Game de Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z

Japan 2006 Shiheiyu directed animation
open 2 entries with the same name
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Flying policewoman Z, whose full name is "PowerPuff Girls Z", is Japanese Animation
This animation is made by《 The Powerpuff Girls 》It is adapted, but has been greatly modified. animation A total of 52 words. From July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 Japan Broadcast. From March 10, 2008 Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd TVB Jade First broadcast.
Chinese name
Game de Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z [1]
Here they are! Flying Little Policewoman Z; powerpuff girls Z [1]
Animation Type
animation adventure Magic Girl action Transfiguration [1]
Make a mistake! パワパフガールズZ [1]
Japan [1]
Shiheiyu [2]
Character design
Chiti and Meiko [2] Meimizi of Haode Temple [2] Matsuhara fumigation [2] Rough Boy [2] Mojo Jojo [2] Himeko Shirogane [2] Platinum god son [2] Baijin Yixiong [2] Matsubara Shifu [2] Songyuan Man [2] Plush Monster [2] he [2] Sedusa [2] Souichirou [2] Chitiriko [2] Red persimmon [2] Beize Xian [2] Miss Sarah Belem [2] Mr Mayor [2] Qiqi [2]
General Animation Supervisor
しがささしががささささ [2]
Network broadcast platform
Youku PP Video
Number of sets
52 episodes [3]
Hope that [2] True Night [2]
Tomoko Akajima (Te Tokyo) [2] Seung Hung Mei (Dong Ying アニメーションン) [2] Shenggu Yingfu (ア ニ プ レ ッ ク ス) [2]
Animation production
Toei Animation [1]
First broadcast in Hong Kong
March 10, 2008( TVB Jade

Pre information


The beginning of the story

Flying policewoman z
Research on mysterious substance Chemical X Eutanen The professor and assistant, as well as the son's Xiaoxian, were accidentally beaten by the toy robot dog Qiqi Dafu Cake Into Chemical X! Produce vehemence chemical reaction Chemical X of changes to New substances Chemical Z。
One day, a huge iceberg suddenly appeared off the coast of Tokyo City, and unusual weather also appeared around the world. In order to protect the earth, Xiao Xian shoots the light of Chemical Z into the iceberg, and Chemical Z bursts the iceberg, sending out several white and black beams (it is later confirmed that the white light is Kennainum he who seals "him", Black light For the evil soul of "him"), which has irradiated the whole Tokyo City. beautiful Chiti and Meiko , lovely Meimizi of Haode Temple And forthright Matsuhara fumigation He is a very ordinary junior high student, who lives a very ordinary life, but becomes a super flower after the white light (Kennainum he) shines from the broken iceberg Puzz Loop And strong hair [4]

Creation background

"New Arrival! Flying Policewoman Z" (Japanese: Make a mistake Toei Animation Made in Japanese animation style Cartoon , but with the American version《 The Powerpuff Girls 》Different styles. The story doesn't happen Small towns and villages , but in Japan Tokyo The three heroines are not sisters, but each has different origins. Its slogan is "The power of love, the embodiment of justice, Flying Little Policewoman Z!" [4]
The American animation channel CARTOON NETWORK's self created animation program "Flying Little Policewomen" has been broadcast in more than 160 countries and is widely known. This time, "Flying Little Policewomen" will be launched by Japan's top producers, changing him into a new style. Flying Policewoman Z must first be recognized in Japan if it wants to enter the world market, so it sets the triceps image of the American version as Japanese Girlish rambling , the finished product will be first broadcast on domestic television stations in Japan [1] [4]

Dubbing team


Japanese version

Emiri Katou Chiti and Meiko (Superpower Flower); Peach( Daedo Super Girls Group One)
Nami Miyahara Meimizi of Haode Temple (rotating bubbles); Gong Zi (one of the super girl groups of Oedo)
Seiko Kawaguchi Matsuhara fumigation (strong hair); Xiangzi (one of the super girls from Daedo)
Nan Dadian Utani Beize Professor (Professor You)
Hideki Tanaka : Mr. Mayor
Tomoko Akiya : Mr. Gini
Yasuda Zaoxi: inscription Gu Wenjia
Sawa Ishige : Zhongmu Heihuadai
State House Tianmalizi: Baijin Shenzi
Nan sees Shang Ji : Bai Jinyixiong
Yamaguchi Zhengong: Matsuhara Da
Cannel in sand warehouse: Matsubara Acorus tatarinowii
Yuko Miyuki : Matsuhara Man
Saito Qianhe: Chitiriko
reference material: [2]

Mandarin version

Yang Kaikai Chiti and Meiko (Superpower Flower); Peach (one of Daedo Super Girls); Qiqi
Lin Meixiu: Meimizi of Haode Temple (rotating bubbles); Gong Zi (one of the super girls from Daedo); Himeko Shirogane (Princess Duojin)
Zhan Yajing Matsuhara fumigation (strong hair); Xiangzi (one of the super girls from Daedo)
Sun Decheng Utani Beize (Professor You)
Sun Zhongtai : Mr. Mayor
Wei Jingqi Sarah Belem Miss( Miss Bailen ); Miss Gini
He: Liu Jie
reference material: [2]

