
A suborder of Mammalia
zero Useful+1
Carnivora, an order under Mammalia, is commonly known as beasts of prey or carnivores, including more than 285 species in 15 families of 2 suborders. There are 58 species in 38 genera of 9 families in China and its adjacent areas, of which giant pandas, raccoons, masked cats, desert cats and snow leopards are endemic to China. Its body shape is vigorous, its muscles are developed, its claws and teeth are sharp, its movements are sensitive, accurate, strong and powerful, and it is good at catching prey. It has a developed brain and sensitive sensory organs, and its sense of smell, vision and hearing are developed. However, there are great differences between different types in body shape, shape, behavior and lifestyle. [5]
Carnivores are distributed in all continents except Antarctica, and their life types include terrestrial, marine and arboreal. Carnivores mostly live at the top of the food chain and are predatory. Their prey is mainly ungulates, various rodents, birds and some large insects; However, bears and raccoons mainly eat plants. Their staple food is fruits, seeds, branches and leaves of plants, which is close to omnivore; In addition, there are phytophagous species, such as giant pandas, which almost rely on bamboo. Most carnivores will choose favorable conditions and seasons for mating and childbirth. [6 ]
The use and domestication of carnivores has a long history. Early humans domesticated canids to hunt, guard and care for domestic animals. Sled dogs are also important means of transportation in the Arctic, and domestic cats and dogs have become indispensable partners of humans; Not only that, many carnivores can also be used as traditional Chinese medicine, such as bear gall, tiger bone, wolf oil and civet scent; The weasel, sable, otter, raccoon dog and fox are also the main fur animals. In the 50s and 70s of the 20th century, with a large area of primitive forests being cut down and animal resources being overused, the number of carnivores declined significantly, and many species were facing the risk of extinction. The List of National Key Protected Wild Animals, first published in 1989, lists most carnivores as Grade I and Grade II protected wild animals, and hunting and selling in the wild has been banned. [7]
Chinese name
Latin name
Beast Carnivore
Named by and date
Bowdich, 1821 [8]

morphological character

Carnivora has more than 250 species belonging to 89 genera and 15 families. [4] There are 7 families, 24 genera and 56 species in China [1] , only Hyaenidae No distribution. It is commonly called beast of prey. The teeth are sharp and powerful. The maxillary fourth premolar and the mandibular first molar form split teeth. The two big tooth tips of the upper split tooth and the two big tooth tips outside the lower split tooth act like a cutter knife when occluding, which can cut off the ligament and cartilage. The big teeth are unusually thick, long and sharp, which play a piercing role. The sagittal crest of the skull is high, the temporal fossa and mandibular coronoid process are large to accommodate the strong temporal muscles, with bone ear bubbles, the mandibular articular process is low, the limbs are flexible, the ulna and radius are separated, the scaphoid, lunate and capitate bones in the wrist are often united, 4 or 5 digits, and the end has sharp claws. The classification above the family level is mainly based on the structure of the skull base, especially near the ear area. The morphology of aquatic carnivores is extremely specialized, with streamlined body and paddle like limbs, and the teeth are isomorphic and tend to disappear. Rapid response, sensitive action, accurate, strong and powerful. Both have developed brains and sensory organs, and the sense of smell, vision and hearing are relatively developed. Carnivores are vigorous, muscular, and have sharp claws at the toe ends of their limbs to help catch prey. [2]

Life habits

The lifestyle is predatory.
