Perceived value

Psychological terminology
zero Useful+1
synonym Customer perceived value (Customer Perceived Value (CPV)) generally refers to perceived value
Perceived value , i.e Customer Perceived Value It refers to the overall evaluation of the effectiveness of products or services after weighing the perceived benefits of customers and the costs they pay for acquiring products or services. Customer perceived value reflects the subjective cognition of customers on the value of products or services provided by enterprises, which is different from the objective value of products and services.
Chinese name
Perceived value
Foreign name
Customer Perceived Value
Whole journey
Customer perceived value

What is customer perceived value

People don't buy things, they buy expectations. Consumers hope to achieve certain Customer value The essence of customer value is customer perception, that is, customers' subjective perception of the process and results of interaction with an enterprise, including customers' perception of it gains Comparison and trade-off with perceived gains and losses. Customer perceived value refers to customers' subjective cognition of the value of products or services provided by enterprises, which is different from the traditional concept of customer value. The latter refers to the value that enterprises think their products or services can provide for customers, which belongs to the internal cognitive orientation of enterprises; The former refers to the customer's value judgment on the products or services provided by the enterprise, which belongs to the external customer cognitive orientation.
Sensation and perception are the primary stage of cognitive activities. Sensation is the reflection of people's attributes of things, such as the reflection of information on color, taste, temperature and other aspects of things in the brain, which constitutes people's feelings. Different people use different methods to see the same thing at the same time. Similarly, the same person looks at the same thing in different ways at different times, and the conclusions are naturally different.
Feeling is the process of identifying, analyzing and selecting input information in order to obtain results. People receive information through senses such as "seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching". Although a lot of fragmentary information has been obtained, only a part of it becomes consciousness. Perception is a comprehensive reflection of the attributes of things on the basis of perception. We choose some information and give up a lot of other information because we can't pay attention to all the information at the same time. This phenomenon is selective attention selectiveattention ): People are exposed to many stimuli at every moment, and people are more likely to pay attention to demand Related stimuli, more likely be careful The expected stimulus is more likely be careful Certain stimuli that deviate significantly from normal conditions.
Sense and perception are collectively called perception. Consumers' perceived psychological activities are other Consumer psychology The foundation of the activity. Consumers' perception may sometimes be inconsistent with reality, but this "perception" is of great significance to consumers' behavior. [1]

Research on Customer Perceived Value

Since the 1970s, enterprises have been constantly innovating in the competition at the customer level product quality From "customer-oriented" to striving for customer satisfaction and loyalty, until the concept of customer perceived value was put forward in the 1990s. The research on customer perceived value has become more and more popular among foreign scholars and entrepreneur The focus of common concern is just the reasonable and inevitable result of enterprises' continuous pursuit of competitive advantage. Michael Porter stay Competitive Advantage It is pointed out in the book that competitive advantage comes from the value that enterprises can create for customers in the final analysis. Woodruff (1997) also pointed out that "customer perceived value is the next source of competitive advantage." The ability of enterprises to provide customers with excellent value is considered to be the most successful in the 1990s Competitive strategy one of. How to maximize and effectively transform resources into customer perceived value will be the core competitiveness of enterprises basic point The theory of customer perceived value is not only Enterprise Marketing It has brought new progress and provided new ideas and methods for the construction of core competitiveness. Therefore, providing customers with excellent customer perceived value is the root of an enterprise's competitive advantage Enterprise core competitiveness Cultivation is of great practical significance to the development of enterprises.
Since the 1990s, more and more scholars have begun to study customer perceived value, and the concept of customer perceived value has been constantly improved with the expansion of research. The common view is that the core of customer perceived value is that customers weigh perceived gains and losses (or perceived costs). Perceived gains and losses include the Total cost , such as purchase price, acquisition cost, transportation, installation, ordering, maintenance and repair, and the risk of purchase failure or unsatisfactory quality; Perceived benefits refer to the physical attributes, service attributes, and available technical support of products in the purchase and use of products. Therefore, gains and losses not only include the quality of products or services, but also include the price of products or services. Customer perceived value is subjective, which is determined by customers rather than supplier Determined.
In 1990, University of Michigan Business School professor Prahalad (C.K. Prahalad) and London Business School Professor G. Hamel Harvard Business Review Admiral Enterprise core competitiveness It is defined as "accumulated knowledge in the organization, especially knowledge about how to coordinate different production skills and organically combine multiple technical schools", which marks the formal proposal of the theory of enterprise core competitiveness. Later, American management experts Faulkner and Bauman further pointed out that the core competence of an enterprise is the company's exclusive, excellent, rooted in the organization and adaptive Market opportunities Is more likely to be realized Sustainable competitive advantage It is a kind of complex and integrated ability to obtain super average profits. Therefore, the core competitiveness of an enterprise generally refers to its unique capabilities in technology, service, management, etc., including those with appeal brand , powerful R&D echelon . Providing high value-added services and internal excitation team spirit Of management model Etc.
Slater believes that excellent performance of enterprises comes from providing excellent customer value. Gale argues that only customer value can be included competitive strategy Only in the core can enterprises maintain competitive advantages. Woodruff regards customer value as the next source of competitive advantage. Therefore, customer value has become an important factor for enterprises to create competitive advantages Enterprise core competitiveness The core competitiveness of the enterprise provides a reliable guarantee for customer value, which is a symbiotic relationship. [1]