On stage role

Key roles
Chiti and Meiko Hyper Blossom
The heroine has a beautiful Orange Long hair, pink eyes and a head Dark pink Of bow At the end of the hair is tied a high ponytail, which symbolizes pink pink love and flowers. When the body changes, it is full of pink, surrounded by countless love, and actively danced around by cheerful tones. Favorite food Octopus sausage She is the most mature, beautiful, intelligent and attractive member of the Flying Girl Police Team. She is born with goddess qualification and leader qualification. She is cheerful, cheerful, lively, optimistic, and has an inexplicable sense of excitement. Sometimes she is moody, has an open and elegant mood, and has extraordinary beauty. Her colorful smile is beautiful and charming, But he has no resistance to handsome boys and sweets. There are very strong sense of justice And sense of responsibility, a very capable girl, capable enough to even Bento They were all made by themselves. At home, she is a 13-year-old eldest daughter with a sister. In addition, he has repeatedly claimed to be the captain of Flying Little Policewoman Z, but no one has admitted it. Strong metabolism, not fat, attractive, like to read comics and tokusatsu The program is interested in interesting things. Although it is lively, cheerful and positive, it is sometimes arrogant and difficult to please. It shows a superior self willed arrogance and superior temperament. Steady and prudent, flexible, not easily blinded by external factors, always pursuing a better life, and the achievements are not improved because of frequent assignments. They can rely on the belt makeup box on their waist to turn into super power flowers, and the weapon is a yo yo. The mantra is: "I am the captain" [5]
Meimizi of Haode Temple Rotating bubble( Haode Temple Meimizi; Haode Temple Capital; ローリング·バブルス; Rolling Bubbles; Bubbles)
Female No. 2, with golden hair, two golden double ponytails and aqua blue eyes, symbolizes the aqua blue bubbles. When she transforms, she is full of blue, surrounded by many round bubbles. In the beautiful and noble tone, she dances with a smile on her lips. She is the simplest, cutest, gentlest The kindest member is born with the talent of cute sister and lady. Favorite food Fried meatballs , has a sweet and bright smile, is elegant and moving, and has a natural and silly personality, so sometimes some seem stupid, naive, quiet and cute, with a gentle and sweet voice, and somehow cute Silly white and sweet But it has no resistance to fashion and famous brands. Beautiful girls with good education and versatile skills, such as playing the piano. She is the only child in her family. She has a grandmother and a girl named "Ouqi" in her room Purple octopus a doll. On the surface, a well born and polite lady is charming, but in fact... her personality is steady and self talk. I like fashion and countless famous brands. They prefer cute animals and fashion cute things. They are pure and active, but also sentimental, shy and prone to tears. Occasionally, I can't help being cute, acting a little silly, feeling romantic and naive, and my performance is not improved because of frequent assignments. Can rely on the waist belt makeup box to turn into a rotating bubble, the weapon is a bubble stick, the mantra: "unforgivable" [6]
Matsuhara fumigation Strong hair (fumigation; Powered Buttercup; Hairy)
Nv3, with dark blue short hair and green eyes, symbolizes the green five pointed star. When she transforms, she is full of green. Surrounded by many shining stars, she swings with a cool and compelling tone style. She is undoubtedly the most forthright, resolute, sharp, tough and handsome member in the team of Flying Little Policewomen. Favorite eels Fish eggs He is stern, aggressive, boisterous, serious by nature, boyish, and has the talent of being a queen, daring to love and hate, as well as the talent of sports. In the sports department, he has a strong physique, a heavy voice, a plump demeanor, an impetuous and serious manner, but he has a rough, domineering and cold appearance. He is a little irritable, reckless and stubborn, But most afraid to talk with Meiko and Meimiko. motor nerve A girl who is omnipotent, strong in nature and stronger than a teenager. He is very forthright. Individuality is informal. However, it is easy to be quick tempered, quick tempered, straightforward, and cold Internal heat An anxious woman. She loves skateboarding and playing cool. She is tough and strong, and has a little savage temperament. But she often shows courage and integrity, fearless and no less. She prefers to act alone. I like all sports and watching sports games. There is a brother and a younger brother at home. The performance is not improved because of frequent assignments. Hate wearing skirts. No one is allowed to say that she is suitable for wearing skirts. She has the ability to impress men, but only to dress up as a lady. It can turn into a powerful hairpin by relying on the belt makeup box on the waist. The weapon is a sledgehammer. The mantra is "hateful" [7]

