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Qinglonghu Town

Xiazhi Town, Fangshan District, Beijing
Qinglonghu Town, Beijing Fangshan District The town under its jurisdiction is located between 115 ° 58 ′ 14 ″~116 ° 07 ′ 48 ″ east longitude and 39 ° 44 ′ 06 ″~39 ° 50 ′ 58 ″ north latitude. Located in the northeast of Fangshan District Fengtai District Wang Zuozhen Adjacent, southeast and Xilu Street Neighboring, south and Yancun Town Xinzhen Street Connected with Chengguan Street in the southwest Dongfeng Street Connected to the west Hebei Town Bordering to the north Mentougou District Tanzhesi Town Adjacent. The town covers an area of 95.9 square kilometers. [1]
In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), Qinglonghu Town belonged to four districts of Fangshan County. In 1949, it belonged to eight districts of Fangshan County. In 1950, it belonged to five districts of Fangshan County. In 1954, it belonged to Chonggezhuang Township, Liangxiang County, Dayuan Township, Fangshan County and Tuoli Township, Jingxi Mining Area. In 1958, it belonged to Chonggezhuang, Dougezhuang and Changlesi Township of Liangxiang County, Tuoli Township of Jingxi Mining Area and Dayuan Township of Fangshan County. In 1961, it belonged to Chonggezhuang and Tuoli People's Communes in Fangshan County. In 1983, it belonged to Chonggezhuang and Tuoli Townships. In 1986, it belonged to Fangshan District. In 1995, Tuoli Township was transformed into a town. In 2000, Chonggezhuang Township was changed into Qinglonghu Town. In 2001, Tuoli Town was incorporated. It forms the scope of today's jurisdiction. [1] By the end of 2018, there were 45357 registered residents in Qinglonghu Town. [2] As of October 2019, Qinglonghu Town has 2 communities and 32 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, [3] The town government is located in the north of Tuoli Village.
In 2011, the total industrial output value of Qinglonghu Town reached 860 million yuan, an increase of 12.8% over the previous year. The total profit was 120 million yuan, and the industrial added value was 400 million yuan, accounting for 56.4% of the GDP. Local fiscal revenue was 41.938 million yuan, an increase of 44.7% over the previous year. Tax revenue was 147.682 million yuan, an increase of 54.2% over the previous year.% 0 From the perspective of major taxes, business tax was 28.15 million yuan, value-added tax was 53.92 million yuan, and corporate income tax was 51.89 million yuan, an increase of 17%, 27%, and 163% over the previous year. The per capita fiscal revenue was 1025.6 yuan, an increase of 45% over the previous year. [1]
Chinese name
Qinglonghu Town
Administrative Region Category
Fangshan District, Beijing
geographical position
Northeast of Fangshan District
95.9 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 communities and 32 administrative villages
Government residence
North of Tuoli Village, Qinglonghu Town
Area Code
Postal Code
one hundred and two thousand four hundred and seventy-one
climatic conditions
Warm temperate semi humid continental monsoon climate
License plate code
About 45400 people (by the end of 2018)

Construction history

In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), Qinglonghu Town belonged to four districts of Fangshan County.
In 1949, Qinglonghu Town belonged to eight districts of Fangshan County.
In 1950, Qinglonghu Town belonged to five districts of Fangshan County.
In 1954, Qinglonghu Town belonged to Chonggezhuang Township, Liangxiang County, Dayuan Township, Fangshan County, and Tuoli Township, Jingxi Mining Area.
In 1958, Qinglonghu Town belonged to Chonggezhuang, Dougezhuang and Changlesi Township of Liangxiang County, Tuoli Township of Jingxi Mining Area and Dayuan Township of Fangshan County.
In 1961, Qinglonghu Town belonged to Chonggezhuang and Tuoli People's Communes in Fangshan County.
In 1983, Qinglonghu Town belonged to Chonggezhuang and Tuoli Townships.
In 1986, Qinglonghu Town belonged to Fangshan District.
In 1995, Tuoli Township was transformed into a town.
In 2000, Chonggezhuang Township was changed into Qinglonghu Town.
In 2001, Tuoli Town was merged into Qinglonghu Town.
Qinglonghu Town

