Battle of Jingnan

The battle between Yan King Zhu Di and Jianwen Emperor for the throne
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The battle of Jingnan, also known as the change of Jingnan, is Writing From the first year (1399) to the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), the Ming ruling class fought for the throne.
Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty When Zhu Yuanzhang was in power, he enfeoffed his children and grandchildren to various places tetrarch The power of vassals was expanding day by day. Because the prince Zhu Biao Early death, Hong Wu In the 31st year (1398), Huang Taisun Zhu Yunwen Succession is Emperor Jianwen. Emperor Jianwen and his trusted ministers Qitai Huang Zicheng And adopted a series of measures to cut the barriers. At the same time, troops were deployed around Peiping and inside the city. In the name of defending the border, the fourth son of the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, King Yan Zhu Di Our elite guards were sent out to guard outside the Great Wall, ready to be cut off King of Yan
In the first year of Jianwen (1399), Zhu Di raised an army to resist, and then moved south, known as the "battle of Jingnan" in history. Emperor Jianwen used veteran generals Geng Bingwen In the Northern Expedition Li Jinglong The crusade continued, but Emperor Jianwen also lacked strategies, resulting in the main force being constantly wiped out. Zhu Di attacked at the right time and flexibly used his strategy. After several wars, he wiped out the main force of the southern army, and finally marched into the imperial capital in the fourth year of Jianwen (1402) Should days (Today Nanjing [1]
The war lasted four years (1399-1402). During the war, Emperor Jianwen's whereabouts were unknown, or he burned himself to death in the palace, or he fled through the tunnel and hid in Yunnan and Guizhou as a monk. In the same year, Zhu Di ascended the throne for the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty.
After Zhu Di entered Nanjing, he killed the generals who had advised Zhu Yunwen and refused to surrender. Qitai Huang Zicheng Fang Xiaoru Lian Zining cndi Were killed successively [176-177] The battle of Jingnan caused considerable damage to the newly recovered social economy at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, especially in the areas where the war was fierce. The damage was even greater, forming a situation of "grass growing north of the Huaihe River". [2]
Overview Map Source: Atlas of Ancient Chinese History [3]
Battle of Jingnan
Time of occurrence
August 6, 1399 to July 13, 1402
Beiping, Shandong, Beizhili, Jianghuai, Nanjing, etc
Ming Army (Southern Army), Jingnan Army (Yan Army, Northern Army)
Zhu Dijun Takes the Capital Division Nanjing , ascend the throne of God
Principal Commander
Zhu Di Zhang Yu Zhu Neng Geng Bingwen Li Jinglong

War background


Taizu enfeoffment

In April of the third year of Hongwu (1370), Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang In order to ensure the long-term stability of the Ming Dynasty, try every way to strengthen the power of the royal family itself. The specific method is Enfeoffment All men are kings. He granted twenty-five members of the imperial family (24 sons and one grandson) the title of tetrarch , stationed in the northern border and strategic places throughout the country, and wanted to come through them Ping Fan a royal house. Zhu Yuanzhang once said, "The world is so big that it must build a screen of vassals, defend the country at the top, and secure the people at the bottom. Now all the sons are long, and it is advisable to have their own knights and towns." [4] From the national perspective, these vassals mainly fall into two categories: one is the belly, and the other is the frontier fortress. The granted kings set up royal houses in their own fiefs, and set up official subordinates. Their status was quite high. The dukes, marquises and ministers had to bow down and pay homage to the prince when they saw him.
Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty
In the early Ming Dynasty, every vassal had the military command power in addition to food and stone. The vassal set up a prince's guard and commander's department in the royal palace, with three guards under his command. The number of guards is less than 3000 and more than 19000. Nine Saiwang (Liao, Ning, Yan, Gu, Dai, Jin, Qin, Qing, Su) due to defense Mongolia It is a heavy task for nobles to invade, so there are many guards. The Fourth Emperor of Peiping, the King of Yan Zhu Di 100000 troops, Daning The seventeen sons of the emperor King Ning Zhu Quan "Eighty thousand with armour, six thousand with leather cars". [5] They are responsible for building the city in the frontier fortress Tuntian Training generals, patrolling key points, and supervising the manufacture of weapons. King of Jin The King of Yan went to the fortress for many times to fight and defeat the army of the remnants of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, which was especially valued by the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. All the generals in the army were controlled by him. He even ordered the Second King's army to break off minor matters and report major events to the imperial court. In particular, Zhu Di, the Yan King, was ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang to "control the soldiers and horses along the border" because of his outstanding achievements [6]
The expansion of the vassal power is bound to pose a threat to the central government. When Zhu Yuanzhang granted great titles to the kings, he was the leader of Pingyao County Ye Boju He pointed out that the vassals were too powerful and could not be defeated after several generations. If we cut down the vassals at that time, it might lead to the Han Dynasty“ The Seven Kingdoms Rebellion ”, Western Jin Dynasty“ Rebellion of the Eight Kings ”The tragedy of. Zhu Yuanzhang was reminded to "regulate the system of the capital, reduce its guards and limit its territory". Zhu Yuanzhang not only failed to listen to the advice, but put him in prison and died instead.
In the process of enfeoffment, Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that all the kings who were granted must leave the capital and become vassals in the fiefdoms. Princes are not allowed to communicate with each other. Even if they enter the imperial court, they cannot come at the same time. One king must leave Beijing before the other can leave. The purpose of Zhu Yuanzhang's action was to avoid all the kings connecting with each other and confronting the central government. Therefore, it can be said that all kings' surrender to vassals is "separation in life and death". However, Zhu Yuanzhang's painstaking efforts failed to receive the expected consequences.

The last words of "Jingnan"

Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, not only granted various princes as vassals, but also made a law about“ stabilize a dangerous situation ”Of. When Zhu Yuanzhang was in power, he was afraid of the usurpation of power by powerful officials, and stipulated that the vassal king had the right to ask for treacherous officials and raise troops from the central government《 Emperor Ming Zuxun [7] "There is no official in the court, and there are traitors and rebels in the court, so we must raise our troops to punish them. The emperor of the Qing Dynasty will side with us." Later Zhu Di took this as a reason to point out that Qitai Huang Zicheng As a traitorous minister, he must be punished and called his actions "Jingnan", which means that the disaster of Jingnan [8] Therefore, Zhu Di's slogan in the battle of Jingnan is "It's difficult to pacify the country when the monarch of Qing Dynasty is on his side".
Among them, "Jingnan" means: "Jingnan" means pacifying, sweeping and clearing up. "Jingnan" means to put an end to disasters, wars and treacherous ministers. However, one of the rules of Taizu is that the emperor should summon the vassal king before the vassal king can start the war, and the vassal king should leave Beijing within five days after the successful eradication of the traitors. So this is just an excuse for Zhu Di to seize the throne.

Causes of war


Jianwen ascends the throne

Zhu Yunwen
In the 25th year of Hongwu (1392), the Crown Prince Zhu Biao The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty appointed Zhu Biao as his second son Zhu Yunwen He is the great grandson of the emperor. Zhu Yunwen was deeply loved by Zhu Yuanzhang because of his "intelligent and studious nature and filial nature". Zhu Yuanzhang praised him for his "sincerity, purity and filial piety." [9] However, Zhu Yuanzhang was not very satisfied with the future succession of the "benevolent, soft and less broken" emperor's grandson. He once planned to replace the crown prince hanlin academician Liu Sanwu I didn't do this because of my admonition.
Nevertheless, Zhu Yuanzhang was still worried about Zhu Yunwen's succession. In the leap month of the 31st year of Hongwu (1398), Zhu Yuanzhang died of illness, and Zhu Yunwen, the emperor's grandson, became emperor. On his deathbed, Zhu Yuanzhang issued a posthumous edict, "The emperor's great grandson, Yunwen, is a kind and filial friend, and the whole world should return to their hearts, so that they can rise to the throne. Civil and military officials at home and abroad should work together to help our people in order to pacify our people", and "kings should not come to the capital when facing the country". [10]
Zhu Yunwen was enthroned as Emperor Huidi of the Ming Dynasty Writing Despite Zhu Yuanzhang's posthumous edict that all kings were not allowed to "enter and bury", Yan King Zhu Di still went straight to the capital (today's Nanjing )。 After hearing the news, Zhu Yunwen immediately sent someone to hold the imperial edict and ordered Zhu Di to return to Peiping (today's Beijing). Zhu Di was very unhappy about this. [11]

The vassal is powerful

When Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, the kings guarding the northern frontier had great power. King Ning Zhu Quan "Eighty thousand with armour, six thousand with leather cars". Zhu Di, the king of Yan, holds the heavy power to "control the soldiers and horses along the border". Zhu Yunwen was worried about these imperial uncles. In the first month of the first year of Jianwen (1399), soon after Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne, Zhu Di, the king of Yan, sent a long history Ge Cheng To serve the court. Zhu Yunwen then asked Ge Cheng about the Lord Yan's residence. Ge Cheng told him truthfully that he was sending him back to the Lord Yan's residence to act as his agent. When Ge Cheng returned to Lord Yan's residence, Zhu Di saw that he was not looking right. Then Zhu Di entered the court in person. Relying on his status as emperor uncle, he went straight to the imperial palace and did not worship his majesty. official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries Zeng Fengshao Impeach the disrespectful minister Zhuo Jing Also secretly played, and suggested that King Yan be transferred to Nanchang However, they were politely rejected by Zhu Yunwen as "flesh and bone". Zhu Di realized that the imperial court was wary of him. After returning to Lord Yan's residence, he excused himself from illness to see how things were changing. [12]

