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Extra dimension

Physical terms
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The extra dimension is a physics Nouns.
Chinese name
Extra dimension
Concepts used for the extensiveness of space or graphics
Space is 4+N dimensional
Einstein proposed
Four dimensional space-time composed of space and time

Concept source

"Dimension" is a concept used to represent the extensiveness of space or graphics. Einstein proposed that the universe is a four-dimensional space-time composed of space (three dimensions) and time (one dimension). In 1926, Theodore Karuza, a German mathematical physicist, added a space dimension, that is, a fifth dimension, to the four-dimensional space-time (that is, three-dimensional space plus time), and rewritten Einstein's relativistic equation. The rewritten equation can translate the two basic forces known at that time, namely“ Electromagnetic force ”And "gravity" are naturally unified in the same equation. Later, all dimensions added in this way are called "extra dimensions". That is, the space is 4+N dimensional. These N extra dimensions are limited to a very small spatial scale.

Relevant information

In September 2021《 Duan Yishi's Manuscript 》Included《 Topological gauge field theory 》《 General Relativity and Gravitational Gauge Theory 》《 Gauge field theory 》Extra Dimension《 cosmology 》And《 Supersymmetry and conformal field theory 》The important handouts and manuscripts of Duan Yishi's teaching and scientific research work reproduce his scientific research process and thoughts. [1]