administrative division

As of October 2019, Qinglonghu Town has 2 communities and 32 administrative villages under its jurisdiction, [3] The town government is located in the north of Tuoli Village.
Beijing Coal Group Chemical Plant Community
Beijing Haoyu Jingqiang Cement Plant Community
Administrative village
Xiaoyouying Village
Xishifu Village
Changlesi Village
Beisiwei Village
Nansiwei Village
Jiaogezhuang Village
Xiaoyuanshang Village
Qinglongtou Village
Chonggezhuang Village
Dougezhuang Village
Miaoergang Village
Chongxinzhuang Village
Lushangfen Village
Dayuan Village
Beiliuzhuang Village
Dama Village
Xiaoma Village
Guogezhuang Village
Xizhuanghu Village
Gangshang Village
Tuoli Village
Shangwan Village
Beicheying Village
Xinkaikou Village
Manshuihe Village
Nanguan Village
Koukou Village
Shawo Village
Dayuanshang Village
Majiagou Village
Shuishuiyu Village
Shiti Village

geographical environment


Location context

Qinglonghu Town is located between 115 ° 58 ′ 14 ″~116 ° 07 ′ 48 ″ east longitude and 39 ° 44 ′ 06 ″~39 ° 50 ′ 58 ″ north latitude. It is located in the northeast of Fangshan District, adjacent to Wangzuo Town, Fengtai District in the east, Xilu Street in the southeast, Yancun Town and Xinzhen Street in the south, Chengguan Street and Dongfeng Street in the southwest, Hebei Town in the west, and Tanzhesi Town, Mentougou District in the north. The town covers an area of 95.9 square kilometers. [1]
Qinglonghu Town

topographic features

Qinglonghu Town is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The highest peak in Qinglongtuo Mountain is 678.3 meters above sea level, and the lowest point is 45.1 meters above sea level at the outlet of Hedgehog River. [1]


The annual average temperature in Qinglonghu Town is about 10 ℃. The frost free period is 190-210 days. The average annual rainfall is 595mm. [1]


The rivers in Qinglonghu Town belong to Dashi River and Hedgehog River basins. There are three main rivers, Dashi River and four rivers, Hedgehog River. The total length of the river is 8.2 km, and the density of the river network is 0.1 km/km2. The largest river in the territory is Dashi River. From Manshui River to Shawo, it flows through Manshui River, Xinkaikou, Tuoli, Koukou, Shawo and other villages in the territory. [1]

mineral resources

The main proven mineral reserves in Qinglonghu Town include limestone, shale, marble and slate, with a total mineral reserves of more than 700 million tons. [1]


By the end of 2018, there were 45357 registered residents in Qinglonghu Town. [2]