Scrap the Five Kings

Situation of vassals in the Ming Dynasty (part)
The vassal power was so great that Emperor Jianwen discussed with Qi Tai, the minister of the Ministry of War, and Huang Zicheng, the minister of Taichang about cutting the vassal power. Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, citing the fact that the kings were too powerful to control, advocated Cut the vassal In the order of cutting vassals, Qi Tai believed that the strongest Yan King should be cut first. However, Huang Zicheng objected and believed that King Yan had done nothing wrong. In order to win the support of public opinion, he should first find the prince with problems. Emperor Jianwen supported Huang Zicheng and abolished five princes successively.
In July of the 31st year of Hongwu (1398), Emperor Jianwen cut the King of Zhou Zhu Jiu Because Zhu Xuan, the king of Zhou, was the brother of the king of Yan and his mother, and Zhu Yunwen was afraid that he would collude with the king of Yan, he decided to abolish the king of Zhou first. The second son of the King of the Zhou Dynasty Zhu Youdang He reported his father's rebellion, so he sent Cao Guogong Li Jinglong Passing in the name of preparing for the border Kaifeng , took King Zhou's family back to Nanjing, abolished them as common people, and moved to Menghua, Yunnan (today's Kunming Ezekies Dali South). [13]
In April of the first year of Jianwen (1399), the court cut three princes, Qi, Xiang and Dai, and abolished them common people King of Hunan Zuber Unable to be humiliated, the family set themselves on fire in order to protect their honor; King of Qi Zhu 榑 Under house arrest in Nanjing; Acting king Cinnamomum cassia He was under house arrest in the fief of Datong. [14] Two months later, the Ming court cut the King of Min Vermilion , abolished as common people, moved Zhangzhou [15]
As the court cut down the vassal and intensified the contradiction, the vassal king and the court began to break off. At this time, the most powerful King Yan became the real leader of the vassals. The game between Zhu Yunwen and Zhu Di has also gradually intensified.

The course of the war


The King of Yan rises

In December of the 31st year of Hongwu (1398), Zhu Yunwen sent vice minister of public works Zhang Bing for Peiping Chief Executive , Commander Thank you Zhang Xin He is the commander of Peiping Capital. Then he ordered the governor Song Zhong Garrison troops Kaiping And transferred the troops under the jurisdiction of the Yan King in Peiping. Zhu Di, the king of Yan, saw that several vassals had been cut off one after another. He knew that if he went on like this, he would not escape this disaster. So he tried to gain time while preparing for war. In order to buy time, Writing In the first year (1399), Zhu Di pretended to be ill and sent Hui Di to send his third son back to Peiping; Later, because his subordinates were executed by the imperial court, he pretended to be crazy. However, due to the treachery of Shi Gecheng, the head of the royal residence, he secretly told the court that "King Yan pretended to be ill". Zhu Di pretends to be crazy and is found [16] But he was already dissatisfied with his father's decision that his nephew should succeed to the throne for Tai Sun, so he immediately trapped and killed the generals and officials who came to carry out the surveillance and arrest task. In July of the first year of Jianwen (1399), he started to fight against the central government of the Ming Dynasty.
Zhu Di, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty
The king of Yan sent an envoy to the capital Jinling to tell the story. The envoy was interrogated by Qi Tai and others, and was forced to confess the abnormality of the king of Yan. So the court issued a secret order, ordering Zhang Bing and Xie Gui to arrest the official of the palace of the king of Yan, and Zhang Xin to arrest the king of Yan himself. But after discussing with his mother, Zhang Xin told Zhu Di about it [17] So Zhu Dihe Yao Guangxiao Zhang Yu and Zhu Neng led eight hundred warriors to Yanwang Mansion to hide in the event of an accident. [18] After receiving Zhu Yunwen's secret edict, Zhang Bing and Xie Gui led troops to encircle the Yanwang Mansion on the fourth day of July in the first year of Jianwen (1399). Zhu Di pretended to tie up all the officers, so he asked them to come to the mansion for inspection. After the two entered the mansion, Zhu Di sent the dead men to capture them and executed them together with Ge Cheng and Lu Zhen who had defected in the mansion [19] That night, Zhu Di captured the nine gates of Peiping and took control of the city [20]
After the Yan army took control of Peiping, Tongzhou took the initiative to attach itself on the sixth day of July in the first year of Jianwen (1399); On the eighth day of July, we conquered Jizhou, Zunhua Miyun Attachment; July 11, break Juyonguan Great Wall July 16, break through Huailai , capture and kill Song Zhong, etc; July 18th, Yongping Mansion (Now Hebei Lu Long County qinghuangdao City) attached. July 27, to prevent Daning The armed forces from Songting Pass Sneak attack on Peiping, use a counter plot to cause internal strife in Songting Pass, and the guard general Buwan is sent to prison. At this point, the area around Peiping was completely cleared. The strength of the Yan army has increased to tens of thousands [21]
After the Yan army attacked Huailai, because the territory was too close, on July 24, the Valley King Zhu Dan escaped from the fief Xuanfu (Today it belongs to Zhangjiakou, about 150km away from Beijing and 60km away from Huailai) Jinling [22] In August, Qi Tai and others worried Liao King King Ning Help the King of Yan and suggest calling back the capital teacher; The king of Liao returned to Beijing by sea, but the king of Ning refused, so he cut the guard of the king of Ning [23-24] After Song Zhong's failure, the general Old quality Retreat to Datong. Acting king I wanted to fight in response to Zhu Di, but was controlled by Chen Zhi, but failed [25]

Defeat Geng Bingwen

In July of the first year of Jianwen (1399), Zhu Di sent a letter to Nanjing, where Zhu Yunwen told the Imperial Ancestral Temple, cutting Zhu Di's clan membership and abolishing him as a commoner. They decided to fight against Yan. [26-27] stay True definite (Now Hebei Positive definite )Set up Ping Yan Chief Secretary. [28]
At the beginning of Zhu Di's war, the Yan army was only based in a small part of Peiping, and its power was weak. The imperial court had overwhelming advantages in all aspects. So at the beginning of the war, the imperial court planned to use superior forces to attack together and encircle the Yan army in Peiping. Zhu Di fought on the inside, and Israeli generals Guo Zi Garrison Beiping (today's Beijing), quickly capture Juyongguan, Huailai, Miyun to the north of Beiping and Jizhou, Zunhua, Yongping (today's Lulong, Hebei) and other states and counties to the east of Beiping, and wipe out the periphery of Beiping any menace from the " rear It is convenient to calmly deal with the court's culprits. After Zhu Yuanzhang slaughtered the veteran generals of meritorious officials on a large scale, there were no generals available to the imperial court, [29] Zhu Yunwen had to use the surviving veteran Changxing Marquis Geng Bingwen As a great general, Li Jian, the captain of the emperor's son-in-law, was the vice general on the left, and Ning Zhong, the governor, was the vice general on the right. He led 130000 troops to attack Yan, and made several moves in parallel. He was known as a million strong army. At the same time, he called Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi provinces to provide military pay. [30] Geng Bingwen led his army to Zhending on August 12, [31] And divided troops into Hejian, Maozhou (30 miles north of Renqiu, Hebei) Xiongxian County , is the potential of horns. After observation, on August 15, Yan Jun took advantage of Mid-autumn Festival The enemy troops were unprepared at night and attacked Xiongxian County secretly; After success, he defeated the reinforcements of Mao State by ambush, then conquered Mao State and incorporated the remaining troops. [32]
Geng Bingwen's headquarters sent Zhang Bao down to tell Chu Di that Geng Bingwen's troops were stationed Hutuo River On both sides of the strait, Zhu Di asked him to go back and tell Geng Bingwen that "Xiongxian County and Maozhou will be defeated, and Yan soldiers will arrive", so as to defeat his morale and make Geng Bingwen join forces to defeat him at one stroke. Geng Bingwen indeed transferred the soldiers on the south bank across the river. [33] On August 24th, the Yan army arrived Wuji County Knowing the enemy's situation from the woodcutter and the captured soldiers of the southern army, the Yan army launched a decisive battle. [34]
In August of the first year of Jianwen (1399), the Southern Army Division arrived at the Hutuo River area in Hebei Province. The King of Yan took the opportunity of the Southern Army drinking and having fun on the Mid Autumn night to make a breakthrough Xiongxian County , to defeat the vanguard of the South Army. Then he defeated the main force of the southern army on the north bank of the Hutuo River. Geng Bingwen led less than 100000 of the remnant troops to defend in Zhending, and the Yan army failed to conquer the city for three days. [35] On August 29, the Yan army returned to Peiping. Gu Cheng After descending Yan, stay in Peiping to help Yan Shizi Zhu Gaochi Keep the city. [36]

