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Unskilled labor

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Unskilled labor is“ skilled labor ”Symmetry of. The labor of workers who are inexperienced and inexperienced in the same work. In the same time, unskilled labor produces fewer products than skilled labor, with poor quality and more labor consumed per unit product. In the department producing the same kind of products, there is a social average labor proficiency, which is determined by Socially necessary labor time One of the factors. If the labor proficiency of the producer is lower than the average labor proficiency of the society, when other factors remain unchanged, the individual labor cost of his product will be higher than the social necessary labor cost; On the contrary, the opposite is true. [1]
Chinese name
Unskilled labor
Dictionary of Finance and Economics
In social production, there are often many workers engaged in the same kind of work. There are differences in their production experience and production technology, that is, the labor proficiency is different, so the cost of producing products of the same quantity and quality is Individual working hours It is also different. The output of skilled workers is higher than that of unskilled workers when they produce the same kind of products in unit time; Skilled workers spend less time producing unit products than unskilled workers.