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Non quick assets

Inventories, long-term investments due within one year, deferred expenses, losses of current assets to be disposed, etc
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Current assets can be divided into quick assets and non quick assets according to their liquidity. Generally speaking, if not specified, inventories are generally regarded as non quick assets, and the current assets minus inventories are regarded as quick assets. Non quick assets refer to those assets, expenses, losses, etc. that are not ready for quick realization or cannot be realized quickly current assets
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Non quick assets
Quick assets and non quick assets
Deferred expenses Not available for sale and realization

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Uncertainties in the time and quantity of realization of non quick assets
The realization time and quantity of non quick assets are highly uncertain:
① The liquidation speed of inventory is much slower than that of receivables; Some inventories may have been lost and scrapped but not disposed of, or have been mortgaged to a creditor and cannot be used to repay debts; There are many methods for inventory valuation, which may differ greatly from the realized amount.
Deferred expenses It cannot be sold for cash.
③ Due within one year Non current assets And others current assets The amount of is contingent and cannot represent the normal liquidity.
Cash ratio=(monetary capital+trading financial assets)/current liabilities