  • Agriculture
Qinglonghu Town has 17234 mu of arable land.
In 2011, the total agricultural output value of Qinglonghu Town reached 164.882 million yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year, and the agricultural added value was 67.31 million yuan. Grain crops are mainly wheat and corn. [1]
At the end of 2011, the grain planting area of Qinglonghu Town was 17713 mu, and the grain production was 5914.2 tons, with a per capita of 144.62 kg. The planting area of vegetables is 5263 mu, and the yield is 12205.6 mu, including 720 mu of edible fungi, and the yield is 2520.6 tons. [1]
  • Animal Husbandry
Qinglonghu Town mainly raises pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry.
In 2011, 34927 pigs were sold in Qinglonghu Town, and 29802 pigs were on hand at the end of the year; 2760 sheep were sold and 3790 sheep were on hand at the end of the year; 102 beef cattle were sold. In 2011, 226.5 tons of meat were produced; 112 tons of fresh eggs; The total output value of animal husbandry is 83.773 million yuan, accounting for 50.8% of the total agricultural output value. [1]
  • planting
By the end of 2011, 18097.2 mu of protective forest and 17256.9 mu of economic forest had been planted in Qinglonghu Town, 89000 trees were planted around farmers' houses, the forest coverage rate was 52%, and the volume of standing trees was 1400 m3.
In 2011, the planting area of fruits in Qinglonghu Town was 17256.9 mu, and the output of dry and fresh fruits was 3341.6 tons, including 3302.1 tons of fresh fruits, 484.5 tons of apples, 58 tons of pears, 544 tons of peaches, 123 tons of grapes, 1609.7 tons of persimmons, and 399.6 tons of fresh apricots. The total power of agricultural machinery is 35606kW. The per capita net income of farmers is 12374.3 yuan. [1]
  • Industry
In 2011, the total industrial output value of Qinglonghu Town reached 860 million yuan, an increase of 12.8% over the previous year. The total profit was 120 million yuan, and the industrial added value was 400 million yuan, accounting for 56.4% of the GDP. In 2011, there were 5 industrial enterprises above designated size with 1053 employees, realizing an industrial added value of 270 million yuan, an increase of 8% over the previous year. There are 2 enterprises with sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan and 1 labor employment base. [1]
  • business
At the end of 2011, Qinglonghu Town had 13 commercial outlets with 2284 employees. In 2011, the total sales of social goods reached 453.837 million yuan, an increase of 15.3% over the previous year; The trade turnover of urban and rural fairs was 7.29 million yuan, down 9.9% from the previous year.
  • Finance
In 2011, the income of Qinglonghu Town was 41.938 million yuan, an increase of 44.7% over the previous year. Tax revenue was 147.682 million yuan, up 54.2% over the previous year. From the perspective of main taxes, business tax was 28.15 million yuan, value-added tax was 53.92 million yuan, and corporate income tax was 51.89 million yuan, up 17%, 27%, and 163% respectively from the previous year. The per capita fiscal revenue was 1025.6 yuan, an increase of 45% over the previous year. [1]
In 2011, the balance of various deposits in Qinglonghu Town was 2.15 billion yuan, an increase of 242% over the previous year; The balance of various loans was 50 million yuan, an increase of 132% over the previous year. [1]

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, there were 2 kindergartens in Qinglonghu Town, with 900 children and 66 full-time teachers; There are 7 primary schools with 1682 students and 187 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of school-age children in primary schools is 100%; There is one junior high school, with 596 students and 97 full-time teachers. The enrollment rate of the school-age population in junior high school, the rate of primary school entrance, and the coverage rate of nine-year compulsory education all reach 100%. There is one ordinary high school with 986 students and 109 full-time teachers. [1]

Culture and art

At the end of 2011, there were 37 art performance groups of all kinds in Qinglonghu Town, with 1200 performers and 350 performances annually; 33 film screening units, 33 digital cinemas, 4000 seats, 1370 annual screenings; There are 34 public libraries (rooms) with a building area of 790 square meters and a collection of 70000 books. 39 employees in the cultural industry.
At the end of 2011, Qinglonghu Town had 40 sports venues, 7 sports associations and 34 social sports instructors at all levels. The sports events held regularly every year include table tennis, bicycle invitational race, mountaineering race, dragon boat race, etc. Among them, the sports events above district level include bicycle invitational race and dragon boat race. All villages and communities have installed fitness equipment, and people who often participate in sports activities account for more than 70% of the permanent population. At present, there are 96 loudspeakers for radio and television, with a 100% loudness rate. [1]
At the end of 2011, Qinglonghu Town had more than 50 TV channels from central and Beijing TV stations settled down locally, with 17000 cable TV users and 100% comprehensive TV coverage. [1]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, there were 2 community health service centers in Qinglonghu Town, with 9 community health service stations under its jurisdiction; There are 40 sickbeds, 0.9 medical beds for every 1000 people, and the total value of fixed assets is 7.53 million yuan. There are 81 professional health personnel, including 6 licensed doctors, 10 licensed assistant doctors, and 11 registered nurses, with an average of 1.8 health technicians, 0.4 licensed (assistant) doctors, and 0.2 registered nurses per 1000 people. [1]
In 2011, medical institutions in Qinglonghu Town (above the outpatient department) completed 137000 diagnoses and treatments, and 57 discharged patients. Key hospitals include Qinglonghu Town Central Hospital and Tuoli Hospital. [1]

