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[fēng hòu]
Prime Minister of the Yellow Emperor
open 5 entries with the same name
After the wind, Fuxi offspring, Feng surname Ancient times Chinese myths and legends Huangdi Prime Minister , one of the three ministers of the Yellow Emperor. Prime ministers, militarists and inventors made important contributions to the Yellow Emperor's unification of the Central Plains.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Feng Hou
Ethnic groups
Huaxia nationality
Key achievements
Assist the Yellow Emperor
Invention guide car
one's native heath
Shanxi Jiezhou Fengling Ferry
Representative works
"The Art of War of Eight Formations after the Wind", "Qimen Dunjia", "Grasping Qijing"

Word information

[Name] Fenghou
[Pinyin] f E ng h ò u
[Phonetic] ㄈㄥㄏㄡ
[Explanation] It is said that he is one of the officials of the Yellow Emperor.
[Source]《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Five Emperors' History 》: "(Yellow Emperor), Li Mu Often precede Dahong To govern the people. " Pei Xuan Set dereference Zheng Xuan Said: "After the wind, the Yellow Emperor's three dukes." Zhang Shoujie Justice: "All four are emperors and ministers." [1] [1] Historical Records· Filial and martial history 》: "Although Mount Tai was sealed by the Yellow Emperor, it was sealed after the wind Qibo Let the Yellow Emperor seal the East Taishan Mountain Fan Shan , and then not die. "
[Example] Tang Yang Jiong Xue Zhen, the Duke of Fenyin, was ordered to walk in the middle of the book, Xiao He Cao Shen , Mou You Han Dynasty. " Cloud Collection Seven Sign 》Volume 100: "[The Yellow Emperor] got wind at the corner of the sea and grazed in Daze. He raised the wind to manage the people, first served as a servant, and then stepped up as a minister."