Important people

Utani Beize Professors (Doctor ユートニムムムユートニニムムムムムムユート
It is called "Professor You" for short. He is 35 years old in the play. He is a doctor who studies various high-tech experiments in a laboratory called "International Institute of Science". He is the creator of "Chemical X". Different from the original, the flying policewoman Z in the play is not created by him with sugar, spices and all kinds of beautiful tastes, Therefore, the three policewomen have no direct relationship with Professor You; And "Chemical Z" was renamed as "Chemical Z" because the robot dog Qiqi accidentally threw the snack cake into "Chemical X". The catchphrase: "Flying little policewoman Z, go out!" [8]
Beize Xian (Takashi Kitazawa, Ko Hyun)
Professor You's only son, aged 8, has graduated from the medical department with a doctor's degree. He is a genius. In order to save the earth's "unusual climate", we used the chemical Z jointly developed with our father, Professor You, without authorization. As a result, many incredible things happened. Superpower flowers, rotating bubbles and powerful fuzz also caused other enemies. Xiaoxian's mother left him to work on the space station when he was very young. Due to communication problems, the two seldom meet, so they are always lonely. At the beginning of his official debut, Xiaoxian sometimes called his father "Dad" carelessly, and then changed his expression to "I mean Professor You". He still felt unfamiliar and said, "Professor is not good" [9]
It is a mechanical dog created by Professor You. After Xiaoxian used the "chemical Z" without authorization, even Qiqi was "swept to the end of the wind platform". Qiqi could not speak, but was hit by the white light of the chemical Z and became a talking mechanical dog; After each speech, "Da Wang" will be added. Because it has the same white light relationship with the little policewomen, it can even give them some strength when they lose their combat effectiveness. Qiqi can sense the evil forces. When the whole Tokyo urban area needs the help of the little policewomen, Qiqi becomes a "hotline" just like the original one. No matter where the little policewomen are, except where the subway or other messages can't be received, Qiqi can hear the voice of calling the little policewomen, and the little policewomen can receive the voice of changing their belts. This is the time for the little policewomen to go on a mission [10]
Gender unknown, but once fell in love with Sapphire and wanted to be a male dog, but finally found that Sapphire only said he liked him because of boredom, the catchphrase: "Da Wang" [10]
Mr. Mayor
In charge Tokyo City Different from the original, in "Flying Little Policewoman Z", the mayor is much taller, and does not seem to be very "honest" and "bossy", let alone timid. Moreover, the mayor is in charge of Tokyo, not small towns and villages; When there is a crisis in any part of Tokyo that needs the help of young policewomen, it is through the screen to ask Professor You for help. The mayor likes to eat snacks most. Every snack time is a good time that he can't miss. His catchphrase is: "I ask to send a flying policewoman" [11]
Miss Sarah Bellum
Her full name is Sarah Bellum (ミスベラムムムムムラムムム). She is now the assistant of the mayor. In "Flying Policewoman Z", most of the original settings have also been retained. She is tall, wearing red clothes Golden Wave With long hair, anyone can see her true face in the animation, but she always prevents the audience in front of the TV from seeing her true face. In the original, many people said that she was very beautiful. Is it the same with Flying Policewoman Z? Myth: "Mayor" [12]
Ms. Keane
Also translated as "Jingjing teacher", from the original role as the teacher of Little Oak Kindergarten to the later stage being transferred to Tokyo Junior High School, she is still the teacher responsible for teaching the three little policewomen. At the same time, she is kind, bold and careful, and also a very caring class teacher; Once, the demon Jojo drove the demon Robot destruction At school, teacher Gini is still unafraid and explains to the devil Jojo“ Human nature is inherently good ”I also asked the devil Jojo not to damage the school, saying, "It's too serious. You three should go to the health room.". Teacher Gini teaches liberal arts in her animated works.
Mathematics teacher
The teacher who came on the scene at the first word, at the beginning, the little policewomen's transformation belts flashed, indicating that the mechanical dog Qiqi had given them a task. The little policewomen "coincidentally" reported to the math teacher that they had "gone to the health care room due to stomachache". The math teacher was puzzled for a while, and then "as if nothing had happened", continued to explain the mathematical formula
Mr. President
The principal in charge of the school, the younger brother of the mayor, is also one of the insiders who know the true identity of the little policewoman. During the action, he appears and disappears mysteriously, and can also use various methods to adjust students. He is the most respected person of all the teachers and students in the school. He knows all the events on the campus like the palm of his hand and monitors the actions of all the people in the school. With the mayor incompatibility of temperament , often quarrel with the other party because of some unacceptable proposals, and have been in the position of electromagnetic wave Frequent, so the radio monster was born, and there was almost no radio monster common language , a catchphrase: "Don't bother me" [13]
Pinghe Xiannei
Edo Period Kennainum he (ケンナイニニムヘヘヾ), the inventor of the Flying Girl Police, was invented by him, and the person who successfully sealed "him" [14]
Daedo Super Girls Group (Ohigato Tokuchi; ōedo Chakichaki Girls;Leading Girls of the Great Edo;Ooedo Chakichaki girls)
Super girl group
After Dr. Hiragawa Kenai successfully invented Kennainum he (ケンナイニニムヘヘイニ), he gave the power of white light to three girls he met in the street, making them become Daedo Super Girls Group At the beginning, although the super girl group has super power, the power of "he" is incomparable Chelate Xiangzi's arms can stretch and stretch freely, and Xiangzi suffers a big loss. Just as "he" is about to take the opportunity to clean up the super girl group in Edo, it snows in the sky, and "he" is afraid of the cold Combat capability As a result, they gave a big discount. At this time, the super girl group of Edo took the opportunity to make their own show unique skills , successfully defeated "he", the top enemy a sensor He successfully separated his soul (black light) from his body, and immediately sealed his soul in a box. The surface of the box was painted with Kennainum he, and the box was thrown into the sea by the combined force of the powerful young girls from Oedo. At the same time, Dr. Hirogawa also sealed his body in the sarcophagus with Kennainum he, and placed the sarcophagus in the shrine. The shrine where the sarcophagus is placed has been transformed into a museum in modern times. "He" has been sealed for a hundred years, and through mummy Find the white light source of Flying Girl Police Z, and then we can carry out the revenge plan again. The three super girl groups all wore kimonos, and their faces were similar to the personality of Feitian Little Policewoman Z, which seemed to be the previous lives of Feitian Little Policewoman Z [15]
Peach (Momo; Momo)
Although there is no super power flower with such long hair and orange hair color, other aspects are similar to super power flower. The weapon is a hole tied with a red rope copper , similar to the super flower Yoyo ball , flexibility should be as excellent as super power flower. Gentle personality and good deeds seem to like eating as well. Its must kill skill is called "string" Baked meatballs Attack " [15]
Gong Zi (おみや Omiya)
It retains most of the hair style of rotating bubbles, but the color is not the same. Weapons are large circular fan , a gentle wave can produce strong wind. The name of the must kill skill is "Fierce Fan" [15]
Xiangzi (Okou)
Some strong hair settings are retained, and the hair style is not like the outside, but the hair color is the same. The weapon is big Mallet , which is as powerful as a powerful hammer, but cannot be used Ultrasonic wave The lethality should be as strong as powerful Maomao. The name of the must kill skill is "Da Mo" [15]


