Fragrant pear

Rosaceae Pyrus
zero Useful+1
Fragrant pear is a pear plant of Rosaceae. The shape of the fruit is like an apple, and the peel is yellow; The sunny side is bright red, and the whole fruit surface is mixed with light rust spots; The fruit is big and white; [5 ] Flowering in April; The fruiting period is September. [6 ] Fragrant pears were cultivated and developed in the Korla area of China in the early period, so they are also called "Korla Fragrant Pears". [7 ]
Fragrant pear is native to southern Xinjiang, China. [8 ] Fragrant pear likes light and dryness. It can withstand both high temperature and low temperature. [9 ] The propagation mode of fragrant pear is grafting. [10 ]
In terms of medicinal value, it has the effect of "moistening the lung, cooling the heart, eliminating diseases, detoxifying sores, expelling toxins, and sticking hot slices to relieve pain without rotting". In terms of edible value, fragrant pears are nutritious. They are mainly used for fresh food, and can also be processed into canned goods, pear juice, dried pears, pear wine, pear vinegar and other foods. [11 ] In terms of economic value, Korla fragrant pear is not only popular in China, but also exported to Europe, America and South Africa, bringing rich economic benefits. [12 ]
Chinese name
Fragrant pear
Datou Pear, Zhonghua Honey Pear, Naiximuti [3-4]
Korla pear
Apple subfamily
Distribution area
Xinjiang, China
Binominal method
Nisimuti (Uyghur)
xiāng lí [1-2]
Phonetic transcription
ㄒ One ㄤ One ㄌ One ˊ [1-2]
Cantonese Pinyin
hoeng1 lei4 [1-2]

History of botany

There is a beautiful legend about fragrant pears. A girl named Aliman climbed 99 mountains to the east, went to 99 places, killed 99 donkeys, and attracted 99 kinds of pear trees in order to let villagers eat pears. But after planting, 98 varieties died, only one pear tree and local wild pear grafting After success, the pear has matured, and the aroma is strong and wafts away with the wind. Villagers have come to taste and congratulate it. They are happy to call it "milk simuti", which means fragrant Pears. [3] This matter was heard by Bayi (the landlord), and Bayi used Gold and silver treasures I want to buy this tree and forbid girls to teach others cultivation techniques. The girl refused Bai's request, Bai become shame , ordered the dog leg to cut down the pear tree and killed the girl. But in the next year, the roots of the cut down pear trees grew green branches. The villagers soon moved the pear tree away, fearing that Bayi would know about it. Just like this, Korla fragrant pears have been planted all over thousands of households
In September 1986, Queen Elizabeth Beijing Great Hall of the People After eating Korla fragrant pear, he nodded frequently and said repeatedly: "Good pear! Good pear! What a prince of fruit". Since then, Korla fragrant pear has been regarded as the best fruit for guests. stay India The fragrant pear is called "Zhinarovromin", which means "the prince of China". So where is the real "prince of China"? Just 9 kilometers northeast of Korla Iron Gate Pass
Iron Gate Pass Yes the Silk Road One of the 36 passes is the middle route of the Silk Road Yanqi go qiuci (now Kuqa )Must pass by. Tiemenguan is surrounded by two mountains, and the stone wall is towering. The wall is ten meters high and fifteen kilometers long. There is a straight line between the two mountains Peacock River The valley formed by river cutting.
Why does Prince Xiangli monopolize Tiemen Pass? Why are Tiemenguan fragrant pears a little big, shiny, bright, thin, no residue, juicy, crisp and sweet? There are three reasons. One is that Tiemen Pass is far away from the world and hidden in lofty ridges and towering mountains On the bank of the fertile Peacock River in central China, the pear trees here are tall and luxuriant, known as the "Pear Garden in the World"; Second, Tiemenguan is the original origin of Korla fragrant pear and the first foothold of Hanhai pear; Third, because of people's behavior factors, because the "legend of Korla fragrant pear" has long been known to every household
Fragrant pear