Relevant information

After the wind, Fuxi Later, "History of the Road · Record of the Name of the Country": The state was named after the wind in the past, so after Fuxi, there was a wind queen. also Zheng Qiao Tongzhi · Clan Strategy 》: Fengshi Last name, Fu Xi The surname. One of the three princes of the Yellow Emperor.
Sangong saw that the discipline was written in the heavenly way, so he made a match to the stage and worked as a heavenly official. "Official Records" said: "Go to the stage with the wind queen.
At the beginning of the Yellow Emperor's dream, the wind blew away all the dirt in the world. Emperor Wuer sighed, "The wind is the command, and the rulers are also the ones who get rid of dirt, and the later is the same. How can there be a wind name in the world?" So he asked for it according to occupation, and got the wind behind the corner of the sea, and ascended as the prime minister. He helped the emperor to govern the people, cut down the ten thousand square meters, and divided the land into the wild, and got the small and large country and ten thousand districts, and the seal of the gods and spirits was hidden in it.
He is also good at Fuxi. Because of the Eight Diagrams, nine palaces are set up to set up camps and determine the people's minds. Chiyou In the event of extinction, there will be more of its emblem.
The emperor has been in power for a long time, and he likes the world to wear his own shoes. Instead, he set aside all opportunities, gave up the palace to sleep, and asked for help, Rut Half a day. Love the people but do not fight. The thieves from all directions will start to plan. Each side will follow the color of the area and become a sign. The border city will be on the alert every day. Emperor Jiao sighed and said, "I have gone too far." So he ordered the army behind the wind to form a stronghold. The army on the mountain was high, and the army on the water was low. The army near the marsh was based on water and grass, and the army on the flat land chose to be open and easy, so that the four thieves were eliminated and the world was determined. When Chiyou was not only in the north, but also after the wind, he used light troops to suppress the others, which were worse than Wanggu. People rely on their benefits, and later generations will worship as the god of Jinchuan.
Simultaneous large deflection Jia Zi , to explore the feelings of the five elements and accept the five tones. After the wind, its meaning was explained so that it could be used, and Three lives OK. Fenghou wrote one volume of Mastering the Strange Classic, thirteen chapters of Fenghou, two volumes of pictures, and twenty volumes of Solitary Empathy.
Yellow Emperor
One day, I went to the fields to hoe. When I saw that it was sunny and peaceful, I sang:
The sky is round and the ground is square. When you are born in this world, you must meet a king.
After singing, I ploughed again. The emperor drove his people near, ignoring the wind and bowing do hoeing After observing the emperor for a long time, he thought to himself, "Although he is a farmer, he must have good appearance." That is, he ordered his officials to ask where the surname is. The next minister was ordered to ask him, and after the storm, he said to him, "Why bother to ask if you can settle your affairs when you are away?" Words When he returned, the emperor sighed, "This is a sage, not a farmer!" Then he got off the chariot and walked to the field bank. After the wind, the emperor came on foot, abandoned his hoe, and fell prostrate in the field, claiming long live. The emperor lifted up and asked, "Why are the sages hiding here? Why don't they go to heaven? May I ask the name of the sages?" The queen of the wind said, "After the name of the minister, he is too young to learn and can't be used in the world. He just works hard." When the emperor heard about this, he ordered his entourage to enter the court to help the country. Never refuse after the wind, and follow the orders.
In the straight line, only see Ozawa A woodcutter was walking around in the mountain forest. The emperor looked at him for a long time, and saw that he was majestic and ambitious. The emperor ordered him to stay on the chariot, and then stepped into the forest and asked, "Sage, who is going to wander here without going out to help the country and the people. Gu called his officials and said, "You believe that your dream is true today." So he got up and ordered them to accompany you back to court. The next day, the hall was raised, and the civil and military dynasties were completed. The emperor ordered the queen of Xuanfeng and Li Mu to enter the court. Two Shanhu Worship the dance at the bottom of the steps. The emperor said, "I have got the second minister today, which is the gift of heaven's dream, just like the left hand and the right hand." That is to say, I have appointed Fenghou as the prime minister, Li Mu as the general, and I am the minister of the left and right ministers. Originally, he often observed the geographical location, and was granted the title of Fenguan Lin. He was in charge of farming; The black dragon identified the east and was awarded the title of Scholars and teachers Zhu Rong He identified the south and was named Situ; Taihong distinguishes between the West and Sima; The later earth was named after distinguishing the north Master Li Li Mu is a military position, not included, but included after the storm Hexaphase
River Map
Since the Emperor became the Six Ministers, the country has been under great governance and the world is at peace. One day, after a big banquet, the officials left and stayed in the palace. At midnight, they suddenly had a dream that two dragons were winding in the river. The Emperor Jue thought to himself, "The former dream should be followed by the latter one. Dragons, things in the water, must be strange." So he fasted and bathed, went up to the palace in the early morning, and told the officials about the dream of dragons. Tianmu After leaving the class, he said: "Your majesty tried to look at the river, but did Heaven grant the emperor a map?" The emperor allowed him to play and ordered the platoon to drive to the river. As far as Cuigui River, only a big fish came upstream. The emperor said to Tianmu, "Do you see the things in the river?" Tianmu said, "It's the right answer to the dream." The emperor ordered me to arrange the incense table, and personally worshipped Zhu and said, "I am lucky to have six phases, and today I help to divide the world, so that the people are at ease. Last night, God gave me my dream again, and I sincerely prayed for good or bad luck with fragrant lanterns. If it is bad, I will take it; if it is good, we will give alms to the people all over the world!" I wish that the big fish went upstream, Carrying a white picture box, orchid leaf and tortoise script, the emperor is enthusiastically awarded near the shore. The emperor knew the auspicious omen, worshipped it and gave it to the emperor. The fish swam away. The emperor looked at the river and thanked him. When you stretch it, it is called Tu Lu. He ordered the courtiers to hold the box and drive back to court.
At the next sunrise hall, after the officials finished their courtship, the emperor said to them, "I heard that Emperor Fuxi had received the" River Map "before, and got the five important points Five things Today's winner is also called "River Map", which is different from the previous "River Map" Sun, moon and stars Image, teach me to stand Star official The book will be handed down to future generations. How dare I not follow it! "
Imperative Xihe Occupy the sun and moon, Normal instrument Occupy the surplus and deficiency of the moon, and the car park occupies the wind fixed interest
He also ordered the Great Torsion to explore the feelings of the five elements, and Zhandougang to set up a cadre and support.
life Rongcheng It is used as an armillary sphere to cover the sky, as if it were shaped from the sky. The emperor asked Guiyu, "Is it possible to count the up and down periods of the Zhou Dynasty?" He said, "The sky is divided into six periods, and the earth is divided into nine systems. The weather of the Zhou Dynasty is divided into six periods, and the end of the earth discipline is divided into five years old. The five and six years old, seven hundred and twenty qi of thirty years old, one period, and fourteen hundred and forty qi of sixty years old, one week. It is too late to see. It is because of the five measures of governance Five Qi The news of the news is used to observe the law as the calendar of the dynasty and the year Jia Yin The time is determined by the day and the season. Is Ji You The magic number is obtained when the new moon arrives in the south, and it can be pushed forward when the sun and moon are looking at the new moon. " The emperor heard of the great joy. Then he asked him, "You said that this is the end and beginning of the Tianzhi discipline?" He said, "Yes." And he said, "Although the Tianzhi discipline is end and beginning again, we should create 16 gods to push the surplus and divide the leap moon to set four seasons."
The emperor said, "Why is it leap?" He said, "When I was observing the sky, I would leap every three years, and it would be thirty days more than one month. When I was five years old, I would leap again, and it would be sixty days more. There were seven leap years in ten years, and all the calendars started from Jiazi, so the time would follow." The emperor said, "Good."
The head of the scribe was ordered to set the number, so as to command his envy and ask him to meet. And the law Weights and measures , life Ling Lun From the west of the great summer to the Yin of Ruanquan, take bamboo from the valley of three streams Born empty If the orifices are thick and heavy, they will be broken between two sections, three inches and nine minutes long. When they are blown, they will be regarded as the palace of yellow bells. Make twelve drums to listen to the sound of the phoenix, and leave Twelve laws ——The male call is six, and the female call is also six. Compared with the palace of the yellow bell Six laws Six Lvs, waiting for the response of qi, use the five tone sound of the palace, business, horn, sign and feather to govern the qi of yin and yang. The four seasons change, push the number of the law calendar, and get the news.
He ordered labor to cast a yellow bell slowly Too cluster Twelve bells make twelve laws. When the air arrives every month, the ancient people burn reed pipes to ash, and place them on the 12th Jural canal Inside, put it in a secret room to occupy the climate. When a certain festival comes, the Jiahui in a certain pipe flies out, indicating that the solar term has arrived. With five tones, when the sky is established, people are upright.
He also ordered Da Rong Rongcheng , car area, astrology. Each receives the order and acts accordingly.

