Korean won

Legal Currency of the Republic of Korea
zero Useful+1
synonym South Korean won (Korean currency) generally refers to Korean currency
KRW is Republic of Korea Legal tender, Basic unit It's Korean won. Korean Monetary unit It is "원", the Chinese character is written as "Yuan" or "Yuan", and the pinyin is expressed as "WON" (₩). Sometimes the old name "Yen" (원, Won) is also used. International Organization for Standardization ISO 4217 The standard code is set as KRW. [1]
Chinese name
Korean won
Foreign name
Basic unit
South Korean won
Notes Coin
Currency symbol

Korean won symbol

In Chinese, the old name "Yuan" [Won] is sometimes used. It was a currency from 1953 to 1962, and from 1902 to 1910, Won [Won]. Issued by Bank of Korea, Bank of Korea. International Organization for Standardization ISO 4217 The standard code is KRW
Korean won (won) symbol: KRW. Korean currency Currency symbol Yes, that is WON.


There are two kinds of Korean currency: paper currency and coin. There are four kinds of banknotes: 1000 won, 5000 won, 10000 won and 50000 won, which can be easily distinguished according to the historical characters and colors printed on the banknotes. There are a total of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 6 coins Monetary Value There are four kinds of coins in circulation: 10 won, 50 won, 100 won and 500 won (10 won is the smallest unit).
Due to the high exchange rate of the Korean won, the circulation of 1 yuan and 5 yuan coins has been suspended since February 2001. June 23, 2009 Bank of Korea Bank of Korea A banknote with a face value of 50000 won (about US $40) was issued, which is the largest banknote issued by the country so far. The commonly used pronunciations "WON" and "HUAN" refer to the pronunciation of Korean coins in ancient times.

Korean won notes

Korean won notes
face value
1000 won
5000 won
10000 won
50000 won

Commemorative bank notes

Commemorative bank notes
Memorial theme
Commemoration of Pingchang Winter Olympic Games

Brief introduction to notes

1000 won: Tuixi Li Huang New version issued in 2007
5000 won: Kuriya Lear New version issued in 2006
10000 won: new version of King Sejong released in 2007
50000 won: new version of Shenshi Rentang was released in 2009
toegye Li Huang (1501-1570)
Li Chao, Korea idealism Philosopher, the main representative of Korean Zhu Zixue. Initial name Ruihong , words Jinghao Ji Hao , No toegye Tao Weng Retreat pottery and cool mountain people Zhenbao Man Posthumous title Literary purity Joseon Dynasty Gyeongsang Anton Wenxi, Fulian County (today Qingshang North Road Andong City). He has served as judge of Li Cao, review of art and literature museum, judge of Gongzhou, governor of Danyang, Dasicheng, Datixue and other officials. As he witnessed the disasters brought to the scholars by previous "scholar disasters", he wrote to the king for resignation on the pretext of being weak and old for many times. In his later years, he settled down in his hometown, established an academy in Tuixi, engaged in education and writing, and developed Zhu Xi Philosophy, and founded the Tuixi School, which is recognized as Korea Confucianism A magnate. It is called Dongfang Zhu Zi in Japan, and is influenced by the theory Seika Fujiwara To become a Confucian scholar. Author《 Back to the stream 》(68 volumes) "Zhu Zi Shu Jie Yao", "Enlightenment Biography", "Xin Jing Shi Lu", "Tian Gu Tu Shuo", "Si Duan Qi Qing Lun", etc.
Chestnut Valley Lear (1536-1584)
The sincerity philosophy of the Korean (Hao Li Gu) belongs to the philosophy of human nature theory. His Philosophical thought Generally, it does not go beyond the framework of Confucian classics, but contains rich practical ideas:
(1) Oppose secularism from Tao; Oppose the "empty words without truth" of the false Confucianists, and emphasize the practical and realistic approach characterized by direct practice and practice;
(2) People oriented Democratic thought;
(3) Emphasizing the national spirit of autonomy;
(4) Run through Social reform Thought;
(5) Philosophical Qi monism Li Gu is therefore considered North Korea Practical learning The founder of the theory. The practical learning thought was followed by Li Yuguang's "solid, solid politics, solid achievements" and "people are the king's heaven"; Liu Xinyuan "If the law is long, it will harm students"; Hong Darong "Sincerity"; Ding Ruoyong "Pasturing for the people" and other ideas have formed a certain influence.
King Shizong (1397-1450)
Shizong, whose full name is "English Ruiwuren Shengming Filial King", has the surname of Li Gui, with the word Yuanzheng. Before he ascended the throne, he was granted the title of Zhongning Grand King Li's The fourth generation king of Korea (reign: 1418-1450). Because of his great contribution to the country, later historians usually call him Shizong King. During his tenure Zheng Linzhi Ask in threes Shen Shuzhou Park Peng nian Cui Heng, Li Shanlao Li Kai And other famous scholars Korean The letter (Hangul, originally used Chinese in Korea) was issued in 1446 AD, and was popularized throughout the country. After the death of Shizong, the Ming Dynasty gave him the posthumous title of "Zhuang Xian" (Yan Jinglin called Zhuang; doing good deeds can be recorded as Xian).
Shin Saimdang (1504-1551)
She was a famous female calligrapher in the Li Dynasty of Korea, and she was also Li Gu Lear Her mother, with her virtue and intelligence as well as her outstanding accomplishments in calligraphy, painting and poetry, has become a model for Korean women. There are Representativeness There are Egrets in the Lotus Pond and Grapes《 Siniperca chuatsi Fish, eggplant, etc.