Mojo Jojo (モジョ・ジョジョ)
It was originally a zoo (Tokyo City Zoo) A monkey who is often bullied, but is accidentally pushed aside by other peers, and even looked down upon by humans, causing dissatisfaction in his heart. At this time, when the black light of chemical Z hits the monkey, his body also increases a lot, and his "conscience" gradually decreases, Brain volume It also increased a lot, forming the "number one enemy" of the devil Jojo. The base of the devil Jojo is in an abandoned hut. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Even the devil robot can be accommodated in it. It is a typical criminal scientist. He is very gluttonous and likes sweet food best. In Episode 29, he even eats sweet food Tooth decay They often rob children's candy, but every time they are found by policewomen and beaten away. Every time the devil man tweets a word, he will add a magic tweet; He is one of the most nagging monkeys and loves to "read in pieces", but he doesn't like people calling him monkey. His dream is to occupy the whole world and create a "human park", so that he can vent his previous grievances in the zoo on human beings once and for all, to express his dissatisfaction and hate being called "monkey". The restoring beam developed by Professor You can't work on the devil chirp and can't be restored to a normal monkey. The villain with the most appearances. Sometimes, even if the monster in this episode is not the devil Jojo, it will also appear as a guest actor in Longtao (beaten away by the little policewomen). The catchphrase is "Mojo" [16]
Plush monster (ファジーラムキンス)
Plush Monster
It is a very irritable monster. It is both good and evil. It is domineering and selfish. It likes to live alone. It is produced by unknown creatures. It is full of brute force. It is pink all over the body and two on the head insect Antennae is its feature; Every sentence should be followed by a "でモンンンンンンン" (translated as "Dala" in Mandarin), which is a typical "country bumpkin"; When others intrude into his "territory" (territory), he will drive the invaders away, and often beat them away with the palm of his hand. Once, the plush monster saw Miss Belen for the first time, and fell in love with Miss Belen "at first sight". Plush monsters like to leave on anything they can see fingerprint , saying "This is my place, and no one can come". The restoring beam developed by Professor You has no effect on the plush monster, can not be restored, and has a strong Violent tendency and Vindictive psychology He is strong and powerful. His strange palm can easily blow everything away. Even the little policewoman has been beaten by him into a soul and body swap, which is often used in love Banjo Play a beautiful tune, saying "This is my place" [17]
Himeko Shirogane (プリンセス;多金公主)
Because Bucky wanted to be a princess in her heart, she was very bad in character, arrogant, and wanted everything. So she was hit by the black light of chemical Z, and became a "princess monster". The black light made Bucky's wish to become a princess come true in her heart, and also made Bucky's character worse. Baijin Jizi is an arrogant daughter with power, power and wealth Eldest Miss , raised a sapphire Pet cat Baijin Jizi's attitude is always arrogant, spoiled by her own father, and thinks that money can buy everything. She is rich, headstrong, brutal, cunning, narcissistic, beautiful, simple and rude. As long as she speaks, her own father will never be stingy, and meet Baijin Jizi's "wish"; I also hope that others must pay special attention to her. I like to be in the limelight. You have to press the password to enter each time. When Baijinjizi is hit by the black light of chemical Z and becomes a "princess monster", she becomes the enemy of Flying Little Policewoman Z. When she is stimulated, she will become a "princess monster". She has a versatile and beautiful sister. She is jealous of her sister because she knows everything. But she also likes and worships her sister. Professor You's restoring beam has an effect on Baijinjizi (Princess Monster), but even if it is restored, she still does not change her arrogant personality. The pupils of her family are star shaped like hers, and the catchphrase is "My Princess" [18]
After Jizi becomes a princess monster, she has a pink explosive head. In addition to the crown and princess clothes, her pupils and white silk will change color. Her pupils will become star pupils. No matter what color of silk stockings, they will become black silk. Her sexy clothes will become princess clothes, and her shoes will become red princess shoes. In addition, she has super strength and a handful of valuable diamonds handwritten visiting card Finger Tiger As a weapon, as well as flying and controlling a group Robot Corps Because Baijin Jizi wanted to be a princess in her heart, she became a "princess monster" after being hit by the black light of chemical Z, which made Baijin Jizi's wish to become a princess come true. She looked like a princess monster when she became a princess monster, but after her transformation, her memory was lost and she did not remember her true identity, Other unknown lovers could not recognize her true appearance. After she was restored to her true appearance by the first restoration beam, only the little policewomen, Professor You and his son, as well as Qiqi, knew the identity of the princess. She hated the little policewomen very much whether she changed her appearance or not, and kept a grudge in her heart for stealing her limelight [18]
White raised by Baijinjizi Persian cat He is as arrogant and dangerous as Baijinjizi. Once when the princess (Baijin Jizi) was carrying out an evil plan, the policewomen successfully caught the princess and asked Professor You to restore the princess to be Baijin Jizi. Just when Professor You wanted to restore the princess with the restoration beam, the sapphire took the opportunity to slip away, so the sapphire was not restored by Professor You. The cry of sapphire is also the key to Baijin Jizi's transformation. When her voice changes, Jizi will become different forms. The catchphrase is "meow" [19]
Amiba Sect
Is created by Amoeba The deformed monster often wriggles its body, looking "pathetic", and can do nothing bad. In the second part, when they saw the bank robbery on TV, they thought it was very good, so they started from a bank, but their momentum was too small, nobody noticed, and the guards thought they were coming to play, First, please They drew a number plate, but because they circled for too long, the clerk called more than, amoeba When the gang became so popular, they had to become more popular. However, they were "fooled" by a child. The guards thought they were coming to make trouble, so the Amiba gang was expelled. Once, the devil Jojo taught them to do a bad thing, but finally he was stopped by the Flying Policewoman Z. The colors of the three members were in sharp contrast to those of the policewomen, but it was unknown how the restored beam would affect the three members of the Amiba gang [20]
The three members are as follows:
(1) Gentlemen: The blue amoeba, with a pipe and a high hat, is characterized by its catchphrase: "Nu Mei" [20]
(2) Xiake: The green amoeba is characterized by a coat, and its catchphrase is "Nulu" [20]
