5-3cm long and 1.5-2cm wide. Seeds flat, ridged outside. Flowering from May to November, fruiting from June to November.

Growth environment

Born on the side, bottom, roadside, open hillside and grassland of the valley, 1200-3200 meters above sea level.

Distribution range

It is produced in southern Gansu (Bailong River basin), western Hubei, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi; Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, northern India also have. Type specimens were collected from Nepal.
List of Innovative Introduced Plants in Wuhan Botanical Garden
Chinese name of door
Gate Latin Name
Chinese name
Latin name
Branch Chinese name
CorLatin name
Section No
two hundred and eleven
Latin names
Elsholtzia fruticosa (D.Don) Rehd.
Chinese name
Chicken bone firewood [2]
Introduction site
Shaanxi Taibai
Introduction time
twenty million forty thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine
Introduction No
forty-eight thousand five hundred and three
Introduction materials
Zhao Zien
two thousand seven hundred and fourteen
Cultivation site
Introduction transition garden
Number of introduced species
1 seedling
growth traits

Key values


Drug value

[Drug name]: Jiguchai
[Alias]: Jiguchai
[Hanyu Pinyin]: ABCD
[Latin plant animal mineral name]: Dipelta yunnanensis Franch [D.ventricosa Hemsl.]
[Medicinal part]: It is used as medicine with the current year branches, leaves and inflorescences.
[Family and genus]: Labiatae
【 Indications 】: Measles and pox virus; Dampness and itching; Naked wind
[Ecological environment]: It grows in the hillside thicket at an altitude of 880-2400m.
[Harvesting and storage]: Harvesting in summer and autumn, cutting and drying.

Efficacy classification

Publication of anti rash drugs; Antidote and antipruritic drug

Sexual taste

Bitter taste; Sexuality

Usage and dosage

Internal use: decoction, 9-15g.


Chinese Materia Medica


[Tibetan Medicine] Purmanglagang: Tibetan Medicine Manual for treating colds with flowers. Cirou Saibao: The current year branches and inflorescences are mainly used to treat anal worm disease, fetal worm disease, skin worm disease, gastrointestinal worm disease; Chinese Tibetan Medicine for external use can prevent insects and flies. Primangang: upper branches, leaves and inflorescence Cold , cough, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, Ethnography II. [3]
[Yi medicine] Ziyousu: radical cure of rheumatic arthralgia; Ye Zhi foot erosion, vitiligo, scabies, epistaxis, "Yunnan Province". [3]