Han Meng School of Poetry

A School of Poetry Creation in the Middle Tang Dynasty
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"Han Meng Poetry School" It is a school of poetry creation in the mid Tang Dynasty Han Yu For leaders, including Meng Jiao Li He Lu Tong Ma Yi Liu Cha They advocate“ injustice provokes outcry ”They sang hard to express their anger, and exchanged views with each other to sing that they had abnormal aesthetic interests, "taking ugliness as beauty", taking shocking light as beauty, taking fatigue as beauty, and taking colorful as beauty. It shows a creative tendency of emphasizing subjective psychology and being strange and dangerous. Poetry forms a strange, hard and dangerous style. They strive to avoid familiarity in art, innovate and correct Dali poetic style It is smooth, weak and delicate. The new pursuit and new changes of this kind of poetry have actively promoted Flourishing Tang Dynasty Later, the development of the artistic realm of poetry.
In creation, the members of Han Meng School of Poetry except Du Fu In addition to Li Bai's conscious acceptance and admiration, he also took the initiative to absorb reasonable elements from Zen and Buddhist ideas and art, and regarded "heart" as the source of poetry creation. Their creation often shows the process of their own soul. They often integrate their feelings in real life with their fictional world. Their poetic imagination is strange and bizarre, often making people feel uncertain, jumping strange and inexplicable. The members of the Han Meng School of Poetry have also made great changes in language. They strive to "make statements". [1]
Chinese name
Han Meng School of Poetry
Representative poet
Han Yu, Meng Jiao, Li He
Tang dynasty
Poetic proposition
injustice provokes outcry
Representative works
"Farewell to Meng Dongye" Diao Zhang Ji

Formation background

Poetry developed to the mid Tang Dynasty in Zhenyuan and Yuanhe, and the poetic styles and schools were more complex and diverse. The voice of Li Bai and Du Fu in the flourishing Tang Dynasty resounded in the poetry world, and their brilliant achievements made it difficult for future generations to succeed. Therefore, successful poets strive to innovate. Bai Juyi once advocated New Yuefu Movement With the political depression of the poet in his later years, he quickly stopped fighting; The superficial and smooth poetic style of the Dali period should be quietly fanned and permeated in the poetry world with the languid bureaucracy. During this period, famous poets came forth in large numbers, and schools were divided. Poets focused on exploring new ways, exploring new techniques, and elucidating poetic theories. They created a large number of poems of various styles with innovative charm, demonstrating the vigorous landscape of the great change of Tang poetry in the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Han Meng Poetry School is the first group of poets to carry out this new change. [2]
It is the common life experience and experience of the members of the Han Meng School of Poetry that they suffered many difficulties, suffered from poverty and illness, and had a rough life. Han Yu lost both parents when he was young and moved north and south with his brother and sister-in-law; After his brother's death, he tried four times in the ceremony department and three times in the official department; After serving as an official, he was repeatedly demoted. Han Yu spent his life in ups and downs and melancholy. Meng Jiao's family is extremely poor and has been detained outside for years; After three attempts at the Ritual Department, he also had the joy of "being in high spirits", but his moral Liyang Wei was only paid half of his salary; One after another, there were only hunger, cold, depression, poverty, old age and death. Li He lost his father when he was young, and his family was in decline. He could not be promoted as a Jinshi because his name was taboo. He was even more disappointed by the humble official who served as a courtesan for three years. Finally, I had to spend a short period of twenty-seven years in poverty, sickness and sorrow. Jia Dao was a poor monk in his early years, and later drifted and wandered among friends; At the age of 44, he was deposed in the name of "ten evils"; It was not until his later years that he successively got the micro post of Puzhou Sicang joining the army. In his life, he also suffered from inconstancy, hunger, cold and poverty. Lu Tong had never been an official in his life. In his early years, he lived in seclusion and later drifted around. He was often trapped by poverty, disease, hunger and cold. The common life experience and experience made them feel sorry for each other, which is one of the important factors of Han Meng's poetry school. [2]