social security

In 2011, there were 111 urban minimum living security households in Qinglonghu Town, with 157 people, and the expenditure was 715000 yuan, a decrease of 46.3% over the previous year. The monthly per capita was 379.5 yuan, a decrease of 3.9% over the previous year; Urban medical assistance reached 3 people, and the civil affairs department subsidized urban medical insurance for 3 people, with an expenditure of 15000 yuan, a decrease of 42.3% over the previous year. The number of rural minimum living security households was 38, with 730 people, and the expenditure was 2.986 million yuan, an increase of 25.9% over the previous year. The monthly per capita income was 340.9 yuan, an increase of 60.7% over the previous year; 19 people were provided with five guarantees in rural areas, and the expenditure was 144000 yuan, a decrease of 14.3% over the previous year; The rural five guarantees provided for 23 people in a decentralized manner, with an expenditure of 110000 yuan, up 22.2% over the previous year; 69 people received medical assistance in rural areas, 69 people received assistance from civil affairs departments to participate in cooperative medical care, with a total expenditure of 278000 yuan, an increase of 239% over the previous year. One regular social assistance workstation, point and charity supermarket; There are 5 welfare enterprises with 100 disabled employees. There were 1452 newly employed people, 282 laid-off and unemployed people realized employment, 108 people with difficulties in employment were re employed. At the end of the year, 191 people were registered as unemployed in cities and towns, the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns was 3.5%, and the annual dynamic of zero employment families was zero. The labor contract signing rate of enterprises above designated size reached 100%. The labor dispute mediation organization accepted a total of 12 labor dispute cases, all of which were settled through mediation, involving more than 100 workers. [1]
In 2011, the incidence of notifiable infectious diseases in Qinglonghu Town was 270/100000, and the number of new rural cooperative medical insurance was 28600, with a coverage rate of 100%; The mortality rate of children under 5 years old is 0.6%, and the maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate and neonatal mortality rate are all 0. [1]

environmental protection

In 2011, the Qinglonghu Town's own finance used 4.2 million yuan for environmental protection, accounting for 11% of the financial expenditure; The number of days with air quality of Grade II or above reached 267, accounting for 73.2% of the whole year; The harmless treatment rate of domestic garbage reaches 100%; The urban greening coverage rate reached 52%, and the forest greening rate throughout the territory reached 65%.


At the end of 2011, the total length of roads in the town was 108 kilometers, and the per capita length of roads was 26.7 meters; There are 17 bridges in the town, with a total length of 333.7 meters.
At the end of 2011, there were 10 bus lines in the town, with an annual passenger capacity of 500000 people.
At the end of 2011, there were 2 substations of 110kV and above in the town, and 550 main transformers. The annual electricity sales have reached 9.6 million kilowatt hours, the comprehensive voltage qualification rate is 98%, and the power supply reliability rate is 98%. [1]
By the end of 2011, the town's green area was 4800 hectares, with a green coverage rate of 52% and a per capita green area of 43 square meters. [1]


Liangchen Railway and Jingyuan Railway cross the border. The length of the Jingyuan Railway is 13.5 kilometers, with two stations, Shangwan and Nanguan, and six passenger trains stop every day. The daily passenger traffic volume is more than 3000 person times, and the annual cargo throughput is more than 500000 tons. [1]
Beijing Kunming Expressway passes through Qinglonghu Town; Beijing Sixth Ring Expressway passes through the border, with a length of more than 2000 meters, and Dayuan Village exit. There are 7 district level roads and 26 town level roads, with a total length of 90.6 kilometers. [1]

Historical culture



There are many cultural relics and historic sites in Qinglonghu Town. National cultural relics protection units include Yao Guangxiao's tomb tower in Changlesi Village, and district cultural relics protection units include Changle Temple, Huanxiu Temple, Dougezhuang Tower, Lvzu Temple, Jin Chengming's tomb stone archway, etc.
There is a mountain called Guji Mountain in the north of Qinglonghu Town. According to the literature, because of the excellent geomancy, there were Buddhist temples in Guji Mountain during the Tang and Five Dynasties. Later, there were many Buddhist temples built in the past dynasties, so that there were many Buddhist temples and towers. It is one of the famous religious holy places in ancient Beijing. Due to the change of times, many historic sites here have been abandoned or even annihilated in the mountains. The relics of Lingjiu Temple and other Buddhist temples are located in the basin at the southern foot of Guji Mountain. [1]

