Extrabudgetary funds

Provisions on the National Financial System and Financial System
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Extrabudgetary funds refer to those not included in the national financial system and financial system national budget , funds collected and disbursed by local departments, enterprises and institutions. It is State budget funds It has the characteristics of decentralization, legality and specificity. Extrabudgetary funds refer to the performance or agency of state organs, institutions and social organizations governmental functions , collected, drawn and arranged for use in accordance with national laws, regulations and rules with legal effect Financial funds Ministry of Finance:“ From January 1, 2011, all revenues managed by extra budgetary funds will be included in budget management. " [1]
Chinese name
Extrabudgetary funds
Decentralization, autonomy and specificity
Administrative institutions Self collected and self paid funds, etc
Obtained by virtue of the rights granted by the state, etc


Local finance Various additional incomes disposed and relevant centralized funds; Various special funds held by state-owned enterprises and competent departments; Administrative institutions Self financing funds; The income of enterprises subordinate to the central and local competent departments that are not included in the budget; Laws and regulations Administrative charges , funds and additional income, etc; Administrative institutional fees approved by the State Council or provincial people's governments and their financial and planning (price) departments; Funds and additional income approved and established by the State Council and the Ministry of Finance; Centralized handover of funds by the subordinate units of the competent department; Township self financing and township government expenditure Overall fund Other items not included in budget management Financial funds Social security fund In the state finance has not yet been established Social security budget Before the system, it shall be managed according to the management system of extra budgetary funds, Earmarked The financial department opens a unified special account in the bank for Extrabudgetary fund income And expenditure management. Department and unit Extrabudgetary income It must be submitted to the same level Special financial account expenditure By the financial department at the same level Extrabudgetary fund income and expenditure Plan and unit Financial revenue and expenditure plan Make overall arrangements, allocate funds from the special financial account, and implement Revenue and expenditure management Therefore, extra budgetary fund income also comes from fees, but it is extra budgetary fees.
Before 1993, China's extra budgetary funds included various special funds centralized by state-owned enterprises and their competent departments, and extra budgetary funds managed by local and central competent departments. along with Budget management system After 1993, with the deepening and improvement of reform Extrabudgetary income Has been adjusted to have Legal person property rights The funds concentrated by the enterprises and their competent departments of Extrabudgetary fund income Items only include Administrative charges and Local fiscal revenue Two items; Since 1996, the power construction fund Railway construction fund Isocenter Government funds (Fees) shall be included in budget management, and self financing Overall fund Since 1997, local fiscal revenue has been abolished and increased Government fund income Income of state-owned enterprises and competent departments Other income Therefore, after 1997, the items of extra budgetary fund income include: administrative fees Government fund income Township self raised overall funds, income from state-owned enterprises and competent departments and other income, mainly administrative fees, accounted for 69.4% of all non budgetary fund income in 2000. Extrabudgetary funds are mainly used for Capital construction expenditure Urban maintenance expenses, administrative expenses, township self financing and overall planning expenses, special expenses and other expenses, of which administrative expenses accounted for 63% in 2000.

Budget characteristics

The nature of extrabudgetary funds determines that it has the following characteristics:
1. Fiscal. Extrabudgetary funds are also Financial funds However, it is not distributed centrally by the central finance, and the right of control and use belongs to the local finance and relevant departments Administrative institutions , take Revenue and expenditure Of Management of special financial account way.
2. Specificity. From the historical development process of extra budgetary funds, in most cases, extra budgetary funds are set to ensure certain special expenditures. For example, the extra budgetary funds reserved by the city are used for urban maintenance, and road maintenance fees are used for road maintenance, etc. The new enterprise financial system stipulates that extra budgetary funds can be used as a whole without changing the nature of funds (accumulation and consumption or production and non production).
3. Dispersion. Extrabudgetary funds are a kind of non centralized funds, composed of various projects Administrative institutions Mastering the use separately is different from Budget funds A kind of non centralized fund.


The essential characteristics of extra budgetary funds are:
(1) Obtained by virtue of the rights granted by the state or the national reputation;
(2) It can be collected only after being approved by the prescribed procedures (including the approval authority granted by the state to local governments and tax authorities);
(3) The income collected by the unit cannot be recorded as unit account (institutional income), but must be turned in according to regulations Special financial account
(4) Transferred back to the unit from the special financial account Financial funds , the unit can be recorded as business income according to regulations;
(5) For the use of extra budgetary funds of a unit, an income and expenditure plan must be prepared and implemented after approval according to the prescribed procedures;
(6) Revenue and expenditure of extra budgetary funds of the company must be included Comprehensive financial plan Administration.
In the past, the nature of extra budgetary funds was that the right to use and ownership of funds belonged to the unit. According to the spirit of the Decision, the nature of extra budgetary funds has undergone fundamental changes, breaking the management model of "two rights remain unchanged" in the past. The three ownership relationships of extra budgetary funds have been redefined, that is, the ownership belongs to the state, the control power belongs to the government, and the management power belongs to the finance. From "two rights unchanged" to "paying back money and rights" is a major change in the nature of extrabudgetary funds.