Formation process

The formation of Han Meng School of Poetry and its poetic style has a process. As early as 792 (the eighth year of Zhenyuan era), Meng Jiao, 42, went to Chang'an to take the imperial examination. Han Yuzuo, 24《 A song from a friend in Chang'an for Meng Jiao 》And《 Meng Shengshi 》As a gift, the two began to communicate, which laid the foundation for the rise of the poetic school in the future. Since then, members of the Poetic School have had two major gatherings: one was between 796 and 800 (the 12th and 16th years of the Zhenyuan era), Han Yu successively entered the Dongjin Curtain in Bianzhou and Zhang Jian Curtain in Xuzhou, and Meng Jiao, Zhang Ji and Li Ao came to visit; The other time was between 806 and 811 (from the first year of Yuanhe to the sixth year of Yuanhe), when Han Yu first served as Dr. Guozi in Chang'an and met with Meng Jiao and Zhang Ji; Later, the East Capital of the branch was Luoyang, and Meng Jiao, Lu Tong, Li He, Ma Yi, Liu Cha and Jia Dao came one after another, Zhang Ji Li Ao Huangfu Shi Time comes and time goes, so all members of the Poetic School can get together. These two gatherings are very important for the formation of the group style of Han Meng Poetry School. At the first gathering, the elderly Meng Jiao had basically formed his own unique poetic style, which had a significant impact on Han Yu who had not entered the poetry world for a long time; By the second gathering, Han Yu's poetic style had been fully formed, and his original new style and achievements had been recognized and emulated by poets of the same school, Meng Jiao Then he turned to accept Han Yu's influence. Through these two gatherings, the members of the Poetic School exchanged songs and praised each other, forming a common trend of aesthetic awareness and artistic pursuit. [3]

Poetic proposition


injustice provokes outcry

As a school of poetry, Han, Meng and others have clear theoretical propositions, first of all, the theory that "no peace is worth singing". On《 Send Meng Dongye Xu 》In the middle, Han Yu pointed out that "if something cannot be said smoothly, it will sing... So will people. If something has to be done, it will speak later, its songs will have thoughts, and its tears will also have feelings. If anything speaks out of the mouth, it will be said unpredictably!"
The so-called "inequality" mainly refers to the imbalance of people's hearts, emphasizing the expression of their feelings. It not only reveals the causes of creative activities, but also affirms a specific creative psychology, that is, the "uneven" mentality. This preface is specially written for Meng Jiao, who has been down and out of luck in his life and has never met his talents. In this preface, Meng Jiao is recommended with "good voice", so it is self-evident that he pays more attention to the "voice of misfortune" of the poor and plaintive people. On《 Jingtan Singing and Poetry Preface 》Han Yu further pointed out: "The voice of peace is weak, but the voice of melancholy should be wonderful; happy words are hard to work, but poor words are easy to be good. Therefore, articles are always written in the wilderness; even if princes and nobles are complacent and not good at performance, they can't think of it." Although the "voice of peace" and "voice of melancholy" here can be regarded as the voice of "injustice", Moreover, the so-called "happy words are difficult to work" does not mean that they cannot work, and "poor words are easy to work" does not mean that it must be good, but from the perspective of the law of literary creation, because the former was born in the hands of princes and nobles, and its life state is more ordinary and smooth, it is difficult to show the depth of "singing"; The latter has experienced hardships and hardships, and the "uneven" sound caused by the fierce collision between its vitality and resistance is easy to be heard and spread for a long time.
Another key point of the theory of "if not peaceful, then singing" lies in the special emphasis on the lyric function of poetry. Originally, Han Yu, as a great poet and writer, paid more attention to literature. He said that he was just a poet in his spare time(《 Hexi 82 rhyme 》)He clearly believes that his poems are just "strange words of gratitude, resentment and hatred" compared with his articles of "the purpose of the Six Classics" and "supporting trees to teach Taoism"(《 Shangzai photo album 》), "expressing sorrow, entertaining sorrow"(《 Book of Li Shilang from the Ministry of Military Affairs 》)Only. However, it is precisely because Han Yu did not equate poetry with literature that poetry avoided the fate of becoming a tool of Taoism and a political vassal, and was able to maintain its aesthetic character of "expressing sorrow, entertaining sorrow" and "gratitude, resentment and resentment". "Gratitude and resentment" means "injustice", and "expressing sorrow and amusement" means expressing this "injustice" without restriction and happily, which is called "being depressed in the middle but letting it out"(《 Send Meng Dongye Xu 》), refers to this situation. From this point of view, Han Yu's advocacy of "singing when not fair" is to advocate aesthetic emotional catharsis, especially the catharsis of "gratitude and resentment", which can be said to capture the lyric material of literature. [4]

