
Color concept
open 3 entries with the same name
zero Useful+1
Saturation of color refers to the brightness of color, also known as purity In hue saturation value (HSV) color In the model, saturation is one of the three attributes of color, and the other two attributes are Hue (hue) and Lightness (value); In this model, the hue values range from 0 ° to 360 °, and the saturation and lightness values range from 0 to 100%. stay Chromatics The primary color has the highest saturation. As the saturation decreases, the color becomes dim until it becomes achromatic, that is, the color losing hue. As the carrier of information, color not only depends on the design form, but also completes the process of information transmission as a subject. about Art Design For example, the application and design of color is an important part. In practical applications, colors are divided into three basic categories: low saturation contrast, medium saturation contrast and high saturation contrast, and a derivative category of saturation combination contrast according to the high and low saturation values. [1]
Chinese name
saturation [1]
Foreign name
saturation [1]
Brightness of color [1]
Hue and value [1]
Brightness of color, also known as purity of color [1]
Low saturation contrast, medium saturation contrast and high saturation contrast [1]
Commonly used for
Color Image Academic Language [2]
Saturation,Chroma [1]

evaluating indicator

R9 special color rendering index
Special color rendering index R nine It is the color rendering ability of saturated red samples. Because LED products generally lack red light components, the industry generally considers that R nine As the general color rendering index R a It is an important supplement for describing the reduction ability of light source to saturated red, R nine >0 has become an industry standard requirement. [2]
GAI gamut index
Gamut The reference light source used by the Gamut Area Index (GAI) is Isoenergetic spectrum At the same time, it is recommended that the color rendering index of the light source should be at least 80, and the GAI gamut index should be between 80 and 100, which will make the color rendering of the light source have good naturalness and brightness at the same time. [2]
CQS color quality index, Qg
Color Quality Scale (CQS) CQS system indicators include Q f ,Q g ,Q a Etc. Q f It is used to describe the fidelity of color. It describes the color rendering difference between the measured light source and the reference light source, Q g It describes the relative gamut area formed by 15 standard color samples in CIELAB, that is, color saturation, Q a A certain degree of oversaturated color is allowed when calculating color difference. [2]
TM-30-15 standard, Rg
The Illumination Society of North America (IES) approved the standard named IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition (No. TM-30-15) in May 2015. This standard provides an accurate and robust calculation method to characterize the fidelity R of the color rendering of light sources f And saturation R g [2]


Highlight the main body of the picture with high saturation colors
If you want to highlight the main object in the film, you usually design a key color for it. Key color refers to the color that does not occupy a large area in the film, but will attract special attention of the audience. Key colors are usually expressed by the colors of clothing, props and other media, and color saturation adjustment is also used. [3]
In film production, the forward sense of high saturation color can be used to make the subject stand out from the background and attract the attention of the audience. It can also use the physiological effect of high saturation color on people to deepen the memory of key figures and events. [3]
Use high saturation color to create the scene atmosphere of the film
The tone of color is like creating a reasonable cornerstone for the film, on which the plot and story in the film are structured and promoted. [3]
The tone of color determines the atmosphere trend of the whole film. In the same film, different emotional expressions can be distinguished by the color saturation of the screen. By creating an atmosphere through color, the audience can quickly integrate into the story of the film. The overall color of the film should be determined according to the needs of the film's theme. Using high saturation color can create a false and exaggerated world, and express the dramatic and absurd comedy effect of the story. [3]
Using High Saturation Color to Express the Emotions of the Characters in the Movie
Color also plays a vital role in the expression of emotion. Color can concretely express abstract emotions. [3]
Color is one of the most influential visual language and emotional factors. Reasonable saturation color can express the identity of characters, shape their personality, and reveal their inner world. In film production, we should try our best to grasp the color saturation of each picture, so as to better express the psychological state of the characters and achieve the ultimate goal of shaping the characters. [3]