
[yù fáng]
Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Prevention, Chinese vocabulary. Pinyin: y ù f á ng, Pinyin: one. [1] Prevention means doing well in advance Development of things In the process, countermeasures that deviate from subjective expectations or objective universal laws may occur.
Chinese name
Foreign name
yù fáng
words whose meaning is similar
Precautionary, defensive, defensive, defensive, defensive, defensive, defensive, attention to prevent levees [2]
Indulgence [2]
Phonetic transcription
ㄧㄩˋ ㄈㄤˊ


[prevent; precautions against] [1]


Han Dynasty, Kong Anguo, Biography: "Words should follow the ancient times Avenue In order to control and stabilize the country, we must think about prevention before chaos and danger. " [3]

example sentence

Southern Song Dynasty Liu Yiqing New Words of the World · Speech 》: "The body can not be cured by the Tao. We should think about the prevention of trouble, and we should be deeply ashamed. What can we say?" [2]
Song Yeshi's Debate on the State of Zhu Yuanhui, a Langguan in the Ministry of War:“ Your Majesty He used his heart to observe his purpose. What would he do if he acted like this! Sincerity must be prevented and early argument must be made. "
Yuan Li Chong《 Daily News Record 》: "Day and month Faint , constellations shake The lights and flames are bright and the sound is loud, and there is a sign of strong wind. We should prevent accidents.
A Ying Diaspora: "We talked there for a long time, told him the recent political situation, and asked them to prevent." [1-2]

transitive verb

interpretation: to prevent,to take precautions against,to protect,to guard against
Associated terms: prophylaxis、provide against、preventive defence、prevention、prevent、precaution、 obviate preventative take precautions against、took precautions against、qui timet、taken precautions against、preclude、premunition、guard against、make provision against
Example sentences and usage:
1. The report is critical to the lack of security preventive measure The matter was severely criticized.
The report was scathing about the lack of safety precautions.
2. This vaccine is used for all residents prevent infection
The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
3. We have to take precautions.
We had to take preventive measures.
4. Prevention is better than cure.
Prevention is better than cure.
5. Please take some preventive medicine.
Please take some preventive medicine now.

Prevention level


Primary prevention

English name: primary prevention
Primary prevention, also known as etiological prevention, is a preventive measure against pathogenic factors, including environmental measures and body measures. The disease did not occur at this stage, but some Risk factors Already exists, such as pathogen The infection of innutrition , lack of exercise, family changes, etc. These will increase the risk of disease, and some of the risk factors at this stage can be changed, such as anti infection, psychological adjustment, nutrition enhancement, etc. This stage can be called the susceptible period.
The most critical and effective prevention SARS There are only two methods: one is to develop good personal hygiene habits, the other is to strengthen the body's immunity.

Secondary prevention

English name: secondary prevention
Secondary prevention is also called preclinical prevention (or presymptomatic prevention), that is, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment of diseases“ Three mornings "Preventive measures. This level of prevention is to prevent changes in the early clinical stage or early clinical stage of the disease through early detection and early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, so that the disease can be found and treated at an early stage, and avoid or reduce complication , the occurrence of sequelae and disability, or shortening the time of disability. this Primary prevention It mainly adopts early detection of cases to carry out disease screening Or some special physical examination.

Tertiary prevention

English name: tertiary prevention
The third level prevention is also called clinical prevention. This level of prevention mainly refers to the timely treatment of some patients with various clinical treatment methods to prevent the deterioration of the disease and make it recover as soon as possible, reduce the adverse effects of the disease, and prevent complications and disability. mentality It can also affect physical health. Healthy psychology can promote human immunity, mobilize body functions, and recover quickly under the same treatment. Therefore, during the treatment period, the strong psychological defense line built by mutual trust among patients, family members and medical staff is one of the important factors to defeat SARS.