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Buccal car

[jiá chē]
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Acupoint noun
Cheek car, the name of acupoint, comes from Lingshu: Evil Qi and Visceral Diseases. Step out of the Yangming Stomach Meridian. In the cheek, the upper front of the mandibular angle, about a cross finger under the ear, the hollow where the muscles rise when chewing. One on the left and one on the right. In front of the mandibular angle, there are masseter muscles; There are masseter arteries and veins; There are great auricular nerve, facial nerve and masseter nerve. Indications: toothache, facial paralysis, parotitis, mandibular arthritis. Directly stab 0.5 inch, or horizontally stab to Dicang acupoint.
Chinese name
Buccal car
"Soul Pivot: Evil Qi and Visceral Diseases"
Subordinate to Meridians
The stomach meridian of Foot Yangming
Toothache, facial paralysis
Straight stab 0.5 inch
Main compatibility
Treatment of mouth hole deviation with Dicang point

Definition of name

1. Cheek car
Cheek: The part where the finger points are located is the cheek. Car, vehicle also. The name of buccal chevron means that the function of this point is to transport the grain essence, qi and blood along the stomach meridian. The substance of this point is the grain essence qi and blood from Daying point. After arriving at this point, the qi and blood substance is transported to the head along the stomach meridian due to the exothermic heat of internal heart fire. If there is a vehicle, it is called buccal cart.
2. Curved teeth
Music, a secret meaning. Tooth, the bone of the kidney, refers to the water in the acupoints. The name of crooked teeth means that the gas on the head of the acupoint is rich in water and moisture. The substance in this acupoint is the water wet gas substance from Daying acupoint. The concentration of water wet is relatively high, like secret water, so it is called Quya.
3. Authority
Ji, Qiao also. Pass, pass too. The name of the mechanism means that this acupoint has the function of ground meridian water transmitted from Guanka Daying acupoint. This acupoint is located at the upper part of the acupoint, and the ground water flowing part of Daying acupoint is naturally blocked out of this acupoint due to the gravity field of the earth. The way of the checkpoint is very ingenious, so it is called mechanism.
4. Ghost bed
Ghost, opposite to God, refers to the matter in the acupoint as the ground water. Bed is also a carrier. The name of ghost bed means that the water in the acupoint is supported by other things. The substance in this point is the water wet gaseous substance from Daying point, which moves up the stomach meridian to Xiaguan point. The concentration of water wet in the gaseous substance is high, just like the water carrying upward, so it is called ghost bed.
5. Dental Cart
Tooth, the bone of the kidney, refers to the water in the acupoints. Car, vehicle also. The name of tooth cart means that this acupoint has the function of transporting the stomach meridian through the head above water. Reason is the same as the solution of crooked teeth.


Transmit the subtle substances of stomach meridian to the head.

Therapeutic method

Cold is invigorated by moxibustion, while heat is purged.


In the cheek, the upper front of the mandibular angle, about a cross finger under the ear, the hollow where the muscles rise when chewing. One on the left and one on the right.


Sectional anatomy of Xiaguan and Buche (right, coronal section) [6]
In front of the mandibular angle, there are masseter muscles; There are masseter arteries and veins; There are great auricular nerve, facial nerve and masseter nerve.


Toothache, facial paralysis, parotitis, mandibular arthritis.


Directly stab 0.5 inch, or horizontally stab to Dicang acupoint.

Clinical application

It is one of the thirteen ghost acupoints, ruling all manias.
1. Systemic diseases of the five sense organs: pulpitis, pericoronitis, mumps, mandibular arthritis, masseter spasm; Toothache pressing buccal cartwheel and Hegu;
2. Mental nervous system diseases: facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia;
3. Others: sequelae of cerebrovascular disease, goiter.


Use Dicang acupoint to treat mouth and eye deviation.


Remove wind and heat, and open and close the network.


The Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion A and B: The cheeks are swollen, the mouth is urgent, and the cheeks are painful. You can't chew them.
The Analects of Classical Learning: Cheek Cart Bunker Ditch The main mouth and eyes are slanted.
"Acupuncture and Moxibustion": "A stroke does not open the mouth: cheek car, people Baihui , Chengjiang, Hegu. " [5]