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Gu Dashen

Jinshi in the ninth year of Shunzhi
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Gu Dashen (1620 -?), whose real name is Yong, has the word "earthquake pheasant" and the name "see mountain", [1 ] It is also called Kanzhai. [2 ] Jiangnan Huating (now Songjiang, Shanghai) people. Chinese officials, poets, painters [1 ] Water conservancy experts. [2 ]
In the ninth year of Shunzhi's reign (1652), Gu Dashen was a Jinshi, appointed as the head of the Ministry of Works, promoted to be a doctor, and worked separately on the river course of Xiazhen Town. In the 12th year of Kangxi (1673), Tao Min was appointed as a minister, and later died in the office. [1 ]
Gu Dashenggong is good at painting and calligraphy, and is good at landscapes. It is far from Dong and Ju, and close to Fahua Pavilion. It is specially designed and colored. He is also good at poetry, which is profound and beautiful. He has a long ancient and modern style and is full of spirit. Taste three hundred inscribed poems and selected poems of Chu, named "The Source of Poetry". He also wrote "Kanzhai Poems Collection" and "Hechao Yuefu", and his paintings such as "Living in Autumn Mountain" have been handed down to this day. [3 ]
Quaking pheasant
Jianshan, Kanzhai
Qing Dynasty
one's native heath
Key achievements
True name
Gu Dashen


Gu Dashen, the 15th year of Chongzhen (1642), and Wang Guangxin Peng Bin and others established a "gift club" in the county. In the ninth year of Shunzhi's reign (1652), Renchenke was awarded the title of Jinshi Ministry of Work The main task is to supervise the administration of Jiangning and Lusheng. Shunzhi 14th Year (1657) Branch Xiazhen River He saved public funds to build a town. He also donated salaries to establish the Lianghu Academy, which was accepted by everyone. The 18th year of Shunzhi's reign (1661) Write off the case After taking another look at the mistake, he moved left to Shuntian Mansion to pass the sentence. Later, Ding You dismissed Ren Guili, served the Que, and ordered his officials to be reinstated. The Second Year of Kangxi (1663) and Song Zhengyu They jointly compiled Songjiang Prefecture Annals, and classified water conservancy, military defense, and literary gardens. In the ninth year of Kangxi's reign (1670), Suzhou and Shaoxing suffered from floods, and the authorities adopted their suggestions to ease the flood Loujiang Wujiang, Songjiang, solve the flood. In the 12th year (1673), he left Taomin Road in Shaanxi Province and died in an official position.

Personal achievements


Life Introduction

In 1653, Mie's "Xiaoxiang White Cloud Painting" was imitated
Dashen has been an official for more than 20 years. He has been diligent, capable, conscientious and economical, especially proficient in water conservancy, and has made outstanding achievements. He has accumulated more than 10 years to write 13 volumes of Annals of Rivers and Channels and 28 chapters of Atlas. In his life, he was erudite and fond of words and poems. Shen Deqian The Collection of Poems of the Qing Dynasty praised it. Try to collect Mao's poems, Chu Sao poems, selected poems and Tang poems. He wrote eight volumes of Kanzhai Poems and twenty-five volumes of the original poems, which are parallel to the collection of crane nests and the music of crane nests.
"Mozi Jiuxi Mountain Pavilion Painting"


Great Shen is good at painting and calligraphy, which is regarded as the aftereffect of Yunjian Sect. Painted landscape, far teacher Dong Yuan Juran Huang Gongwang Wang Meng , near France Dong Qichang , but some fusion; The strokes are vigorous, the ink is incisive, and the color is good. It is Xiaoran and far from vulgar, which is the later strength of Songjiang School of Painting. Works handed down from generation to generation include《 Qiuri Mountain Residence 》、《 Old Pine Waterfall 》、《 Map of Cold Forest and High Scholar 》Etc.

Build Zuibai Pool

Shanghai Songjiang Zuibaichi
Drunken White Pool Located in Shanghai Songjiang District Renmin South Road Founded in 1644, it is the place where Dong Qichang, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, sang wine, and where celebrities and scholars often visit. In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1650 AD), Gu Dashen, the head of the Ministry of Works, rebuilt the famous garden "Zuibai Pool" in the south of the Yangtze River. Gu Dashen admired Bai Juyi very much and was often intoxicated with the beautiful artistic conception of Bai Juyi's poems, so he also imitated the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty Han Qi In his later years, Bai Juyi, a poet admiring the Tang Dynasty, built Zuibaibai Hall to enjoy drinking and chanting poems, and named his garden "Zuibai Pool". After more than 300 years, Zuibai Pool still has ancient buildings such as halls, pavilions, pavilions, boats, pavilions, and so on, and it remains the same as the Ming and Qing dynasties Jiangnan Gardens Style and features. The garden is centered on a pool with towering ancient trees around the pool. The buildings, halls, pavilions and pavilions are well arranged. The grass hall spans the pool. The east of the hall is a Ming style Four Sided Hall The corridor and pavilion are close to the water and in the fish pond; Banners written by Dong Qichang, a famous painter in the corridor; There are 30 stone carvings in Bangyan Gallery, which have the official taste of 91 celebrities in Songjiang at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and have the meaning of returning to their roots《 Ten deer and nine heads 》Stone Carving, Youyuan Calligrapher Zhao Mengfu Books《 Song of the Red Cliff 》Stone carving, and Qing Dynasty Zheng Banqiao Books《 where ignorance is bliss , ti 's folly to be wise 》Stone carving, etc.

Representative poetry

[Drink Tai Liquor Restaurant and write after getting drunk]
Oh, too white! It should be in the inverted view of the floating blue sky and the immortal building of lotus and white jade. Take the cloud to hold the air and creep into the skip, and ride the dragon and the Han. It is hard for people to find Zhuxuan's embroidered arches around the city. Daizong has seen the green, the Yellow River is as clean as practice from the west, and seventy-two monarchs are flying. People who drink wine from the end of time, who sing wildly and live next to the sky, go to the temple to catch a brush of strength and anger. Whoever bears the salt tripod will enjoy the music of He Jizhen. Hold the song and watch the clouds, and forget yourself when you climb the stairs. The west wind and wild fire withered and the grass died. Now I lift up my hand and drink wine to ask for water. How can I wake up from the past and present? Why not go high and live in poverty, and take stars as wine money. Considering the sea water is always dry, we can drink freely on the top of the building and call the yellow crane back to the sky when drunk.