Style school

Geometric Abstract Painting School in the 20th Century
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Stylist, a Dutch painter Piet Mondrian (Piet Cornelies Mondrian), painter and designer Theo van Doesburg (Theo van Doesburg) and Grit Thomas Rittveld (Gerrit Thomas Rietveld), For the founding of Style in 1917( De Stijl )Magazine. [3 ]
It advocates the abstraction and simplicity of artistic language, limiting the color of works to the primary color, black and white, and modeling to the horizontal and vertical rhythmic rhythm. Bauhaus of Germany applied and popularized this artistic language to industrial and architectural design, which had an important impact on modern art in the world. [1]
Chinese name
Style school
Foreign name
New Stylism
Time of occurrence
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Artistic concept

The style school is a modern art school centered on the Netherlands from 1917 to 1928. Its members include painters, designers and architects. They exchange various ideas through the magazine "Style" created in Leiden, the Netherlands, hence the name. Strictly speaking, the painting language of the style school belongs to Cubism As a branch of cubism, stylist painting abstracts and analyzes objects just like cubism. The basic concept is Mondrian It was carefully elaborated from 1913 to 1917, but it was mainly Dusburg who theorized and publicized it.
The theory of the style school has profound aesthetic connotation. It completely pushes the cubist artistic language to abstraction in painting, and believes that any connection between art and nature should be eliminated. Only the smallest visual elements and primary colors are the words that really convey the "truth of the universe", and these words are straight lines, squares and primary colors, and black, white The works composed of ash are the eternal works of art Mondrian As can be seen from the paintings of, the style school is also called the Elementalism. In design, the style school pursues an ultimate and pure reality, pursues the geometric shape with length and square as the basic matrix, and restores the color to Tricolor The interface becomes right angled, smooth and non decorative, and the abstract proportion and composition represent the absolute and eternal objective reality. [2]

Representative artists and works

The representative artists of the style school are painters Mondrian (Piet Mondrian, 1872-1944), painter, theorist and designer Van Duesberg( Theo van Doesburg , 1883-1931), designers Gerrit Rietveld (1888-1964), Bart Van der Leck (1876-1958) and Vilmos Huszar (1884-1960), architects Jacobus Oud (1890-1963), Jan Wils (189I-1972) and Robert Vant'Hoff (1887-1979), sculptors George Van Donoglu (Georges Vantongerloo, 1886-1965), the poet Anthony Kok (1882-1969), the architect Cor Van Eesteren (1897-1988), and the film plate maker Rickett( Hans Richter 1888-1976).


Famous Dutch painter, the main representative of the style school.
Mondrian's Composition 6
Mondrian His early paintings were influenced by traditional Dutch paintings, and later came into contact with symbolism Post impressionism and Expressionism Great changes have taken place in the style of works, and the colors are very expressive. From December 1911 to July 1914, I lived in Paris, France, and witnessed Cubism During the development of painting Cubism Impact. After returning to Holland from Paris, he gradually abandoned Cubism The painting technique believes that "cubism has not advanced towards the goal of pure modeling". Later, Mondrian gradually simplified the painting into simple geometric symbols, the curves in the painting gradually disappeared, and the vertical and horizontal lines gradually occupied the main body of the picture. From 1918 to 1919, Mondrian created a series of rectangular lattice works, such as "Composition" series. After 1919, he completed the exploration of his painting concept and established the artistic pursuit of "seeking unity in the balance of opposites, and expressing the high mystery felt by human beings and the universe". Mondrian's pure geometric abstract painting is characterized by the combination of horizontal lines and vertical lines on the plane to form a right angle or rectangle, in which red, yellow, blue or gray colors are arranged. He believes that "as a pure spiritual expression, art will express itself in the form of purification, that is, abstract aesthetics". Only the abstract form of expression can "avoid individuality and particularity, and obtain the pure spiritual expression common to mankind". [2]
Mondrian's Red, Blue and Yellow Composition 2

Van Doesburg

Dusburg is a famous painter, designer, poet, aesthetic theorist and representative of the Dutch style school. Duesberg is the founder of the theory of style school. He served in the army from 1914 to 1916 and studied new paintings and sculptures wassily kandinsky New painting ideas are highly respected, wassily kandinsky "On the Spiritual Problems in Art" almost became his Bible. 1917 and Mondrian We jointly founded Style magazine to promote new artistic ideas, advocate "abstract simplification" of art, and oppose it with mathematical structure impressionism And all“ Baroque ”Art form. Dusburg recognized the supremacy and importance of straight line in art earlier than Mondrian. He even wanted to name the magazine "Straight Line" to simplify art with straight line, rectangle and square in art practice.
Dusburg's Interior Design Renovation of Ballroom and Theater
In 1923, Duesberg wrote Towards a Collective Construction for Style magazine, which focused on reflecting his design ideas. He believed that "proportion replaces form, synthesis replaces analysis, logical composition replaces passionate ideas, machinery replaces handicraft, and collectivism replaces individualism. These are the requirements of the style school, and Mondrian's order principle should be followed in architecture. This principle is a rational, knowledge-based, completely impersonal design style. This is in line with the combination of art, technology, industry and life advocated by Bauhaus, and the purpose of facing industrial production and practical life. Not only in concept, but also in design methods and design styles, Duesberg's constructivism also has a decisive influence on Bauhaus. Because Bauhaus finally wants to establish a design language suitable for industrial production to realize the "new unity of technology and art". [2]


Red and Blue Chair
In 1917, Rittveld designed the famous Red and Blue Chair, which took the traditional folding chair as the prototype and abandoned all curve factors. The components were completely constructed in a way that exposed the intersection. Except for the black frame, the rest were all primary colors. The painting and design language advocated by the Stylist School has a unique aesthetic concept. Rittveld's house and chair design is more like Mondrian's three-dimensional painting. He extends "the idea of functionalism to a poetic approach, and enables mechanical aesthetics to acquire a new design language and an inherent vocabulary".