Tomb tower of Yao Guangxiao

The tomb tower of Yao Guangxiao, located in Changlesi Village, Qinglonghu Town, is the tomb tower of Yao Guangxiao, an important minister of Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. The tomb tower was built in the 16th year of Yongle (1418) and the first year of Xuande (1426). The tower is an octagonal and nine level brick and stone double eave tower, 33 meters high, and the top tower is 3 meters high. The whole tower is located on a square platform. At the bottom is an octagonal base, on which stand two octagonal Xumizuo. The Xumizuo style tower base is embossed with Shou characters and the modelling patterns of chrysanthemums, lotus flowers and Spanish lotus flowers, on which three layers of lotus petals lean outward. In the middle of the tower body, four facades are carved with imitation wood, which is hidden as a false partition door. The other four sides are carved with imitation wood mullions and false windows. A square stone is inlaid on the front lintel, and the regular script on it reads: "The Prince and Young Master present the tower of Rongguo Gongjing Duke Yao Guangxiao". Up the tower body are nine layers of stacked eaves, with copper bells hanging at each corner. The tower temple is made of iron and installed like a gourd. It is a lotus shaped upward lotus supporting the spherical brake body. The phase wheel, round light, upward moon and beads are linked by the brake rod. The brake is fastened to the eaves by eight iron chains. The overall structure of Yao Guangxiao's tomb tower is well proportioned, and the flower patterns on the tower body are unique and finely carved. The whole body of the tower is beautiful and straight, reflecting the architectural style of the Ming Dynasty tower. [4]
In 2013, Yao Guangxiao's Tomb Tower was announced by the State Council as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units. [5]
Tomb tower of Yao Guangxiao

Lingjiu Temple

Lingjiu Temple is located in the center of the south foot of Guji Mountain in Qinglonghu Town. It was built five generations ago and called "Guji Mountain Courtyard". It was the most popular in the Yuan Dynasty and called "Lingyan Temple". It was renamed Lingjiu Temple in the Ming Dynasty. After the war and the Cultural Revolution, it has been dilapidated. The temple has been repaired in recent years. From the inscriptions and plaques of the temple, the temple should have a certain religious historical value. [6]
Lingjiu Temple is a group of two entrance halls, facing south from north. It is said that there was a millennium ginkgo tree in the temple, which was cut down by local village cadres in the early days of liberation. The mountain gate is hard mountain type, with three characters "Bodhi Field" written on it, and the roof inside is stone. There are a group of broken clip stones in the east and west of the front yard respectively. There is a stone tablet on the west side, with a turtle and a square head. The forehead and seal characters "bestow the Holy Vulture Temple", which was signed as "the eighth day of April, the fourth year of the orthodox era of the Ming Dynasty (1439)". There is no side hall. The front hall, the back hall, and the east and west side halls of the back yard are all two stone columns with wooden roof. The forehead of the front hall door is blurred, and the plaque inside the hall reads "Lingjiu Temple". [6]
Gate of Lingjiu Temple
Main Hall of Lingjiu Temple
Back Hall of Lingjiu Temple

Guangzhi Temple

Guangzhi Temple, located in the west and facing the east, covers an area of about 5 mu. It was built in the Jianwen period of the Ming Dynasty and repaired in the Qing Dynasty. The original two courtyards are low in the front and high in the back, with ladder shaped layout. The mountain gate has long since disappeared. Behind the gate is the Red Wall Guanyin Hall, a dome roof beamless hall of all brick structures. It is 9.50 meters wide and 8.40 meters deep (the difference between the surface width and the depth is almost square). It is said that it is an ancient dome roof building with the largest span in Beijing. There are no windows on all sides. There is only a bluestone arch door on the front. The grey tube tile roof on the top of the side hall has the original stone amount: "Guanyin Hall", which was stolen in the autumn of 2013. The original white marble carved Xumizuo in the hall has disappeared. [7]
Guangzhi Temple

