
[fēng jǐng]
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Scenery refers to offering Watch Natural scenery and scenery, including natural landscape and places of historic figures and cultural heritage
Scenery is revealed by the reflection of light on things scene Judaism Scenery or scenery scenery And so on. In Chinese ancient books, especially in pure literary works poems On the other hand, it has been used for a long time Even more than scenery Romance , almost and Travel? become integrated with. And most of the works are Lyric by scenery combining emotion with scenery
Chinese name
fēng jǐng
Foreign name
It is revealed by the reflection of light on things scene

Lexical concept


The origin of word meaning

(1) Refers to Scenery scenery New Words of the World Speech:“ People crossing the river …… the view shows no difference There are differences between mountains and rivers! " Wang Bo Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》: "As if on the road, visiting the scenery Chong'a 。”
⑵ Just like the wind. Jin Shu · Liu Yichuan 》: "So we can make the righteous people admire the scenery, neighborhood Return to the clean. "
[ landscape;scene;scenery;sight;views ]Natural scenery for viewing scenery
Example: Beautiful scenery picturesque scenery


1. Scenery
Southern Dynasties Song Dynasty Bao Zhao The seventh part of Shaoxing Ancient Poems: "Grievance against the scenery, stuffy guard small palace door 。”
② Tang Dynasty Zhang Ji Send Li Sikong to Zhenxiangyang 》Poetry:“ Xiangyang It has a good history and focuses on the country as the host. "
③ Qing Dynasty Li Yu Flounder Fat Tun: "All the way, the mountains are green and the waters are green, birds ' twitter and fragrance of flowers It's a beautiful scenery. " [1]
④ Qing Dynasty · Fan Yangxun Yuan Jiashan Yuan Keli The Stele: "It has been completed, but the scenery Quiet , unexpectedly Blessed Land Also. "
Lao She Anemia Collection: No Problem: "In terms of scenery, this place really deserves to be called the Taoyuan in troubled times."
2. Situation
① Song Dynasty Jiang Jie The words of "NvGuanZi":“ Wu Jian Silver powder calender, to write the old home scenery into gossip. "
② "An Alerting to the World, Iron Trees in Jingyang Palace Suppress Demons": "The son of the dragon in my temple was originally a harmful thing. I should save my life and teach us not to move the bell and drum for seven days and seven nights. Today, three days later, the scenery is unusual, so it must be his words Coax me 。”
③ Qing Dynasty Gu Yanwu Letter with Li Zide:“ Fenzhou The price of rice is twenty-eight yuan per stone. People eat more than five liang outside Datong. The daily cost here is three times that of Huaxia. The scenery here is far from last year. "
④《 The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man 》The second and third time: " dreamlife ) After seeing the scenery at home, it is still only one Zhang Jinbao , manage inside and outside serious 。”
3. Youfengwang
Jin Shu ·Biography of Liu Yi: Rate channel He respected the public and neglected the private. He acted in a high and righteous way. He came from the same place as Coyett. So we can make the righteous people admire its scenery and the state belongs to it Clean up 。”

Basic meaning

Lushan Scenery
scenery (Landscape) includes natural landscape and places of historic figures and cultural heritage It is a scene revealed by the reflection of light on things. As for scenery, scenery, scenery, etc., it has a wide range of meanings. In Chinese ancient books, especially in the poetry and prose of pure literary works, it has been used for a long time, even the scenery is more than the romance, which is almost integrated with tourism. There is such a passage in the Book of Jin: "When people cross the river, they will go out to the new pavilion to have a drink and feast every time they arrive at leisure, Zhou Yi (Boren) sighed, "The scenery is not different Differences between rivers and mountains 。” Li Bai also has:“ When people often drink wine to pursue scenery, the heroes will be estranged from their fame ”Sentence. Others such as Too white , Mojie Cui Hao Du Zimei Lotte Du Mu Su Shi Zhang Ji , and earlier( Southern and Northern Dynasties )Landscape poets Xie Lingyun They are all tourism experts who love scenery. As for the characteristics of scenery, it is slightly different from the scenic spots named for people.
according to Landscape school Richterfen( Richthofen ), Saul( G. O. Sauer )The proposition of( Morphology of Landscape )It is the object of field observation and also focuses on the relationship between human activities (including psychological feelings) and the surrounding scenery. The essence of the scenery is infinitely changeable. Even though each area is different in size, it also has its own characteristics, that is, the image and color are very different. The basic reasons are due to long-term internal and external forces, meteorological changes, frequent ecology, location deviation, and human factors.
In essence, the so-called scenery is a scene that, under certain conditions, is composed of landscapes, as well as some natural and cultural phenomena, which is enough to arouse people's aesthetic appreciation. Scenery, sense and condition are the three basic elements of landscape.
scenery It is an objective factor and basic material of landscape composition, and an individual with independent appreciation value of landscape materials, including mountains, waters Botany animal atmosphere , light Architecture As well as other effective scenic materials such as sculptures and steles, scenic sites and sites. Scenery sense is an active factor and subjective reflection of landscape composition, and it is people's ability to observe, identify and feel scenery. For example, vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, association, psychology and so on. The condition is the restriction factor, reason and means of landscape composition, and the special relationship between the subject and object of landscape appreciation. Including individual, time, place, culture, science and technology, economic and social conditions.