Li Jinglong was replaced

Emperor Jianwen heard that Geng Bingwen's army was defeated. According to Huang Zicheng's recommendation Duke of Cao Li Wenzhong Son of Li Jinglong As a general, he fought against the Yan army instead of Geng Bingwen [8] It also made Jiangyin Marquis in Liaodong Wu Gao Wait for the leader to besiege Yongping (Now northwest of Changli, Hebei). Zhu Di left a small number of soldiers to defend Peiping and rescue Yongping with his pro unification army.
Li Jinglong
Li Jinglong was originally dandy He has never known the soldiers before, and "he is arrogant because of his lack of strategy, but discouraged because of his ruthlessness". In September of the first year of Jianwen (1399), Li Jinglong went to Dezhou, Shandong Province to collect Geng Bingwen's scattered generals, and transferred all armies and horses, amounting to 500000 yuan Interriver be stationed. [37] When Zhu Di learned the deployment of Li Jinglong's army, he said with a smile that there were five defeats in the art of war. If Li Jinglong committed all the crimes, his army would definitely lose. This is to say that the government order is not revised and the people are eccentric; The soldiers and generals are not comfortable with the frost and snow climate in Beiping, and there is not enough food and grass; Regardless of risks and risks, pursue profits in depth; Desperate to win, headstrong, but lack of wisdom and trust, no benevolence and courage; The department is full of ragtag people and not united. [38] In order to lure the southern army to go deep, Zhu Di decided to Yao Guangxiao Assist the son Zhu Gaochi Staying in Peiping, he led the army to rescue Yongping attacked by Liaodong Army, and warned Zhu Gaochi that "Li Jinglong should only stick to his position and not go to war." Zhu Di also withdrew Lugou Bridge The guard of.
Zhu Di's move proved to be effective. Li Jinglong heard that Zhu Di led the army to Yongping, and he led his division to Beiping in October of the first year of Jianwen (1399). When passing the Lugou Bridge, he saw that there were no guards. He couldn't help rejoicing and said, "I think Zhu Di can do nothing without guarding this bridge." At this time, Zhu Gaochi deployed closely in Peiping and fought for the guards. Li Jinglong's orders were lax and his command was improper. He was defeated after several attacks. Southern Army Commander Qu Neng Once led thousands of elite cavalries to enter Zhangye The door, but the backup can not reach, had to stop the attack. Li Jinglong also missed the opportunity because he wanted Qu Neng to wait for the big forces to attack together. So the Yan army got a break and splashed water on the city wall overnight. It was cold and frozen. The next day, the southern army could not climb the city to attack. Wu Gao was cowardly and did not dare to fight. He withdrew from Shanhaiguan. After rescuing Yongping, Zhu Di led his troops to Daning (now Inner Mongolia Ningcheng West) [8]

The Yan Army's sneak attack on Daning

First day of September in the first year of Jianwen (1399), Marquis of Jiangyin Wu Gao rate Liaodong Soldier attack Yongping County [39] So Zhu Di took advantage of Li Jinglong's hesitation to go to the rescue on September 19. On September 25, Zhu Di defeated Wu Gao and decided to take the opportunity to attack King Ning, the 17th younger brother Zhu Quan The vassal land of Daning (today Inner Mongolia Ningcheng ); On the other hand, he lured the southern army to Peiping, the "empty city". On September 28, Zhu Di led the crowd out. Send the letter to Yan Shizi Zhu Gaochi And make it stick to Beiping City. [40]
Situation in Peiping and Daning
On the sixth day of October, the Yan army arrived at Daning City by the path. Zhu Di rode into the city on his own (said to defeat the guard general Room width Later entering the city [41] )He saw Zhu Quan, the king of Ning, and cried that he had no way to go. He asked Zhu Quan for help, hoping to write a letter to the imperial court to apologize and avoid death. Zhu Quan believed in him and took him in. During his stay in Daning, Zhu Di ordered his officials to make friends in the city and bribe Daning's officers. On October 13, Zhu Di said goodbye and Zhu Quan saw him off in the countryside; However, after Zhu Quan came to the countryside, the ambush ended, and the Daning Army defected one after another and came to Zhu Di. So Zhu Quan, Princess Ning, Prince Ning's son and others went to Peiping with Zhu Di, and all the troops in Daning were collected by Zhu Di. Daning has become an empty city, and Zhu Di's strength has greatly increased. [42]
It's said that Zhu Di, the king of Yan, led his elite troops to fight against Daning, and Li Jinglong led the army to attack Peiping. The southern army set up camp in Zhengcunba (now 20 miles east of Daxing), built fortifications and attacked the nine gates of Beiping. The Prince of Yan Zhu Gaochi Perseverance. Zhu Gaochi sent people to sneak attack on the southern army camp at night, obtaining a certain breathing time; When the southern army attacked the city quickly, the women in the city also went up to the city head and threw stones down. [43]
The only chance for the Confederate army to win is the governor Qu Neng Attack Zhangye Gate Guang'anmen Doubt) [44] When it was almost captured, Li Jinglong had to stop because he was envied by Li Jinglong. fail on the verge of success. It was very cold in Beiping in October of the lunar calendar, so the garrison of the Yan army poured water on the city wall at night. The next day, the city wall was frozen, and the southern army could not climb it. [45] The battle effectiveness of the southern army declined suddenly due to the cold weather and cold ground, and the offensive has been blocked since then [46]

Battle of Zhengcun Dam

On October 19, the first year of Jianwen (1399), the Yan army was in Huizhou (now Hebei Province Pingquan County )To reorganize and separate the five armies (central, front, left, right and rear). On October 21, the Yan army entered Songting Pass (Now Hebei Kuancheng County Southwest). [47] On the fifth day of November, Yan Jun crossed the Baihe River (it was frozen at that time, and the crossing was located in the east of Shunyi District, Beijing today), and defeated more than 10000 troops of Chen Hui, Li Jinglong's scout. [48] On the same day, they fought with Li Jinglong's army at Zhengcunba. The Yan army attacked from left to right, breaking through seven battalions of the southern army, and Li Jinglong was defeated. [49-50] That night, Li Jinglong saw that the war was unfavourable and ordered all the troops in Zhengcunba to retreat lightly. The baggage of hundreds of thousands of people was left to the Yan army. [51] However, Li Jinglong left in a hurry and did not notify the southern army that was besieging Beiping City, so the Yan army easily defeated the southern army under Beiping City and obtained its supplies. [52] Li Jinglong Leads the Army Back Texas The battle of Zhengcunba ended. [53] More than 100000 soldiers of the Southern Army lost their divisions in this battle. [54]
On the ninth day of November in the first year of Jianwen (1399), Zhu Di returned to Peiping City. Since he had not replied to his letter before (July), he wrote to the imperial court again, stating that Qitai Huang Zicheng The sin of setting up the suzerain vassal. Emperor Jianwen did not respond. [55] In December, Zhu Di ordered Wu Gao, the garrison general of Liaodong, to be deposed by the decapitation of the nobility with a counter plot, eliminating the worries in the northeast. [56]
As Li Jinglong was going to attack Yan in the north in the spring of the next year (1400), Zhu Di decided to attack Shanxi da tong So as to make the southern army exhausted. On December 19, Zhu Di set out to attack Datong. On December 24, the Yan army arrived Guangchang , garrison general Yang Zong surrendered. [57] On the first day of the first month of the second year of Jianwen (1400), the Yan army arrived in Weizhou. Wang Zhong, the general of the Ming army Li Yuan Surrender to the Yan army. [58] On the second day of February, the Yan army attacked Datong. As Datong was the fief of the king and had a very important military position, Li Jinglong had to rescue. When Li Jinglong goes out Zijingguan Pass Later, Yan Jun followed Juyonguan Great Wall Return to Peiping. The Confederate army made a vain trip through the ice and snow, and suffered a great loss of troops and equipment and morale. [59]
On February 28, the second year of Jianwen (1400), Li Jinglong wrote to Zhu Di to request a temporary truce. King Yan wrote back to ask for Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng, etc. Li Jinglong has been ambivalent since then. [60] In addition to making the southern army run away in vain for a month, the Yan army unexpectedly encountered troops coming from Mongolia at the same time of this expedition and incorporated them. [61] In addition, Baoding Prefecture In February of the second year of Jianwen (1400), Yan fell. [62]