(3) Lady: The pink amoeba is characterized by lipstick and female hat. Although the team name is called the amoeba gang, the lady said that she is a girl, and her catchphrase is "Numei" [20]
Gangreen Gang
Necrotic gang
In Episode 14, the villain, the necrotic gang, is composed of five members Little gangster The name is the same as the original, and most of the settings also retain the original appearance, and the whole body is green. As long as the necrotic gang stayed in Tokyo for one day, Tokyo citizens would never have a good life. The common hobby of the five members was to paint. Restoring the beam has no effect on these members and cannot be restored. The five members are all from different families. As the saying goes, "Like father, like son", everyone looks like his family [21]
The five members are as follows:
(1) trump: Necrotic ganglia His boss likes to instigate the other four members to do bad things. The must kill skill is to throw poker , his family often quarreled because his hair and skin color were green, and the mantra was "I am the boss" [21]
(2) Big Billy: Among the five members, the one with the largest body size, the largest food intake and the greatest strength is the one who is most afraid of his mother and is often slapped by his mother. His catchphrase is "I am Billy" [21]
(3) Little Aduro: The smallest of the five members, Movement speed Surprisingly, the third child in the family is the third child. Because parents have raised too many children, it seems that they don't remember little Adulo. The catchphrase is "ha" [21]
(4) Snake: "The name is like a 'person'". After speaking, he always makes a "hiss~" sound, just like a snake, and likes to speak mixed English. His family thinks he is a "monster", mainly computer games Too much play, the catchphrase: "hiss" [21]
(5) Gulab: It seems dull, but in fact, he is a person who can change his body. After seeing the appearance of others, he can change his hair to "another person", but his skin is also green after changing. But I'm afraid carsickness His father's appearance is also similar to his, and they are all very dull, with the catchphrase: "Er" [21]
Jinshi cherry (Sedusa; Sedusa)
Because she was jealous of Miss Belen's sexy appearance, she was very jealous of Miss Belen's sexy appearance. At the same time, she wanted to be as sexy as Miss Belen, so after being hit by the black light of chemical Z, she became "Cedusa", and her body became very sexy, very similar to Miss Belen's shape. Because of her inner desire, the black light transformed her into "Cedusa" It is similar to the image of Miss Belen. She also has a huge chest. Her sexy clothes half leak out of her chest. Her hair is also curly like Miss Belen's, and both wear high heels. At the same time, it enlarges the character of Miss Sakura who wants to become beautiful and sexy. He used to be the person in charge of the Golden Time Hall of the snack shop. He was very gentle and shy. He usually wore a blue turban, tied his yellow hair with pink leather bands, and wore blue casual clothes. His shoes were flat shoes. But after being hit by the black light of chemical Z, he became Sedusa (セデューー Sedusa), an evil and sexy woman; Sedusa is sexy, likes makeup, also likes cosmetics, and prefers famous brand bags, clothes, shoes, etc. She is an enemy of "elegance" and "vanity". The higher the value of famous brand boutiques, the more she likes to steal or rob them; Her stunt is“ Disfigurement ”As long as you make up a little, you can become another person's appearance. After you remove your makeup, you can recover your original appearance. A dark hair can be extended indefinitely and can be used to bind your opponent. Professor You's restoring beam can restore Cedusa and become a normal person, but it is still possible to become Cedusa in the future. The key to Jinshi Yingzi's transformation is to use lipstick. When she "can't help thinking of her beloved Zhuang Yilang and her own" clumsy "style, Jinshi Yingzi will pick up lipstick and apply lipstick to her lips. Jinshi Yingzi, who doesn't know it, will immediately transform into Cedulsa. When she turns into Cedrisha, she will have a strong smell of makeup, so she is also seen through by the policewomen. What's more, Qiqi could not smell the monster, because her strong makeup smell covered up the monster smell on her body, and the catchphrase: "Welcome". "Keep you waiting" [22]
Transfiguration feature
Sakura's eyes turn yellow after she turns into Cedusa, and all the yellow hair tied up is scattered and becomes a messy musty black explosive head, Hair quality Similar to the seaweed like tentacles, the skin color is very white, and a small snake will coil around the neck. The face will become round, the lips will become thick, the chest will slowly become larger, the waist will become thin, and the whole body will become thin. The clothes will become purple dresses, pants will become black stockings and shoes will become red high-heeled shoes, and after transformation, the black will surround the body Air mass It can spread all over the body and swell or fade. It is similar to Miss Belem in shape and has a very bad personality. It loves beauty and likes stealing, which is the opposite of before transformation [22]
Although he is good at various disguise techniques, he cannot hide the strong smell of his perfume, which can not only transform everyone's appearance, but also change his voice and height. Even clothes are mysterious appearances made out of nothing. He confuses the enemy's eyes with superb camouflage, which is much different from the dress before transformation. The hoodwinked can't see his true appearance. Although it is impossible to judge whether it is true or not from its appearance, it can be determined from the smell and black air mass or Personality difference We are aware of the flaws in. The tentacle like hair can change its length to attack or entangle the body of multiple enemies, and it can grow longer if it is broken. She is a multi skilled woman with excellent skills. She also uses all kinds of stealing techniques. Each time, she almost pretends to be someone else and invades the scene without leaving anything behind Criminal evidence And information. Whether she changes or not, she always loves Zhuang Yilang alone. She will never sincerely love ordinary pursuers for unknown people. Compared with the character before transformation, the idea of becoming sexy has been magnified by black light. Instead of being gentle and lovely, it has obvious evil charm and stinking beauty, commonly known as the attractive girl, and it highlights the seductive temperament. It can even confuse any man's heart with beauty and charm, except for the wishful Zhuang Yilang [22]
