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risk aversion

The most thorough risk control technology
The expression of risk aversion means to take the initiative to give up or change to avoid the risk related to an activity when considering the high possibility of risk loss of the activity.
It is the most thorough risk control technology to eliminate risk factors before the risk occurs. Risk aversion is the most effective risk management method when there is a great possibility of potential threats to project risks, which will lead to serious consequences, and losses cannot be transferred or borne. It can be implemented by modifying project objectives, project scope, project structure, etc. There are two specific methods: (1) abandon or terminate the implementation of an activity, that is, reject the risk without taking the risk; (2) Change the nature of an activity, that is, to avoid risks in future production activities by changing the work location, process flow and other ways when risks have been taken. [1]
Chinese name
risk aversion
Foreign name
risk averse
Eliminate risks or conditions for risk occurrence
Risk Management


First, completely Risk avoidance That is, to avoid the risk source by giving up or refusing to cooperate to stop business activities. Although potential or uncertain losses can be avoided, the opportunity to gain benefits will also be lost.
Second, Risk loss Control, that is, through feeding loss probability To reduce the degree of loss.
Third, Transfer risk , that is, to transfer the potential losses that may be caused by itself to the other party or a third party in a certain way.
risk aversion
Fourth, the risk of retention can be passive, active, unconscious or conscious. Because sometimes it is impossible or obviously unfavorable to completely avoid risks, this kind of planned Risk Retention It is a kind of Risk avoidance The way.



Risk Management

① Diversification of international operations;
② Decentralized financing;
Home Currency Pricing;
④ Balanced offset method;
⑤ Combination matching method;
risk aversion
⑥ Reciprocal Trade Law.

Risk Shifting

exit . Strive for loan capital output Hard currency Try to use soft currency to import and borrow capital;
⑤ Using "Forfaiting" transactions;
⑥ Insurance against risks.

Avoidance method

① The choice of currency in negotiations;
② Currency Hedging

financial risk



Financial risks can usually be avoided by means of intentional avoidance, control and decentralized transfer. stay Financial activities Different technical methods can be used in each stage of the.
Technical Methods for Avoiding Financing Risks
First, make full use of Own funds Strengthen the control and management of self owned funds, strictly examine and approve various borrowings and timely collect them. Secondly, choose reasonable capital structure , i.e Debt capital and Own capital The proportion of Financial leverage , select the best one with lower total risk Financing portfolio Third, pay attention to the matching of long-term and short-term debt capital to avoid the concentration of debt capital repayment period. Fourth, choose multiple Financing channels Such as issuing shares bond Borrowing from banks or non-financial institutions, making full use of accounts payable, notes payable, advances from customers, etc Commercial credit Fifth, improve the use efficiency of funds. Whether Own funds , or debt funds. Only by improving the efficiency of capital use can the solvency and profitability of enterprises be guaranteed.


Technical Methods for Avoiding Investment Risks
First of all, it is necessary to invest cautiously, and only when the funds are in good operation or there are surplus funds, can we consider the outbound investment for extra remuneration. Second, if investment is a necessary link of production and operation or risk investment, rigorous investment plan , scientific Investment recovery Evaluate and demonstrate, and select the best investment time to avoid fund shortage or ineffective operation. Third, carry out reasonably investment portfolio Portfolio includes portfolio of different investment varieties, portfolio of investment projects in different industries or sectors, portfolio with different long and short terms, etc Profitability The best combination of risk and robustness. Fourth, strengthen the security investment system risk and Unsystematic risk To mitigate and offset the impact on securities investment income.


Technical methods to avoid capital recovery risk
The risk of capital recovery refers to that the capital cannot be turned over in time or Capital outflow The risk that cannot be recovered in time. To avoid the risk of capital recovery, we must do a good job in capital sources Fund occupation The calculation and balance of capital distribution and capital recovery to ensure the safety, efficiency and liquidity of capital. The risk of accounts receivable recovery control can be avoided by the following methods: First, use the "Five Cs" system to scientifically evaluate customers and give different Credit period , credit lines and different cash discounts, and formulate reasonable Credit rating And credit policy. The second is to balance cash sales and credit sales. When the increased profits from credit sales exceed the increased costs, account receivable credit sales should be implemented. The third is to regularly prepare the aging analysis table, determine the reasonable proportion of accounts receivable, supervise the recovery of accounts receivable, and prepare for bad debt losses in advance. The fourth is to adopt different collection policies for different customers and different stages. We should not only ensure the effective recovery of accounts, but also pay attention to avoid hurting customer relationships. At the same time, when formulating collection policies, we should consider the size of collection costs and bad debt losses. The risk of inventory circulation control usually refers to the risk of timely sales and realization of inventory. The scientific storage and circulation of inventory can be ensured and controlled by formulating reasonable safety reserves, order quantities and purchase time.
Technical methods for income distribution risk avoidance
The risk of profit distribution should be avoided from two aspects: cash inflow and cash outflow. On the one hand, we should control the cash inflow, and on the other hand, we should consider the income distribution policy. According to the needs of enterprise development, formulate reasonable profit retention and profit distribution policies, adopt appropriate profit and cash distribution methods, and ensure the mutual cooperation and coordination of cash inflows and outflows in order to reduce risks.