Brush supplement nature

Another important point of view of the Han Meng School of Poetry is that "pen complements nature". use Li He In other words, it is "the pen makes up heaven's reactive power"(《 Gao Xuanguo 》)。 "The pen complements the nature" requires both creative poetic thinking and subjective judgment of objects. Meng Jiao appreciated the "black electricity flying in his hand, like a black spring flowing out of the sky. All things follow his direction, and three lights are the whirl"(《 Send cursive script to the donor and return to Mount Lushan 》)He believes that although "the form is restricted in the dust", he can "release the world with his heart", and use his own heart to trap the universe, so as to keep the law of "everything"(《 Reported to the Hanlin Zhang Sheren for his poems 》)。 On《 Gift to Professor Zheng Zimei 》He said, "The heaven and the earth enter into the mind and cry out for thunder.". The article is so subtle that I can cut it. Song Yu makes a big sentence, and Li Bai flies like a madman. If you are not a sage, which one is better than nature? What a great boldness it is to bring heaven and earth into the "mind" and "let me" to judge as much as possible! Only by giving full play to creative poetic thinking can we "cut" objects and create images of wind and thunder.
Like Meng Jiao, Han Yu also attaches great importance to his mind, courage and subjective judgment of objects(《 Several Coupled Sentences Sent to the Criminal Department of Meng in the Rain 》); "Carving is sharp, and searching for the wisdom network"(《 Yongxue presents Zhang Ji 》); "The scale is unfavourable, and the words are ingenious"(《 Answer Meng Jiao 》)。 As for the study of poetry and prose, as for "secluded and mysterious", the search for "intelligent network" is supplemented by "sculpture". In order to create meaning, choose words and sentences, we should try to avoid vulgarity and look for "Tianqiao", which shows Han Yu's creative orientation. Han Yu has also repeatedly stressed that writing should be "self establishing and non conformist"(《 Answer Liu Zhengfu's letter 》), we should be bold in innovation, and "go boldly"(《 Send no teacher to Fan Yang). He said, "If you want to ride and conquer monsters, why should fate break the plate?"(《 Wang Qiuzuo, President Yun Fu, the fourth brother of Zosimen Lu 》)This is not to "write to make up for nature", but to declare war on nature. Sikong Tu commented on Han Shiyun: "There are hundreds of songs and poems written by Han Li's Ministry, and their driving momentum is so powerful that if they set off thunder and electricity, they rush between heaven and earth, and their shapes change strangely, they have to be encouraged to take their breath."(《 Title Liu Liuzhou Collection Postscript 》)The formation of this style of Han's poetry cannot be ignored because of its innovative consciousness Poetic theory And the cultural trend of the Middle Tang Dynasty. [4]

