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Nonlinear modulation

Implementation mode of modulation technology
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Nonlinear modulation is modulation technique A way of implementing, and Linear modulation Correspondence.
The essential difference between nonlinear modulation and linear modulation is that linear modulation does not change the original spectrum structure of the signal, while nonlinear modulation changes the original spectrum structure of the signal.
In addition, nonlinear modulation often occupies a wide bandwidth.
Chinese name
Nonlinear modulation
Higher anti-interference ability

Implementation mode

Common nonlinear modulation mainly includes:
frequency modulation (FM), narrowband Frequency modulation (such as civil interphone) and broadband frequency modulation (FM broadcasting) belong to the category of nonlinear modulation.
Frequency shift keying FSK ), commonly used for automatic control Wireless data transmission
MSK, GMSK, etc.


As mentioned earlier, nonlinear modulation usually occupies a wide range of bandwidth And the bandwidth actually occupied by the Modulation coefficient influence.
It can be seen that nonlinear modulation has higher anti-interference Ability.
In addition, at the receiving end, it can be filtered by limiting amplitude and other means channel The interference generated enables nonlinear modulation to obtain higher anti-interference capability.