green soya beans

[qīng dòu]
Annual climbing herb
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Green bean is an annual herb of Leguminosae. The stem of green bean is thick, with gray long bristles; The leaves are lanceolate, the top leaflets are rhomboid ovate, and both sides of the leaves have white villus; The flowers are white or lavender; The pods are oblong, slightly curved, yellowish green; The flowering and fruiting period is June. Green beans, also known as green soybeans, are named for their green fruit color. [4]
Green beans are native to China and are grown in all provinces of China. [5] Green beans are also widely cultivated around the world, and soybeans cultivated in various countries are spread from China [6] Green beans have certain cold resistance and poor drought resistance. They can be sown in spring and autumn. The cultivation method of green beans is sowing and seedling raising. [7]
In terms of medicinal value, green beans are rich in nutrients and anti-cancer substances, and have the effects of invigorating the spleen and qi, clearing heat and detoxification, and eliminating edema. [8] In terms of edible value, green beans are nutritious. Green beans can promote intestinal peristalsis, eliminate fatigue, maintain neural function, and promote appetite. [9]
Chinese name
green soya beans
Green soybean
Soybean, pea

History of botany

Green beans, also known as green soybeans, are named for their green fruit color. [4]

morphological character

Green beans are those with green seed coats. According to the color of its cotyledons, it can be divided into green skinned green kernel soybeans and green skinned yellow kernel soybeans. The stem is thick, densely covered with gray long bristles. The petiole is long and densely covered with gray long bristles; Stipules small, lanceolate; Three out compound leaves, terminal leaflets are rhomboid ovate, 7-13 cm long and 2-6 cm wide, the apex is gradually pointed, the base is wide cuneate or round, both sides have white villus, and the lateral leaflets are small and oblique ovate; The leaf axis and petiole are densely covered with yellow long bristles. [1]
Racemes axillary, bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; Calyx is in the shape of a Kushira, with 5 calyx teeth, lanceolate, and the first tooth below is the longest, all densely covered with white villus; Corolla small, white or lavender, slightly longer than calyx; Upper petal slightly concave, wing petal with 2 ears, keel falcate; Stamens 10, bisexual; Ovary linear, hairy. The pods are banded oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellowish green, densely covered with green long bristles, and edible seeds. [1]
 green soya beans green soya beans
green soya beans

Distribution range

Originated in China. It is cultivated all over the country, most famous in Northeast China and widely cultivated all over the world. According to the climate division of China, green beans are generally planted in high altitude and high latitude areas with insufficient heat and areas with annual precipitation below 250 mm and no irrigation conditions. The production areas are mainly concentrated in the Northeast Plain, the Huang Huai Plain, the Yangtze River Delta and the Jianghan Plain.

Growth habit

Green beans like light, cool and humid climate, and grow well under long sunshine and fertile soil environment; At the same time, they are afraid of high temperature, drought and waterlogging. The whole growth period of green beans is in the cold season. It is suitable for planting in the two shade areas with an altitude of 2000~2500 meters, an annual rainfall of 500~650 mm, an average annual temperature of 5.7~6.0 ℃, and a frost free period of 100~135 days. [12]

Cultivation technology



  • Seed treatment: According to the survey, the seeds that were not selected and exposed to the sun before sowing did not germinate strongly. Before sowing, seed grains shall be selected to remove shrunken and thin, hard seeds, browning and damage, worm eaten seeds and impurities. The purity of seeds shall be 98%, and the purity shall be more than 99%. High quality seeds with the characteristics of the variety and the luster of seed coat shall be selected. After selection, the seeds shall be exposed to the sun for 2-3 days before sowing, and the temperature shall be increased to break the dormancy of the seeds, improve the germination potential and germination rate of the seeds, and kill the eggs and bacteria at the same time. When conditions permit, seedling fertilizer and seed dressing treatment shall be carried out, i.e. 1.5~2.0 kg for 100 kg seeds Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 5~10kg superphosphate, 25kg chicken manure or sheep manure, and 3kg water shall be stirred evenly to mix the seeds with slurry, and the seeds shall be mixed (sown) at the same time to preserve the seedlings and healthy seedlings. [12]
  • Sowing date and fertilization: The suitable sowing time is from late May to early July. According to the test, the application of 45% ternary compound fertilizer 20~30kg per mu can significantly increase the yield and improve the marketability.
  • Ammonium molybdate seed dressing: Each kilogram of seeds shall be mixed with 1~2 grams of ammonium molybdate and appropriate amount of water, and sown after drying in the shade.
  • Reasonable close planting: The seeds shall be sown at an equal distance of 45 cm × 45 cm, with 2 seeds per hole, about 3 kg seeds per mu, and 3300 plants per mu. Before sowing, 0.5~1g of 3% carbofuran should be put into each hole to control underground pests, seedling aphids and soybean cyst nematode disease. When sowing, the soil should not be too deep. After the soil is covered, each hole must be covered with a layer of fine dry soil to facilitate seedling emergence.