Analytical Dictionary of Characters


Wind and scenery

Oracle In, "Feng" is used as "Feng". The oracle bone inscription "phoenix" is like a crowned bird on its head. Gu Yankui speculated that when the ancients coined characters, because "wind" was invisible, and because "the phoenix flew and the birds followed and generated wind", they took "phoenix" as "wind". Xiaozhuan divided "Feng" into two characters, one is "follow the sound of insects", and the other is "wind"; One "from the bird where the sound", for "Fong". In simplified characters, these two characters are written as "Feng" and "Feng" respectively. The original meaning of "wind" is a natural phenomenon of air flow. [2]
Analytical Dictionary of Characters "The wind is also the eight winds. In the east, the common wind is bright and in the southeast Qingming Wind , the south is sunny, the southwest is cool, the west is sunny, the northwest is rough, and the north is sunny Guangmofeng , Northeast Japan spring breeze From insects to sounds. The wind moves the insects, so the insects will become daggers in eight days. " The meaning of "wind" extends from a natural phenomenon to a cultural phenomenon, which is closely related to Shi. Qian Zhongshu It is believed that "the word 'wind' is included in the original body of the poem..." "The word 'wind' can pun on the two meanings of folk songs and wind education." Qian believes that "wind" is the body of "poetry", which lies in local customs and folk songs. Here, "wind" is the meaning of "land customs"; The purpose of "wind" for "poetry" is to Wind remonstrance The word "wind" here means "enlightenment". The "wind" in local customs and ballads has a strong local cultural orientation; The enlightenment function of poetry is realized through the artistic expression of emotion by "wind". I.e《 Preface to Justice in Mao's Poems The expression of "release your anger with ease", which is said in "release your emotions in harmony with Lv Lu". So far, the meaning of "wind" has not only been extended from nature to culture, but also has been given a strong emotional color. There is no word "Jing" in oracle bone inscriptions. Inscriptions on bronze And seal script. It is both understanding and Pictophonetic characters
Analytical Dictionary of Characters : Jing, Guang Ya. From Rijingsheng. "Jing" has no corresponding simplified characters. The original meaning of "scenery" is sunlight. Later, it gradually extended the meaning of scenery. From the above analysis, it can be seen that as an independent character, "Feng" has appeared in the first period of oracle bone inscriptions in 1195 BC. "Jing" is not found in oracle bone inscriptions. Its shape appears in the inscriptions on gold and seal characters, combining its The Thirteen Classics It can be inferred that the appearance of "scenery" is later than that of "wind". The original meaning of "wind" and "scenery" is a natural phenomenon. "Wind" refers to air flow, and "Landscape" refers to sunlight. Interestingly, "wind" has another ancient font, which is like the wind rising over the sun. The oblique strokes represent the dynamics of the wind. With the evolution of the meaning of words, "wind" is more and more integrated into the "human" factor - in the individual for emotion, in the group for culture; However, "scenery" always bears the meaning of human's relative - environment.