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In history, little is known about the origin of the eight arrays. That is the Yellow Emperor's minister Feng Hou has a bear to draw eight formations. According to the Annals of Xinzheng County in the 41st year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, "Feng Hou is the descendant of Fuxi, one of the three officials of the Yellow Emperor. He is good at Fuxi's way. Because of the eight trigrams, nine palaces are set up to set up camps, and the people's cui are determined. The destruction of Chi You is more than his emblem....... Feng Hou wrote a volume of Mastering the Amazing Sutra Fuxi Eight Trigrams It was the first time that the principle was applied to the military to draw the eight arrays. The so-called "Nine Palaces" was added to the eight diagrams of Li, Gen, Dui, Qian, Xun, Zhen, Kun and Kan. The figure of eight arrays developed by the Yellow Emperor and Fenghou was first seen in Grasping the Strange Sutra, and its content is in《 History of the Song Dynasty · Art and Literature Annals 》And Xinzheng County Annals. Total Arranging "Eight formations, four are positive, four are odd. Surprise It is called Gripping, or collectively. First, go out to visit both ends of the army. The sky is round, the ground is axial, and the front and back are rushing. The wind is attached to the sky, and the clouds are attached to the ground. There are four teams in Chong, three in front and three behind Chong. The wind occupies four dimensions. So round. There are three teams in the Tianju axis, and three teams in the front and three teams in the rear. The wind occupies four corners, so it is square. The sky stands at both ends and the earth in the middle. There are always eight formations. At the end of the battle line, the wandering army creeps up from behind the enemy, either to his left or to his right. Listen to the sound and look at the flag to attack the four wonders. "