Korean Won Coins

Korean Won Coins
face value
10 won
50 won
100 won
500 won

Banknote characters


Li Huang

Korean Won 1000 Front design: Yi Huang, a Confucianist from Li Chao
The latest coin (151mm * 76mm) issued in 1983 has the design of Mr. Tuixi Li Hwang, a scholar representing South Korea, on the front, and Mr. Tuixi Li Hwang on the back, established for his disciples to improve their performance Taoshan Academy The pattern of.
Li Chao, Korea idealism Philosopher, Korea Zhu Zixue The main representative of. At the beginning, it was named Ruihong, with the words Jinghao and Jihao, and the names Tuixi, Taoweng and Tuido. North Korea Anton Wenxi people in Li'an County. He has served as Judge of Li Cao, Reviewer of Art and Culture Museum, Judge of Gongzhou, Governor of Danyang Sicheng , and other official positions such as the university. Because I have witnessed many times“ Scholar disaster ”As a result of the disasters brought to Shilin, he wrote to the king for resignation on the pretext of being weak and old many times. In his later years, he settled down in his hometown, established an academy in Tuixi, and engaged in education and writing. There are "Tuixi Collection" (68 volumes), "Zhuzi Book Festival", "Enlightenment Mystery", "Heart Sutra Interpretation", "Tianpao Tu Shuo", "Four Ends and Seven Emotions", etc.
Philosophically, Li Hwang opposed Israel Xu Jingde Represented by Materialism And rejected Buddhism and Wang Yangming's Subjective idealism , Chongxin Zhu Xi Of Objective idealism He believes that "reason" is the origin and master of the world. If there is no "reason", there will be no heaven and earth, human beings and all things, and nothing will exist. After all, he inherited Zhu Xi's idea that there was a "reason" before heaven and earth, that there was a "reason" before the monarch and his subjects, that there was a "reason" before the father and his son, and that there was a "reason" before the father and son, and that "reason" was regarded as a supernatural, time-space spiritual noumenon, while nature and the whole human society It is derived from "reason", but it is just the expression of "reason".
Li Hwang opposed Wang Yangming's theory of "unity of knowledge and practice" and believed in Zhu Xi's theory of "prophetic action". But he also believes that there are two kinds of human nature, namely, "natural nature" and“ Nature of temperament ”。 From "purity" and "purity refutation" of "temperament", there are "superior intelligence", "moderate people" and "inferior foolishness", that is, people with both "heavenly principles" and "knowledge and action" belong to "superior intelligence"; The person who is "contented but not enough" is a "middle man"; Those who "know ignorance and do evil" are "fools". Li Huang took this as the Li Dynasty feudal society ranking system Of rationality defend. At the same time, Li Hwang believes that although people have the gap of "temperament", the gap can be narrowed and can also reach the position of saints through continuous study and cultivation of individuals.
Li Hwang emphasized the opposition between "heavenly principles" and "human desires", and asked people to abandon "human desires" and obey "heavenly principles". In his opinion, "four ends and seven emotions" are different from "natural principles and human desires". "Four ends" are "heavenly principles", while "seven emotions" are different from "human desires". Because "seven emotions" include two possibilities of good and evil, and "human desire" must be "evil". "Natural justice" and "human desire" are completely opposite and cannot coexist. The purpose of studying and cultivating is to change "human desires" and restore "heavenly principles". Li Huang's view of "reason and desire" reflected the thoughts and interests of the feudal authorities in the Li Dynasty at that time.
Li Hwang's philosophical thought History of Korean Philosophy It has a profound impact on the development of Japanese Zhuzi School.
Li Tuixi is a household name in South Korea. In memory of this thinker, the Korean government printed his head on the 1000 yuan won of the third edition. In addition, Seoul Special city Zhonglu District There is also a retreat road in the north to commemorate him.