Only three young policewomen, Professor You and Zhuang Yilang know the true identity of Cedusa. When Cedusa first knew that she was Sakura, she was disappointed and surprised. But after she changed back to Sakura, she lost her memory and still did not know that she was Cedusa, so the secret was kept hidden. I have no control over Yingzi who yearns for Zhuang Yilang. Her heart is deeply fascinated and she is obsessed with love. She is crazy about Zhuang Yilang. She is only interested in each other all the time. She wants to spend the rest of her life with her beloved. Once she is jealous and touched, another evil body will appear unbearably. Selusha lacks many advantages of Yingzi's nature, Not only is he extreme in his attitude to love, but he is also angry because of his stubborn resistance. His emotional intelligence is also suspicious and sometimes very emotional Contradiction Even if you are deeply frustrated, you will feel wronged and sad without hesitation. Good girl Service attitude The gentle, sweet and modest side is painful sympathy After transformation, not only does she lack the substantial emotional intelligence in her nature, but the opposite is extreme. However, her idea of pursuing love is wise and reasonable, which is too much to express in a gentle way, such as brutal, irritable and unreasonable, thick skinned and shameless inferiority complex , which is equivalent to fighting for her own love. She must get the person or thing she loves. Even if she loses a bit of reason, she must keep up her pursuit. To the extent of beauty, the reverse effect of the feelings of the glass heart makes her more nervous about expressing love. Because she loves Zhuang Yilang deeply, she envies others for their beauty and hates others [22]
Rough Boy (ラウディラフボーイズ;Rowdyruff Boys)
It was the devil Jojo who took the straw of Womiko and Xiaodu's cotton swab , smoked smelly socks, and stole the chemical Z from Professor You's laboratory, and matched it with the hair of various parts of the devil's twitter, which produced three members, known as Nasal excrement A rough boy group of teenagers, a bad teenager with a little policewoman gene, aims to fight against Flying policewoman Z.
However, the rude boys were born without listening to anyone and only loved to do it by themselves Own business , like freedom, the same to everyone, and love Mischief , do bad things and bully others, thus creating chaos in the streets and alleys, and even the devil tweets cannot escape the victims' "condemnation" and "beating". The slogan of the three men: "We are rude and handsome boys with snot, rude boys!"
The effect of restoring the beam on these three enemies is still unknown. There are so many bad habits that even the devil Jojo can't stand it. Even the rude boy can do such a mischievous trick as "lifting the skirt" to the little policewomen flying in the sky.
Bibi (Brick)
The leader of the rude boy is characterized by wearing red peaked cap , wearing red Athletic Wear The face, pupil color and hair color are similar to those of the super flower, except for the hair style and skin color. The head shape is a row of bangs, and the hair at the back of the head is long. The stunt is not only to spray nose excrement, but also to spray saliva with a straw. In addition, he is also similar to Huahua in character. Compared with Huahua, he is arrogant and stubborn in behavior and conversation. His mantra is "brothers".
Cloth (Boomer)
It is characterized by Sea Blue Sportswear, face Freckle Point, face, pupil color and hair color are similar to rotating bubbles, but the hair style is different. The head is bifurcated on both sides, and the hair in the middle is slightly raised and combed into a middle part. The unique skill can be spitting nose or throwing cotton swab and shooting Earwax , act foolishly and clumsily, have a crude personality of natural stupidity, like to gloat and make fun of others, the catchphrase: "good fun, spit".
Baba (Butch)
It is characterized by green sportswear. Although it can be seen that boys are very motherly, their face, pupil color and hair color are similar to those of Powerful Hairy, but their hair style is much different from that of Powerful Hairy. The head style is to tie a small braid at the top of the head. The stunt includes spitting nose excrement and throwing smelly socks. The catchphrase is "smelly girl".
"He" (カレ かれ; Kare; translated from the original work Him, dubbing: Nakao Ryusei (Japanese version); Liu Jie (Taiwan Mandarin)
Most of the original settings have been retained. "He" is a red monster, the biggest Boss. In the original settings, he is a red scorcher, the devil of the dark and evil forces, and a fearsome red devil. His real name is so horrible that people can't say it, so people have to call him "he" [23]
"He" has very powerful weird magic power and ability. His cold eyes reveal the murderous spirit of evil spirits. His dark and strange smile hides the terror of death. He has mastered all kinds of weird magic tricks and is good at using burning Fire system Attack. Every time he appears, he can cause great trouble to the little policewomen, who take the pursuit of destruction and destruction as fun. Rumor goes back many years Edo Period It already exists. It is the most evil and powerful villain. Its strength is far stronger than all monsters. It is also the leader of other monsters. It can use its dark beam magic to create countless monsters that harm the world. Black powder can attach to any inanimate things and manipulate them at will. The power of monsters is also generated by "him" itself. "He"'s own ability is super strong and unfathomable, and has an extremely weird unnatural mysterious force. The most powerful force is the hot fire energy. He likes high temperature, and can greatly increase his power in a hot environment, not only meeting many witchcraft spells of evil sects, but also having the ability to make little policewomen smaller and clear their respective memories. Evil factors come together. The form is evil, and the origin is unknown. It may come from hell, and the evil power will follow apaya The real name of "He" is only Professor You and "He" who dare to say (in fact, they didn't say it at all). The left and right hands are scorpion like pincers, and they look like human beings, but they are not human beings. They are slim, slender, and extremely resilient. They can extend the length of their arms indefinitely, change the length of their arms, and speak very Sissy , but it can also suddenly turn into a vicious, thick and heavy voice, with uncertain voice and color, neutral temperament and temperament, and has a withdrawn and strange charm nervous His mood changes, and his eccentric and irritable personality. There are many strange abilities, such as brute matter To become a living thing Abiotic To obey oneself, including ghosts, mummies, and Fuji Even the sun can't escape from the control of his magic claws, and uses his eyes to emit blood red strange light to control human beings to obey themselves. When they are extremely angry, they will have a terrible side or scary faces, and can absorb high temperature heat energy to greatly increase their strength, but they are very afraid of cold (this weakness does not exist in the original design, and "he" even ate ice cream), "he" The black powder on the body is also afraid of the cold, so the policewomen can force the black powder out of their bodies when they are reduced to small sizes by eating ice cream. Because their physique is not cold resistant, the policewomen successfully sealed him by taking advantage of this weakness. "He" hates little policewomen most and is the biggest enemy of little policewomen. The prototype is changed from a scorpion, and the body is a clown doll (the official figure picture has the form of ordinary human beings, and the shape in the original role setting is changeable). How the restoration beam developed by Professor You works on "He" is still unknown. (Quote: I will let the world experience the pain of hell.) [23]