Carnivores are mostly vigorous, with sharp claws on the toe ends of the limbs to help catch prey. The life style is predatory, and the prey is mostly Ungulates , various Rodent , birds and some large insects. There are many ways to kill, such as waiting in the main road, tracking by scent, lurking close, and suddenly attacking with sharp teeth and claws. The other way of attack is to chase and kill for a long distance. Animals such as wolves and jackals have developed into a hunting mode similar to collective division of labor. Cats and mustelid It is a typical carnivore taking meat as its staple food; Canine and Civet The second category includes some plant fruits besides meat; The proportion of bears and raccoons eating plant food increased, close to omnivores; Hyenas are often robbed by lions Carrion Supplement, Chimera hyena Then use Ants Is the staple food; So is the giant panda Omnivore They mainly feed on tender bamboo and bamboo shoots. They will prey on other wild animals and eat some fruits. Most carnivores live alone, and each adult often occupies a certain area of the activity area as an independent food seeker go on a hunting trip And try to defend their "territory". Many species have relatively developed secretory glands skunk The secretion of Class A has a strong smell, which can make people faint for a while. Some species have more developed secretory glands, which are not only weapons for self-defence, but also means for communication and marking. More days and nights.

Distribution range

The civet family in Carnivora is only distributed in old world Raccoonidae is almost concentrated in the New World; Other families are widely distributed, and can be seen all over the world except Oceania.

Subordinate classification

Swedish botanist in 1758 Carl von Linne In his works《 Natural system 》In the tenth edition of Systema Nature, all known carnivores at that time were classified into the group Ferae, which is different from the concept of modern beasts of prey. He believes that there are 6 genera below: Canis (Scientific name: Canis ), Seal (scientific name: Phoca )、 Felis (Scientific name: Felis )、 Civet (Scientific name: Viverra )、 Mustela (Scientific name: Mustela )、 Ursus (Scientific name: Ursus )。 [9] It was not until 1821 that the English writer and traveler Thomas Edward Bowditch gave this kind of animal a modern and recognized name. [10]
At first, the modern concept of carnivores was divided into two sub orders: terrestrial Schizopoda (Fissipedia) and marine Finopoda (Pinnipedia)。 In 1945, the American paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson analyzed the classification of the genetic relationship between the existing families, among which, Schizopoda includes Canoidea and Felidea, the former includes Canidae (Canidae)、 Ursidae (Ursidae)、 Procyonidae (Procyonidae) and Mustelidae (Mustelidae), which contains Viverridae (Viverridae)、 Hyaenidae (Hyaenidae) and Felidae (Felidae); Finopoda contains Sea lion family (Otariidae)、 Walrusidae (Odobenidae) and Sealidae (Phocidae)。 [11]
Since 1945, studies on the phylogeny of Carnivora have found that Schizopoda is a heterologous animal compared with Finopoda [12] Pinnipeds are more closely related to bears or weasels [13-15] Small carnivores (civet family [16] , Raccoonidae and Mustelidae) have been found as multi lineage animals. Some people think that pandas are not raccoons [17] But bears [18-19] The red panda should belong to the small bear cat family [20]
Subcategory of Carnivora: [3] (If the classification needs to be changed, please refer to the reference page for verification)


Caniformes (Scientific name: Caniformia Kretzoi, 1945) is a suborder of carnivores, and most animals can't stretch their claws. The centers of its species diversity are in North America and the northern part of Eurasia, and the centers of its feline suborder diversity are in Africa and South Asia. It consists of 4 general families and 13 families, of which the Amphicyonidae, Hemicyonidae, Enariarctidae, Semantoridae and Desmatophoridae have been extinct, and there are 9 existing families. [21]
  • Canoidea
Canidae (Scientific name: Canidae G. Fischer de Waldheim, 1817) has 13 genera and 36 species. It is divided into 2 subfamilies: Caninae Caninae、 Vulpini Vulpini。 It is distributed all over the world except Antarctica and most of the islands. There are 4 genera and 6 species in China. Medium size, well proportioned, long limbs, toe walking, which is conducive to fast running. The head and palate are pointed, the face is long, the nose is prominent, the ear is pointed and upright, the sense of smell is sensitive, and the hearing is developed. Canine teeth and split teeth are developed; The upper molar has an obvious tooth tip, and the lower molar has a small tooth tip and heel tip inside; The diameter of the molar crown is greater than the height of the lateral incisors; The tooth type is. The hair is thick and long, generally without patterns. The front foot is 4-5 digits, and the rear foot is generally 4 digits; The claw is thick and blunt, unable to stretch or slightly stretch. The tail is hairy and generally developed. He is good at running fast and long distances, likes to live in groups, and often chases for food. Most of them eat meat to Herbivores And rodents; Some eat carrion, plants or omnivores. dog Domestic dog Canis lupus familiari) is one of the earliest domesticated livestock by human beings wolf Canis lupus、 jackal Jackal Cuon alpinus and others are domesticated (multiple origins), and now there are more than 200 varieties. The red fox Vulpes vulpes、 Arctic fox Alopex lagopus、 Racoon dog Nystereutes procyonoids are precious fur animals.
