Preparatory course

Pre college education
zero Useful+1
The preparatory class, which belongs to the preparatory education before college, is Higher Education The special level of the West
Before liberation, China In some schools, one-year preparatory courses were set up and gradually abolished. New China was founded After, Institute for Nationalities Opened a number of Ethnic Preparatory Class In some other institutions of higher learning, secondary vocational schools and Adult colleges and universities A considerable number of Ethnic Minority Preparatory Class In 1996, it was held all over China Ethnic Prep There are more than 140 colleges and universities with 11622 students.
Preparatory education can improve ethnic minority Students' basic cultural knowledge will enable more ethnic minority students to enter higher education Secondary professional school Learning has played a great role. It has become a unique school running form mainly for minority students Ethnic education An important part of.
Chinese name
Preparatory course
yù kē bān
Basic courses Bridge courses
Pre college education
Senior three graduates
Origin time
The second half of the 18th century

What is a preparatory course

Preparatory college basic course (University Foundation Year) or Bridging course, which is pre college preparatory education, generally requires junior high school graduates to take about one year of preparatory courses to adapt to college learning style For domestic college preparatory courses or preparatory courses taught by designated colleges, students can decide whether to enter the selected colleges according to their scores after completing the preparatory courses for one year undergraduate Stage study, otherwise enter the college specialty Stage learning.
Preparatory courses are often carefully designed by professional teachers in universities to meet the actual needs of teaching in the future. But its Course content It is often reviewed and revised jointly with the preparatory teachers who teach the project. The college preparatory course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge to successfully complete their college studies after entering the university in the future. English The subject aims to develop students' confidence and ability in English understanding, listening, speaking and writing.
College preparatory course is western Education system It is an important link in the foreign education system Higher Education Due to the irreplaceable role of college preparatory courses in the stage of smoothly connecting basic education with higher education, it is called High school education It is an important cornerstone of higher education. It is rising in China to adapt to the Comprehensive development
The preparatory course is a transitional course for domestic students to adapt to the university education system. It usually lasts for two years and has fewer courses than the undergraduate course. For example, the undergraduate course takes 8-12 courses every year, while the preparatory course has 5-6 courses, some of which are specially designed to help students adapt to their own countries educational system , such as how to write a paper, how to make a speech, etc. curriculum design It is provided by the pilot university. Only after passing the graduation examination of all subjects and obtaining the preparatory diploma, can you go to the domestic university.
except learn English In addition, during the preparatory period, students should also learn some college preparatory courses, such as Specialized courses Basic knowledge, be familiar with undergraduate teaching methods, and adjust mentality And lay the foundation for undergraduate study.

Relevant regulations

In March 1984, ministry of education The National Ethnic Affairs Commission issued a report on strengthening leadership and further improving the management of a minority of colleges and universities Ethnic class Opinions of Ethnic Preparatory Class The teaching and management issues in the preparatory stage are clearly specified, and the tasks in the preparatory stage are ethnic minority The characteristics of students, take special measures, focus on improving basic cultural knowledge, strengthen basic skill So that students can Intellectual education P. E. has been further developed and improved, laying a good foundation for professional learning in colleges and universities. The length of study in the preparatory course is generally one year. For students with poor Chinese language foundation, the length of study is two years. The preparatory students enter the college and junior college for professional study, and their educational system is the same as that of the college and junior college. For the enrollment of ethnic classes, under the principle of adhering to the comprehensive assessment of morality, intelligence and physique, and selecting the best, the scores of ethnic minority candidates who participated in the college entrance examination that year can be appropriately reduced. However, according to the training objectives and requirements of different types of colleges and universities, and based on the reality of different regions and ethnic groups, we should treat them differently and appropriately reduce their scores. Students of ethnic preparatory class have completed their studies and performed well in politics Examination results Those who pass the examination will be directly enrolled in the school-based and junior college courses of relevant colleges. The specialty distribution of ethnic class and junior college students is based on the economic construction and social development At the end of the preparatory class, the school will negotiate with the relevant provincial and autonomous regional education administrative departments to determine the needs of the students and their moral, intellectual and physical conditions, in combination with their wishes; It can also be determined by the university and the relevant provincial and autonomous regional education administrative departments according to the above conditions when enrolling students. The specific work is in the hands of the university. After the specialty is determined, it shall not be changed except under special circumstances. [1]

Relevant teaching

Although the preparatory course focuses on the supplementary study of high school culture courses, the teaching purpose is similar to the general college entrance examination cram school Different, content of courses There are connections and differences with future professional studies. Relevant departments shall uniformly organize the preparation of preparatory teaching materials according to the basic requirements of preparatory teaching. And introduce competition mechanism , strengthen the right Ethnic Prep Student management. Requirements according to State Education Commission Promulgated Teaching plan teaching program And textbooks Organize teaching And examinations. regulations Preparatory student Students who fail in one of the Chinese language, mathematics and foreign languages in the final examination are not allowed to study in mainland universities; Min Kao Min Students who fail in one of the Chinese language and mathematics courses are not allowed to study in mainland universities.

Prep Advantages

College preparatory course
1. Direct undergraduate education;
2. Wide range of majors;
3. Teachers Scientific system Teaching;
5. One year earlier, one more year Social experience [2]

Charging standard

Issued by the Ministry of Education in 2005《 Administrative Measures for Ethnic Minority Preparatory Classes and Ethnic Minority Classes in Ordinary Colleges and Universities 》The charging standards for preparatory classes are stipulated in:
Ethnic Preparatory Class The tuition fees of students at the preparatory stage shall be in accordance with the Preparatory student Tuition standard collection; Ethnic Preparatory Class After students are transferred to undergraduate and junior college (higher vocational education), their tuition fees will still be charged according to the tuition standards of the school where the preparatory students were admitted.
Colleges and universities should implement the relevant provisions of the state on financing students with financial difficulties. The undergraduate and junior college (higher vocational) enrollment schools should be responsible for the implementation of policies and measures such as "award, loan, assistance, compensation and reduction" for students in ethnic preparatory classes, to ensure that Family economy Poor students are subsidized according to relevant national policies. [3]