zero Useful+1


Loss of appetite means a decrease in the desire to eat. A complete lack of appetite is called anorexia

Related diseases

Appetite loss occurs in acute chronic gastritis gastric cancer pulmonary tuberculosis uremia heart failure hepatitis cirrhosis , chronic adrenal insufficiency, Anorexia nervosa , chemotherapeutic side effect wait.

What to eat if you have poor appetite


Add vitamin B6 for anorexia

Vitamin B6 Participation in women's bodies protein , fat carbohydrate And some Hormone metabolism For vomiting caused by various causes, especially Pregnancy vomiting The curative effect is the best.
Normal people need about 1.6-2 mg of vitamin B6 every day. If the intake is insufficient, it may affect the body's thermogenesis of protein nutrient Absorption of nervous system and Blood system Disease. If pregnant women lack vitamin B6, it will become worse Early pregnancy reaction , which aggravates pregnancy vomiting. Repeated vomiting not only causes dehydration and hunger, but also leads to early embryo innutrition Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to taking food rich in vitamin B6.

Breakfast diversification

breakfast And lunch, rice, pasta, meat fish Eggs, milk, vegetables (vegetable food), fruits (fruit food), etc. can be eaten to ensure comprehensive and rich nutrition. Dinner should be as simple as possible. Soak it in advance Mung bean , red beans black soya bean kidney bean Etc peas and beans , plus rice, millet Blood glutinous rice Black rice , can also add coix seed oats , lily, etc., various materials are matched with each other rice cooker Boil it into a pot of soft, rotten, fragrant and glutinous Bean porridge , the staple food for dinner will be available.

appetizing food

Eat more in summer pineapple radish It can be appetizing, and it is a good appetizer to drink with other vegetables and fruits.
Among fruits, pineapple has the highest enzyme content. Have a pineapple between meals Apple Juice , which can not only stimulate the appetite with rich enzymes, but also supplement vitamin C It is very beneficial to health, especially for children who do not want to eat. Because many children don't want to eat anything when they arrive at the dinner time, and it is ineffective to coax them. In this case, don't force the child to eat dinner. If you give him a cup of pineapple apple juice, which tastes good, he will be happy to drink it. If you insist on drinking one cup every day, you will have a strong appetite. Of course, adults can also play the same role in drinking. It should be noted that never use canned apple juice or Pineapple Juice You must use fresh juice.


First, identify the disease and treat it.

Treatment of anorexia by traditional Chinese medicine

Differentiation and treatment
1, Feel the cold evil
Principal evidence : exogenous cold evil, stomach Distention , dull pain, Belching Spit water , large Loose stool Thin, little food Tolerance Pan evil To vomit abdominal distention Stuffiness, abdominal pain Bowel ringing , or Head weight If wrapped, Body weight Or swelling, Chilliness The limbs are cold, or the body and eyes are yellow and dark, the tongue is fat and the fur is thin and white, and the pulse is tight.
Treatment: dispel cold and warm, eat with stomach.
2, Dampness and turbidity offend the stomach
Main syndromes: stuffiness in wrist, body weight and fatigue, heavy sleepiness, tiredness and lazy speech, sweet and sticky mouth, not thinking about food, white and greasy tongue coating, and moist pulse.  
Treatment: Aromatization
Main evidence: overeating sweet, fat, greasy and mellow wine, Epigastric abdomen Bloating, Stupidity , anorexia, belching sour, vomiting Malodor , large constipation Knots or unsmooth, greasy, nausea, vomiting, upset, no appetite for food, nausea when food is seen, yellow and greasy fur, Vein slip And number.
Main evidence: Do not think about food, belch frequently, and both sides are full of hardship, Sternoclavirus Stuffiness or Distention pain , depressed, irritable, Pulse string
Main symptoms: stupidity, not thinking about food, aversion to greasy food, abdominal fullness, or chest pain, Bitter mouth The stool is sticky Have a bad diarrhea , smelly, yellow in body and eyes, bright in color or Lack of warmth Eczema of scrotum , or testicle Redness and swelling Pain, yellowish and greasy fur, and smooth pulse.
Treatment: Qinghua Damp heat , hysteresis Regulating qi
Main syndrome: yellow and white, slight, thin and not proud, poor appetite, poor appetite, fullness, loose stool when belching, or nausea and vomiting when smelling food, thin and white fur, Pulse sedimentation Weak.
Main syndromes: Hunger without appetite, thirst, thirst, dry lips, abdominal pain and noise, dry stool, or five heart upset heat, Yellow and red urine Shortage, Lingual redness Less fluid, less moss, Pulse fineness
Treatment: tonifying stomach and nourishing yin.
Main syndrome: not thinking about diet with Diarrhea during the fifth hour , the body is cold, Febrile hand and foot , yellow and white, Tasteless , the mouth is clear, Pale tongue , thin white fur, weak pulse.

