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Dietary nutrition

Nutrition of diet
Dietary nutrition: mainly including food Digestion And absorb Nutrition Basic knowledge, nutrition of all kinds of food, dietary structure and dietary guide, principle and function of dietary nutrition and nutritional diet for all kinds of people, recipe preparation, relationship between dietary nutrition and disease, food pollution and prevention, etc.
Chinese name
Dietary nutrition
Foreign name
Diet and Nutrition

brief introduction

Brown rice porridge
How to break away from the shackles of nutrition? Theoretically speaking, it is very simple - leave behind all the propositions of nutrition and eat what you should eat. However, given the "food environment", it is not easy to do this in real life. Nevertheless, there are still some simple principles worth paying attention to and following in order to achieve a truly healthy diet:

Simplicity principle


Recommendation 1

Eat real food
This is easier said than done because there are too many so-called "modern foods" that look like food in the market, such as fresh fruit iced yogurt, breakfast cereal bar biscuits and non dairy cream, which will make your great grandmother feel confused. Therefore, I suggest you ask your great grandmother to help you make a judgment. The food she can recognize may be the real food.

Recommendation 2

Avoid processed foods that are claimed to be healthy
These foods are usually overprocessed, and the so-called healthy propaganda can not always be trusted. Take margarine as an example. It is one of the first batch of processed foods that are claimed to be healthy, but it has been proved that it may induce heart disease.

Recommendation 3

Avoid foods containing more than 5 unfamiliar ingredients
Although these ingredients may not be harmful, if a food contains so many unfamiliar ingredients, it is enough to prove that this food has been over processed.

Recommendation 4

Try to stay away from supermarkets
In the fresh food market, you will not encounter“ High fructose corn syrup ”Such processed food will not encounter food shipped from far away long ago. The fresh food market provides fresh and healthy food.

Recommendation 5

Eat more expensive and less
Better food, that is, more delicious food or food with higher nutritional value, will also have higher prices, because these foods often need careful cultivation and have less output.
Eating less may be the most unpopular suggestion, but it has the most sufficient scientific evidence: reducing calorie intake can delay aging, and eating less can help prevent cancer. In history, many people have followed the principle of "having a full meal at eight points".

Recommendation 6

Mainly eat vegetables, melons and fruits, and eat more vegetable leaves
Scientists have not agreed on why vegetables are good for health, but they all agree that vegetables are really good for human health. In addition, eating more vegetables can help you greatly reduce your calorie intake.

Recommendation 7

Refer to some traditional eating habits
Practice has proved that people in France, Italy, Japan, Greece and other countries whose dietary habits follow the rules of traditional food culture are generally healthier than Americans who follow "modern nutrition". There must be some reason why traditional eating habits can be passed down from generation to generation.

Recommendation 8

Cook by yourself
If possible, grow some fruits and vegetables by yourself. This will not only help you stay away from fast food, but also help you stay away from the values hidden behind fast food - food is fast and cheap. In fact, food is precious, and cooking is an art. By growing your own vegetables, you can get physical exercise before eating these foods.

Recommendation 9

No taboos
Try not to be picky and partial. Try not only new foods, but also new cuisines. The more diversified you eat, the richer and more complete the nutrients you absorb.
Eating two meals a day is most healthy
There is a Russian proverb: "Eat your own breakfast, have lunch together, and leave your dinner to the enemy." In fact, this is telling people how to eat three meals a day is healthy.
Eating two meals a day is based on the physiological characteristics of the human body. The human body must wait until the stomach has digested all the food, and then it can eat when it feels hungry again. Food usually stays in the stomach for 6-8 hours, which means that there must be 8-10 hours between meals. Eating two meals a day can give the stomach a full rest and prepare for the next digestion: storing enzymes, secreting mucus, repairing gastric mucosa, and restoring the contractile function of the digestive system.
When the stomach is digesting food, especially protein rich food, cells will produce a lot of hydrochloric acid, mucus and stomach enzymes. Although these are the main components of protein decomposition and other compounds, they will damage the stomach wall. Therefore, compared with other digestive organs, the stomach needs to rest for a longer time.
The human body will automatically adjust to different eating habits. Any slight change will cause rejection or discomfort to the human body. Generally speaking, it takes three months for a person to adapt to new eating habits.
Physiologists believe that the perfect time for food intake should be as follows: from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. for breakfast. The second dining time should be 6 hours later, that is, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m

Brown rice porridge

"Scrape" fat
The biggest feature of brown rice is that it contains germ. The content of vitamins and cellulose is very high. Eating it often can reduce fat and cholesterol. Brown rice also contains a lot of zinc, which can improve Rough skin The situation.
Brown rice porridge
As the word "brown rice" means, it is rough rice, most of which are wrapped in rice husks. Brown rice can be bought in general supermarkets. Brown rice with complete appearance, yellow brown color or light brown smell is the best. Doing Brown rice porridge Before that, you should soak the brown rice for about 30 minutes, and then cook it like a normal rice porridge. Brown rice porridge can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and help digestion and absorption of nutrients. But it is better not to drink this kind of brown rice porridge directly for diabetes. Generally, drinking porridge directly may cause a sudden increase in blood sugar.


Suitable for making snacks
Sorghum rice Making porridge and cooking is a little rough, but grinding it into flour to make snacks is more delicate and nutritious. Sorghum rice is most suitable for making Sorghum cake The dessert is to grind the sorghum rice into powder, add baking powder, sugar, eggs and some water to make it thick, knead it into a dough, steam the sorghum dough flat, fry it in a frying pan, and sprinkle sesame seeds on it.
Sorghum cake is difficult to digest for some people with slightly poor gastrointestinal function. You can try to make some sorghum soup, such as Tremella soup perhaps Corn soup A little sorghum can add some rich taste to the already nutritious soup.