Fighting in Baigou River

In April of the second year of Jianwen (1400), Li Jinglong came from Dezhou, Shandong Province, Guo Ying , Wu Jie, etc True definite Oath to fight the Yan army in the north, and the goal is the Baigou River (the North Juma River). The army increased to 600000, and the Yan army also came out. On April 20, the Yan army crossed the Yuma River and settled at Sujia Bridge. On April 24, the Yan Army and the Southern Army fought (the battlefield was 30 miles south of Xincheng County, Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province) [63]
Battle of Jingnan
Pioneer of the Southern Army (Li Jinglong's Department) safety Previously, I followed Zhu Di out of the fortress, became familiar with Zhu Di's tactics, and set ambushes. After the arrival of the Yan troops, they ambushed safely and charged with spears; Qu Neng The father and son also fought together, and the Yan army lost the battle. At that time, Guo Ying, the Confederate Army, also came to the battlefield. Guo Ying planted mines on the only way for the Yan army to retreat, and the Yan army suffered heavy losses when retreating. Zhu Di led the army behind the palace, but lost his way at night. Zhu Di got off his horse and lay on the ground to identify the direction of the river. Then he identified the direction and returned to the camp. Make the sergeant eat in advance and prepare for the decisive battle the next day. [64-65] The next day (April 25), the Yan army and the Southern army fought again. Qu Neng and Ping An went around to the rear of the Yan army and attacked the rear army successfully. [66] Zhu Di is not good at seeing this, so he makes enemies Qiu Fu The attack on Li Jinglong's army was unsuccessful; Zhu Di led the army to attack. The two sides fought in a melee. The arrows flew like rain. Zhu Di changed three horses one after another, shot three arrows and cut off his sword. He was almost injured by Ping An and Qu Neng. In desperation, Zhu Di came to the riverbank, raised his whip and pretended to call for reinforcements. Li Jinglong was suspicious and the attack slowed down; Zhu Gaoxu At this time, they also came to rescue, and the war temporarily eased. [67-68]
Before long, Qu Neng once again led people to fight and shouted "destroy Yan", which was once again unfavorable to the Yan army. Just when the war was in danger, a whirlwind blew up and cut off Li Jinglong's commanding flag. The southern army was in a big mess. Zhu Di seized the opportunity to set fire behind Li Jinglong. The southern army was defeated, and Qu Neng and his son were killed by Zhu Gaoxu. [69] Guo Ying and others retreated to the west, Li Jinglong retreated to the south, threw down all the baggage and surrendered more than 100000 people. Li Jinglong withdrew to Dezhou. [70-72]
On April 27, the Yan army attacked Dezhou. On the seventh day of May, Li Jinglong fled to Jinan. On the ninth day of the lunar month, the Yan army entered Dezhou and obtained a large amount of grain reserves. On the 15th of May, when the Yan army attacked Jinan, Li Jinglong left more than 100000 soldiers without fighting power and was defeated. Li Jinglong escapes. The Yan army encircled Jinan. [73] In October, the court summoned Li Jinglong back to Nanjing. Li Jinglong left the 600000 army clean, Huang Zicheng Lian Zining Ye Xixian Zhu Yunwen refused to listen when he asked to be beheaded immediately. Huang Zicheng regretted recommending Li Jinglong. [74]

Battle of Jinan

Li Jinglong lost again and again in a few months. Emperor Jianwen dismissed him from his position as a general. Emperor Jianwen adopted Huang Zicheng's plan and sent envoys to discuss peace in order to slow down the attack. He also appointed Sheng Yong as General Ping Yan to lead the army on behalf of Li Jinglong. Sheng Yong stationed troops in Dezhou to stop the Yan army from going south.
Ji'nan Daming Lake Park Tiegong Temple
Li Jinglong retreated after defeat, and the Yan army surrounded Jinan. Right political participation Tie Xuan Sheng Yong Perseverance. Zhu Di sent a letter into the city to surrender, but failed. [75] On May 17, the second year of Jianwen (1400), the Yan army dug the river embankment and poured water into the city. [76] Seeing that the situation was bad, Tie Xuan decided to send thousands of people to feign surrender and lure Zhu Di into the city. [77] The next day, Zhu Di went to Jinan. When he came to the gate of the city, the iron plate set by the gate fell, but it was a little faster and only hit the head of the horse he was riding on. Zhu Di was so surprised that he changed horses and ran back. Due to an accident, the work such as cutting the way behind failed. Zhu Di fled back and was furious. He besieged the city for three months. [78]
Because Jinan's military status is extremely important, if it is obtained, it can attack southward, and if it retreats, it can draw Xinjiang to defend itself. Therefore, the Yan army is determined to win by taking advantage of the new winning spirit. Unexpectedly, the siege was not good. Zhu Di was angry and decided to use artillery to attack the city. There was no support in the city. When Tie Xuan saw this, he wrote the words "Gao Emperor God Card" on some wooden boards and hung them on the city head, so the Yan army had to stop shelling. [79] In June, when Huidi saw that Jinan was in danger, he sent envoys to seek peace. Zhu Di didn't listen. [80] In July, we marched safely into the Hejian River, disrupting the Yan Army's food routes. [81] Zhu Di could not advance or retreat. On August 16, he withdrew his troops and returned to Peiping. Sheng Yong and Tie Xuan pursued and defeated the Yan army and recovered Texas. [82] The battle of Jinan ended.
On the tenth day of September, Zhu Yunwen was promoted to Tiexuan as the Chief Executive and Counsellor of Shandong Province, and later to the Ministry of War; Feng Shengyong was the marquis of Licheng, General Ping Yan, and Li Jinglong was replaced. Chen Hui, the governor, and Ping An are the deputies. The Confederate army moved back to Texas Dingzhou (between Baoding and Shijiazhuang today) Cangzhou (Now Cangzhou, Hebei). [83]

Battle of Dongchang

Yan Army Counselor Yao Guangxiao
In October of the second year of Jianwen (1400), Zhu Diwen reported that the southern army had moved northward and decided to seize Cangzhou , go south again. So he ordered an expedition Liaodong , secretly send someone Direct selling (Today Tianjin City center). On October 25, the Yan army Tongzhou Turning southward, we traveled day and night. On October 27, we arrived in Cangzhou. The garrison general of the southern army, Xu Kaishang, was building the city; The Yan army captured Cangzhou in only two days, and Xu Kai and others surrendered. [84-85] Yan Junzi Changlu Cross the river and arrive in Dezhou, Shandong on the fourth day of November. [86] Zhu Di plans to surrender Sheng Yong In vain, he turned south. Sheng Yong attacked the rear army of the Yan army, but was defeated. [87] In November, the Yan army arrived in Shandong Linqing Zhu Di decided to disrupt the food supply routes of the southern army and sent light cavalry to name , burning their grain boats. Yan Jun follows Museum pottery Crossing the river( Wei Canal Beijing Hangzhou Canal Part of; At that time, the Yellow River Seize the Huaihe River and enter the sea ), arrived successively East Afghanistan Dongping , threatening the south of Shandong and forcing Sheng Yong to lead his army southward. [88] Sheng Yong decided to go to Dongchang (today's Shandong Liaocheng )Fight with the Yan army and put a lot of muskets and poison crossbows in the array. [89]
On December 25, the Yan army arrived in Dongchang. [90] Zhu Di still personally led the army to charge, first attacked the left wing of the southern army, and the attack was unsuccessful; Then he attacked the backbone of the southern army. Sheng Yong deliberately opened the array to lure Zhu Di in, and then surrounded him. Zhu Di was heavily surrounded by the southern army. Senior General of Yan Army Zhang Yu Zhu Neng (There is also Zhu Gaoxu [91] )They led soldiers to save Zhu Di. Zhu Di fought to the death and finally met Zhu Neng to escape from the battlefield. However, the Yan army suffered heavy losses: a large number of Yan soldiers were wounded by firearms, Zhang Yu was surrounded by the southern army, and finally died in battle. The senior general of the southern army Ping An also led his troops to fight with Sheng Yong. The next day, the Yan army was defeated again and returned to the north. [92] After repelling the interception of the southern army, the Yan army returned to Peiping on the 16th day of the first month of the third year of Jianwen (1401). [93] Zhang Yuzhan's death made Zhu Di sad and unable to eat. [94-95]
Zhu Di was on the brink of danger many times during the Dongchang War. However, because Zhu Yunwen had the intention of "not letting me kill my uncle and father", the Southern soldiers were afraid of the counter attack after the war. They did not dare to hurt Zhu Di, and it was difficult to catch him alive, so they had to let him go; Zhu Di also relied on this privilege to ride alone in the rear, and the southern army had no choice. [96] But after all, the battle of Dongchang was the first great victory of the southern army since the Jingnan disaster. Huidi Zhu Yunwen was very happy. In the first month of the third year of Jianwen (1401) Qitai Huang Zicheng's official position (two people were dismissed in November of the first year of Jianwen, but they still remained as think tanks [97] Only restored Qi's minister of war and Huang's minister of Taichang Temple [98] )And told the Taimiao Temple of Dongchang's great victory. [99] Sheng Zhongjun's momentum is greatly improved. After this defeat, the Yan army moved southward again. Xu Pei would not go to Shandong anymore. [100]