Poor appetite conditioning

1. Avoid overeating at dinner before bed, which will inevitably increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, disrupt the secretion of gastric juice, and lead to decreased appetite. In addition, it can also lead to obesity, poor sleep stone diabetes etc.
2. Reasonably allocate food according to different causes and disease processes. When the primary disease worsens, Anorexia It is mainly protective food, such as meat, milk, eggs green leaf Vegetables, fresh fruits Bean Products If the disease is alleviated or eliminated and appetite is not restored, it should mainly supply heat energy, and rice, flour Coarse grain , sugar and oil, supplemented by protective food
3. Avoid smoking Alcoholism Alcohol can damage the taste buds on the tongue, and alcohol can also directly damage gastric mucosa , if you have ulcer , chronic gastritis, excessive drinking will aggravate the disease, and even cause stomach and perforationof duodenum ; The harm of smoke to gastric mucosa is not less than that of drinking, and smoking can also cause chronic gastritis [1]

A clever way to cure anorexia

Function: regulate the function of spleen and stomach, promote appetite, and help digestion.
Location: About four finger width below the depression on the outside of the knee.
According to the law : Press with finger pulp in the way of drawing a circle, preferably with a sense of swelling, 15 times each time, 2 or 3 times a day.

How to Deal with Infants' Loss of Appetite

First of all, we should understand the reasons for children's poor appetite, and then remove these reasons, with relative measures and reasonable meals. Only in this way can children's appetite be opened and their appetite be improved. There are several reasons for anorexia:
1. Before meals Strenuous exercise It suppresses the appetite center under the thalamus, so the appetite is naturally blocked, which is often seen in children with fun.
2. Children eat irregularly and eat too many snacks, which stimulates the appetite center for a long time, and then Suppression state
3. Certain foods caused by partial food rare element (such as zinc, copper, iron, calcium) deficiency, resulting in Enzyme Loss of activity, naturally poor appetite.
4. Parents over restrict their children's activities. because Amount of exercise Too little body energy Consumption Too little, lack of hunger and do not want to eat.
5. Parents force children with small food consumption to eat, or even take aggressive measures such as beating and scolding, which results in psychological depression and decreased appetite.
6. Some children suffer from various chronic diseases or intestines Parasitosis Without proper treatment.
To boost children's appetite, we can start from three aspects: personnel and materials.
Human aspect: When children start to learn to eat, they can form the habit of having regular meals for the whole family, and do not let children eat snacks before meals, so as not to affect their appetite for dinner.
Matters: It can strengthen the taste and change of dishes. Because of the hot summer, it will affect the appetite of adults and children more or less. Therefore, the cooking method can be replaced by cold dishes to make the taste fresh; Or add fruit to dishes, such as Tomatoes , pineapple, mango and other food materials also have an appetizing effect.
Material: cuter tableware or tableware that children like and choose by themselves can be used, which will enhance children's interest in dining. To train children correctly eating habits We must correct the bad habits of children like eating snacks and drinking cold drinks step by step, and set an example to let the whole family enjoy the fun of dining together.