  • Phocoidea
Walrusidae (Scientific name: Odobenidae J. A. Allen, 1880) There is one genus and one species, divided into one subfamily: Odobenidae. It is distributed in the Arctic Ocean. It is named after its upper canine teeth, which are 30-40 cm long, protrude out of the mouth and form tusks similar to ivory. The male is 330~360 cm long and weighs about 1000~1300 kg. The female is about 300 cm long and weighs only half as much as the male; The body is spindle shaped; The skin is thick and thick, the subcutaneous fat is 10~15cm thick, the skin is wrinkled, bare and hairless, grayish yellow; The limbs are wide, plump and finlike, and can be moved on the land by the support of the finlike limbs; The neck is thick, and the snout has a lot of bristles. Social, constant 10 or 100-200 live together. He is clumsy on land, but active in the water. He is powerful and good at swimming. He can stay in the water for a long time before coming to the surface to breathe. The tusks are weapons for self-defence, and can also be used to climb the ice dunes and dig for food. Dig clams, clams, shrimps, crabs, etc. from the beach mud as staple food, and sometimes eat fish and tender plants in the water, and even eat seals. It can eat 50 kg of fish every day. The herd instinct is strong. When attacked by hunting boats, they can jointly defend and even destroy the boats. The number is gradually scarce, and the distribution range is narrowed to the coast or floating ice near the pole. [34]
Sea lion family
Sea lion family (scientific name: Otariidae J. E. Gray, 1825) has 7 genera and 16 species. It is divided into 2 subfamilies: Sealae Arctocephalinae、 Sea lion subfamily Otarriinae。 It is mainly distributed in temperate waters. Marine carnivore, spindle shaped; The teeth are similar to those of terrestrial carnivores, but canine teeth and split teeth do not differentiate significantly; The limbs are fin shaped, most of them are hidden under the skin, and the rear end of the distal limb is connected with the developed tail as the main swimming organ; There are webs between the toes. The first toe of the forelimb is the longest, and the first and five digits of the hind limb are longer than the three toes in the center. They mainly feed on various fishes. There is a significant difference in body size between male and female, and males are generally twice as large as females. During the breeding period, mating, breeding and hair changing shall be carried out on the shore of the island or on the ice floe. Many animals are clustered, and one male is polygynous. Male animals often fight with each other for occasional competition. There are 2 genera and 2 species in China. North Sea Lion Eumetopias jubatus is distributed in the North Pacific Ocean, which is the northernmost and largest. The male can weigh up to 1 ton. Sea Dogs Demander )Callirhinus ursinus is distributed along the coast of the North Pacific Ocean, and its fur is of good quality. China calls it kelp skin. As a valuable Chinese medicine, the penis of a male animal is called "seal kidney" or "heshu navel". Therefore, it is hunted in large quantities and is in an endangered state. Some species are common performance animals in the aquarium. [35]
Sealidae (Scientific name: Phocidae J. E. Gray, 1821) has 13 genera and 19 species. It is divided into 2 subfamilies: Monk seal subfamily Monachinae、 Sealae Phocinae。 