History and current situation

At the beginning of the founding of New China, a highly centralized system of unified revenue and expenditure was implemented. get into The first five-year plan After the period, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments, they began to put a part of the revenue within the original budget into extra budgetary management. The national financial funds began to be divided into two parts: intra budgetary and extra budgetary, which formed the special category of extra budgetary funds. During the ten-year turmoil, the extra budgetary funds expanded rapidly, and in 1976 they were equivalent to 35.5% of the budgetary revenues.
In 1979, China entered a new period of comprehensive structural reform Local budget It has expanded the autonomy and delegated power to enterprises, so the growth of extra budgetary funds has exceeded any period, and has become an important feature and problem in economic operation. According to the caliber at that time, the growth and change of extra budgetary funds have the following four characteristics:
(1) Extrabudgetary funds grew too fast. In 1992, they increased by 11 times compared with 1978, equivalent to 97.7% of the budgetary revenue, which truly became the "second budget" of the country.
(2) The growth rate of foreign budgetary funds over the years exceeded the growth rate of GDP and budgetary revenue in the same year, resulting in serious dispersion of funds.
(3) In terms of the structure of extra budgetary funds, the extra budgetary funds managed by enterprises and competent departments have always dominated. In terms of the change trend in recent years, Administrative institutions The proportion of management increased rapidly, Local finance The absolute number and proportion of the part under management decreased significantly.
(4) Due to lax management, financial discipline is lax, and the budget is changed from inside to outside Production funds The phenomenon of consumer funds and turning public into private has grown and spread. Therefore, the rapid growth of extrabudgetary funds has become an important reason for the low proportion of budgeted income in GDP, and also an important reason for the expansion of fixed asset investment and consumption funds at that time.
In order to implement the relevant provisions of the National People's Congress and the State Council, the Ministry of Finance has decided to incorporate all the revenues (excluding education fees) under the management of extra budgetary funds into the budget management from January 1, 2011.


In order to strengthen the management of extra budgetary funds, the State Council issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Extra budgetary Funds (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") in 1986, requiring the standardized management of extra budgetary funds. Accordingly, governments at all levels and financial departments have successively implemented "plan management, financial approval, special account storage, Banking supervision Management measures of. However, over the past decade Economic system reform And the distribution pattern of social financial resources economic activity Great changes have taken place. The original management system of extra budgetary funds can no longer fully meet the needs of market economy development and government macro-control, nor can it guarantee the requirements of preventing corruption and building a clean government. The problems in the management of extra budgetary funds are becoming increasingly prominent.
In response to the problems existing in the system and management of extrabudgetary funds, the State Council issued the Decision on Strengthening the Management of Extrabudgetary Funds (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) in July 1996, which systematically stipulates the policies and measures for the management of extrabudgetary funds, points out the direction of the management of extrabudgetary funds, and marks a new stage in the management of extrabudgetary funds in China.
Compared with the Notice in 1986, the Decision has made substantial breakthroughs in both the breadth and depth of management. It is mainly manifested in:
(1) From the perspective of long-term development and overall management mode, it is proposed to strengthen the management of extra budgetary funds, which is not to expand its scale, but ultimately to be fully included in the budget management.
(2) In terms of the nature of extra budgetary funds, it is clearly stipulated that extra budgetary funds are national financial funds, not self owned funds of departments and units, and must be included in financial management.
(3) In terms of the management method of extra budgetary funds, it is required to change the previous management method of departments and units for self collection and self expenditure, and to refer to Budget funds Management mode, establish the budget and final account system of extra budgetary funds.
(4) In terms of the relationship between the financial department and other departments, it is clearly stipulated that the financial department is the functional department for the management of extra budgetary funds. The financial department should actively do a good job in various services and allocate extra budgetary funds in a timely manner.
(5) On Social security fund In terms of management measures, it is proposed that the social security fund should be established Social security budget Previously, it was temporarily managed according to the management method of extra budgetary funds.
In order to implement the above Decision, the Ministry of Finance has formulated the Implementation Measures for the Management of Extrabudgetary Funds, the Interim Provisions on the Management of the Central Extrabudgetary Funds Special Financial Account and other supporting documents. At the same time《 Financial Rules of Public Institutions 》Provisions on financial management of extra budgetary funds have also been added.
All extra budgetary funds are included in budget management
According to the relevant requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Including the Revenue Managed by Extrabudgetary Funds into the Budget Management (Cai Yu [2010] No. 88), from 2011, except for education fees Management of special financial account Other extra budgetary funds are all included in budget management. This means that since 2011, extra budgetary funds have become history, and financial management has entered a new stage of comprehensive and integrated budget management.
(1) It is of great significance that all extra budgetary funds are included in budget management.
All extra budgetary funds are included in the budget management, which will change the status of decentralized management and storage of funds in the past, make all revenue and expenditure activities an organic and unified whole, and further enhance Extrabudgetary fund income and expenditure The transparency of activities makes the whole process of extra budgetary fund income and expenditure under the supervision of the National People's Congress, and earnestly achieves standardized management and legal financing; All revenue and expenditure activities of the unit are implemented in accordance with the budget approved by the National People's Congress, which will further standardize the performance of the unit's duties, improve the level of management services, and have great significance in preventing corruption from the source; All extra budgetary funds are included in the budget management, which will further improve the scientific and refined level of financial management, and promote the establishment of public financial budget budget for state-owned assets budget for government-managed funds and Social security budget An organically linked government budget system.
(2) All extra budgetary funds are included in budget management, which improves the level of financing according to law.
After all the extra budgetary funds of each unit are included in the budget management, the financial department requires that the annual departmental budget should be prepared in strict accordance with《 Budget Law of the People's Republic of China 》And other relevant laws and regulations according to the functional scope of the department and relevant standards; Once the budget is approved by the People's Congress, it has legal effect. In the implementation of the annual budget, we should strictly follow the budget procedures, collect all revenues in full and in time, scientifically and reasonably arrange the corresponding expenditures, and not arbitrarily add or change the budget, which will damage the authority and seriousness of the budget. All Financial funds The arrangements are under the supervision of the National People's Congress, which has improved the transparency of financial management and the level of financing according to law.