Magnificent and strange wind

The Han Meng School of Poetry, while advocating the "brush to complement nature", also particularly advocates the beauty of majesty and strangeness. On《 Adjust Zhang Ji 》In a poem, Han Yu wrote: Li Du's articles are in full bloom... When I want to use my hand, the huge blade sharpens the sky... I would like to have two wings and chase out the eight wastelands. Spiritual communication suddenly, and strange things come into my intestines. Stab the hand to pull out the whale's teeth, and lift the dipper to drink the heavenly milk.
This poem is quite different from some critics who worshipped Du and suppressed Li at that time, and they gave the same high praise to Li and Du's poems. The end result of this praise is not in the ideological content of Li Du's poems, but in the unique language, magnificent momentum and artistic innovation of his poems "huge blade sharpens the sky". Therefore, the "communication" between Han Yu and Li Du's spirit is "all kinds of strange things come into my intestines". He wants to track Li Du, and his method is also here. The so-called "plucking whale's teeth" and "drinking Tianjiang" bring their boldness, strength, strange thinking and strange environment to the extreme, which is totally a phenomenon of unconstrained and transcending the secular world. This is an aesthetic orientation. Han Yu not only tried to practice it in his own creative practice, but also used it to examine, evaluate and praise the poems of other poets of the same school. He said that Meng Jiao's poem was "to observe the cave from ancient to modern times in the nether world, to chase the seclusion outside, to speak hard in the sky, and to arrange the bamboos properly"(《 Recommender 》); It is said that Jia Dao's poems are "crazy words pour out in a torrent of flowers, while low spirited words can see ease and misery. Tragic people become poor and strange, and often create insipidity"(《 Send no teacher back to Fanyang 》); It is said that Zhang Ji's poems are "articles that amuse oneself, while stones and stones collide with each other every day. The dragon and the hundred dendrobium tripods can be written independently"(《 Give Zhang 18 as a gift during illness 》); He said that his poems with Meng Jiao, Zhang Ji and others are "dangerous words can break the ghost's gall, and high words can rival the emperor's tombs"(《 Drunken gift to Secretary Zhang 》)。 Its focus is on the grandeur of power, the danger of words and the strangeness of creation. Although some of the above comments are not in line with the actual creation of poets, they highlight Han Yu's aesthetic thoughts; Although Han Yu also paid attention to the "appropriate" and "plain" side of poetry, because the focus of his ideas is on the magnificent, dangerous and strange, he often neglected the "appropriate" side.
Like Han Yu, most other members of the Han Meng School of Poetry also have an aesthetic orientation of advocating grandeur and weirdness. For example, Meng Jiao claims that he is a poet "ashamed of spring customs"(《 Reported to the Hanlin Zhang Sheren for his poems 》); Lu Tong said himself, "Recently, he likes to write poems, which is very novel and boring. He has suddenly created an ancient style and cut down the vulgarity."(《 To Master Hanxi 》); Liu Cha declared that "poetry is as bold as heaven"(《 ask oneself 》), "There are hundreds of articles about raw and astringent"(《 Answer Meng Dongye 》); Li He is even more interested in the structure of the secluded, strange, cold and beautiful poetic scene, which is both "writing to complement nature" and learning from the mind to make mistakes. Although these poets are limited by their own circumstances, their vision is not broad enough, and their materials are narrow. Most of them work hard on hard chanting, so that they are not grand enough and strange enough, and their poetic environment is mostly secluded and astringent. However, they have responded to Han Yu's proposition with their own aesthetic pursuit and creative practice, and strengthened the style characteristics with strange as the main feature. [4]

Take the article as the poem

In addition to pursuing the majestic and strange beauty of poetry, the Han Meng School of Poetry also innovated boldly, incorporating prose into poetry, integrating narration and discussion, and wrote a lot of "beautiful poetry, fluent prose, rhyme and prose, poetry and prose"( internationally known sinologist Jin Mingguan's first compilation of a series of manuscripts on Han Yu). Han Yu is a prominent representative in this regard. As a master of ancient prose, he is familiar with ancient prose rules, and his strange spirit and bold and unconstrained character also make him not accustomed to the shackles of poetry. Therefore, the formation of his poetic prose culture is mainly due to the use of prose, which is relatively free in expression, to tune into poetry and narrate and express feelings happily. Look at his famous song《 Mountain stone 》:
The mountain rocks are really small, and bats fly to the temple at dusk. Ascend to the hall and sit on the stairs with new rain feet. The banana leaves are big and gardenia is fat. The monk said that the Buddha on the ancient wall was well painted, and the fire was used to reflect what was seen. When I make the bed, brush the mat, and buy the soup and rice, the hard work is enough to satisfy my hunger. Deep at night, there are hundreds of insects lying in silence. The clear moon comes out of the mountain and shines into the sky. There is no way to go alone in the morning. It is very difficult to get in and out of Gaoxia. The mountain red streams are green and brilliant, and the pine beams are all around. When the stream barefoot steps on the brook stone, the sound of water stirs the wind and blows clothes. Life is so self defeating, it's not necessary to be human. Alas for the second and third sons of our party, they will never return again until they are old!
The whole poem is in a single line, without even sentences, and is not sculpted. According to the time sequence, the poet's whereabouts are shown in an orderly narrative. In terms of structural arrangement, on the one hand, the scenery is colored with rich colors, and on the other hand, the feelings are expressed with light strokes. The colors are mixed with each other, which is natural and clear. A sense of freedom to get rid of the earthly cage and completely relax, and a subjective spirit to break away from the constraints of rhythm and pursue the original beauty of poetry are filled between the lines, like prose, but very poetic.
Han Yu not only constructs his poems with prose structure, but also uses a large number of prose syntax with scattered length in his poems, trying to melt the boundaries between poetry and literature. Five character poem《 Fudu City South 》It is "a dragon and a pig"《 Long officials 》The "relocation of criminals"《 Xie Ziran's Poems 》"Cultivating in textile"《 Nanshan Poetry 》The "heavy snow"; Seven character poem《 Sent to Hongnan District 》"I can't fatten my way", "When I leave, it seems like an opportunity", "The Kunlun Mountains where Jueyi prisoners were drowned" and "Although I want to regret my tongue, I can't touch it" in Luhun Mountain Fire, all of them deliberately distort the syntax, making the language momentum and rhythm sluggish, which is totally different from the two lower three types of traditional five character poetry and the four lower three types of seven character poetry. Another example《 Sad for Dong Shengxing 》:
The Huai River flows out of Tongbai Mountain, and it can't rest for thousands of miles. The Feishui River flows out of its side, not thousands of miles, but hundreds of miles into the Huaihe River. There was Anfeng in Shouzhou County. During the Zhenyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, Dong Sheng, a county man, lived in seclusion and did justice in it.
Free from the constraints of rhythm, rhythm and symmetry, it completely breaks the round, fluent, harmonious and symmetrical characteristics of poetry. It is novel, obscure and strange in form, and the prose trend is more obvious.