Korean Won 5000 The front design is still used Korean history Li Gu, the greatest scholar in the world Portrait painting And the birth place of Li Gu Ojukheon Pattern and bamboo Child. The pattern on the back is Lear The Painting of Grass and Insects by Shen Shi Ren Tang, his mother.


Shizong is famous for his mastery of Confucianism. KRW 10000 is designated as World Heritage Site The pattern of Shizong King, the creator of the training of the people, and the background pattern of Sun Moon Five Peaks and《 Song of Flying Dragon 》, the background pattern on the back is Armillary sphere and Optical celestial body Telescope and "Celestial Elephant Sequence Division Map".

Shin Saimdang

The front of the 50000 won note is printed with the portraits and works of Shen Rentang (1504-1551), a female painter of the Korean Dynasty《 Grape Painting 》, middle Korean Dynasty painter printed on the back Fish Dream Dragon The Moon Plum Blossom Painting by Li Zhen and the Wind Bamboo Painting by Li Zhen.



first edition

Was issued on August 14, 1975, and on May 12, 1993 Stop publishing Paper size is 163x73mm gravure The front side of the note is back to the stream Li Huang And Infinite flower As a symbol, the back is Taoshan Academy The pattern of.
Li Hwang and his people: Li Hwang was a famous scholar and scholar in the middle of the Korean era, and he was also the main advocate of the "theory of mutual development of reason and qi" at that time. He was born in 1501 and died in 1570. Taoshan Academy was specially built by Li Hwang in 1574 for teaching and academic research. In 1575, Taoshan Academy was renamed as "Ci'e Academy" by the emperor of that dynasty.

Second edition

It was issued on June 11, 1983 and is still being issued. The paper specification has been changed, which is 151x76mm, and is intaglio printed. The back of the note is still the pattern of Taoshan Academy, and the front is still symbolized by the head of Li Hwang in Tuixi. The difference is that the infinite flower in the front version has become Pitcher
The difference between the second edition and the first edition is that the original version of the first edition is Made in Japan The original version of the second edition was made by the Korean Mint and used anti-counterfeiting techniques

Third edition

It is also the latest edition. It was released on January 22, 2007. The paper specification is 136x68 and it is intaglio printed. The designs on the front and back of the paper currency have also changed. The head of Li Hwang and Minglun Hall The pattern is mainly the "picture of peaceful living on the stream" on the back. Ming Lun Tang was built in Seoul during the Korean Dynasty Chengjun Hall A lecture hall set up in the school or local school for students to study together. The picture of peaceful residence on the stream is a realistic picture of Tao Mountain.
The manufacturing method of the third edition of thousand yuan notes follows the "new anti-counterfeiting notes" published on April 18, 2005 bank notes The issuing plan has changed the specifications and patterns of banknotes and adopted a large number of cutting-edge anti-counterfeiting technologies.

Stopped sending

The South Korean government originally planned to issue 100000 won notes at the beginning of 2009, because there was only 100000 won notes with patterns on the back—— Kim Jong ho Of《 Dadongyu Map 》Mark in Dokdo (Japan called it "Takeshima") The issue had sharp differences and decided to temporary interruption 100000 won note issuance plan. The Korean government originally decided that the front design of the 100000 won note was Bai Fan Jin Jiu The back of the portrait is Dadongyu Map. However, the fact that Dokdo is not marked in Dadongyu Map becomes a problem.
Japan announced in textbooks in July 2008 Dokdo After the sovereignty, the South Korean government proposed that Dokdo should be included in the "Dadongyu Map", the pattern of the new paper currency. The debate on this issue lasted for three months.
It is reported that, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Others said: "Joining Dokdo, which is not included in the original map, will cause diplomatic problems due to the dispute over authenticity." However, some people pointed out that "considering the national sentiment, we must join Dokdo." Others proposed "using other maps marked with Dokdo" and "using the third pattern", but it was not adopted.
It is reported that some conservative groups oppose the use of Jin Jiu The portrait of Mr Park Chung hee This has also had an impact.
Blue tile terrace A core person in charge said: "The government thinks it is difficult to make a decision, so it requires Bank of Korea It temporarily suspended the issuance plan of 100000 won notes before drawing a definite conclusion on the pattern problem. "
The person in charge said: "Credit cards and Home Bank The use of 100000 won cheques has increased significantly recently, so the use of 100000 won cheques has continued to decrease. In addition, it is also considered that 100000 won notes may be used for illegal purposes such as bribery or receiving political funds. "

Old banknotes