New management measures

1. Redefining the nature and scope of extrabudgetary funds
The Decision clearly stipulates that extra budgetary funds refer to the performance or agency of state organs, public institutions and social organizations governmental functions , collected, drawn and arranged for use in accordance with national laws, regulations and rules with legal effect Financial funds The following provisions are clearly made: various funds (including after tax retained profits) withdrawn by state-owned enterprises will no longer be managed as extra budgetary funds; Local finance All taxes and surcharges collected by departments according to national regulations shall be regarded as local finance Fixed income After being uniformly included in the local financial budget, it will no longer be included in the management scope of extra budgetary funds; The business service income obtained by public institutions and social organizations through the market that does not reflect the functions of the government will not be managed as extra budgetary funds, but will be taxed according to law; Township self raised funds and township Overall fund It is clearly included in the management of extra budgetary funds.
2. Some extra budgetary funds are included in budget management
In order to improve the financial budget distribution system and ensure that national budget The new measures stipulate that, since 1996, government funds or fees obtained by the central government through government power and of a "quasi" tax nature to a certain extent will be included in the budget management Earmarked , can not be used for other purposes, nor can it be used for balanced budget
3. Strict control Administrative charges and Government funds scale
In order to control the expanding scale of extra budgetary funds, the Decision reiterated the management provisions on the approval authority of administrative charges (funds). All departments and units must set up charge (funds) projects according to the specified approval authority, and shall not exceed their authority to charge and establish funds. Otherwise, it will be treated as arbitrary charges.
4. Establishment Extrabudgetary fund income and expenditure Budget and final account system
First of all, all departments and units should prepare plans and final accounts for the revenue and expenditure of extra budgetary funds according to regulations and submit them to the financial department for approval. Secondly, the financial department should set up in the bank Special financial account for extra budgetary funds , Implementation Revenue and expenditure management That is, all departments and units Extrabudgetary fund income It shall be paid into the special financial account, and the expenditure shall be arranged and used by each department and unit according to the specified purpose. The financial department shall allocate funds from the special account according to the extra budgetary fund income and expenditure plan.
5. Strictly stipulate the use scope of extra budgetary funds
Funds and fees dedicated to public works and utilities and others Special funds , according to the plan and specified use Earmarked , the funds shall be allocated by stages after the review of the financial department; Expenditures for wages, bonuses, subsidies, allowances and benefits must strictly comply with the items, scope and standards approved by the financial department; Expenditures used for investment in fixed assets should be established according to national regulations and included in National Fixed Assets Investment Plan And shall be allocated by stages according to the national investment plan and project progress determined by the planning department; Expenditures for purchasing special controlled commodities shall be reported to the financial department for review and approval, and the approval procedures for controlled purchases shall be handled according to national regulations.