morphological character

Fragrant pear, distributed in Xinjiang, China , which is called "Naiximuti" in Uygur. It is characterized by rich fragrance, thin skin, fine meat, juicy, sweet and crisp, fresh and delicious, and is the top grade of pears. Fragrant pear Korla Fragrant pear has a large yield and good quality. It has a planting area of 24000 mu and an annual output of more than 1000 tons. Korla pear In the international market, it is known as "Chinese Honey Pear", "Treasure of Pears", "Prince of Fruit" and other titles.
 Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear
Fragrant pear
There are many kinds of pears in the world, and Korla fragrant pear is the most unique one. According to reports, there are calyx The male pear looks like a bearded one, and the female pear without calyx. Besides, mother pears are more delicious.
Xinjiang has had it for a long time“ Turpan Grapes Hami The saying that "there is no residue in the melon and Korla fragrant pear" shows that Korla is an important and unique fruit base in Xinjiang, which is known as the hometown of melons and fruits. Korla Fragrant Pear is one of the most famous fruits in Xinjiang. Fragrant pear is actually a treasure among fruits, and is famous at home and abroad.

Main varieties


Korla pear

1924 France World Exposition Among 1432 kinds of pears, Korla fragrant pear is second only to France White pear It was awarded the silver medal and is known as the "World Pear Queen". In 1957, it won the first prize in the "National Pear Industry Production Conference".
In 1985, it was rated as“ National high-quality fruit ”。
In 1999 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition On, Korla fragrant pear won the gold medal.
The cultivation of fragrant pears has a history of thousands of years, but it was only after the founding of the People's Republic of China that a large number of pears were planted. In 1976, Korla County was designated as the production base of fragrant pears by the autonomous region; In 1985, the planting area of fragrant pear increased sharply from 306.66 hectares in 1978 to 733.33 hectares; Today, Korla City He Bingtuan Second Agricultural Division There are 24500 hectares of pear orchards in total in several group farms of Beijing, becoming an important local fragrant pear industry; More than 60% of fragrant pears produced here are exported to North America, Southeast Asia and West Asia.
Purpose identification
Korla pear
Korla fragrant pear has the characteristics of pleasing color, thin skin and crispy meat, more juice and less residue, sweet and delicious, rich nutrition, storage and transportation resistance, and its sugar content is more than 9.75%. It not only can be eaten raw, but also can be used to make pear wine, pear paste and other related foods, and has the medical effect of "moistening the lungs, cooling the heart, eliminating phlegm, and relieving ulcers, poison and alcohol". It was introduced to India through the "Silk Road" in the Han and Tang dynasties, and is known as the prince of fruits. Since 50 years ago, Korla fragrant pear has won the national fruit appraisal for many times. Since it entered the international market in 1987, it has been selling well.
How to identify authentic Korla fragrant pear? "The legend of Korla fragrant pear" is the basis for identification: the first sign is that Korla fragrant pear is small, because Korla fragrant pear originated from Taklimakan Desert Medium, due to lack of water, the pear is smaller than other varieties, so there is no need to "divide the pear"; The second sign is that the watch belt of Korla fragrant pear is red, because the price of blood was paid from Hanhai pear to Korla fragrant pear; The third sign is that Korla fragrant pear is slag free, juicy and sweet, because Korla fragrant pear symbolizes sweet love.

