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Jinghai County

Counties set in the second year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty (1108)
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Jinghai County is a county set up in 1108, the second year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty. Its headquarters is Wokou Village (Jinghai Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin). It belongs to Cangzhou, Gaoyangguan Road. From August 1973 Tianjin
Chinese name
Jinghai County
Time of establishment
The second year of Daguan in the Northern Song Dynasty (1108)
Northern Song Dynasty
In the third year of Zhenghe in the Northern Song Dynasty (1113), it was incorporated into Qianning County (now Qingxian County).
In the fourth year of Jin Mingchang's reign (1193), Jinghai County was restored as the administrative seat of Wokou Village. It belongs to Qingzhou, Hebei East Road.
In the second year of Emperor Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty (1230), it belonged to Qingning Prefecture; Later, it belonged to Qingzhou, Hejian Road, Zhongshu Province.
In the second year of the Yuan Zhiyuan era (1265), it was incorporated into Huichuan County (now Qingxian County). Later, Jinghai County was set up.
In the early years of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, "Jing" was changed to "Jing", which was called Jinghai County