Battle of Jiahe and Quecheng

Main term: Jiahe Battle
After the defeat of Dongchang, Zhu Di took this as a shame and cooperated with Monk Daoyan Yao Guangxiao Negotiate countermeasures. Daoyan strongly supports Zhu Di to send troops again. [101] So on the ninth day of February in the third year of Jianwen (1401), Zhu Di sacrificed his fallen soldiers, took off his robes and burned them to encourage them. On February 16, Zhu Di graduated again. [102] at that time Sheng Yong Garrison 200000 troops in Shandong Texas Wu Jie Peace is stationed in Zhending. Zhu Di decided to break Shengyong's army first while the two armies of the Southern Army were separated. [103] On March 20, the Yan army discovered that Sheng Yong was in Jiahe (today Hebei Province Hengshui City Wuyi County Nearby, a tributary of Zhanghe River), so they were stationed forty miles away from each other. [104]
On March 22, the Yan army marched into Jiahe. Sheng Yong still formed a firm formation, equipped with a large number of muskets and crossbows. Zhu Di personally led several light cavalry to sweep over the position of the Southern Army to investigate, taking advantage of Emperor Jianwen's order that he should not hurt the King Yan. Sheng Yong did not dare to shoot, so he had to send his cavalry to chase Zhu Di. [105] After the investigation, Zhu Di led ten thousand cavalry and five thousand infantry to attack Sheng Zhongjun's left wing and could not enter. At this time, Yan Jiang Tan Yuan Seeing that the war had begun, he took the initiative to attack. General Sheng Yong Zhuang De In a desperate battle, meet Sheng Zhongjun and kill Tan Yuan. Zhu Di Zhu Neng While taking advantage of the chaos caused by the mobilization of the southern army, he attacked the rear of the southern army in the dusk and killed Zhuang De. [106] Sheng Yong steadied his position. It was already late and both sides went on strike. The damage in this battle was quite good, but the Yan army lost its senior general Tan Yuan [107]
That night, Zhu Di led more than ten people to camp near Shengyong camp; In the morning of March 23, Zhu Di found himself surrounded by the southern army. Zhu Di once again took advantage of the ban on killing to lead Ma Mingjiao through the enemy and away. The Confederate army was shocked and dared not shoot arrows. [108] Zhu Di returned to the camp and encouraged the generals to "match the two armies, and the brave will win", [109] So the Yan army met again in the northeast and Sheng Zhongjun in the southwest. The Yan army attacked from left to right, and Sheng Yong stood firm. Both sides had a victory or defeat. After three or four hours of fighting, a strong northeast wind suddenly blew, and the dust covered the sky. The Confederate army could not fight against the wind and sand; The Yan army took advantage of the wind to shout, and attacked with left and right wings. Sheng Yong was defeated. After losing tens of thousands of people, he returned to Dezhou. [110-111] Wu Jie and Ping An are preparing to meet Sheng Yong. Hearing that Yong has lost, they return to Zhending. The battle of Jiahe is over. [112] The battle of Jiahe re established the superiority of the Yan army. On the fourth day of leap March, Emperor Jianwen was dismissed again due to the defeat of Jiahe Qitai Huang Zicheng , banished from the capital and secretly ordered him to recruit soldiers. [113]
After defeating Sheng Yong, Zhu Di is sure to march. Considering that it was difficult to capture the city, we decided to lure the enemy into battle. So he ordered the army to take food everywhere, and used spies to disclose the matter to Wu Jie and others. Seeing this, Wu Jie and others decided to attack the Yan army. [114] On the ninth day of March, the two armies met in Quecheng and fought. The southern army formed a square array, and Zhu Di led the elite to attack its northeast corner to break the array. Yan Jiang Xue Lu He was captured because his horse slipped, but after the enemy's knife cut several people, the horse escaped. In this battle, a large number of Yan troops were injured by the muskets and crossbows of the southern army, and Zhu Di's commanding flag was shot like a hedgehog; However, due to Zhu Yunwen's ban on killing, Zhu Di himself was fine. [115]
The next day, the two armies fought again. In the battle, a strong wind suddenly blew again. The Confederate army could not support it and was defeated. The Yan army besieged on all sides and beheaded more than 60000 people. Wu Jie, Ping An and others fled back to Zhending and could not stick to it. [116] Zhu Di sent the military flag shot into a hedgehog back to Peiping and ordered the son Zhu Gaochi Keep it properly to warn future generations. [117] From Baigou River, Jiahe River to Quecheng City, the Yan army won three times with the help of strong winds. Zhu Di believed that this was the fate of heaven and could not be done by human power. [118]

Indirect operation

The battle of Jiahe and Quecheng again caused heavy losses to the southern army, and the war on the front battlefield eased slightly. The Confederate army changed to indirect operations through negotiations, counterattacks and attacks on the rear. After defeating Ping An, the Yan army went south and passed successively Shunde Guangping name , and stationed in Daming. Counties and counties fell on the lookout. [119]
When Zhu Di heard that Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng had been demoted, he wrote to the peace talks, saying that "treacherous officials were chased away and their plans were carried out, and they did not dare to withdraw their troops". [120] Zhu Yunwen's book, and Fang Xiaoru During the discussion, Fang Xiaoru said that he could take this opportunity to send envoys to repay him, delay time and slack his morale; At the same time, Liaodong and other troops were ordered to attack its rear area in case of an attack. So (April) Emperor Jianwen ordered Xue Xuan, the young minister of Dali Temple, to see Zhu Di, and spread the edict secretly in the army. [121] Xue Xuan saw Zhu Di and said, "The Imperial Court says that once your highness releases his armour, he will turn around at dusk." Zhu Di said that even a three foot boy could not be fooled. Xue Xuan was speechless. [122] On the first day of May, Sheng Yong, Wu Jie, Ping An and other soldiers harassed Yan Junqian. [123] Zhu Di sent an envoy to Beijing to express that Sheng Yong and others would not stop their troops. There must be an envoy. Emperor Jianwen followed Fang Xiaoru's advice and sent him to prison (killing him). The peace talks broke down. Zhu Di saw that the peace talks had broken down and decided to attack the southern army in order to put the southern army in trouble, so he ordered Du to command Li Yuan He led 6000 soldiers, put on the armour of the Southern army, and went down from Jining to the south; On June 15, the Yan army arrived in Peixian County without the help of the southern army, and successfully burned a large number of southern army grain boats, killing all fish and turtles in the river. The Confederate army lost millions of stones of grain, the capital was shocked, and Dezhou was in a dilemma. [124]
In July, the Yan army attacked Zhangde Lin County surrendered. [125] On the tenth day of July, Ping An was determined to attack Peiping and disturb its farming and grazing. Zhu Gaochi stood firm. Zhu Di sent troops to help; On September 18th, peace and war were not favorable, so we returned to Zhending. [126] Due to the unfavorable war in Hebei, Fang Xiaoru came up with a plan to use Zhu Gaochi (the eldest son) and Zhu Gaoxu (Second son), first write a letter to Gao Chi of Shou Peiping, order him to submit to the imperial court and assume the position of Yan King; Then he sent someone to tell Zhu Di and Gao Xu (with the army) to communicate with the imperial court secretly so that the Yan army could return to the north. But after Zhu Gaochi got the letter, he didn't open it at all. He sent the imperial envoy to Zhu Di with a letter. The counter plot failed. [127] On July 15, Sheng Yong ordered Fang Zhao, the general of Datong, to enter Zijingguan Pass Threaten Baoding, and take a look at Peiping from Xishuizhai in Yizhou. Zhu Di saw this and had to go back to rescue. [128] Zhu Di divided his troops to guard Baoding and surrounded Fang Zhao's mountain stronghold. On the second day of October, the Yan army and the Zhending reinforcements and the Fang Zhaojun had a decisive battle. Zhu Di ordered the warriors to climb the mountain quietly and raise flags behind the enemy. The southern army mountain stronghold was in chaos and collapsed together with Zhending reinforcements. Fang Zhao returns it to Datong. [129] On October 24th, the Yan army returned to Peiping. Then he defeated Xi Yongping's enemy troops in Liaodong. [130]
So far, it has been more than two years since the Yanjun Jingnan. Although they have won many battles, they are unable to consolidate and expand their victory due to insufficient forces, and they often give up the newly acquired land; Only Peiping, Baoding and Yongping can be occupied. [131]

Yan Jun Goes South

In the winter of the third year of Jianwen's reign (1401), Zhu Di decided to lead his troops directly to the south to face the river. Dao Yan also supports not to entangle with Sheng Yong and Ping An, and to go straight to the capital. [132-133] On the second day of December, Master Yan returned. December 12, arrival Lixian County (About 50 kilometers south of Baoding). In the first month of the fourth year of Jianwen's reign (1402), the Yan army successively defeated a detachment in Dezhou and an army in Ping'an, so it went south (roughly between the current Beijing Kowloon Railway and the Beijing Guangzhou Railway) to Guantao Duhe (into Shandong), and drove straight in. On the twelfth day of the first month, the Yan army crossed the river in Guantao; On the 14th of the first month, the Yan army captured East Afghanistan; On the 15th of the first month, Dongping was captured again; On the 17th of the first month, Wenshang fell; On the 27th of the first lunar month, Peixian County (today's Jiangsu Province Peixian County ); On the 30th of the first month, the vanguard troops of the Yan Army arrived in Xuzhou. [134]
Emperor Jianwen saw the Yan army again and ordered in December of the third year of Jianwen (1401) Fuma Duwei Mei Yin (The uncle of Emperor Jianwen, a minister who cares for his life), served as the commander in chief, guarding Huai'an. [135] On the first day of the first month of the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), Emperor Jianwen recalled Zhu Gui (the deposed King of Zhou), who had moved to Menghua, to Nanjing. Order Duke of Wei Xu Huizu He led troops to assist Shandong. [136]
On the first day of February in the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), the Confederate generals He Fu, Ping An and Chen Hui marched into Jining and Sheng Yong into Huaishang. After Zhu Di sent troops to attack the southern army, on February 21, the Yan army defeated the troops in Xuzhou. Xuzhou has been closed since then. [137]