Put comments into poetry

stay Writing into poetry At the same time, Han Yu also ignored the tradition of emphasizing image, comparison and interest in classical poetry, and frequently made great comments in his poetry, directly expressing his views on life and society, forming the characteristic of "comments into poetry". Recommender 》、《 Drunken gift to Secretary Zhang 》、《 Bian Si Exchange Presents Zhang Buse 》There are many comments in his poems, such as Xie Ziran's Poems, which contains 36 sentences《 Presented to Hou Xi 》"It's time to have Han Zi" The following 14 sentences are almost all comments. Some of these comments are full of worries and resentment, with strong semantics and can't write by themselves; Some are purely preaching, replacing the image with philosophy, which is boring to read. For example, some comments are lyrical, concise, free and easy, which are enough to withstand the whole poem. Naturally, they are indispensable.

representative figure


Han Yu

Han Yu He was a very important litterateur in the Middle Tang Dynasty and ancient China. On the one hand, he has a large number of outstanding poetry and prose works, on the other hand, as a writer [5] Leaders, making friends with literary friends and supporting the backward, formed a literary group around him and set off an influential new poetry trend.
Han Yu has more than 300 poems today, the most remarkable feature of which is the bold and unconstrained style of poetry. Most of his poems are grand and magnificent, which has changed the delicate and weak phenomenon in the poetry world since Dali. Secondly, he intended to break the traditional expression of poetry by using strange words, creating obscure sentences, and embodying dangerous rhymes. He imagined strange things, images, and ideas. It represents a style that has never existed before.
Another creation of Han Yu is“ Take the article as the poem ”That is to introduce materials and techniques that have not been or are not suitable for poetry into poetry. For example, some means of expression, structural methods and language forms of prose are used in poetry; Expand the length of poetry with a vast system like prose; The poetry is structured by laying out the analogy of Han Fu; The language breaks the symmetry, balance, harmony and mellowness, and makes the regularized poetry return to the ancients, and the whole text is single line. This has a great impact on the prose and argumentation of later poetry, especially Song poetry.

Meng Jiao

Meng Jiao And Han Yu Syndication“ Meng Shi and Han Bi ”He is famous for his painstaking recitation of poems, most of which are in the ancient style of five characters. In art, it pays attention to creating words and refining characters, and pursues the unique and extraordinary conception. With Han Yu《 Epitaph of Mr. Zhenyao 》It is very dangerous and difficult to pull out the stomach and kidney.
Meng Jiao was born in poverty, suffered misfortune, and was down in official career, so his poems mostly wrote about his own poverty and loneliness. Such as a series of poems《 Fifteen autumn poems 》、《 Answering friends to give charcoal 》Etc; What is commendable is that some poems not only reflect the difficult circumstances and resentment of the middle and lower class scholars, but also reflect the broader social life through personal destiny, such as revealing the inequality between rich and poor, the great disparity between happiness and hardship, and criticizing the ugly phenomenon in social interpersonal relationships. Such as《 Common people in the cold region chant 》By means of sharp contrast, it shows the two different lives of the poor people and the rich family on the night of cold land, profoundly reveals the sad mood and desperate situation of the poor people, and accuses the rich people of extravagance and extreme desire, with intense emotions of grief and indignation. The metaphor is novel and imaginative.
Meng Jiao also has some ordinary works, such as《 Wanderer's chant 》。 In the poem, the details of sewing are used to express the loving mother's love for the wandering children, which is simple, natural, kind and moving. It also compares the relationship between mother and son with sunshine and inch grass, which is meaningful. The whole poem is approachable, fresh and smooth. It shows the strong and honest human feelings in the simple and plain, so it is widely read and has the reputation of "poetry goes with ships".