Original meaning

About 1600 years after the word "wind" appeared, "scenery" as a single phrase finally appeared, about 400 years ago, that is, from the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty. The above inference is based on the Four Series Comprehensive search, and Siku Quanshu On the basis of checking. The search found:
1) The Chinese written word "scenery" first appeared in Tao Yuanming (about 365-427) in the poem "He Guo's Book of Two (the second)".
2) Poets of the Southern Song Dynasty Bao Zhao (415-470) Seven of the Seven Songs of Shaoguci The word "scenery" also appears in the Chinese.
3) Southern Song Dynasty Liu Yiqing The word "scenery" also appeared in Shi Shuo Xin Yu (403-443).
The original meaning of "wind" and "scenery", that is, "air and light", is still used in Tao's poem "The dew is congealed without a pleasant atmosphere, the sky is high and the scenery is clear"; Bao's Poems“ Complain about the scenery, and keep the boudoir at home. " Individual emotional factors are prominent; Liu Shiwenzhong“ the view shows no difference It is the individual's visual experience of the environment. It is no accident that the word "scenery" appeared in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Its ideological background is the development of metaphysics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, its social background is the rise of the gentry, and its economic background is the consolidation and promotion of the manor economy. "The awakening of people" and "the consciousness of literature (that is, art for art as Lu Xun said)" are two characteristics of this era. "The end of Han Dynasty, Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties was the most chaotic era in China's politics and the most painful era in society, but it was the most free, liberated, intelligent and enthusiastic era in the spiritual history, so it was also the era with the most artistic spirit." Searching Sibu Congwen, from the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the word "scenery" appeared 698 times, excluding the "wind and shadow" of holidays 24 times, 39 times as two words, and 653 times actually as the word "scenery". From“ A subset of classics and history ”In terms of classification, the word "scenery" appears most frequently in the "set", about 97.00%; From the perspective of text carrier, the word "scenery" appears most frequently in "poetry", about 66.51%; From the perspective of dynasties, the word "scenery" appeared most frequently in the "Qing Dynasty", about 27.49%, followed by the Tang Dynasty, about 23.07%; Literally, the word "scenery" refers to the most scenery, accounting for 97.50%.

Meaning extension

From the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to 2013, another 1600 years passed. When "landscape" stepped onto a broader stage and became the name of a discipline, it was also in an era of "unprecedented" in Chinese history - an era characterized by rapid and profound "change". On“ Landscape Architecture ”In the context, what modern extension should the meaning of "landscape" have?
In Chinese thought, "change" is a part of "change", which has more profound philosophical thinking than "change". According to this idea, our study of the modern meaning of "landscape" can also include three aspects: what is the meaning of "landscape" consistent from ancient to modern times and should be adhered to? What should be extended and adjusted to keep pace with the times? What regularity does "change" and "unchanged" contain?
"Landscape" has two eternal elements, namely nature and people, which are indispensable. "Landscape" is the manifestation of the interaction between man and nature.
The cognitive depth, value breadth and practical characteristics (including subject, scale and approach) of "landscape" have changed in different times. In ancient times, the perception of scenery was perceptual and presentational; The development of modern science, especially ecology, has created conditions for rational understanding of landscape. So far, the cognition of "landscape" has reached an unprecedented depth, and has the possibility and trend of further extension. In ancient times, "scenery" had a relatively single aesthetic value; In modern times, "scenery" transcends aesthetic value and has biological and cultural diversity protection, scientific research, environmental education, social and economic values. In ancient times, "scenery" was an individual aesthetic practice in most cases. The main body of practice was the elite, and the practical approach was "man and nature tune", which was characterized by small scale and small environmental impact; In modern times, "landscape" is a public social practice in most cases. The main body of the practice is expanded to different interest groups, and the game is used as a means. It has the characteristics of large scale and great environmental impact.


First, "landscape" is the manifestation of human perception, cognition and practice of the natural environment. The "landscape" formed by human's perception (emotional experience) of nature is manifested in poetry, painting and other artistic forms; The "landscape" formed by human's cognition of nature environmental ethics , environmental aesthetics, human geography, landscape ecology, landscape history, landscape archaeology and other forms of knowledge appear; The "landscape" formed by human's practice of nature (including conservation management and planning and design under the premise of conservation management) consists of heritage sites, gardens Public open space The shape of the restored brown land and other materials appears.
Second, the basic meanings of "wind" and "scenery" are "flowing air" and "sunlight". Landscape Architecture The premise of research and practice is to deeply understand the natural system and its internal mechanism with a scientific attitude and method. Biology, ecology, meteorology, geology, hydrology Environmental science Can provide great help.
Third, "scenery" is not a cold "nature" or "environment", but a complex of living people and nature. The human factor in "landscape" is emotion in the individual (the expression of emotion is art), and culture in the group. So culture and art Landscape Architecture As for nature in a narrow sense, it is an indispensable element.
Fourthly, the "civilizing" meaning of "wind" has practical significance. As an environmental education, landscape architecture is beneficial to the country, society and landscape architecture itself. The meaning of environmental ethics can also be derived from "enlightenment". Environmental ethics should become the cornerstone of landscape architecture practice.