Lingbi Battle

Xuzhou Zhu Di ignored it and continued to move south. On the first day of March, the Yan army marched into Anhui Suzhou Arrive on the ninth day of March Vortex River (Anhui today Bengbu City North of Huaiyuan County). [138] When Ping An saw the Yan army heading south, he led his troops to pursue it; But on March 14, Zhu Di ambushed in the Feihe River and had to return to Suzhou. [139] On March 23, Zhu Di sent a general to cut off Xuzhou's pay road, and Tie Xuan and other soldiers led a siege, each winning or losing. [140] On April 14, Yan's army reached the Suishui River and took the pontoon bridge. The next day, peace He Fu The leader seized the bridge, and the two sides locked horns across the river. A few days later, when the southern army ran out of food, Zhu Di decided to sneak attack. At midnight, we crossed the river to the enemy's rear; But Xu Huizu's reinforcements arrived just in time. On April 22, the two sides fought in Qimei Mountain (thirty miles southwest of Lingbi County). The southern army won a big victory and killed Yan General Li Bin. [141]
The southern army won the victory again. In addition to the hot summer, the Yan army was in a dilemma. On April 23, the generals of the Yan army asked to return to the north and choose a place to rest. Zhu Di disagreed and said, "Those who want to cross the river are on the left, and those who don't want to cross the river are on the right." Most people stood on the left. Zhu Di was angry. Zhu Neng strongly supported Zhu Di at this time, saying“ dynastic title of Liu Bang Ten battles and nine defeats, and the world will prevail ", which strengthened the determination of the Yan army to adhere to. [142] At this time, the imperial court falsely said that the Yan army had been defeated, and the capital should not be unscrupulous generals, so it recalled Xu Huizu. [143] On April 25, considering that it is not easy to defend by the river, He Fu moved camp and made a long-term plan with Ping An in Lingbi (Lingbi). As the grain road was blocked by the Yan army, Ping An personally led 60000 soldiers to protect the grain. On April 27, Zhu Di led the elite to attack Ping An and split it in two; He Fu's whole army sent out to rescue, Zhu Gaoxu also led the ambush, and He Fu was defeated. [144]
When the southern army was short of food, He Fu and Ping An decided to break out the encirclement the next day (the 29th day) Huaihe River When getting supplies, the order is three shots; The next day, when the Yan army attacked Lingbi Wall, the attack signal happened to be three shots. So the southern army thought it was their own cannon and fled one after another; The Yan army took advantage of the situation to attack, and the southern army was completely destroyed. The battle of Lingbi ended unexpectedly. In this battle, the Yan army captured 37 enemy generals including Chen Hui, Ping An, Ma Pu, Xu Zhen, Sun Cheng, and four internal officials( eunuch )One hundred and fifty officials of the imperial court received more than twenty thousand horses, and countless people dropped them. Only He Fu escaped by himself. [145-147] Lingbi Battle Completely defeated the main force of the southern army, and then the Yan army Yangtze River There was no more decent resistance to the north. It is a historical coincidence that the battle of Gaixia, which decided to win or lose the battle between Chu and Han 1600 years ago, took place near Lingbi.
According to Qi and Huang's plan, Zeng ordered Liaodong They sent troops to the south to join Tie Xuan in Jinan, but they were defeated by the Yan army in Zhigu on the first day of May.

Crossing the River to Beijing

After the war in Lingbi, the Yan army marched straight to the southeast. The seventh day of May Sizhou Zhu Diye's ancestral mausoleum. [148] Sheng Yong set up a defense line in the Huaihe River to prevent the Yan army from crossing the river. After Zhu Di was blocked trying to pass through Huai'an and Fengyang, [149] Dispatch Zhu Neng Qiu Fu rate rank-and-file soldiers Hundreds of people take a detour upstream Fishing boat Crossing the river, Shengyong was attacked from the rear on the ninth day of May, and Shengyong was defeated. The Yan army conquered Xuyi. [150] On May 11, the Yan army moved towards Yangzhou, and on May 17, it reached Tianchang (50 kilometers northwest of Yangzhou). Keep Yangzhou Of official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries Wang Bin wanted to resist, but his subordinates rebelled and tied him while he was bathing. On May 18, Yangzhou surrendered without fighting. [151] Then Gaoyou surrendered. [152]
Nanjing in the Ming Dynasty
On May 22, Zhu Yunwen and Xie Qingcheng Princess Zhu Yuanzhang His niece and Zhu Di's cousin) negotiated with Zhu Di and expressed their willingness to cede land. Zhu Di said, "This treacherous minister wants to slow me down so that the soldiers in the distance can hear him." The princess was speechless and returned. [153] On the first day of June, the Yan army prepared to cross the river from Puzikou, but met Sheng Yong's final resistance. Yan's military battle is not favorable, and Zhu Di plans to negotiate peace with the North. At this time, Zhu Gaoxu led troops to help. Zhu Di was very happy and said, "Try your best! A descendant I often get sick. " Suggest that Zhu Gaoxu has a chance to crown prince So Zhu Gaoxu was greatly encouraged and led the crowd to fight to the death to defeat Sheng Yong. [154] Then a navy unit of the Central Army surrendered to Yan, [155] The Yan army then crossed the river from Guazhou on the third day of June, and defeated Sheng Yong who retreated here again. On the sixth day of June, the Yan army arrived in Zhenjiang and the garrison general led the city to surrender. [156]
On the eighth day of June, Yan troops stationed in Longtan (Distance capital Jinling About 30km east), the imperial court was shocked. Zhu Yunwen wandered around the hall and called Fang Xiaoru to ask for advice. Some people proposed to flee to the mainland in order to recover. Fang Xiaoru said that there were still 200000 soldiers in the city, and they should stick to it; Even if the war is really defeated, the king should die for the country. You can send ministers and kings in Beijing to negotiate again to delay time. So on the ninth day of June, Li Jinglong Ru See Zhu Di and negotiate again; Zhu Di said that he would only be treacherous ministers if he did not know how to divide the land. On the tenth day of June, he sent the King of Valley, Zhu Dan (who fled back to the capital in the first year of Jianwen) and King An Zhu Ying He went to the negotiation for the third time without success. [157] On June 12, the ministers who went out to recruit soldiers still did not return. Zhu Yunwen had to send the kings and military officials in Beijing to guard the gates. Shizuo Dudu Xu Zengshou (Xu Dazi, Huizu's younger brother) Mou Neiying is surrounded and beaten by a group of civil servants. The next day (July 13, 1402), the Yan army arrived in Jinling. Xu Zengshou acted as an internal agent and failed. Zhu Yunwen himself killed him at Zuo Shunmen. Guard Jinchuan Gate (located in the northwest of Nanjing City) Vermilion and Li Jinglong Seeing Zhu Di's canopy, we opened the door to welcome him.
When the King of Yan entered the capital, all the civil and military officials knelt down to greet him at the side of the road. With the support of all the officials, he was the emperor. He was the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, and his title was Yongle. The four year "Jingnan Campaign" ended with the victory of Zhu Di, the King of Yan.

War outcome

On June 13 of the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), the Yan Army arrived Jinling Xu Zengshou acted as an internal agent and failed. Zhu Yunwen himself killed him at Zuo Shunmen. Guard Jinchuan Gate (located in the northwest of Nanjing City) Vermilion and Li Jinglong When I saw Zhu Di's canopy, I opened the door to welcome him The Change of Jinchuanmen [158-160] When the Yan army attacked Jinling, the country changed hands. The battle of Jingnan is over. Although the war ended, the history related to it is developing. After King Yan entered Beijing, there was a fire in the palace, and Emperor Jianwen's whereabouts were unknown. Some people say that Emperor Jianwen burned himself to death in the palace, or that Emperor Yun Jianwen went out of the way to become a monk and traveled around the world. It is said that he lived in the palace in the orthodox dynasty and died in his old age. The real whereabouts of Emperor Jianwen has become a big unsettled case in the history of the Ming Dynasty. [178 ]
Encyclopedia x ignorance: illustrating the battle of Jingnan

Event follow-up


Zhu Di Becomes Emperor

Zhu Di
After the Yan army entered Nanjing, Zhu Yunwen set fire to the imperial palace. Zhu Yunwen himself didn't know what to do; Since then, his whereabouts have become a mystery. After Zhu Di entered the city, he sent someone to find out Queen Ma And identified him as Zhu Yunwen, holding his hand and crying, "Silly boy, why bother?". Then on June 20, Zhu Yunwen was buried in the ceremony of the Son of Heaven, creating the illusion that Emperor Jianwen was dead, and the whereabouts of Zhu Yunwen became an eternal mystery. According to legend, Zheng He's voyages in the South Seas as far as Africa One of its original purposes is to search for the trace of Emperor Jianwen. The other way is Hu Xuan Confidential visit Jiangsu and Zhejiang One Belt.
After Zhu Di entered Nanjing, Imperial Academy Edit Yang Rong Welcoming the horse head, he said, "Your highness, will you pay homage to the mausoleum first? Will you ascend the throne first?". [179] Since the next day (June 14, the fourth year of Jianwen), the kings and civil and military officials have repeatedly urged Zhu Di to enter, but Zhu Di refused. A few days later (June 17), Zhu Diye Xiaoling And became the emperor on that day. It was Emperor Taizong of the Ming Dynasty (later renamed Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty). [180]
Zhu Di did not recognize the year of Jianwen. On the first day of July (the first day of June 18), he changed the year of Jianwen Yuan, the second year, the third year and the fourth year to Hong Wu In the 32nd to 35th year, the following year was changed to the first year of Yongle. All the officials who were demoted during the Jianwen period were restored to their posts (for example, Wu Gao, the marquis of Jiangyin who was demoted due to alienation at the beginning of the Jingnan disaster, was reappointed to guard the Great Harmony); All reforms during the Jianwen period were abolished; All laws and regulations formulated during the Jianwen period that contradict the Emperor Taizu will be abolished. However, some provisions conducive to the people's livelihood were also abolished. For example, in the second year of Jianwen's reign (1400), the government ordered to reduce the extremely heavy land taxes in the western part of Zhejiang during the Hongwu period, which became heavier again. [181 ]