Meng Jiao
Jia Dao and Meng Jiao are both famous for their bitter chants. Su Shi said that "the suburbs are cold and the island is thin"(《 Sacrificing willow jade inscription 》)It means that their poems are full of sadness and desolation, and their poetic style is lonely and desolate, cold and cramped. This is related to his depressed and introverted personality. There are more than 300 five character poems out of 370.
Jia Dao's poems mostly express poverty and sadness, loneliness and solitude, with narrow themes. Most poems are based on casting words and refining sentences, lacking complete ideas, so there are good sentences and few good articles. Twilight over the mountain village 》In the first song, "strange birds crow in the wilderness, and the setting sun fears pedestrians" are two lines. They write about the hard road, travel and melancholy, which can be seen out of words. There are also heroic works, such as《 Swordsman 》"After ten years of sharpening a sword, the frost blade has not been tested. Today, I will show you. Who is wrong?"《 Seeking out Hermit without success 》A poem, like flowing clouds and flowing water, is one of the better works.
Jia Dao became more and more famous in his later years. His inner oppression, injustice and abnormal behavior were echoed by some poets in the late Tang Dynasty, and the pain of writing poetry was even more imitated by them. Its influence lasted until the end of the Song Dynasty.
Similar to Jia Dao's poetic style is Yao He, known as "Yao Jia". He once taught martial arts as the master book“ Yao Wugong ”。 More poems are given as gifts, and a few works reflect current affairs and people's livelihood. He is good at depicting the depression and desolation of desolate counties and remote towns. His representative works are《 Wugong County Middle School 》Thirty songs.