Xinjiang Fragrant Pear

Flowering and Heat Conditions of Xinjiang Fragrant Pear
The main environmental factor affecting the flowering of fragrant pear is temperature. The flowering time and duration depend on the temperature conditions in the early stage. Based on the correlation analysis between the flowering period (L) of fragrant pear in the suburb of Korla from 1980 to 2002 and the average temperature (T) in March, the regression equation is obtained as follows:
L=26.83-2.601 T
Correlation coefficient γ=-0.8047 Reliability α=0.01
The equation shows that high temperature in early stage leads to early flowering and low temperature leads to late flowering. The temperature in Korla in March 1996 was 1.4 ℃ lower than the annual average. Fragrant pears didn't blossom until April 18, 10 days later than the average date.
The pollen of Fragrant Pear hardly germinates when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, and the pollen tube elongation is poor at 10-12 ℃. After pollination at 15-18 ℃, the pollen tube almost completely invades the stigma within 3 hours, and fertilization begins 24 hours later. 15~25 ℃ is the suitable temperature for pollen germination and fertilization. The temperature of fragrant pear producing areas in southern Xinjiang is mostly 15~17 ℃ at this stage, which is near the lower limit of suitable temperature.
Fruit growth and photothermal conditions of xinjiang fragrant pear
The fruit growth period in the main production areas of Xinjiang Fragrant Pear starts from late April to early May, and ends in early and middle September. This stage is fragrant pear reproductive growth And the peak season of vegetative growth is also the stage when the characteristics of fragrant pear like light, temperature and high temperature are fully revealed. The main period of Xiangli fruit growth is in the range of daily average temperature ≥ 20 ℃. According to the measurement of Korla Meteorological Station, the growth rate of fragrant pear fruit is positively correlated with the temperature within the range of 15~27 ℃ of daily average temperature. When the daily average temperature is 24~26 ℃, the growth rate of longitudinal and transverse diameters of fragrant pear fruit reaches the maximum, 0.4 mm/d~0.5mm/d. The fruit expansion period of fragrant pear is from late June to mid August. During this period, the average ten day temperature in Korla is between 24 and 27 ℃, which is very conducive to fruit growth.
There are two requirements for light conditions in the growth period of fragrant pear fruit: first, there are two sensitive periods in this period, one is May to June when the young fruit grows and flower bud differentiates, and the other is August to September when the fruit matures. The average sunshine hours are required to be more than 9 hours; Second, under high temperature and strong light, the photosynthetic efficiency is higher. The daily temperature range in Xinjiang is large. With the same daily average temperature, the temperature rises quickly in the daytime, and the fragrant pear is in the suitable temperature for photosynthesis for a long time, which improves the effectiveness of accumulated temperature. The temperature of Korla pear is more than 25 ℃ from June to August, and the best photosynthesis time is more than 10 hours at 11:00 to 22:00 (Beijing time) in the fruit growth period of fragrant pear.
The Influence of Climate on Fragrant Pear in Xinjiang
The correlation analysis between the yield data of fragrant pears in the 1990s and the meteorological data in Korla nearby shows that the yield of fragrant pears is best correlated with the number of continuous days, accumulated temperature and sunshine hours during the period when the daily average temperature is ≥ 20 ℃. The correlation coefficients were 0.78 (α=0.05), 0.79 (α=0.02) and 0.87 (α=0.01), respectively. This result reflected that the total amount and distribution of light and heat resources during ≥ 20 ℃ were closely related to the growth of Xiangli fruit. In addition, the correlation coefficient between the yield of fragrant pear and the average daily temperature range in August reached 0.71 (α=0.05). August is the ripening period of fragrant pear fruit, and a large daily range is conducive to the accumulation and storage of sugar, so that it can fully mature. When the daily temperature range is>12 ℃, the fruit growth rate is fast, and when the temperature range is<12 ℃, the growth rate is slow; When the daily temperature range is>11 ℃ during the fruit ripening period, the sugar content of fragrant pear fruit increases linearly with the increase of the daily temperature range.
The Best Planting Area of Xinjiang Fragrant Pear
The best planting areas are Korla, Yuli and Yeerqiang rivers in the upper and middle reaches of the Kongque River and Bachu, Kashi and Maigaiti in the Kashgar River Delta. The area is rich in light and heat resources during the growing season of fragrant pear. The accumulated temperature during the period of ≥ 20 ℃ is 2310~2870 ℃, and the sunshine hours are 940~1100 hours. The most abundant light and heat resources are just at the time when the fruits of fragrant pear grow fast, and the matching is good.
Xinjiang Fragrant Pear Second best Planting Area
It includes Awati, Alar, Kuqa, Shaya, Xinhe to Luntai in the upper and middle reaches of the Tarim River, as well as Shache, Yecheng to Hotan in the southwest of the Tarim Basin, and the area near Hami in the eastern Xinjiang. The accumulated temperature of fragrant pear during the growing season ≥ 20 ℃ in the area is 2100~2500 ℃, and the sunshine hours are 700~1070 hours, which can meet the needs of fragrant pear for light and heat conditions, and have good environmental conditions for fragrant pear planting.
 Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear
Fragrant pear