Kill the former minister

Fang Xiaoru
After winning the battle of Jingnan, Zhu Di announced to the soldiers and civilians in the capital (today's Nanjing): "The vassal kings who stuck to the fiefdom had their flesh and bones mutilated because of the instigation of the traitors in the Zuo class, so they had to go to war to kill them, in order to support the country, the country and the security people. As for the proposed treacherous officials in the capital this time, the guilty dare not pardon them, and the innocent dare not kill them. If they are involved in accidental injuries and bring about casualties, it is not the intention of pacification. " [181 ]
On June 25, the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), Zhu Di killed Qi Tai, Huang Zicheng and Fang Xiaoru, and destroyed their families. Among them, Fang Xiaoru was implicated and a total of 873 people were killed, and more than 1000 people were deported. 345 people were involved because of Huang Zicheng. Jingqing After surrender, he plotted to assassinate and was defeated. On August 12, he was killed and destroyed nine ethnic groups; Later Tu's hometown was called "melon and vine copying". In addition, many old officials of Jianwen, such as Zhuo Jing, Ji Zhao Lian Zining Mao Tai, Guo Ren, Lu Zhi Dai Deyi , Wang Gen Wang Shuying Xie Sheng Ding Zhifang , Gan Lin, Dong Yong Chen Jizhi , Han Yong Ye Fu Liu Duan Huang Guan Hou Tai Mao Dafang , Chen Di, Tie Xuan, etc., said in the history: "The loyalty and indignation are inspired, and they are as happy as they are willing to see the knife and the cauldron, and they will go down from generation to generation with awe inspiring vitality." Their families and relatives were also implicated, and many people died, and many people were exiled, forced to be prostitutes, and punished in other ways. until Mingren Sect After the accession to the throne, most people were forgiven, while the rest of the descendants were not forgiven until the time of the Mingshen Sect. In addition to the wanton killing, Zhu Di jailed Xu Huizu, the Duke of Wei, that month, and later released him and cut his title. After the death of Huizu, his heir was the Duke of Wei. Huang Guan was hated by Zhu Di, and his status as the No. 1 Scholar was removed. [181 ]
Tie Xuan cut his nose and ear into the mouth, and then asked: "Are you willing?" Tie Xian replied: "What's wrong with the meat of loyal officials and filial sons?" Ling Chi killed the nation. Fang Xiaoru was killed by Lingchi. However, it is out of the unofficial history and not seen in the official history. The unofficial history called Fang Xiaoru's great book "Yan Thief" Usurper ”Seeing that he would rather die than surrender, Zhu Di threatened him and said, "Aren't you afraid of being killed by nine ethnic groups?" Fang Xiaoru righteously scolded and said, "What if I were killed by ten ethnic groups?" Zhu Di was furious, so he searched Fang Xiaoru's relatives, including his students and friends (that is, the tenth ethnic group), and killed one by one in front of Fang Xiaoru. A total of 873 people were killed, Fang Xiaoru, on the other hand, was beheaded outside the Treasure Gathering Gate in Nanjing. [161] In addition, Huang Zicheng Sister, wife of Tie Xian, send Jiaofang Department

Dafeng Meritorious Official

name list
Used to be the lord of Yan
common (2 persons, 2 persons are posthumously awarded; other awards except for those awarded as knights are omitted, the same below)
Qiu Fu : Duke of Qi, hereditary;
Zhu Neng : Cheng Guogong, hereditary;
Zhang Yu : Seal up Rongguo Duke , posthumous title Zhongxian;
Chen Heng : Duke of Jing was posthumously named Xiangmin.
Hou (13 persons, 1 person to be sealed)
Zhang Wu : Chengyang Marquis, hereditary;
Chen Gui: Taining Marquis, hereditary;
Zheng Heng : Wuhan Marquis, hereditary;
Meng Shan : Baoding Marquis, hereditary;
Fire truth : Tong'an Marquis, hereditary;
Gu Cheng : Marquis of Zhenyuan, hereditary;
Wang Zhong: Marquis Jing'an, hereditary;
Wang Cong : Marquis of Wucheng, hereditary;
Xu Zhong : Yongkang Marquis, hereditary;
Zhang Xin : Longping Marquis, descendants inherit Longpingbo;
Li Yuan : Anping Marquis, descendants inherit Anping Bo;
Guo Liang : Cheng'an Marquis, descendants inherit Cheng'an Bo;
Room width : Si'enhou, descendant hereditary commander;
Tan Yuan : Hou Chong'an, posthumously named Zhuang Jie.
Bo (12 persons)
Xu Xiang : Xing'anbo, hereditary;
Xuli : Wu Kangbo, hereditary;
Li Jun : Xiangcheng Bo, hereditary;
Zhang Fu : Noble Amber, hereditary;
Tang Yun : Xinchangbo, hereditary commander of descendants;
Tan Zhong (Tan Yuanzi): New Ningbo, hereditary;
Sun Yan : Ying Chengbo, hereditary;
Fang Sheng : Fuchangbo, the hereditary commander of descendants;
Zhao Yi : Xin Chengbo, hereditary;
Chen Xu: Yunyang Bo, hereditary;
Liu Cai : Guang Enbo, descendants are hereditary commanders.
The old minister of Jianwen, who was attached to and contributed to the project, was granted a peerage
Li Jinglong : He is still the Duke of Cao State, increasing his salary and hereditary;
Wang Ning: Yongchun Marquis, hereditary;
Ru : Loyalty ends itself;
Wang Zuo : Shunchangbo, the hereditary commander of descendants;
Chen Xuan : Ping Jiangbo, descendant hereditary commander.

War Impact


Changes in patriarchal treatment

After Zhu Di became emperor, on June 18 of the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), the King of Zhou was restored Zhu Jiu , King of Qi Zhu 榑 The title of [162] Later, Dai Wang was restored Cinnamomum cassia , King Min Vermilion The title of nobility. In the first month of the first year of Yongle (1403), the Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty ordered the four kings of Zhou, Qi, Dai and Min to return to their vassals [163] On June 26, Chengzu canceled the father of Emperor Jianwen Zhu Biao Xingzong Temple, renamed Prince Yiwen [164-165] On July 12, Cheng Zu reduced Zhu Yunwen's three younger brothers from prince to prince; The son of Zhu Biao in November Zhu Yundang Zhu Yunxuan Abolished as a commoner and imprisoned in Fengyang, his hometown [166-167]
Zhu Di started his army because he opposed Jianwen Emperor to cut the vassal state. In order to win the support of the kings, he also changed the ancestral system and gave the imperial family a higher rank. According to the regulations of Hongwu period, Zhenguo General (The son of the prince) is the third grade, Auxiliary general Four products, Fengguo General Five products, Zhenguo Lieutenant Six products, Fuguo Lieutenant Grade 7, Fengguo Lieutenant Eight grades. But Cheng Zu "added Zhenguo general from the first grade, auxiliary general from the second grade, Fengguo general from the third grade, Zhenguo lieutenant from the fourth grade, auxiliary lieutenant from the fifth grade, Fengguo lieutenant from the sixth grade" [168]
However, because Zhu Di himself was armed to seize power, in order to ensure the stability of the central government, he first renamed the frontier fortress kings in the mainland after he ascended the throne, and then gradually removed the military power of the kings: in the first year of Yongle (1403), he cut off the guards and officials of the king; In the fourth year of Yongle (1406), the guards and officials of the king of Qi were cut off, and soon they were abolished as commoners; In the sixth year of Yongle (1408), the guards and officials of King Min were cut off; In the tenth year of Yongle (1412), he was the guard of the Liao King; In the 15th year of Yongle's reign (1417), King Gu was abolished as a commoner; In the 19th year of Yongle (1421), the king of Zhou saw the situation was not good, and took the initiative to offer back the guards. Thirteen princes led by Hongwu Dynasty cut off six guards in Yongle Dynasty. At the same time, a large number of experienced Military minister The military balance between the central government and the vassals was fundamentally changed by keeping it and strengthening the central government [169]
Although Zhu Di achieved Zhu Yunwen's goal in those years, he only solved the immediate problem and did not change the ancestral system. His sons Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han Dynasty, and Zhu Gaosui, the King of Zhao, still set up three guards. Xuande The first year (1426), Zhu Gaoxu Rebellion proves once again that the prince's pawn is not the way. After the war, Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty used his prestige to force most of the vassals to surrender their guards and control the imperial clan from all aspects. Since then, the contradiction between the imperial family and the central government has gradually changed from a military threat to the pressure on the central finance due to the massive increase in salaries [169]