The body is fat and round, with thick fat layer under the skin, and the body shape is spindle shaped; Round head, thick neck, no outer ear shell on the head; The limbs are short and wide, with five toes, all of which are fin shaped, but the hind limbs are connected with the tail, always backward, so you can't walk after landing; The teeth are sharp. In the water, he can flexibly rise to the surface to breathe, and can swim in pitch, but after landing, he moves slowly and clumsily, and can only crawl and drag forward. It mainly eats fish and shellfish. It breeds along the coast, on islands or on ice, with one cub per litter. Most newborn animals are white, which is a natural protective color. There are 3 genera and 3 species in China. harbor seal Harbor seal )Phoca lagha is the most common species along the coast of Liaoning, Shandong and other provinces in China, with a length of 1-1.5 meters and a weight of 50 kg. Both seal skin and oil can be used, so they are often killed and the number is reduced. Elephant seal Mironga leonina is the largest species. The male is 6 meters long, weighs 3 tons, and has a nose 30 centimeters long. It can stretch freely. It is distributed in the South Pacific Ocean and the Antarctic. It is a polygynous male. [1] [33]
  • Musteloidea
Little Bear Cat
Little Bear Cat (scientific name: Ailuridae J. E. Gray, 1843) There are 1 genus and 1 species, divided into 1 subfamily: Ailuropoda melanoleuca Ailuridae。 It is mainly distributed in the subalpine forests in southwest China (Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan) at an altitude of 2000~3000 meters, and also found in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and northern Myanmar. It has a long and fluffy tail with brown and white nine node ring patterns, commonly known as "nine tailed fox" and "nine node wolf". [30]
Mephitidae (Scientific name: Mephitidae Bonaparte, 1845) has 4 genera and 12 species. Divided into 1 subfamily: Skunk subfamily Mephitinae。 It is famous for releasing odor to defend itself. The weasel family also has this ability, but the skunk's odor is extremely strong. Skunks are stout, badger like and small, with long tail and fluffy tail hair. Skunks are omnivorous, mainly eating insects, fruits or larger animals. The anal gland can emit extremely strong odor. The body is stout, similar to badger but smaller, with long tail and fluffy tail hair. It is distributed in America and Southeast Asia. [36]
Procyonidae (Scientific name: Procyonidae J. E. Gray, 1825) has 6 genera and 13 species. It is divided into 2 subfamilies: Raccooninae Procyoninae、 Myrica Potosinae。 It is distributed in America. Because most species always immerse food in water before eating, and then eat it. Small size, tail longer than half of body length; Molar teeth 2/2, their upper split teeth all have larger primary cusps and secondary cusps. Molar teeth are mostly square or rectangular, with semi closed upper fossa of external auditory canal. Procyon lotus has a body length of 65-75 cm, a tail length of 25 cm, and a weight of 7-9 kg; The coat color of the whole body is grayish brown mixed, and the face has black eye spots; There are many black and white ring lines at the tail; The shape of split teeth and molars is similar to that of bears. They feed on various fruits, vegetables, fish, frogs, mice, birds and insects. Crouching in the nest during the day and looking for food at night. They like to fish, shrimp and insects near streams and river valleys. They also like to climb trees and take tree holes as their nests. The baby is born in spring, 4-5 babies per litter. In the northern cold regions, there is a habit of hibernation. [32]
Mustelidae (Scientific name: Mustelidae G. Fischer de Waldheim, 1817) There are 22 genera and 59 species, divided into 5 subfamilies: Otterinae Lutrinae、 Baderidae Melinae、 Honey badger subfamily Mellivorinae、 Mustelinae Mustelinae、 Taxidiinae. It is distributed in Eurasia, Africa and America. There are 21 species in 10 genera in China. Small and medium-sized mammals with slender body and short limbs. The head is long and narrow, the ears are generally short and round, and the sense of smell and hearing are sensitive. The canine teeth are more developed and the split teeth are smaller; The upper molars are transverse, and the inner lobe is wider than the outer lobe; The diameter of the molar crown is greater than the height of the outer incisors. Body hair is soft, mostly without stripes. 5 fingers (toes) on both front and rear feet; Metatarsal or hemimetatarsal; The claw is sharp and cannot be retracted. The tail is generally slender and sharp, and some species have thicker tails, such as Otter and badger Most of them have odor glands near the anus, which can emit odor to drive the enemy to defend themselves. Diversified lifestyle, arboreal( Mink Class), semi aquatic( Otter sea otter ), cave dwelling( badger )Etc. It mainly eats rodents, bird eggs and young chicks, fish and insects; A few omnivores. Many species are precious fur animals. [1] [31]