Field management

  • Pre emergence management: In case of rainstorm after sowing, loosen the soil to facilitate the whole seedling.
  • Seedling management: After emergence, check and reseed the seedlings in time to ensure the whole seedlings. After 1~2 compound leaves, intertillage once, and then thinned seedlings manually, leaving 1 seedling per hole.
  • Management of flowering and pod stage: At this time, the water and fertilizer requirements of big green beans are the largest, and a certain amount of water capacity should be maintained in the field. At the initial and final flowering stages, spray 0.25kg compound potassium dihydrogen phosphate or add 1-1.5kg urea to 50kg water once per mu.

Disease and insect control

Underground pests mainly occur from sowing to seedling stage, root nodules mainly occur at seedling stage, aphids and ring streak mainly occur at growth stage, and red spot, brown spot and rust mainly occur at middle and late growth stages. Biological control is the development direction of disease and pest control of green beans. It uses beneficial insects and microorganisms in nature to prey on or parasitize in pests, so as to reduce the number of pests, eliminate pests and reduce pollution at the same time. The type and quantity of pesticide shall be controlled during application to ensure the survival and reproduction of natural enemies to help kill and restrain pests. Give priority to the use of biological pesticides, such as BT emulsion, abamectin, captopril, etc; Limit the use of high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue chemical pesticides, such as acetamiprid, regent, hit, imidacloprid, etc; Strictly prohibit the use of highly toxic pesticides, pay attention to the safety interval of pesticides, and use drugs alternately to prevent the increase of pest resistance. [10-11]

Key values



Green beans are rich Unsaturated fatty acid and Soybean phospholipid It can maintain blood vessel elasticity, strengthen brain and prevent Fatty liver The role of formation;
Research shows that green beans are rich in many kinds of Antioxidant It can also eliminate inflammation. Green beans can provide human body with catechin and epicatechin flavonoid antioxidant. These two substances can effectively remove Free radical It can prevent diseases caused by free radicals, delay the aging of the body, and has anti-inflammatory and broad-spectrum antibacterial effects. Green beans also contain two kinds of carotene: α - carotene and β - carotene. In 2010, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the higher the content of α - carotene in the blood, the longer the life span of individuals. β- Carotene It is also a kind of antioxidant It has detoxification effect and can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. [1]
Green beans are rich in saponins Protease inhibitor isoflavone , molybdenum, selenium and other anti-cancer ingredients prostatic cancer Skin cancer Intestinal cancer Esophageal cancer Almost all cancers have inhibitory effects.
In addition to protein and fiber, green beans also provide vitamin A vitamin C and vitamin K , and vitamin B One of the main sources of food. Green beans can also provide a small amount of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, thiamine and riboflavin [2]
In terms of medicinal value, green beans are rich in nutrients and anti-cancer substances, and have the effects of invigorating the spleen and qi, clearing heat and detoxification, and eliminating edema. [8]
 Real time photo of green beans Real time photo of green beans Real time photo of green beans Real time photo of green beans Real time photo of green beans Real time photo of green beans green soya beans green soya beans
Real time photo of green beans