Growth environment

Fragrant pear likes light and temperature, relatively high temperature resistance, and moderate cold resistance. The annual growth cycle is from the end of March, early April to November. The beginning of bud germination and defoliation of fragrant pear is about 10 ℃ of daily average temperature, and the period from flowering to fruit ripening is when the daily average temperature is ≥ 15 ℃. The duration of this period is long, the temperature is high, the light is sufficient, and the low temperature has many disadvantages. The growth period is about 220~230 days, and the accumulated temperature of ≥ 10 ℃ is more than 3400 ℃.
 Fragrant pear Fragrant pear Fragrant pear
Fragrant pear

Distribution range

Fragrant pear is native to southern Xinjiang, China. [8 ]

Reproductive methods

The propagation mode of fragrant pear is grafting. [10 ]

Key values


Medicinal value

In terms of medicinal value, it has the effect of "moistening the lung, cooling the heart, eliminating diseases, detoxifying sores, expelling toxins, and sticking hot slices to relieve pain without rotting".

Edible value

In terms of edible value, fragrant pears are nutritious. They are mainly used for fresh food, and can also be processed into canned goods, pear juice, dried pears, pear wine, pear vinegar and other foods. [11 ]

economic value

In terms of economic value, Korla fragrant pear is not only popular in China, but also exported to Europe, America and South Africa, bringing rich economic benefits. [12 ]

Food taboos

Edible for general population
It is especially suitable for those who cough with thick phlegm or without phlegm, have itching and dry sore throat, suffer from chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, heart disease, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and those who drink alcohol or have a hangover;
Patients with chronic enteritis, stomach cold and diabetes should not eat raw pears.
matters needing attention
Eating more will hurt the spleen and stomach, so those who are cold and afraid of cold food should eat less;
Not suitable for taking glucocorticoids, sulfa drugs and sodium bicarbonate;
Not suitable for eating with goose and crab;
Do not drink boiled water after eating;
Avoid eating with greasy, hot and cold things. Drinking hot water and greasy food when eating pears will cause diarrhea;
People with weak spleen and stomach should not eat raw pears. You can cut pears into pieces and boil water to eat them.
Eating pear and crab together hurts the stomach; Avoid eating with goose; Eating with hot water is prone to diarrhea.
When it comes to the problem of pears being cold, in fact, according to research, different kinds of pears have different degrees of cold. For example, Tianjin Yali, which we often eat, is slightly cold, similar to the small and delicate fragrant pears and the larger Gongli pears, while the thick skinned sand pears and imported beer pears are even colder. Generally speaking, Yali and Sydney are mainly used as medicines. Please pay attention to your choice in the market.
Fragrant pear

Plant culture



The west of the iron pass is far away, and there are few tourists;
A petty official who closes the door faces the stone wall all day long.
The bridge span is steep and the road is narrow on both sides;
Try to climb the west tower and look white.
* This is a famous frontier poet in the Tang Dynasty Censhen (715-770 AD).
Fragrant Pear
The desert is full of natural fruits.
Although the body is young, there is charm in the quality.

A little trick

In fact, Korla fragrant pear is divided into "male" and "female". The tail of the female pear is concave, forming a round nest; The tail of male pear is convex, with thick flesh and large stone. Compared with male pear, female pear has thinner meat, thinner skin, more juice and better taste OK. [3]