In Edo, Japan, kanto area , a terrible devil - "he" appeared. "He" is evil, strange, callous, cruel, and full of terrible and evil prestige. It is said that in the Edo era, "he" did all kinds of evil things and harmed the world. He was defeated by three girls with super power because of fear of cold. The dark energy and black soul in "he" were taken away, and the shrunken body lost its power and was imprisoned for hundreds of years under a coffin sealed by a sealed charm. In this way, the rumors about "he" also disappeared for a while. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the seal gradually lost its effectiveness, and the power of "He" also gained the black light of evil spirits after a hundred years of silent sleep. With a little black powder, all non creatures can recover unintentionally, and listen to its control and open up the final evil body. It breaks through the shackles, and also causes disasters. It manipulates events that human beings fear to create all kinds of harmful things, and releases his anger for revenge and his desire for destruction and destruction. He tries hard to kill the enemies who hinder him. The ultimate goal is to get rid of the little policewomen who oppose him, and then dominate the world. He uses burning to exterminate mankind and become the king of the monster world [23]
The disputes, love and cruelty in the world make "he"'s revenge more intense and make "he" more angry. He has always wanted to destroy all mankind and all things, and let the whole world die so that the world can be peaceful. The idea of unifying fame, wealth and power makes him crazy to evil. "He" is born out of nothing in the unknown. He absorbs the evil spirit of the world and comes back to life. He loves hot places, is proficient in the power of burning, likes to occupy all parts of the world and do whatever he wants, has strange or cruel ways of harming people, has a strong desire to conquer and deterrence, and has a strong sense of oppression. Understand people's hearts, think deeply, understand the weakness of human nature and master modern things, gather the characteristics of things in different times, and be able to be familiar with and skillfully give "him" for his own use. Hiding in the cold winter and acting in secret, "he" is always ready to appear when spring and summer come, to fight back against the world, and wait for the best time or attack the world at any time. He has been sealed for many years, defeated several times by the little policewomen, and swallowed up by many white lights, but none of them can end the ambition of "him", instead, it has intensified. The evil devil is hating the terrible trick, and dreams that he will one day dominate the world and the heaven and earth [23]
Character experience
At the first appearance, "He" was a monster sealed in the sarcophagus in an old mansion. The ancient mansion was hit by the strongest black light, and the devil was gathered from the very evil black energy. "He" was thus awakened. His identity was mysterious and strange, and his real name was frightening. Absorbing the world's evil energy was full of powerful power, regardless of "He" How to open the sarcophagus? The seal strip outside the sarcophagus bothered him for a long time. Through the gap of the sarcophagus, he released a little black powder, which fell on the mummy's bandage, reviving the mummy. "He" asked the mummy to open the sarcophagus. But the seal strip hurt the mummy's finger and set it on fire, so "he" asked the mummy to find a powerful white light so that the mummy would not be affected by the seal strip and the seal strip would disappear. Finally, the mummy's bandage flew into the air to absorb the white light of the little policewomen and returned to the old mansion, successfully untied the seal, and "he", the number one monster, reappeared in this way, and spread the black powder to all parts of Tokyo to harm the human world, attach themselves to various non creatures and create chaos. Both black powder and black light are dark energy generated from the power of "him", which can be released or retrieved at will. When the magic is recovered, the dark magic scattered everywhere will strengthen "his" physique and Dark Magic This energy depends on his will to change his ability to create various forms of monsters. Some monsters activated by "him"'s black powder are either kept in friendly monsters, or left out of control by the little policewomen who break the power of black powder, or are driven back by the power of influence and love and recovery light. The black light on the main monsters such as the devil Jojo is not easy to expel even "him" himself. Although it is difficult to remove the black light, "he" At the end of the day, I still try to get the black light. When the black light on the monster is eliminated, the body will petrify and stop. When the black light returns, it will wake up again. And those little monsters who are kind-hearted, affectionate, righteous, lovely and harmless stay in Tokyo and live happily with people. Of course, those evil monsters who want to conquer the world and occupy the territory all day long also fight with the little policewomen all day long. Although they have eliminated the temporary catastrophe, there are always times of great trouble [23]
In the 30th speech, Professor You explained to Xiao Jian the story that "he" burned houses and committed many evil deeds in the Edo era. He was finally defeated by the big Edo super girl group because of fear of cold, and was sealed without repentance. The evil black light similar to the chemical Z was also absorbed, sealed, and thrown into the sea. "He" woke up again hundreds of years later, and could not see the Edo era, But seeing the modern city of Tokyo, "he" vowed to avenge the tragic experience of failure in the Edo era [23-24]
In episode 46, for the first time, the policewoman and "he" confront each other head-on. At last, his attack power is weakened because of the inevitable killing of peaches. He and Professor You arrive in time to shoot "him" with chemical Z, and under the double attack, "he" is temporarily defeated [23] [25] In episode 52, the black light of monsters such as the devil Jojo detonated Mount Fuji. Because of the temperature and the energy of the black light, "he"'s body became huge, and the whole area was in great trouble. At last, the little policewomen suddenly saw the iceberg, so they collected it with a bubble net. When "he" was around, fumigation smashed the iceberg with a sonic hammer, and fell into "his" clothes, "he" His body gradually became smaller, and then he used electrostatic sensors to force out the black light of "him". The white light collected in time and space, together with the white light of Qiqi and the little policewomen, sealed the black light and brought it to the universe, and his body also fell into the hands of devil Jojo [23] [26]
pet phrase
(1) Disgusting, hum
(2) How dare you treat me like this
(3) It's cold
(4) My lovely little black powder
(5) Smelly girl
(6) Ha ha ha ha ha... (Evil and weird laughter)