Green beans are widely used, edible, fertilizer, feed, mainly for food. Fresh green beans can be directly cooked or processed into green bean products. Green bean products refer to products made from green beans as the main raw material through a series of specific processing or refining extraction. They generally also have the corresponding rich nutritional value of green beans. Some green bean products even have more comprehensive nutritional components than green beans themselves.
Food: Green beans can be used to make green beancurd bamboo. The protein content of green beans and beancurd bamboo is 47.5g/100g, which is higher than the protein content of yellow beancurd bamboo. Green beancurd bamboo has a better taste, is more resistant to cooking, has a stronger flavor, and tastes sweeter. Making fresh green beans into green bean powder can be added to staple food as a dietary conditioning ingredient, which greatly strengthens the way for people to absorb nutrients.
Taboos: Green beans belong to legumes, and the purine content of legumes is not low. For gout patients with disorder of purine metabolism, eating foods with high purine content will make uric acid in their bodies unable to be discharged smoothly, thus aggravating the disease. Therefore, green beans are not suitable for gout patients. [3 ]
Feed: Adding a small amount of green beans to pig feed can reduce fever. Because green beans are rich in a variety of nutrients, it is conducive to the rapid growth of pigs.
Fertilizer: After fermentation, green beans can be applied to potatoes as organic fertilizer. When applied to the soil, it can inhibit miscellaneous bacteria, improve the soil structure, activate the soil, increase beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and facilitate the expansion of potato tubers.

Extended Reading


Preservation technology

The rehydrated green beans are convenient to eat, rich in nutrition, and popular with consumers. However, the rehydrated green beans stored at room temperature are very easy to rot, soften and browning, and the nutrients such as vitamin C, protein, sugar, etc. are seriously reduced, which greatly shortens the shelf life. The browning and putrefaction of rehydrated green beans during storage are caused by microbial infection. Biological preservative treatment has significant antiseptic and bacteriostatic effects. Among them, 0.02 g/kg natamycin+0.4 g/kg lactic acid streptococcin compound preservative soaking treatment, supplemented by vacuum packaging, can effectively maintain the color of green beans, significantly reduce the MDA content and PPO activity, delay aging, inhibit the browning phenomenon of rehydrated green beans, and effectively extend the shelf life. [13]

Health Recipe

1. Green bean soup
[Ingredients] Green beans, chopped onions, butter, flour, chicken soup, salt and pepper.
[Practice] ① Add butter to the pot, stir the onion powder, add green beans, stir fry slightly, add chicken soup, and boil it over high fire;
② Stir fry the flour with butter to form a paste, slowly pour it into the soup, and stir it to make the soup thick;
③ Stir and crush the soup with a grinder, return to the pot and boil it, add salt and pepper to taste, and then put it into a basin.
[Efficacy] Anti inflammation, enhance mental exercise.
2. Braised Green Beans with Tomato
[Ingredients] 150 grams of tomatoes, 300 grams of peas, 50 grams of ham sausage, salt, pepper, chicken essence, white granulated sugar, and vegetable oil.
[Practice] ① Boil the tomatoes, peel and dice them; Cut ham sausage into small pieces;
② When the oil in the pot is heated to 60% or 70%, add some water, salt and sugar to the peas, boil them, boil them over medium heat until the soft juice of green beans is less, add diced tomatoes and ham sausage, stir fry them, and season them with chicken essence and pepper.
[Efficacy] It can strengthen the brain, clear the blood, and enhance the antioxidant capacity.
3. Crispy Green Beans with Fish Flavor
[Material] Green peas. 250g, 4 pickled peppers, appropriate amount of ginger, onion, garlic, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar.
[Practice] ① Wash and filter the peas;
② Wash and remove the stalks and seeds of pickled peppers, and chop them finely;
③ Peel and chop ginger and garlic, and cut onions into fine flowers;
④ Mix pickled pepper, ginger, garlic, scallion, sugar, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, sesame oil into fish flavored juice for standby;
⑤ Heat the pan, add oil and heat it until it is almost ripe. Add peas and fry them until they are crispy. Put them into a plate to cool, and then pour the sauce on them.
[Efficacy] Appetize and digest food, eliminate stress, and enhance disease resistance.

Food nutrition

Food name green soya beans
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 398 kcal
protein 34.5 g
Fat 16 g
Saturated fatty acid 2.8 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 7.5 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 4.6 g
carbohydrate 35.4 g
Insoluble dietary fiber 12.6 g
sodium 2 mg
magnesium 128 mg
phosphorus 395 mg
potassium 718 mg
calcium 200 mg
manganese 2.25 mg
iron 8.4 mg
copper 1.38 mg
zinc 3.18 mg
selenium 5.6 μg
vitamin A 132 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.41 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.18 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 3 mg
vitamin E 10.09 mg