  • Ursoidea
Ursidae (scientific name: Ursidae G. Fischer de Waldheim, 1817) has 5 genera and 8 species. It is divided into 3 subfamilies: Panda subfamily Ailuropodinae、 Spectacles bear Tremarctina ursinae Ursinae。 It is distributed in Eurasia, North Africa and America. There are 4 genera and 5 species in China. The body is thick and fat, the snout is long, the tail is very short, the body length is 1.5~2m, and the weight is about 100~400kg; The limbs are thick and strong, with five toes on both the front and rear limbs, and the whole foot is planted on the ground. Most of them are omnivorous. They feed on grass, twigs, moss, berries and nuts, and also catch frogs, crabs and fish. They dig and eat mice, pick up birds' eggs, more like licking ants, stealing honey, and even attacking small deer, sheep or looking for rotting carcasses. Temperate and cold zone species have the habit of hibernation, which is called long-term semi sleep. They do not eat or move in the dormant cave, their metabolism decreases, their respiratory rate slows down, and their body temperature does not drop significantly. They wake up when disturbed, and occasionally move out of the cave. The hibernation cave is located in the windward hillside or dead tree cave facing the sun and lasts for 4-5 months. The pregnant female bears give birth in the hibernation cave, and take the newborn cubs out of the cave when they come out of the next year. Except for the hibernation period, there is no fixed habitat. In the non estrous mating period, both males and females are active alone.


Catiformes (Scientific name: Feliformia Kretzoi, 1945) is a suborder of Carnivora, which contains 4 general families and 11 families, among which, Nimravidae (Nimravidae) [23] , Stenoplesictidae Mesohyenaceae (Percrocutidae)、 Babo Sisyphodontidae (Barbourofelidae) [24] The Department of Ophthalmology (Lophocyonidae) has been extinct, with 6 existing families. [22]
  • Felidea
Felidae (Scientific name: Felidae G. Fischer de Waldheim, 1817) There are 14 genera and 36 species, divided into 2 subfamilies: Felinae Felinae、 Leopanaceae Pantherinae。 It is distributed from the cold zone of Eurasia, Africa and America to the tropics (from wildcat Felis silverstris domesticated Domestic cat F. S.catus has been brought to the world artificially, many of which have become local invasive species). There are 4 genera and 13 species in China. The body is medium and large, the body is uniform, the limbs are medium long, and the toes are walking. The head is large and round, the snout is short, and the sense of sight, hearing and smell are well developed. Canine teeth and split teeth are very developed; The upper split tooth has three tooth tips, and the lower split tooth has two tooth tips; The molars are degenerated, and the crown diameter is smaller than the height of the lateral incisors; Toothed. The fur is soft and often has obvious patterns. 5 toes in front foot, 4 toes in back foot; The claws are sharp and retractable (cheetah claws cannot be fully retracted). The tail is generally developed. Most are good at climbing and jumping. Most prefer living alone. They eat meat and often kill other warm blooded animals by ambush. tiger Panthera tigeris is distributed in Asia. There are 8 subspecies, 3 of which are extinct Southern China tiger Chinese tiger )P. T. amoyensi has also been basically extinct in the wild.