Strengthening centralized rule

In order to deal with the state affairs more efficiently, on the first day of August in the fourth year of Jianwen (1402), Zhu Di ling Jiejin Huanghuai River wait on the emperor Wenyuan Pavilion , pre maintenance. The cabinet was then expanded to seven. Since then, the cabinet has played an increasingly important role in the politics of the Ming Dynasty [170] Even the Qing Dynasty still used this system.
On the other hand, because Zhu Di was rebellious and became emperor, he was suspicious of the ministers, so he restored the Royal Guards , and resumed the spy rule of the Ming Dynasty. Later, in the 18th year of Yongle (1420), Zhu Di established East Factory His parents believed that eunuchs were in power, strengthening the rule of spies and improving the status of eunuchs. In the Ming Dynasty, the rule of spies almost ran through and became a major feature.
During the battle of Jingnan, the information provided by eunuchs in Beijing helped Chengzu defeat Huidi. After he ascended the throne, Chengzu changed the policy of forbidding eunuchs to interfere in politics and began to reuse eunuchs. On the one hand, famous eunuchs such as Zheng He appeared in the Ming Dynasty, and they traveled to the West to publicize their national prestige; On the other hand, due to Supervisor of rites The position of eunuchs in power departments such as East Hall, East Hall and so on has been improved, and the important work of local guarding, supervision and procurement has been undertaken by eunuchs (not all of them were set up by Zhu Di), which sowed the seeds of eunuchs bringing disaster to the country in the future.

Move the capital to Beijing

Bird's-eye view of the Forbidden City in Beijing
because Hong Wu In, several border kings (such as Zhu Di and Zhu Quan) were mainly responsible for the defense of northern China. Zhu Di moved the border kings to the mainland after the Jingnan disaster, leading to the emptiness of defense in northern China; Also, because of the lessons of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, it is very risky to set the capital in Jinling (Nanjing) and remote control generals to guard the border; "The Son of Heaven guarding the country's gate" can solve this problem. On the other hand, due to the Emperor Jianwen It has a great influence. In political consideration, Beiping, the stronghold of Zhu Di, is more suitable as the imperial capital. So after considering various factors, Zhu Di decided to Move the capital Beijing.
In February of the first year of Yongle (1403), Zhu Di changed Peiping into Beijing, named Shuntian Mansion [171] (different from Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty); Then he moved to various places to enrich people in Beijing [172] Call Beijing temporary lodging for an emperor on tour During the Yongle period, preparations for moving the capital to Beijing have been ongoing, such as Beijing City , building palaces, dredging water transport, etc; Until the 18th year of Yongle (1420), Beijing Imperial Palace (i.e the Forbidden City , the Forbidden City) and Beijing City were completed, so they ordered to move their capital to Nanjing [173]

Regional economy

The battle of Jingnan involved the whole of North China and East China. Repeated tug of war caused great damage to the social economy north of the Huaihe River [174] After Zhu Di ascended the throne, he reduced taxes in Hebei, Henan, Shandong and other provinces that used to be battlefields and other provinces to recuperate [175]

War evaluation

    • ① Cheng Zu seized the throne by usurping it. Now that he has ascended the throne, the officials of Ming Dynasty regard him as the son of the Taizu. The resistance is an imperial family affair. It is not necessarily that after Jianwen abdicates the throne, he will want to avenge Jianwen. It is necessary to punish him instead of asking him. Therefore, once the matter is settled, the general amnesty will be granted. In order to serve the country, it is unlikely that there will be great trouble if we learn not to investigate. That is to say, it is impossible to kill the person, but in fact, Du Zhu may be loyal or have a call, which is also acceptable; It is hard to say how to punish their families and children; He humiliated his wife and daughter and gave them to the church, the washing clothes bureau, the elephant slaves, the artisans, and the meritorious officials. What profit or loss would this have on their throne? Moreover, if Fang Xiaoru kills all his friends and students, he will call them ten families, and all his relatives within nine families will be exhausted; Also, if Jingqing is not only a native, but also from its hometown, it turns to climb and dye, which is called "melon and vine copying", which human beings cannot bear to see. In order to indulge their violence, they use treacherous and sycophantic people. They think that people can't bear to do it. They kill and kill people as well as kill them. [182 ]
    • ② Cheng Zu won the world at once. Since he usurped the throne, he moved his force to the outside world. All the five expeditions to the north of the desert experienced the array. If Jianwen inherited his ancestral career, he would not have this. All those who boasted of national prestige in the Ming Dynasty owed it to Yongle World. [183 ]
  • Nan Bingwen Tanggang : This war among the ruling class for the throne lasted for four years, and it also caused considerable damage to the social economy that had just been restored in the early Ming Dynasty, especially in the areas where the war was fierce, and the damage was even greater, forming the situation of "Ju is lush grass to the north of Huaihe River". [184 ]


According to the system designed by Zhu Yuanzhang, the family world system consisting of emperors, vassals, foreign relatives and son-in-law should be able to firmly support the country of the Ming Dynasty under the combined effect of power, etiquette and family affection. However, the weak nephew emperor and the scholars around him failed to master the way to restrict the rebellious uncle king, and the system initially designed by Zhu Yuanzhang finally led to disaster. In this war, royal relatives and relatives have joined the war and joined two different camps.
Imperial relatives and relatives who participated in the battle of Jingnan
full name
In a time of quiet distress
After the pacification disaster
Zhu Yunwen
Sun of Zhu Yuanzhang
Emperor Daming
Talk about self immolation and disappearance
Cheng Zu (King of Yan)
Zhu Di
Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son
King of Yan
Seize the throne and become emperor.
King of Zhou
Zhu Jiu
Zhu Yuanzhang's fifth son
He was banished to Yunnan and later imprisoned in the capital
Fujue, Guifan
King of Qi
Zhu 榑
Zhu Yuanzhang's seventh son
Cut the nobility, avoid being a commoner, and ban the capital teachers
Fujue, Guifan
Acting king
Cinnamomum cassia
The 13th son of Zhu Yuanzhang
Cut the nobility and avoid being a commoner
Fujue, Guifan
King Ning
Zhu Quan
The 17th son of Zhu Yuanzhang
Join Zhu Di's camp and follow his lead
Transferred to Nanchang
King Min
Zhu Yuanzhang's 18th son
Cut the nobility and avoid being a commoner
Fujue, Guifan
Valley King
The 19th son of Zhu Yuanzhang
Zhu Yunwen's camp, presenting the southern capital to Zhu Di
Transferred to Changsha
The Prince of Yan
Zhu Gaochi
Zhu Di's eldest son
Zhu Di's camp, staying in Peiping
To be made Prince
Princess Gaoyang
Zhu Gaoxu
Zhu Di's second son
Zhu Di's camp
Jiafeng Han King
rank of nobility next to prince
Zhu Gaosui
Zhu Di's Third Son
Zhu Di's camp
Feng Zhao Wang
Fuma Duwei
Mei Yin
Zhu Yuanzhang's son-in-law
Zhu Yunwen, commander of Huai'an, defeated and captured
Be instigated by Zhu Di to murder
Fuma Duwei
Wang Ning
Zhu Yuanzhang's son-in-law
Leaked secrets to Zhu Di and was imprisoned by Zhu Yunwen
Release and seal Yongchun marquis
Fuma Duwei
Li Jian
Zhu Yuanzhang's son-in-law
Zhu Yunwen, Deputy General Zuo, Marquis of Jialuan City, captured
Death from illness
Fuma Duwei
Hu Guan
Zhu Yuanzhang's son-in-law
Zhu Yunwen's camp, defeated and captured
Princess Qingcheng
Zhu Yuanzhang's niece
Jinan Central Representative Zhu Yunwen's camp came to Zhu Di's camp to discuss peace
Marquis of Changxing
Geng Bingwen
Zhu Yunwen's In laws
Zhu Yunwen's camp, crusade against Zhu Di, defeat
He was impeached and hanged himself
Fuma Duwei
Geng Xuan
Zhu Yunwen's brother-in-law
Zhu Yunwen camp
If you can't get out of illness, you will die
Yan Mansion Yibin
Yuan Rong
Zhu Di's son-in-law
Zhu Di's camp
Jiafeng Fuma Duwei, Guangping Marquis
Yan Mansion Yibin
Li Rang
Zhu Di's son-in-law
Zhu Di's camp
Duwei, Fuyang Marquis
Duke of Wei
Xu Huizu
Zhu Di's brother-in-law
Zhu Yunwen camp
Shayker, confinement
Xu Zengshou
Zhu Di's brother-in-law
Participated in Zhu Di's camp secretly and was killed by Zhu Yunwen
The posthumous title of Marquis Wuyang is Zhongmin, and the title of Duke Ding
Duke of Cao
Li Jinglong
Cousin Zhu Yunwen
Dismissal after defeat and surrender
At first, he was treated with courtesy and later removed from his post and imprisoned

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