Operation of customer perceived value

1. Value exploration: enterprises should cultivate a value oriented corporate culture , and use the concept of relationship marketing to analyze, understand and understand the value of customer needs.
2. Value structure: enterprises should first establish Service brand And use the results of customer questionnaires to evaluate what value is the theme before establishing and pricing the services or products provided by the enterprise.
3. Communication value: the service brand should provide customers Strategic partners , internal staff and the public to communicate and educate.
4. Organization and training to deliver value: enterprises can creatively design different roles for each employee to jointly establish value, conduct management and market operation, and participate in Brand value chain Among them, enterprises can provide train Equip all participants to ensure that they have the ability to deliver value to customers.
5. Improve the perceived value by managing customers' payment. Customers will pay less effort and physical strength, and can consume in a more comfortable way both psychologically and physically.
6. The enterprise shall try its best to maintain the original customers, partners and employees, so as to ensure that the value transmission is more efficient in economy and productivity. [1]

Prediction method of customer perceived value

1. Direct price value evaluation method
Direct surrender consumer or user Estimation of the same product produced by different manufacturers Price
2. Directly understand the value comparison method
Let consumers or users compare the value of the same product produced by different manufacturers and divide it into excellent, medium and poor, or give different evaluation scores out of 100 points.
3. Diagnostic method
Ask consumers or users to evaluate products according to a series of characteristics and attributes of products. [1]

Cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises based on customer perceived value