Behind the scenes production

Supervisor: Shi Heiyu
Character design: Niitami Mizuho
Type of work: TV animation
Production company: Dong Ying
First broadcast date: July 1, 2006
Original: クレイグマクラッケン
Cartoon series: Yuan Youye( Jiying Society Issue "り ぼ ん")
Shiheiyu: Shiheiyu
シリーズ Composition: Yoshio Puzawa
キャラクーデザインンㄑラクク゘デザインン&Chief Painting Supervisor: しがささ Meisui
Person in charge of production: Liu Yiming
Fine Arts: Tadao Wada
Color design : Zuo Jiujian
Music: TAICHI MASTER; Hiroshi Nakamura

Animation song

Song name
Arranges music
Opening song
Hope that
Tanaka Xiudian
snakyskullhead、 Anyuan Bingwei
ジグ THE アッパー
True Night
Yuta Nakano
Dayou Guangyue
クボケンジ/ HALCALI
Tanaka Puppet
Through rain
Gu Hesen, male
Hearts Grow
Noda Yassuke
Akiyama Seiji
Touch me!


Japanese: Send a message to the Internet.
English: Fighting love science legend! Powerpuff Girls Z.
English: The scientific legend of love in battle, Flying Little Policewoman Z.
The slogan of Taiwan's Mandarin version is: the power of love, the incarnation of justice, Flying Little Policewoman Z.

Quarterly information

Number of episodes: Taiwan Chinese translation

Season 1

PART. 1:001 set~020 set
001 episode
ガ ー ル ズ, please! Flying little policewoman is coming!
ガ ー ル ズ, Birth! Flying policewoman Z was born!
002 episodes
ほんわかバブルス! Lovely rotating bubbles!
003 episode
Let's get together! Little policewoman, assemble!
004 episode
ガールズズズガーールズズズーㄞㄞーーー125! Little policewoman, the fetters of kinship!
005 episode
モジョョ讐モジョョ! Revenge of devil Jojo!
Outlook? クラッシュ! Look forward to the collapse of the tower!
006 episode
ファジー? ラムキンス! The hairy monster appears!
姫 Zi な プ リ ン セ ス! Princess Jizi Duojin!
007 episode
かなえ! Mo Mo ここ falls in love with Chiti Peach!
Polar? アメーバボ゘イズズ Extremely evil trio? Amiba Sect
008 episode
Charming woman! セデューーーーセデㄫューーューーーーセデㄫューー12540! Cedusa Appears
009 episode
コ チ か お る Special training, ッ カ ー! The special football training of coach Fuxun!
Love Theater! The furry monster is in love!
010 episode
カリスマ beautician モンスー! Ace hairdresser monster appears!
011 episode
Cosmic Ma で プ リ ン セ ス! The golden princess goes into space!
ケ ー キ Mud stick を Chase え! Cake thieves don't run away!
Episode 012
First love
Episode 013
カメラモンスーー Counter attack! The counterattack of camera monster!
014 episode
ギャングリーンギャング! Necrosis Guild comes on stage!
Episode 015
わ れ た フ ァ ッ シ ョ ン シ ョ ー! The fashion show is in chaos!
ラーメンモンスター! The manly face pulling monster appears!
Episode 016
Alas! プ リ ン セ ス Secret sorrow! The Secret of the Golden Princess
017 episode
シ ャ ッ ー チ ャ ン ス を す な! Seize the moment!
Brother love! Radio monster Radio monster
018 episode
モンスター? タッグバトル! Monster scuffle!
019 episode
Sorry! Horrible piano lessons!
The strongest! Mr. キーンン is super strong! Miss Ginny!
020 episodes
ラウデイラフボーイズ! The rude boy came on!

The second quarter

PART. 1:021 episodes~040 episodes
Episode 021
プヨプヨアヒルのモンスター! Toy ducks and monsters make their debut!
The wild vegetables are out! Disgusting vegetable escapes!
Episode 022
The worst is the worst! The most evil "he" appears!
Episode 023
Kabuki, love Tao! Kabuki monster's way of love!
Who dares the insect king! Who is the insect king!
024 episode
ケ ン し し! Xiaoxian's Friends!
025 episode
イズラ stationery! Trick stationery!
FLOWER? はな? ハナ! There are flowers all around!
Episode 026
ンさんを え! Save Santa!
027 episode
Grasp っ べ べ べ! Sushi モンスーー! Pinch me and eat me! Sushi Monster Appears!
ピーチとサファイア! Qiqi and Sapphire!
028 episode
レディース? タッグバトル! Girl monster battle!
Episode 029
The doctor should be able to walk! Go to the dentist together!
サタデー? パワパフ? フィーバー! Little policewoman's weekend craze!
Episode 030
ガールズとカレ! Little policewoman and "he"!
031 episode
It is not allowed to continue! Dung too push dung fighting spirit!
セデューー駆けき! Cedusa's love battle!
032 episode
Momo! Infatuated by Chiti Peach!
Episode 033
I don't want to go out of the country! Peaches and spaghetti that ran away from home!
No sympathy, no love! Teacher Gini's sympathy, devil's love!
Episode 034
Let's live at home!? A haunted house!?
035 episode
オ レ た ち ゃ 雑 じ ゃ な い! We are not weeds!
モ ン ス ー, れ み order! Monster pity order!
Episode 036
ガ ー ル ズ, disband!? The policewoman will be disbanded!?
Episode 037
Fly out of the tower! The cartoon monster ran out!
ガ ー ル ズ, close down! The little policewoman's mission is suspended!
038 episode
ふたりはトリマキーズ! We are a two person team!
Episode 039
Small, big and willing! Xiaoxian's big wish!
ガ ー ル ズ, flight ban order! The flight ban order of the little policewoman!
040 episodes
ガールズとテレビとプレゼント!? Little policewoman, TV and gifts

Season 3

Episode 040~052
041 episode
Make a mistake! シガネーーー Z platinum policewoman, go!
ガ ー ル ズ, 転 body! Little policewoman who exchanged identities!
042 episode
パワパフ? ラウディ? ボーイズ! Feitian rude boy!
043 episode
さ ら わ れ た Doctor た ち を Save え! Save the kidnapped Professor You!
What a disaster! The disaster of the liar Chiti Peach!
044 episode
か お る は Upper wrist biceps が お Good! The boy who likes biceps best!
045 episode
No prince! Peach and Frog Prince!
Let's go!? The day Cedusa disappeared!?
046 episode
I will die!? ガールズvsカレ! Super crisis!? Little policewoman vs him!
047 episode
The tourist road is connected with the tourist road! Go out and rely on friends, devil Jojo and Gini!
Come on! パワパフキッズ! Flying little policewoman suddenly appeared!
048 episode
シャボン? The miracle of free bubbles
049 episode
One must kill!? ラブラブビーム! One blow will kill you!? Light wave of love!
One day! The nursing day of the devil Jojo!
Episode 050
Knock down the collaborative combination of ガールズ! Down with the Flying Little Policewomen Alliance!
Episode 051
ガールズズををガええールズズズズズをを゘゘12440! Little policewoman beyond time and space!
Episode 052
ガールズズ, and finally send it! Little policewoman, the final battle!
reference material: [3]