  • Herpestoidea
Herpestidae (Scientific name: Herpestidae Bonaparte, 1845) has 14 genera and 33 species, which are divided into 1 subfamily: Herpesnidae. It is distributed in the tropical and temperate regions of the Old World, especially in Africa. There are 9 species in Madagascar alone. The body is large and slender, the hind foot has only 4 toes, the limbs are short, and there are gland capsules. The skull shape and teeth are similar to those of canines, but the upper fissure teeth have larger prongs and more developed anterior appendages. The molar teeth are 2/2, and the upper molar teeth are transverse. The inner lobe is narrower than the outer edge. They feed on small animals. Some species are famous poisonous snake eaters. Meerkat meerkat Mongoose )Some mongooses in Africa, such as Suricata suricata, are among the most herbivorous mammals in Africa. Small tailed mongoose are alert by nature, and there are often some "sentries" who stand up and take charge of vigilance in the group. There are 2 genera and 2 species in China: Javanese mongoose( Red cheeked mongoose )Herpetes javanicus and Crab eating mongoose Herpestes urva, They are all distributed in Southeast Asia, and can be seen in southern China. [25]
Myrmectidae (Scientific name: Euplerinae Chenu, 1850) There are 7 genera and 8 species, divided into 2 subfamilies: Myrmectinae Euplerinae、 Galidiinae. It is a mammalian carnivore originally born in Madagascar, among which four genera of Galidinae originally belong to Herpetidae, while three genera of Euplerinae originally belong to Viverridae. [28]
Hyaenidae (scientific name: Hyaenidae J. E. Gray, 1821) There are 3 genera and 4 species, divided into 2 subfamilies: Hyenaceae Hyaeninae、 Hyenaceae Protelinae。 It is distributed in Africa and India. It is a dog like body, with a long neck, shorter hind limbs than forelimbs, shorter body, high shoulders and low hips; There are long hyenas on the midline of the back of the neck; The teeth are large, with thick conical premolars. The split teeth develop and the molars degenerate. The jaw is thick and strong, and can bite open bones. The evolutionary backbone is in the Palaearctic and Africa, and there was an early specialized middle hyena in the Middle Miocene; Hyenas flourished in the late Miocene; The Neocene living genera appeared, and one leopard hyena entered North America through the Bering Land Bridge. The hyena Chimera hyena Striped Hyena )The body is small, full of stripes, mostly living alone, relying on developed sense of smell to find carrion. The brown hyena (brown hyena) Hyaena brunnea has a large size and is distributed on the southwest coast of Africa. It often goes to the beach to feed on crabs, fish, etc. Spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta is only found in Africa. It is large and hunts in groups. It can hunt antelopes except carrion. Hyena Proteles cristatus is a specialized anteater. [1] [26]
  • Nandinioidea
Double spotted civet
Double spotted civet (Scientific name: Nandiniidae Pocock, 1929) There is one genus and one species, divided into one subfamily: Dipakinae Nandiniidae。 Only 1 type, African coconut cat Nandinia binotata )It is a small mammal distributed in Africa and the only one in the Nandiniidae family. It mainly feeds on the fruits of plants and also eats insects and other small animals. [29]
  • Viveroidea
Viverridae (Scientific name: Viverridae J. E. Gray, 1821) There are 15 genera and 35 species, divided into 4 subfamilies: Myriaceae Hemigalinae、 Palmatinae Paradoxurinae、 Prionodontinae Civet Viverrinae。 It is mainly distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and southern Asia. The body is large and slender, the hind foot has only 4 toes, the limbs are short, and there are gland capsules. The skull shape and teeth are similar to those of canines, but the upper fissure teeth have larger prongs and more developed anterior appendages. The molar teeth are 2/2, and the upper molar teeth are transverse. The inner lobe is narrower than the outer edge. It lives on the edge of tropical and subtropical forests and nests in caves and tree holes. It is nocturnal, preys on small animals, and also eats plant fruits. Both males and females have developed aromatic glands in the perineum that secrete civet scent. The male produces more than twice as much as the female, and often wipes it on small tree stumps or stones as a sign of occupation. The main chemical component of civet fragrance is 17 macrocyclic ketone - civet ketone, which is an essential fragrance fixative for the preparation of advanced flavors Civettictis civetta Civettictis civetta、 Great civet Viverra zibetha and Kitten Viverra indica is famous in the world, and the latter two have been artificially raised in China. [27]