What causes anorexia

1. Excessive physical labor or mental labour
Will cause Gastric wall The blood supply is insufficient, and the stomach secretes nourishment, which weakens the digestive function of the stomach.
2. Uneven hunger and satiety:
The stomach is often in Starvation , long time will cause Gastric mucosal injury , causing loss of appetite.
3、 Emotional tension Excessive fatigue:
In today's fast-paced and competitive society, people are prone to insomnia, anxiety and other tensions, leading to interference of gastric endocrine acid Dysfunction , causing loss of appetite.
4. Overdistension of stomach caused by overeating:
food residence time If it is too long, it may cause mucosal damage, or even serious damage Gastric perforation
5. Alcohol and smoking:
Alcohol can damage the taste buds on the tongue that specialize in taste, and alcohol can also directly damage the gastric mucosa. If you have ulcers, chronic gastritis, excessive drinking will aggravate the disease, and even cause perforation of the stomach and duodenum; The harm of smoke to gastric mucosa is not less than that of drinking, and smoking can also cause chronic gastritis.
Eating raw and cold food frequently, especially before going to bed Stomach cold , nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
7. Drug factors:
Some chronic disease Long term medication is required. Long term medication of some drugs may lead to pharmacogenicity Gustatory disturbance Sometimes it is also related to the environment mentality , food processing, etc.
8. Eat well before going to bed:
If you are too full for dinner, you will inevitably increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and the secretion of gastric juice will be disordered, which will easily lead to decreased appetite. In addition, it can also lead to obesity, poor sleep, stones, diabetes, etc.
9. Exercise after satiety:
Severe exercise in a short time after satiety will lead to faster gastric peristalsis, and then Gastrospasm , stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and some may even cause Gastric volvulus

preventive measure

1. Life should be regular: It is difficult for modern people to live, study, work and rest at the same time, but in any case, they must be regular, quantitative and qualitative in eating. They should not be sloppy in eating because they are busy human health It is useless. A reasonable diet system can become the Conditioned stimulus Insist on regular meals. When the meal time comes, you will have appetite and secrete many kinds of food Digestive juice It is conducive to the absorption of various nutrients in food.
2. Pay attention to the scientific processing and cooking of food: scientific processing and cooking of food will help the human body digest and use food. Food with beautiful color, aroma, taste and unique shape is produced by human body Conditioned reflex It secretes a large amount of digestive juice, which causes a strong appetite and is conducive to food digestion and absorption. In addition, correct food processing can avoid the destruction of vitamins in food.
3. Good mood at meals: keep a pleasant and comfortable mood at meals, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of food by the human body.
4. Dining environment should be beautiful: when dining, there should be a beautiful environment with sufficient light, appropriate temperature, clean table and tableware, which can promote appetite.
5 Long term use of certain drugs may lead to Pharmacogenic Gustatory disturbance , reasonable medication should be taken Recuperate the intestines and stomach Chinese medicine of Gastrointestinal Tiaoshen Treat.
6. Quit smoking and drinking: The habit of drinking too much or having to drink every meal must be abandoned. Quitting smoking is also very important for improving appetite.
seven Moderate exercise Life lies in sports Exercise helps digestion and absorption of food. For example, walking, jogging, Qigong, etc Gastrointestinal Diseases Good choice for patients.
8. Zinc supplement: children's initial zinc deficiency is anorexia , loss of appetite, even do not want to eat. If anorexia occurs 1 to 2 months later, it will be more serious, that is Pica , may also occur mouth ulcer Etc. Further development will lead to Resistance Down, possibly Growth retardation For example, children's physique is short and much shorter than children of the same age. Zinc supplement for children We should start from food tonic. We should not be partial to food, eat less or no snacks, and eat more seafood. Shellfish, like oyster Venerupis philippinarum There is also a lot of zinc in fish and hard shelled plants, such as peanuts, chestnuts and walnuts. More fruits can be eaten kiwifruit 。” If the child has anorexia due to zinc deficiency, in addition to food supplement, he should also take Xintibao Zinc Selenium Tablet to supplement zinc under the guidance of a doctor.