Cultivate customer value based Enterprise core competitiveness Is through the right Customer expected value Analyze and predict with the environment to integrate internal and external resources of the enterprise, provide customers with expected value, and create the industrial organization and management form of the future market. To cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises based on customer value, the first thing is to identify and understand target market The expected value of customers. By cultivating enterprises' industrial insight, we can surpass existing products and markets, Looking for customers We have always attached importance to the value areas and built up superior skills in these areas. Therefore, the construction of enterprise core competitiveness is a management process of survey, analysis, discovery and innovation.
1. Analysis competitor status
The core market competitiveness of enterprises is essentially to provide higher customer perceived value than competitors Value competition It is the essence and basic platform of competition between enterprises. Because the significance of the existence of the enterprise is to meet customer needs, or the enterprise can be regarded as a customer Value creation System; The final result of enterprise output is the customer perceived value of the enterprise's market supplies; Customers choose to buy the best suppliers' market supplies based on the size of value perception. Through studying competitors, we can understand the characteristics of this industry and the possible customer subset of the existing products and services of the enterprise, so as to accurately market positioning
2. Research and identify the perceived value of target customers, and find out the value areas that customers pay most attention to
According to Wolfgang Uaga et al empirical research In fact, the drivers of customer value can be divided into three categories: product related characteristics, such as product consistency Product characteristics . Product range, easy to use; Service related characteristics, such as supplied reliability And agility, technical support, rapid response, product innovation, technical information; Promotion related characteristics, such as image, personal relationship, company reliability public relations , upstream integration, etc. In the survey of customers, it is found that among the driving factors of customer value, the active role of quality is far greater than the driving force of price. The former is 63.3%, and the latter is 36.7% (that is, in the industrial product market, customers value quality more than price sensitivity). Among the specific elements of product quality, product consistency has the strongest driving force, 19.8%, followed by technical characteristics, ease of use and finished product range, 18.4%, 4.9% and 3.0% respectively; Among the service related characteristics, the speed and reliability of delivery have the strongest driving effect, 7.8%, followed by technical support and application, rapid service and response, product innovation and technical information provision, indicating that the importance of its driving ability is 6.8%, 6.5%, 3.7% and 2.3%; Among the promotion related factors, the company's reliability driving ability is the strongest, with the importance of 6.9%, followed by personal relations and IS09001 certification, with the importance of 4.1% and 2.9% respectively. Therefore, product quality alone is to create and deliver excellent customer perceived value. It is necessary to deeply understand customers and their preferences, continue to interact with customers, identify the key drivers of customer value and their dynamic changes, and clearly know how customers consider gains and losses when purchasing products. It is necessary to find out what is the most important value field for customers, and investigate what factors affect these value fields. If the enterprise truly studies the value of target customers, it will help the enterprise to cultivate its own core competitiveness.
3. Concentrate resources on key value areas
From the above analysis, we can see that enterprises can find out the key factors that need to be improved from two aspects: on the one hand, by understanding which are the key factors Customer value driven factor; On the other hand, by comparing with competitors Value driven The relative position of. The last thing an enterprise needs to do is to invest resources in a key value field where it has the most competitive advantage. Average investment in products or services will not result in equal output. In this way, enterprises can optimally allocate their own Strategic resources To maximize customer value. Therefore, it is very important for enterprises to concentrate resources on key areas to cultivate and improve core competitiveness.
4. Utilization Value chain Realize the competitive advantage of the alliance
because Social division of labor The coordination and connection between industries become more and more important as they become more and more refined. The intensification of competition makes it difficult for enterprises to reflect their competitive advantages when they fight alone, so enterprises must cooperate with their suppliers and distribution channel Establish close value chain relationship to realize the competitive advantage of the alliance. Enterprise value chain It is not only interconnected internally, but also connected with its suppliers and distributors Channel value chain Closely related. Therefore, the activities of supply and sales channels affect the costs and benefits of enterprises, and also affect enterprises to maximize customer perceived value. Enterprises can use the vertical links between value chains to strengthen their cooperation with suppliers and distributors, which can improve the overall value of customers and reduce Customer purchase cost To maximize customer perceived value. Therefore, the difference between competitors' value chains is Enterprise core competitiveness One of the key sources of customer perceived value system is to use value chain to achieve network competitive advantage.
5. Cultivate the ability of resource integration
After identifying and understanding the expected value of target customers, enterprises must integrate their tangible and intangible resources social resources To ensure the realization or promotion of customer value. The integration of enterprise resources can be started from the following aspects: human resources Through the integration of human resources, enterprises should select and cultivate staff with keen market awareness and strong customer awareness. At the same time, enterprises should also be people-oriented, because only enterprises that treat employees well can treat customers well; Organizational resources To transform the management organization system of the enterprise and introduce a flat management mode, so as to achieve fewer levels, faster information transmission Management range Large and relatively loose control purpose; Enterprise assets and Social assets We can better realize customer value by forming complementary alliances among enterprises and giving full play to their respective advantages. [2]