Changle Temple

Changle Temple is located in Changle Temple Village, Qinglonghu Town. The temple faces south and was built in the Shouchang period of the Liao Dynasty. During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, a eunuch named Liu Shan presided over the reconstruction. The rebuilt Changle Temple has four halls, a gate in front and a courtyard wall around. The Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China had been repaired. There are three halls in existence. The first one is the Shanmen Hall, and the top of Xieshan Mountain has no beams. It is 9.3 meters wide, one bright and two dark, and 5.1 meters deep. It was originally built in the Ming Dynasty. The second entrance is the Heavenly King Hall, which is a three intermittent mountain style building rebuilt in recent years, with a large ridge. The third entrance is the Mahavira Hall, which is in the style of hard mountain. It is 13 meters wide in three rooms and 8 meters deep in the front. The front is out of the veranda, and the wall of the corridor is painted. There are three separate ear rooms and five side halls on the left and right of the platform. In front of the platform, there are two Ming steles and one Republican stele. Two steles in front of the hall: the east stele is the "stele for rebuilding the Changle Temple of the ancient temple", which was erected by Gengzi in the Ming Dynasty (1480) and is now lying on the ground; The west stele is "Praise the Tale of the Selfish Pagoda". It was erected in 1481 by Chenghua Xinchou in the Ming Dynasty. There are remnants of the "Selfish Pagoda" stone tower components in the courtyard behind the temple. [8]
Gate of Changle Temple
Main Hall of Changle Temple
Tianwang Hall of Changle Temple

Jinchengming Tombstone Memorial Archway

Jinchengming Tombstone Memorial Archway is located in the east of Liuzhuang Village, North Qinglonghu Town, and is a cultural relic protection unit in Fangshan District. Jin Chengming, whose official history has not been examined, is said to be the father-in-law of Emperor Qianlong. The stone archway was built in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, facing south from the north. It is a four pillar three door stone archway. It is made of moxa leaf bluestone, with a face width of 11.55 meters, a width of 4.20 meters in the Ming Dynasty, a width of 3.70 meters in the secondary period, and a width of 0.6 meters in the four square pillars. Each column top is carved with a small stone pendant, three flame beads are carved in the middle, and a plaque is carved in the middle of the stone block. Surrounded by relief cloud patterns and auspicious animals. Behind the memorial archway, there are two steles, each with a dragon head and a turtle, and a small stele without a stele pavilion on the southeast side.
Jinchengming Tombstone Memorial Archway

Dougezhuang Tower

Dougezhuang Tower, located in Dougezhuang Village, Qinglonghu Town, is a cultural relic protection unit in Fangshan District. It was founded in the Tang Dynasty. Sitting west to east, it is an octagonal brick tower with dense eaves, about 15 meters high. There are brick carvings on the tower body. Eight sided brick carving wheel, snail, umbrella, cover, flower, pot, fish, long Buddha eight treasures image. The upper end of the tower base is a three story brick sculpture of Yanglian. On the east side, there are coupon doors, and on the other sides, there are brick carved fake doors and windows. Above the tower is an eight story pavilion with dense eaves. Dougong is decorated under the eaves of the first floor. The other two eaves are made into upturned and covered lotus petals. The eaves are stacked. The pagoda temple is composed of two layers of brick lotus flowers, large at the bottom and small at the top. The characteristics of this tower are that there are many elements of lotus decoration: the whole tower is supported by three layers of upside down lotus on the base, and every two layers of eaves above the door and window layers are decorated with upside down symmetrical upside down lotus petals, a total of eight layers; Then seal the top with lotus. [9]
Dougezhuang Tower

famous scenery

  • Qinglong Lake Upstream Paradise
Qinglong Lake Water Park is a national AAA level scenic spot, located in Qinglong Lake Town, Fangshan District, only 7 kilometers away from the entrance of Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, and only 37 kilometers away from Tiananmen Gate in the center of Beijing. It is a modern water park with water culture and entertainment as its main functions, integrating leisure, vacation, ecological environment protection and other functions. [10]
Qinglong Lake Upstream Paradise