Coix Seed Soup

The most nourishing
Coix Seed Soup
Coix barley is more like kernel than rice, so there are many places to call it Coir seed More people like to eat Job's tears because its unique living environment makes it less harmful. It likes to grow in wet areas. Job's tears are planted in mountains or by rivers in many places. Many people like to eat the plump job's tears, which are fresh and sticky. But few people know that job's tears have many effects. According to traditional Chinese medicine, Job's tears can strengthen muscles and bones, strengthen spleen and stomach, eliminate edema, remove rheumatism, and clear lung heat. Coix barley is a very good tonic for women Vitamin B1 It can make the skin smooth and white, and can also play the role of anti uterine cancer.
Coix Seed Soup
Job's tears are slightly cold, so they are not suitable for porridge or eating alone. It is very suitable to make soup together with some food that can warm and nourish. It can stew chicken leg, tomato and job's tears together, which is not only easy to digest, but also has a very good nourishing effect. Job's tears are not easy to digest, so try not to eat more, especially the elderly, children, and people with stomach colds and gastritis. When eating job's tears, you must eat an appropriate amount, not more.

Buckwheat Noodles

Buckwheat Noodles
Buckwheat noodle It is a kind of gray and black flour, but despite its ugly appearance, it has high nutritional value. Buckwheat noodles have a variety of eating methods, but people are most accustomed to using it to make noodles. The protein of buckwheat is higher than that of rice and flour. Especially for children growing up, it is more suitable to eat some buckwheat flour, including lysine and Arginine Parents will be surprised at the growth speed and intelligence of their children, but when parents make buckwheat noodles for their children, they also need to pay attention to something. The most suitable combination of buckwheat noodles is to use minced meat and cucumber together. The buckwheat noodles are cold and easy to hurt the stomach, so you must soak them for a long time until they are soft. They taste better and are easier to digest. Cucumber can make buckwheat noodles more refreshing and not easy to get greasy, while mutton powder is the best choice, mutton It is warm and stomach nourishing. It is a good match with buckwheat.
The most suitable buckwheat is for the elderly and children to eat occasionally Buckwheat Noodles The elderly can be used to reduce blood fat and blood pressure. Children can't grow up without buckwheat. Although the buckwheat noodles are delicious, they are not suitable for breakfast and dinner. They are easy to damage the stomach or not easy to digest. You should not eat too much of them each time.

Glutinous rice

It is most suitable for making fermented glutinous rice
Glutinous rice
Glutinous rice can be used to cook porridge or to make Glutinous Rice Balls But the healthiest and most magical way is to make it Fermented glutinous rice Glutinous rice can help digestion, also have a calming effect, and can alleviate fatigue and dizziness. These effects of glutinous rice are more prominent after being made into fermented glutinous rice, and it is also more convenient to eat, which is not limited by the amount of use. We can use glutinous rice, job's tears, coarse lotus seed flour Yam Coarse powder Euryale ferox Mix a proper amount of poria cocos coarse powder and brewer's yeast, put the mixed raw materials into an enamel basin, add a proper amount of water, steam them in a cage drawer for 1 hour, take them out to cool, mix them with brewer's yeast, and put the basin in an environment of about 25 ℃ for about 36 to 48 hours, then the raw materials will be fermented into wine. If you like sweet food, you can add some rock sugar. Fermented glutinous rice wine can be taken at noon and at night, not only to help digestion, but also to calm down and calm down, and also to make your stomach feel very comfortable.
Glutinous rice
In addition, Job's tears can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, lotus seeds and Yam It can nourish the spleen and kidney, and Poria cocos can nourish qi. All kinds of raw materials are matched to strengthen the body. Made fermented glutinous rice wine Distillery It is the most nutritious and healthy combination.
If you have chronic flatulence in your stomach, you should eat less glutinous rice, traditional Chinese rice-pudding They are all made of glutinous rice and should not be eaten more.

Avoid collocation

We also know that many foods cannot Muddle through Yes, but I can't remember all of them clearly. I have sorted out the food matching of these items, and I hope it can help people in their lives:
Tomatoes+liquor: if you eat together, you will feel stuffy in the chest and short of breath;
Pork+beans: will cause abdominal distention, gas congestion, gas stagnation;
Pork+pear: bad for kidney;
Tomatoes+sweet potatoes: Eating together will cause lithiasis, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea;
Spinach+tofu: the oxalic acid in spinach and the calcium in tofu will form calcium oxalate, which can not be absorbed by the human body;
Chicken+sesame: if this combination is serious, it will lead to death, remember;
Rabbit meat+cabbage: easy to cause diarrhea and vomiting;
Potatoes+bananas: facial spots will appear;
Coffee+cigarettes: easy to cause pancreatic cancer;
Onion+honey: Eating together can hurt your eyes, cause eye discomfort, and even cause blindness;
Donkey meat+ Flammulina velutipes : Eating the same food can cause heartache, which can be fatal in serious cases. Remember;
Scallion+tofu: calcium oxalate is formed, which makes it difficult to absorb calcium and leads to the lack of calcium in the human body;
Saccharin+egg white: if you eat it together, you will be poisoned. If it is serious, it will lead to death. Remember;
Pear+boiled water: eating pears and drinking boiled water will cause diarrhea;
carp + Pickles : It can cause digestive tract cancer.