Li He

Li He He is the descendant of the declining royal family, and calls himself "the descendants of the Tang Dynasty" and "the descendants of the Tang Dynasty". With such a background and an early poetic reputation, Li He has a high opinion of himself and is full of romantic ideals. However, his family had long been in decline, and his family was quite poor. In addition, because his father's name was "Jin Su", which was homophonic to "Jinshi", he could not take the Jinshi exam. His ideal and ambition were soon shattered by the relentless reality, and he experienced more of the bitterness of life than ordinary people. His spirit was always in extreme depression. Melancholy and indignation permeate most of Li He's poems.
Li He
Li He has more than 200 poems today, all of which were written with disgust. Starting from personal destiny, feeling, experiencing and confronting the oppression of nature and society on people, and thinking about the most basic and important issues of life, such as human destiny, life and death, are the most important contents of Li He's poems, which show a deep sense of life. Sometimes he even pinned his hope of relieving pain on the ethereal world of gods and ghosts, and expressed his pursuit and depression in various forms, such as Dream of Heaven and Autumn. These poems are often mixed with a strong sense of sadness and strange personality characteristics.
Although Li He has few poems reflecting political current events, there are also works that expose the cruelty and immorality of the ruling class and reflect the sufferings of the people's livelihood. Such as《 Golden and Bronze Immortal's Song of Farewell to Han Dynasty 》、《 Haoge 》They exposed and criticized the rulers' ignorance of superstition in seeking immortals; I pick jade songs 》、《 Five satirical songs 》First, it reflects the social reality of the great disparity between rich and poor. All of them expressed the poet's feelings about reality or his own life experience to varying degrees. However, due to the limitations of experience, the reflection of reality is not deep and broad enough.
Li He's poems are rich in color, strange in imagination, cold in mood, unique in conception, and full of romantic color. They are unique in the poetry world of the Middle Tang Dynasty, known as "Changjiti". His poems have strange themes, draw on myths and legends, historical stories, gallop imagination, and construct a strange and mysterious artistic realm. Even the themes of daily life in his writing are totally out of the ordinary. Such as《 Li Ping's harp lead 》He warmly praised Li Ping's exquisite skills in playing the harp, described and exaggerated the magical artistic charm of music, full of romantic color, and was a masterpiece of music description in classical poetry. Yanmen Taishouxing 》With novel ideas and full images, the author uses strong words to depict the tense and solemn battle scenes, forming a colorful picture, which is rare in such poems. Golden and Bronze Immortal's Song of Farewell to Han Dynasty 》Through the historical story of the golden and copper immortals moving away from Chang'an, it expresses the feelings of the rise and fall of the Han and Wei dynasties, and blends the feelings of social reality and their own life experiences into it. The poet imagined the sad scene and desolate atmosphere when the Bronze Man said goodbye to the Han Palace, which was very lifelike, novel and romantic. Heaven is as old as heaven ”In a word, it is a famous sentence passed down through the ages. I pick jade songs 》With unique theme, novel imagination and romantic color, Li He closely combines scenery depiction with psychological depiction, which also reflects Li He's unique unique and cool artistic style.
Li He's poetry is characterized by its unique creative thinking, imaginative exaggeration beyond the reality, the creation of a large number of illusory images, the strange and steep choice of words and sentences, and the creative use of synaesthesia, metaphor and other rhetorical devices. Such as crying, ghost, cold, death and other cold and beautiful words. Imagine that clouds are running water in the Tianhe River, so they can also make the sound of running water: "The Tianhe River turns to float back to the stars at night, and Yinpu Liuyun learns from the sound of water."(《 Celestial ballad 》)The sun is as bright as glass, so it can also sound like glass: "The sound of Xihe knocking on the sun is like glass."(《 The King of Qin drank 》)
Li He inherited the tradition of Chuci and was called "Miao descendant of Sao". He was also influenced by Bao Zhao, Li Bai, Han Meng and other poets. Compared with Han Yu and Meng Jiao, Li He pays more attention to the excavation of the inner world, and pays more attention to the expression of inner emotions, feelings and even illusions, opening up a new realm for classical poetry. And had a more direct impact on the style of poetry in the late Tang Dynasty. However, its defects are also obvious. Its content is narrow, its mood is too low, and its single-minded pursuit of strange and dangerous things brings about the malady of lack of thinking.

Meaning influence

From“ injustice provokes outcry ”The Han Meng School of Poetry has formed a set of systematic poetry creation theories from the perspective of cutting down objects, looking at the sky and improving nature, to clearly putting forward the magnificent and strange aesthetic ideal. It has broken through the traditional poetry education that attaches too much importance to human morality and gentleness. It has shifted from focusing on the social function of poetry to focusing on the lyrical characteristics of poetry, to focusing on the inner revelation of the creative subject and the display of artistic creativity Poetic theory It is a phenomenon worthy of attention in history. [4] In the way of opposing tradition and making innovations, Han Yu has made outstanding contributions and made due achievements. He controls poems with great courage, endowing poems with unprecedented strength and surreal color; He carved words and sentences, pursued danger and novelty, and created a large number of dangerous and strange images unique to him; His unique position in the poetry world of the Middle Tang Dynasty is demonstrated by his writing into poetry, his comments into poetry, and his poetic style. Qing people Ye Xie Original poem 》Well said: "Han Yu is one of the great changes in Tang poetry. His power is great, and he is the originator of the rise." In fact, Han Yu's "rise" and its "great change" in Tang poetry not only had a great impact at that time, but also had a profound impact on the poetry creation of later generations, especially the Song people. Of course, while breaking the tradition, we must also establish new norms. This kind of norms, Han Yu, has not been established in his poetry, but compared with his prose, is still incomplete. For example, the deliberate innovation of words and sentences leads to obscure meanings, the lack of simple selection of poetic materials leads to too ugly and grotesque images, and the extensive use of prosaic sentence patterns and philosophical comments has damaged the beauty of rhythm and image of poetry to a certain extent. All these have not only had a negative impact on the poetry creation of later generations, but also caused criticism from later generations. For a reformer in the poetic world and a pioneer of new poetic style, this is probably unavoidable.